ˍ2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ade iN: Ext : shattered planet galvan : day : year 2046 We see a space craft flying top speed into an already FLAMING planet galvan. It CRASHES on the floor in a huge pile of sand and debris. Smoke plummets and covers the whole place. In the distant is a figure. A being. A galvanite - inhabitants of the Planet, has just seen this crash. REDGAHH - 42, A short red skinned, Three fingered, muscled T - rex look alike approaches. He sees the space ship and puts down his Weapon. He runs towards it. Quickly he smashes the door to the ship he finds a three year old child. He Carries the baby in his arm. RedGAHH Ohh!, Five fingers. Whats your name? Baby ........ REDGAHH How does Riff sound..Riff. Yea.. THIRTEEN YEARS LATER... EXT : SHATTERED PLANET GALVAN : DAY : We see planets starting to ALIGN in a world that seems a like an illusion. The scene is one of TERROR and CHAOS. Theres a loud piercing sound and a huge explosion.[] The dreamer awakens. We see the DREAMERS SHADOW from the wall as he EXPRESSES fear of the dream hes just had. It seemed like a dream but we see his from his shadow that this dream some how put him in PAIN. He holds his head together. He recovers. We see his hand seeming like that of a human but has bumpy scale like qualities to it and pathways that seem like tatoos but only deeper, grabs a MAGAZINE that has a title written INSERT : Skylore style and living. We see his shadow from the wall open up a few pages and seem to smile. A electronic surrounding voice comes FROM EVERY CORNER of his room saying.. Electronic voice Today you are well. Physical condition. Ninety four. Mental stability. Perfect. We see Johns shadow jump around his Room as the voice keeps on talking. Picking up stuffs, He jumps in the shower for two seconds,Rock Music starts to play. He jumps back out. John (To eletronic voice) Blah!, Blah,...by pass.. His closet door disintegrates and his clothes pops out on a hanger..We see Johns shadow putting on clothes. His shirt says GALVAN WORKER. His boots are Heavy magnet to keep its wearer bound to the ground. No one escapes. John (CONT'D) Its supposed to be red on Tuesday.. 00020000075800000868752,ELECTRONIC VOICE How many years in Galvan? Thirteen. How many years left in galvan? Until Galvan is Rebuilt. Time estimated fifty years. John Blah..blah..bypass..in your dreams. ELECTRONIC VOICE No rude comments. We see John finally. JOHN - 17, Handsome scattered Afro type hair, about five eleven in height. Built from the head down. FIVE FINGERS. His skin has a bumpy scale like quality to it. John pauses for a second. He opens up a closet and picks out something that seems like that of a advanced TAPE RECORDER. Pushes a button.. We hear the sound of laser fire and explosions and The sound of a lady scream. Johns QUIET for a second. He tucks the RECORDER inside his pocket. John Bypass.. ELECTRONIC VOICE Begin reading daily galvan Anthem. John (grumbling) Every day.... JOHN (v.o.) (CONT'D) I shall serve and put my life towards building galvan..In life and death...death and all I do. This is My oath. (Whispering Quietly) In your dreams. We see John walk up to a a digital blackboard of some sort. The words A DAY IN MY MESSY LIFE is written on it. Under messy life he adds another CHECK to the already thousands of checks. His clothes changes several times while he does this. Time passes. ONE YEAR LATER. Full shot facing camera. John (CONT'D) They call me Riff... John punches the wall. Black out. EXT : shattered planet galvan : sector one : day We see John STANDING in silver shinning octagon shaped stretched out hall-way.. Hes waiting. He looks to his left through an opening to see another Galvan worker hands clutching an aluminium bar. His FINGERS THREE. standing on another shinny hallway looking straight at him. Theyre separated by a metal glass. Galvanite Sup Riff. I thought youll be gone by now riff. John Not a chance. (Points to giant magnet boots) GALVANITE I mean dead, or cut off two then youll be like the rest of us. JOHN Never. 0002000006B000000FBA6AA,Theres a huge sound like that of metal gears shifting. Johns door opens. He walks out and we move up to reveal many others walking out revealing a small city under construction. Johns MUCH DIFFERENT.. Galvans workers are muscled armed T rex look alike beings that live in the shattered planet all they do is work. John is considered a Galvan worker. There are galvan guards - The ones who protect and makes sure every one WORK, riding around on Rock - ets - Equipped flying capsules for war and order. Some Galvan workers gather around and start to WHISPER as they STEER at John. Galvanite 1 Look at him. Wonder why hes still here? GALVANITE Dont worry. If he stays Ill.. (showing off with scissors like weapon. chop,chop) (They laugh.) His hands off. We see a huge sign hanging on a pile of debris saying : SECTOR ONE, next to another sign saying INDEPENDENT GALVAN. In the background are plenty of huge cranes and never before seen construction machines at work. Theres a huge timer hanging on a cable. An electronic voice comes on. ElECTRONIC VOICE Work will resume in 10 minutes. LATER Ext : sector ones work site : day John is busy knocking stuffs down with a really huge hammer. He has on a sleeveless silver like jacket exposing his muscles. Next to him are several Galvanites at work. There are galvan guards gliding around making sure every ones at work. Redgahh comes to stand next to John. ReDGAHH I have finished reprogramming the voice on that voice identifier. It should be ready for your use now Let me see it. John looks around, theres no one looking. He gives the voice identifier to Red'gahh. Red'gahh takes it and puts it on a computer device. He gives it back to John. 00020000074B00001664745,REDGAHH (CONT'D) Its ready. When ever you run into any body with that voice. This red light comes on, and youll hear this beep.. (Device BEEPING loudly) Redgahh pushes a button and the device stops BEEPING.. John takes and looks at the voice identifier. He places it in his pocket and taps his pocket twice. John Thanks. Today marks my fourteenth year in galvan. REDGAHH Yes.. (giving John a pat in the back) Youre grown. It seemed just like yesterday. When that ship crash landed. The planets are in your, favor. Hope you find what you seek. Redgahh walks away from John. Redgahh isnt smiling. John senses it. John walks up to him. JOHN You know it isnt my wish to leave Galvan, but I just cant have anyone of this losers throw a piece of metal in my face. Mean, how much more of it can I endure?.. My mothers out there. John brings out the VOICE IDENTIFIER and starts to tap it against the other hand. John (CONT'D) Ive got to find them. John keeps on working with the Hammer. RedGAHH Wont lie to you Its too dangerous. JOHN Come on. This right here is dangerous. Every day some one dies out here. Theys talking and suddenly theys distracted with the cry of a Galvanite worker YELLING : arrgh...FALLING, off an uncompleted building. John looks at Redgahh. Not a word is said. John (CONT'D) Trust me..If I can survive here, Skylores gotta be a piece of cake. Look what just came to me in the mail.. John brings out a magazine. Flipping through the pages in front of Redgahh.. JOHN (CONT'D) (excitedly) The best in fashion, nice kicks, and shoes. The night life, females. What a nice destination to begin my search. That way I find my mother and get to date some nice females. RedGAHH John!, Youre being unreasonable. You going crazy with all these wild fantasies. Look you, have five fingers. You could get killed for that in skylore. 0002000006A800001DA96A2,A huge sound goes off. An electronic voice comes on : INSERT : Its time for a break. Work will resume soon. Redgahh (CONT'D) (Brings head close for Whisper) Neuvernoff leaves for skylore in the mother ship. Really soon. Thats your ticket to skylore. Its the only way to get there. Other wise you going to get killed with all these guards around. Meet me at the bar well finalize things. John youre coming to Skylore with me?, Right. REDGAHH No way. John Thanks for the one way ticket. EXT : GALVAN BAR : DAY [] A far from busy BAR is in full operation. The bartenders a robot centipede with many hands for serving drinks gliding from one end of the bar to the other. Hes got style. Cleaning with a rag. Theres only one occupied table. Two Galvanites are having drinks. Theres a 3-D TV turned on next to the bar tender. John walks into the bar. He stands at the door. Showing on the 3-D TV is a documentary on planets aligning. Bartender What do you know about that?, Riff. John Only know I want a drink. Not in the mood. John sees the ALIGNMENT in the television and its similar to the DREAM he has. John (CONT'D) Dont change the channel. Dont.. (To him self) Looks like the dream I had. Two Galvanites from earlier who were first gossiping about John change the channel, from their table ..They walk up to John. One on each side, Lean on the bar. Galvan worker 1 So Just who do you think you are? Walking around with a skylorian magazine. Riff. Give me that. Galvanite two holds John from behind. While one comes right in front of John. They take the magazine from his back pocket. John Better believe, Some day Im going to rule over phazor x and when I do Ill come back and... 000200000A620000244BA5C,John gets PUNCHED in the stomach. The bar-tenders talking to a Galvan guard via a cgi screen alerting him of the Brawl taking place. Galvan worker 1 (To galvanite one) Ohhh!..he just dissed us..trying to tell us you going to rule over us five fingers? Galvan worker 2 You have no history. Youre just planetary waste. (To galvanite 1) I say we end it right now. Galvanite two stuffs John In the face. John bleeds.. His blood is purple. Then galvanite two brings out a scissors like weapon. GalVAN worker 1 If you had any parents theyre waste just like you.. (Spits a green Slimy saliva on Johns face) JOHN (cleaning his face) Not my mother.. John breaks loose as a beam generates out his arms. He BLASTS a hole through the bar wall. The galvan workers are in shock. The run off screaming. The bar tenter puts a sign up saying : Tender less bar. Take all the drinks you want. Im closed. The robo - bartender changes his shape like a centipede. He CURLS behind the counter as a red blinking light appears on his back indicating danger.[] Two galvan guards arrive gliding on Rock - ets. Their system alert them that John wasnt at FAULT in the incident. Galvan guard Well make him take the blame. They prepare to fire. John tries to ENGAGE them but he doesn't know how he Just did what he did. They engage him. He falls to the ground. They close in ready to take him in. Some one blasts them dead from behind. John You are so on time. REDGAHH Great. Were both in for a treat. Redgahh blasts Johns magnet boots and his. They come right off. RedGAHH (Looks around at damage) But how did you do that? John raises his eye brow, Spreading both hands out. Int : air ship ware house : day John and Redgahh standing on the galvan gliders. Theyre hiding in clear view of a MOTHER SHIP exhaust chamber. The ships about to take off. Some one of Importance. NEUVERNOFF - ruler of GALVAN together with a whole bunch of guards makes an ENTRANCE into this ship headed to Skylore. John Lets go.. RedGAHH Wait! JOHN (Whispering) No! Look the ships gonna leave us and Im never going to be able to go to skylore and find my mother. Im not waiting.. The doors to the ship is about to close. RedGAHH Now... Redgahh realizes John made a move already. He shakes his head and goes behind him. John and Redgahhs Rock-et gliders make it in just in time. The gigantic passage way to the ship CLOSES. The ship blasts off into space as more galvan guards tracking John and Redgahh from the incident at the bar arrive. The guards are late instead they get FRIED to shrimps from the fire of the ships Exhaust. Only their skeletons were left standing. 0002000006BA00002EA76B4,Int : galvan mother ship : gl strikers quarter 7 : space GL strikers are SMALLER ships that can fit into the mother ship. The mother ship can carry several thousands in one quarter alone. Yeah! Talk about size. John and Redgahh are walking on foot. They Sneak into a GL STRIKER. They silently shut the glass cock pit. Redgahh Shii... John nods his head in acceptance. His hands reach for the dashboard pushing a button. Loud music comes on. John Oops... (Tries to turn down the volume) Galvan Guards securing Quarter 7 hear a hint of Noise. GALVAN guard 1 Did you hear that? Mentor? GALVAN guard 2 Listen rookie. Im trying to save my energy for skylorian females. This is a chance of a life time. Im not gonna blow it. The rookie galvan guard 1 nods his head and decides to do a quick scan but frightened by the QUIETNESS in Quarter 7 he runs back to the more experienced galvan guard one. Ext : galvan mother ship : outer space We see the mother ship in all its glory as a tiny light on the mother ship that tends to get bigger. It gets really big and we see its the GL striker carrying John and Redgahh blasting its way to Infinity. What a smooth get away. Int : Gl striker John looks back through the cock pit. He sees the shattered city of galvan and huge construction Equiptments far away they seem like tiny dots. He sees all FOUR PLANETS of Razor x in the distance. It seems like what he saw in his dream.. JOHN Redgahh, something scary happened to me last night. REDGAHH What? You got another free subscription from that skylore nude female magazine.. JOHN No. I had this dream. I saw planets aligning and there was fire and destruction. I woke up feeling lots of pain and It just felt so real. 000200000A6F0000355BA69,REDGAHH Thats funny. JOHN Telling you how I feel is funny? REDGAHH What I saw you do at that bar just made me think you might have the M virus. Theres a hoax that theres going to be some sort of alignment leading to major catastrophe and only the M virus can save our world. JOHN Really? REDGAHH Dont even think about that. Thats beyond you. You dreaming about the planets is cause you got pictures of it all over your room. You read about it too much. You should relax. John But it happens all the time ..and I wake up in pains and..never mind Theres silence for a while. Johns in thoughts. John (CONT'D) Maybe they were right. RedGAHH Who? right? JOHN The galvan workers at the bar said I have no history. Im just a planetary waste. Some how they got a point. REDGAHH Thats wrong. JOHN Alright I crash landed in Galvan fourteen years ago but what happened before that? REDGAHH Dont beat your self too hard ,at least you were male enough to face it. John nods his head in agreement. John (Excited) Yeah! Wow! No more work day in day out for some crazy planet....Now Im the boss of me. Todays work will be... (Imitating the electronic voice in his room in galvan) Change these rag clothes, get a girl friend and find my mother..yeah..pay will be 500 Tuts a minute.. (Tuts - Razor xs currency currency) John brings out the VOICE IDENTIFYING DEVICE and looks at it. He sees a funny reflection of him self. He makes a MEAN eyes brow towards the reflection. John (CONT'D) (To him self) Im going to find you mother, you too .. RedGAHH If you must find what you seek thats the attitude you must have. Theres silence for a while. John presses a button on the cockpit and a TV station comes on to a NEWS REPORTER reading the daily news. Its the skylore (d x 1005) station, but unfortunately its blurry. They can only hear it. REDGAHH Turn it lower. Eh!..Im Trying to think .. Theres silence for a while. John Oh!, Said. Turn it lower. Ok sure. Turn it lower. John turns it lower, then turns it higher, then puts it where its not too loud and too low. Redgahh frowns and John smiles. Theres silence. They approach the atmosphere and the ship heats up as they descend lower into the skyline. Planet SKYLORE in all of its glory. Flying cars, huge skyscrapers about two hundred floors high. John turns on the radios volume once again to the same radio station and theres an announcement. INSERT : And cause of the parade several highways have been blocked..our best route in getting into the city is taking skylores main sky way that will lead you straight to the parade Yes which happens to be free for every one. This is d x 1005. 00020000065100003FC464B,JOHN (CONT'D) Theres a parade.. RedGAHH What about it? JOHN Heres an idea. We could get mixed up in the crowd and no one will tell were outsiders. REDGAHH (looking at John, he smiles) ......brilliant. . They fire their ship in the direction of the city and realize they just ran out of fuel. REDGAHH (CONT'D) Goodness..G L strikers must be filled before any trip. John (Talking to air ship) At least you made it this far air ship. The ship comes CRASHING DOWN into a tree crowded area..It smashes and theres SMOKE coming out the engine compartment. Johns the first one out dusting him self and notices a crowd of skylorians watching. John (CONT'D) (To watching crowd) Ah!, Eh!, Our ship just broke down. Here and ahhh!, Were just trying..to ahh...ahhh.. Crowd Ah!, Five fingers! (The crown runs) JOHN (Chases after crowd) Sorry I didnt mean no harm..I.. Theres a programed voice speaking from the ship and Redgahh recovers opening the door.. INSERT : Stand back for cruiser is Now releasing air bags..cruisers unable to release air bags...sorry. Redgahh spots John RUNNING into the city. REDGAHH ( Runs after him) Wait..wait for me. youre going to get in trouble. Int : planet skylore : skylorian power dome : day Skylorians have human like body but their faces look like a cross between a wolf and a human. They have THREE fingers. The power dome is where the ruler of all of skylore resides. REBIACU - A gorgeous looking 34 year old News reporter/ kings assistant. Just finished a news report that gets broadcast all over skylore from the Power domes news room. Shes putting files together. 0002000007080000460F702,Walking in is a slim blue haired beauty, ANEXIA , 20 - Research analyst. Rebiacu Thats a wrap... (whole place is rowdy) ANEXiA Hey! Youre not going to believe this. You know the disc I gave to you in regards to the location the search subject, disregard it. Following a New data just received the subjects in.....Skylore. REBiACU What?, What?, Where, How is ..he, what does he look like? (Showing some care) Anexia hands Rebiacu a tracker. ANEXiA Im sorry Im not capable from my research lab..sorry, but you know what I think hes a charm, Part skylorian, part earthling. My kind of guy..should I help you tell the king you found him? Rebiacu No. Dont. AnexIA Whats with you and what do you care anyway... REBIACU You wont understand. ANEXIA Okay... If you say so but remember the kings not going to be happy with you...Let me know if you need anything. (Walking away) REBIACU Anexia.......thanks. Anexia nods and keeps on walking.. Rebiacu picks up the pace. Wrapping up from that evenings news take She SPEEDS through hall way b - 39, passing by skylorians she Recognizes who try to talk to her but she doesn't have the time she jumps into the Elevator and pushes a button headed for the top floor. Rebiacu Stops for a second and looks at her reflection in a glass door and tries to adjust her self. She gives a smile of yes finally and jumps around a little expressing a personal victory. Glancing through the glass elevator at the edge of the building revealing the Skylorian skies,Her eye catches something of significance. Its three fleets of mother ships approaching from different sides of the skies. REBiACU (CONT'D) (calling the king) Zone! Calling ruler. The face of a skylorian appears on a computer generated image - CGI. RAMZIONAK - 40, ruler of all of skylore. 0002000009E100004D119DB,REBiACU (CONT'D) Zone..Ruler.. Ramzionak Yes! my dear. REBiACU Your guests are here for the parade., Hobokhan, ruler of Taymore and Neuvernoff, ruler of galvan. RAMZIONAK Ah..I see... (Expression on face changes) Who else did I send that invitation out to?..remind... REBIACU Merkien ,ruler of C-lune. Ramzionak Welcome them all the skylorian way and get our troops ready for yet the best show ever. REBIACU Yes your Majesty. Ramzionak Rebiacu my dear, have you done what I asked of you. Have you found the M virus? Theres a paused silence and the king looks at her as if to say have you gotten something done. Rebiacu DELAYS answering. Then she finally finds her self. REBiACU Eh!, no!.. king I havent yet but I will keep on looking. Ramzionak (angry) Well keep on looking. I might just have to get you off that assignment. The kings cgi screen closes out into a little dot. REBIACU (To her self) Ah!. The life of an assistant. Her elevator reaches the top floor. She exits. A paper falls down, She picks it up and goes out of view. Ext : planet skylore : city of skylore : day John and Redgahh are walking a populated city street. John has both hands in his pocket to avoid getting noticed. The Population density is three times the population of times square and the lights are so much you can hardly feel the impact that youre in a solar system that houses two suns. They stop by an alley way where a street guy is saying quietly to them (currency exchange) They change their currency in to that of skylores. They then go into a clothes store and moments later they come out looking different. John How do you explain fourteen years of hard work in Galvan just to buy this is skylore, look.. the pants dont fit right..Im going back to return it... RedGAHH Youve got to leave that old galvan habits. Come here. When youre in skylore you act like a skylorian. Redgahh presses behind Johns pants. A screen with the name of the clothing store appears. A directory appears. He taps RETURN AND EXCHANGE item. A variety of the same pants appears on screen in different sizes. Johns pants instantly dissappears and hes left with only boxers. JOHN (Covering his pants with hands) Stop!, The females. Theyre going to see me. REDGAHH So what I suppose you have nothing to hide. Go on Pick. Choose careful this time. You only have one chance to exchange. Store policy. John picks a larger size and it APPEARS on him instantly. John Nice..thats what Im talking about...My mother will be happy to see me. 00020000076D000056EC767,RedGAHH You got that right. Just dont forget to zip up. John sees a hovering machine standing afar inches above the ground. His curiosity leads him to it even after Red'gahh asks him to stop but follow behind him anyway. Its a Mech- bot...Mech Bots - mechanical machines for war and order. Johns not sure what to do as a square compartment on the Bots chest opens up, Its gun pops out pointing at them. It Speaks.. Mech bot Do you need directions? John shakes his head speechless. His face an expression of fear as Redgahh pulls him away. LATER... They go into an alley way taking an Elevator three flights down to a SECLUDED area. John Where are we? REDGAHH Ah!..eh..to see an old friend. Redgahh knocks on a wall and the wall disintegrates. It open all of a sudden. A tall lanky three handed hip looking, Bearded skylorian comes to the door. PHZENKU - helps with Fake ids and has computers that can track every skylorian alive. Phzenku[] Oh..its the hard working, non stopping little dimos (galvan currency) making Redgahh. Nice to see you. REDGAHH Ah,.eh!..little dimos not any more. Heres my...best friend Riff., (To John) eh...Riff , the infamous underground king, Phzenku. John Nice to see you. PHZENKU I have all kind of drinks. Which one would you have Riff?, I can even make you a custom made drink in your name. Ill call it Riff special. John Thanks Phzenku. Im full. PHZENKU It wasnt for free.. (Ha ha ha) REDGAHH John needs help finding his mother. Eh!..ah..help track them down? PHZENKU Cool. Thatll be eighty thousand Tuts? RedGAHH Eighty thousand dumas?..wait one minute. (Whispering to John in the corner) Thats way too much. John (Whispering to redgahh) Pay the man. Its my mother were talking about. REDGAHH I know but thats too much. I could negociate PhZENKU I have another client soon. Then Its vacation in Taymore. I dont have all day. 00020000087A00005E53874,Redgahh pays Phzenku. Johns really EXCITED bout the outcome. They all go into another room that sits a huge computer and a little closet like space where Johns asked to enter. He takes his gloves off..Phzenku turns on this computer but sees Johns hands. PhzenKU (CONT'D) (Suprised) Five fingers! More money. ReDGAHH (to Phzenku) Eighty thousand Tuts is..look you..I helped you escape. John gives Redgahh a look as if to say..This is important to me. Redgahh angrily pays Phzenku. Who swings right to business. Seeming like a total scam. I tell you. After a couple of seconds Phzenku comes out. John comes out with his gloves on. He comes back out and turns off the device. John exits the closet eager to hear the where about of his mother. REDGAHH (To phzenku) Ah...eh..whats it say? PHZENKU (looking very sad.) Im very afraid that your mother is dead. They both died in the Merzan war. John What!, You..no..no..NO! My mother cant be dead. John comes closer to Phzenku. Holding him by the shoulder. Johns arm IGNITES. RedGAHH John you cant attract any attention. JOHN (Holding phzenku on shoulders) No! You dont understand. I..we..I..came all the way from Galvan for this. I havent seen my mother for fourteen years. Dont know what she looks like. You cant do this to me?..OK any thing, Her grave site,anything..please youve got to do something. (Seeming desperate) PHZENKU Im sorry to bring you such a sad news but you really should relax.. (To Redgahh) Hes frightening me..look At his arms..Im going to call the law if he dosent let go of me. John lets go of Phzenku and storms out the room upset, straight into the Elevator.. REDGAHH Ah..eh. Wait. PHZENKU (Whispering to him self great surprise) A five fingered monster he is. John jumps on the Elevator. Redgahh uses the stairway. They run into each other up stairs. John walking fast to a balcony overlooking a green lake with green flowers. We dont see his face. Redgahh comes behind him. John (Talking to the air) Mother!, Father!, Im so sorry, it had to come down to this.. John brings out the VOICE IDENTIFIER and lets go of it into the lake. A hand catches it. 0002000007E1000066C77DB,REDGAHH Some things you have to let be and this isnt one of it. Dont give up hope. Theres got to be another way. Redgahh places the VOICE IDENTIFIER back into Johns pocket. John (To himself, very emotional, long pause, head bowed.) It cant be..just cant. I have a strong feeling shes out there somewhere. REDGAHH Then you must trust that feeling... JOHN Trust?..You heard what your friend said. Theyre dead. No coming back... (Long pause) Maybe I Shouldve have stayed in Galvan. A little Skylorian female comes to the balcony to throw a coin into the Lake. Dressed for the parade she has on a five fingered GLOVE for fun. John turns around to look at Her. John smiles. The little girl smiles. He looks at her glove. She looks at his GLOVE. Opposites. She has on a five fingered glove while John has on a three fingered glove. John takes off one glove and stretches his hand out to her for a shake. REDGAHH (Whispering) No dont..youll scare her away. She notices his hands five fingers on each hand instead of usual three. Little female Arrha! She runs away. John looks at Redgahh. JoHN Im going to have lots of questions to ask my mother when I find her. Lots of questions. REDGAHH Accept your differences John. Its key to finding your destiny. REDGAHH (Placing hand on Johns Shoulder.) Look..Youve got to learn to believe. Once you accept it and live Come..Im sure the parade has something better to offer... Int : skylorian power dome : Kings guest palace : day Guest Rulers from other planets await the king in the Guest palace. Hobokhan - ruler of Taymore with his entourage and Neuvernoff ruler of Galvan. Ramzionak ruler of skylore and the queen Bashera make an entrance, together with their Pet robotic dog. SALOMESE. Rebiacu standing next to a King high guard first make an entrance. Rebiacu Our king of skylore enters. All the guests and their entourage stand to their feet. The king ,queen, Salomese and a troop of high guards enters. They reach the table. Every one sits. 00020000056100006EA255B,Hobokhan Good morning good and noble king and Queen. Its a pleasure to be here at this great occasion. Neuvernoff Good morning good and noble king and queen. Im happy to be here. Ramzionak Welcome. Bashera Welcome. RAMZIONAK I have called together this meeting to discuss plans for our worlds to unite for the future putting away our past differences. Rebiacu is typing via a CGI LAPTOP as the king speaks, feeding him electronically his KEY POINTS for the meeting. RaMZIONAK (CONT'D) I know we have all had a violent past one of wars and such but I for see a bright future for all of us. Our alliance together again, much, Much stronger than before. RAMZIONAK (CONT'D) Please..please.. Rebiacu gets a message on her cgi lap top. She stands up to make an announcement. Rebiacu The king of C-lune enters. Making an entrance is MERKIEN - KING OF C-lune together with his Entourage of guards. Ramzionak Welcome. Youre just in time. Were glad you joined us.. Neuvernoff and Hobokhan arent looking so happy. Mer'kien Thank you great one. I bring you gifts cause I appreciate the aid youve given my planet and how youve been like a father to me since my father died. Mer'kien nods his head as two turban wearing Midgets come from his entourage carrying boxes.. They do a little dance and strike a pose. Open the boxes and present two bars of Ronyx to the king. 0002000006F9000073FD6F3,Ramzionak Ah! RONYX!, Indeed God sent. Why go such great lengths? Mer'kien My appreciation for your kindness towards my planet is limitless that Im willing to go great lengths to show. RAMZIONAK Sit join us. Merkien realizes one of his driod guard is malfunctioning. He bring out a blade and CHOPS its head off. Every ones in silent AWE. HE SITS. MERKIEN Im sorry. Do forgive my lack of tolerance for glitches. RAMZIONAK (To every one) Where were we? Rebiacu New subject. The alignment. RAMZIONAK Yes. Hobokhan I will not sit at the same table with him after all his father has done. RAMZIONAK You cant blame him for his Fathers actions. NeUVERNOFF Theyre all the same. Power hungry c-lunians. They tried to take over razor-x and theyll try again. BasherA (To Neuvernoff) How dare you say that. The two rulers stand up. Merkien is being talked about but has a cool demeanor to him. Smiling the whole while. RAMZIONAK Gentle males for the sake of our worlds sit. They sit. RAMZIONAK (CONT'D) (forcefully) Tomorrow our planets will align for the first time since creation. The Melisma will be generated which can destroy our world. My scientist is working on a device to capture the Melisma but only with the M virus can we achieve this. Zarian (From afar, yelling) Long live the king. Theyre distracted by a skylorian SCIENTIST by the name of ZARIAN ,60 ,Super high Energid, scattered white hair,his face looked like an insect, Huge fingers. Who makes an entrance into the palace but is stopped by front line guards holding laser guns. He looks messy and stunk of oil, the front line guards had to cover their nostrils. The king gives a go ahead and they let him into the palace, He races screaming Long live the king and finally makes it to the Table of rulers. 00020000097E00007AF0978,ZaRIAN (CONT'D) Long live the King and the lovely queen Bashera. BASHERA You may speak zarian. ZARIAN King. Queen and great rulers of razor x. I bring two great news. First... He pulls back from them and springs up to his feet, takes a few steps back then uses his hand to draw a square in the air that becomes a screen. In his hand is the remote to the screen. In the screen is a huge device. Zarian (CONT'D) After many years of hard work we are ready to capture the Melisma. I present to you the Melismarator. Delicious. Zarian falls to the floor and starts rolling in excitement. Every one is surprised except for Merkien who is calm as the word calm it self. Hobokhan But how can we capture it when we dont even have the M virus. Basheras about to answer his question. ZARIAN Queen I will answer that. Now for even greater news. Are you ready. Zarian presses a button on the cgi screen as the FACE of JOHN appears. Every one can see. Rebiacu is ALARMED. Zarian (CONT'D) King, queen, great rulers of Razor x. That face is the one with the M virus we seek and I have information hes presently in our very own skylore. RamzionAK Good. Find him. Kill him and bring me the M virus. Zarian, Im putting you in charge of this task since youve done such a great job. (To Rebiacu) I want that passed into Law now. Rebiacu is in a TOUGH SPOT not knowing what to do looking at the face of John in the cgi screen. MERKIEN (To Ramzionak) And what do you plan to do with the Melisma once it is captured, great one. RAMZIONAK I do not have any selfish Intensions with the power of the Melisma even though Im quite aware of its power of Immortality. Instead I plan to put its power towards the future of razor - x. Every one claps. Rebiacu is TERRIFIED at the news. She stands up. Rebiacu Does the King and Queen delight that I share my opinion? RAMZIONAK No Rebiacu. All I need of you now is pass that law . Since you failed to prove your self I there fore strip you of all duties at the dome until I have a change of heart. At the kings word a badge of service on her chest DISINTEGRATES. Rebiacu hesitates as she looks at the FACE of John in the cgi image. BasheRA Is there something wrong Rebiacu? Rebiacu No. Nothings wrong. Ramzionak (Angrily) Then do what Ive asked of you. Rebiacu messes with her cgi laptop. REBIACU Its jammed. ZARIAN Whats jammed. Let me see. Zarian comes towards her. He takes a look. 00020000077700008468771,ZARIAN (CONT'D) Theres nothing jammed. There. Rebiacu is HESITANT looking at every ones eyes watching her closely.. RebiACU (To self) Law directory..subject.. (She hesitates again) To be destroyed immediately. (Her eyes are almost at tears.) A cgi image appears. She drags with her palm ,the picture of John from Zarians cgi image and pastes it in the Law directory. The law directory responds. Law directory Law accepted. Information transferred to all mech bots and battle drones. Transfer complete. Subject will be terminated. Law directory closes out into a little dot. REBIACU (To Ramzionak) You just cant kill an innocent male whos done nothing wrong. If you want the M virus , sure , have it but let the male live. RamZIONAK How dare you question my orders. REBIACU (Long pause) Ill excuse my self. She walks away. Salomese runs after her. Theres silence. RamZIONAK Good. (To rulers) My friends. Lets eat and enjoy the parade. A gigantic wall opens up revealing the outer part of the Power domes parade. The beautiful skies filled with air ships from all four planets making combined maneuvers . The Noise of crafts buzzing like flies can be heard and seen. The ground filled with Skylorians in different fancy suits and colors and costumes. Every ones in a parade spirit. We move closer and closer into the crowd of thousands closer..and closer..TO.. Ext : skylorian power dome : parade : day We move closer to reveal John and Redgahh taking a walk among the crowd. Redgahh This is a good time cause you get to see every one from the other planets here..feed your eyes.. John Wow! Skylorian females are like goddesses. I need one..or make that two. REDGAHH Enjoy your self young male..my female chasing days are over..but be careful not to attract much attention. John sees a female go by.. John Heavens help me..Im literally bout to pass out. (Stretching hand at her) Anexia 0002000008BC00008BD98B6,Im flattered. Nice costume of choice. (She shakes his hand) (looks at his fingers) Thinks Johns skin is a costume. John Ah..Its not a costume. Its my actual ..body. Anexia Interesting... (Feeling his chest) John What do you do? ANEXIA Im a research analyst. And you? JOHN Oh! Maybe you can help me. See Ive been a prisoner all my life... ANEXIA Ooooouu!..That explains all the muscles. My kind of guy. JOHN Whats your name? JOHN (CONT'D) They call me Riff..whats yours? ANEXIA Riff....emmm. (Pause) Nah!.. Tell me. Do you want me? She smiles and theres a connection. Her hands feeling his body. JOHN Every bit of you. ANEXIA You better know how to drive a star cruiser and really fast cause I like my males rough and able to keep up. Anexia slowly lets go of Johns hands, smiling as she departs. John is speechless. ANEXIA (CONT'D) Ill see you later. JOHN But wait I... (To Redgahh) I almost had her. John punches his left fist into his right palm. Redgahh comes behind him. RedGAHH (looking at Anexia) I just might change my mind... (pause) Number one rule to getting females in skylore is having a star cruiser but I must say those magazines youve been reading is in fact coming in handy. In the back ground is the sounds of air crafts. Johns speechless as he watches Anexia go. Anexia gets out of Johns sight and CONTACTS Rebiacu via radio whos on an air ship high above the ground. INTERCUT BETWEEN REBIACU AND ANEXIA. ANEXiA Think I found him. Cute thing he is. Its Gotta be him, Has all the right features but its strange, said his name is Riff. Rebiacu Riff!!!,Where did that come from..... Stay with him. ANEXiA I'm trying. Too many MECH BOTS and battle drones around. Hope he doesn't get into any trouble. JOHN AND REDGAHH CONTINOUS. We see John pass by a MECH BOT - Robotic high armored Law enforcers. They carry out commands instructed by the king. John stops and plays with it tapping its front. The Mech bots unresponsive cause mech - bots stay in hibernation mode when theres no action to save their battery. Cut TO: INTERCUT BETWEEN REBIACU RIDING AN AIR SHIP AND ANEXIA ON THE GROUND. REBiACU Stay locked with him. The king wants him dead. Theyll kill him once they realize its him. 0002000007120000948F70C,ANEXiA Wont be a problem keeping that sun shine next to me. After all your hes trying to hit on me.. RebiACU Whats your location? ANEXiA West gate. REBIACU On my way. Axexia looks around and Realizes that Shes LOST John. ANEXiA (To self calmly) Where are you charming?, Where are you? Rebiacu tries to head to that location but shes distracted by lots of ships in the air. JOHN AND REDGAHH CONTINUES. John is trying to TALK into a stationed Mech bot in HIBERNATION mode. John What are you.. Theres no response from the bot. Redgahh looks behind and finds John with trying to PLAY with a mech-bot. Redgahh (shocked) No..no.. you going to attract the wrong kind of attention. John (To Mech bots) Gotta go. See you around. John taps the bot twice and walks away to meet with Redgahh. REDGAHH We must leave ,I sense trouble. John Leave!..The Fun just begun. REDGAHH I dont like the looks of seeing all these bots around. Instantly John gets a BEEP from his VOICE IDENTIFYING device. Redgahh HEARS the beep too. The beep CONTINUES. JOHN Are you thinking what Im thinking. ReDGAHH That sound can only mean one thing. They bring their faces CLOSE to each others. JOHN My mother is still alive. REDGAHH Your mother is still alive. The follow the SOUND of the BEEP. The beep keeps getting louder. Anexia SPOTS John again and chases after him. The BEEP leads John and Red-gahh to a Mech-bot. JOHN My mothers a robot? REDGAHH (Pulling John away) Run. We see through the Mech - bots POV that John was toying around with. The bot recorded the last thing John spoke - See you around. The voice of John is echoed and matches the SUSPECT the king has ordered to be KILLED. The mech bot comes out of hibernation mode into BATTLE mode TRANSMITTING the information to the other mech bots around. 00020000078B00009B9B785,Mech bots begin shooting at John and Redgahh. They run for it hiding among the crowd. The parade gets Rowdy. Anexia LOOSES John again. Bodies of skylorians DROP to the ground from laser fire wounds. John and Redgahh HIDE behind a rock. John Whats happening..theyre shooting at me. REDGAHH See I told you not to touch those crazy bots. John Touch it! Your voice identifier almost had us killed. RedGAHH No its not faulty. Its just clashing signals with the mech-bot. John Thanks for the heads up. John AMBUSHES a guard holding a laser rifle and try operating it but it wont work. The Mech bot comes close as the rifle engage BLASTING the bot to pieces. Theres More bots coming. Theres a crowd of skylorians headed in one direction but Anexia is headed in the opposite trying to locate John. ANEXiA He seems to be in constant motion. RebiACU His life is on the line. John and Redgahh are making their way towards the main entrance where a huge number of skylorians flee from. A Mech bot SPOTS them and SHOOTS at them. Redgahh is HIT in the CHEST and falls to the ground. John crouches by his side. Redgahh Riff, You must go now. Get to C-lune. Find REMAY. JOHN Whos Remay?, Whats going on? REDGAHH No time to explain. John Not Without you? REDGAHH Alone. You have a huge destiny ahead of you. John How do I find her? REDGAHH Dont worry shell find you. Just get to c-lune. John considers what has just being said to him trying to make sense out of it. The mech bots are coming closer. Redgahh closes his eyes. John You were like a father to me. (Tears drip from Johns eyes.) Anexia FINDS John. ANEXiA Come on..this way... KING RAMZIONAK IS INFORMED. The king has realized the parade is being disrupted. He STANDS up from his seat. Ramzionak Some one is trying to disrupt my parade. Zarian walks up and WHISPERS in the kings ears.. Ramzionak (CONT'D) (yelling) I gave the orders. He must be KILLED.. 00020000060C0000A320606,Mer'kien stands to his feet. Mer'kien brings out his FLAMING sword. Mer'kien Dont worry great one. I will put aside my throne and kill this nuisance my self and bring you the M virus. JOHN CONTINUES. Anexia taps John on the back. John furious over the death of Redgahh turns around towards her, His eyes were lit and his arm glowing from the power of the M virus. Anexia What happened to you? John quickly HOLDS her down and releases lasers from his arm blasting three mech-bots behind her that were about to shoot. ANEXIA (CONT'D) Wow!..thanks. This way. (Pulling his arm.) They run through the crowd as John angered from the death of Redgahh continues blasting mech bots. Huge laser beams emitting from his arm. The bots drop on contact. Drop on contact. John and Anexia find A ship hovering at heads length just at the entrance to the west gate. The doors open upwards. In the ship is Rebiacu and Salomese. Rebiacu Quickly. John and Anexia jump inside. The door shuts. The ship takes off. Its being followed. John (To Anexia) Thanks but wait. I need to know Why are they trying to kill me. REBIACU The king has ordered for you to be killed. These mech bots will stop at nothing until you are dead. John notices Rebiacu. John Oh! Its you from the TV station. Yeah. I remember you. Thanks for saving my life. He gives her a peck on her neck. Shes shocked. Anexias jealous. Their ship is HIT FROM BEHIND. Rebiacu looks into the dashboard and Realizes its just a scratch. Rebiacu Force field still active. Every one steady. 0002000007600000A92675A,She charges the engines. The air craft turns air borne in top speed. The air craft is taking hits. Taking hits. John hears the VOICE IDENTIFIER BEEPING. Quickly he brings it out. He looks out the air ships cock pit to see a whole bunch of Mech-bots approaching. John (To voice identifier) Nice try. (Shuts it off) John scrambles around the ship angrily. He opens the back compartment that reveals a torpedo launcher. He signals Anexia with a blink of an eye. She takes her outer jacket off and grabs the guns. Johns eyes almost FALL OFF looking at her hot body.. John (CONT'D) (To Rebiacu) Give us access... Rebiacu gives power to the torpedo launcher.. RebiaCU Youre on... John begins to shoot at these Mech bots with his laser powered arms while Anexia uses the air ships laser powered cannons, crashing these bots down one after the other. Some explode in the air. They shoot back but Rebiacu is swift to dodge it... John I can do this all day.... (Salomese taps John by the foot alerting him to put on his seat belt) REBiACU Youve made a friend. His names Salomese. AneXiA Salomese cant speak. He just displays it on this little screen. Anexia points to a little display screen on Salomese where what its trying to say is expressed. Salomese (TV display) Says who? John Do you two know each other? (Referring to Anexia and Rebiacu.) Anexia and Rebiacu smile. Johns VOICE IDENTIFIERS still beeping. ReDGAHH Whats that sound. JOHN (Searching for words) Ahh!, It tells me where the Mech-bots are hiding. ANEXiA Put away that little device and fight soldier. Come on. I can take out more of these cowards than you can. (Looking flirtatiously) John Lets see about that. Instantly theres a sound heard on top of the ship. Seeming like someones just LANDED on top of it. Theyre shocked. A fiery blade and then another blade pierces through the air ship ceiling. 00020000081C0000B080816,John (CONT'D) Im going UP. Rebiacu stands in front of John. RebiaCU You cant you could get killed. JOHN Ill be ok. John storms out. Holding unto the top of the door he pulls him self upwards with a summersault he lands on TOP the air ship to find Merkien of planet c-lune holding two flaming swords. Not far off is a C-lune cruiser from which Merkien came from riding SIDE by SIDE with them. Merkien Come with me. JOHN Leave this ship or Ill have to take you out my self. MERKIEN Dont be deceived. The M virus shall be mine. Rebiacu (Yelling out from ship) Hold tight Ill shake the ship a little. John What? Rebiacu shakes up the ship with John unable to stay balanced.. Merkien is shaken but doesnt fall off the ship. Anexias AMAZED at how John is able to fight on a moving air ship. John begins to blasting laser beams from his arm at Merkien. Merkien DEFLECTS it with his sword. They bounce away. Merkien Im jealous of what the virus has made you become. I want it for my self. Merkien throws the sword towards John, He dodges it not realizing the sword has the capability of a boomerang. The sword turns around and heads straight for John. It misses again Merkien grabs back his sword. Merkien puts both blade handle to form one big one. He throws it at John it misses. The blade heads straight for John deflecting every laser John fires. The blade misses. The blade returns it misses. The blade automatically makes another move at John striking John by the Arm. John retaliates with a blast striking Merkien. Merkien (CONT'D) You and I could share all that power. Come to me. Together we shall rule Razor x. John considers. The words come to me..seems to echo in Johns ears in a V.O. Way. RebIACU (Yelling to john) Dont listen to him. MERKIEN Theyre all deceivers. Im the key to your dreams. We could share it. John CONSIDERS all every thing throw at him. Hes SUSPICIOUS of every one. Johns walking backwards as Merkien trails after him John shoots at Merkien. Merkien keeps deflecting it with his sword. Lasers bounce off. 000200000A350000B896A2F,John gets a chance, his lasers strike Merkien, by the Arm. Merkien holds his wounded area. MerKIEN (CONT'D) Arghh!. We shall meet again. Merkien LEAPS off the air ship into his air ship beside it. He flees. Johns feeling a little tired. He STAGGERS on the top of the flying airship. ReBIACU (yelling to John) Stop. John What? REBIACU You'd drain your energy! JOHN I cant hear you. Instantly John looses energy after all that Laser power unleashed. Hes dizzy. He falls. Straight down. His VOICE IDENTIFIER FALLS OUT OFF HIS POCKET straight to the ground. Rebiacu sees John FALLING. REBIACU Oh! no! (To Anexia) Fly the ship. Rebiacu jumps out the ship after John. Anexia TRIES but realizes she has no CONTROL of the Ship cause its been hit multiple times. ANEXIA (To Salomese) Abandon ship. Anexia presses the EJECT button and her SEAT pops out the airship. Salomese's tail becomes a Propeller enabling it to fly down steadily. The empty ship heads for a crash. Badaboom. Ext : planet skylore : dimbu forest : evening.[] There are Blue colored reptiles with two heads leaning on Red colored trees they CHANGE their color to match the trees. Near by... John wakes up after a minute of sleep. Hes fully recovered. He checks his pocket for the VOICE IDENTIFIER. Its not there. He looks around for it. Hes alerted by a scary sound. He sees NOTHING. Suddenly a huge beast called the MORNATOF that lurks the skylorian forests jumps out.[] Mornatof Hurrrdeuuuahhh! John catches the beast by its Jaws. The beast struggles as saliva drips down its TOOTH FILLED jaws but John manages to CALM the beast with his hands. JOHN CONTINOUS Near by, there are some MECH - BOTS standing by. John lays in ambush. Hes spotted the VOICE IDENTIFIER in the hands of one mech bots in the bunch. The mech bots seem to be communicating with each other. John whistles and the Mornatof attacks the bots. John grabs the VOICE IDENTIFIER not realizing the device is not FUNCTIONING quite well after the FALL. JOHN (To voice identifier) Lets find mother.. REBIACU CONTINOUS. Rebiacu walking alone in the forest. She cant find John, She runs into trouble... Instantly shes surrounded by mech - bots. Mech bot 1 you are under arrest. Rebiacu What for? Cause I tired of taking orders? Rebiacu holds her ground alone with her space pistol shooting at the bots. They return fire. She docks. She hears behind someone getting rid of the bots. She looks to see John engaging them. Quickly he kills off the bots blasting them into bits with Lasers on his hands. Rebiacu (CONT'D) And I must tell you about those hands.. 0002000007720000C2C576C,John still feeling dizzy points his arm at Rebiacu. Rebiacu (CONT'D) Thanks! We were worried about you. John Give it up. Drop your weapons. Rebiacu hesitates then obeys. Ext : city of skylore : street. John leads Rebiacu down a path.. He has his ARM ready to shoot if she moves. John Tell me. Just what are you going to get for bringing me to the king. The M virus?, Forget it. Rebiacu John I am your mother. I wont do such a thing. Ive come to help you. John Nice try reporter but you see I dont need any help. John brings out the VOICE IDENTIFIER. He waves it in her face. The voice identifier isnt beeping cause its faulty from the fall. John (CONT'D) But I saw it coming. My names Riff. Rebiacu (Forcefully) You got to trust me. JOHN Save it. The only one I trust is dead. Now I trust no one. Now close your eyes and count to seven. John almost falls to the ground from dizziness. He regains consciousness. REBIACU Its the M virus. Thats what gives you the power to do all these things Youve used more than you body allowed in a single moment. The M virus is draining you. Allow me help you. JOHN (yelling) Count to ten. Rebiacu closes her eyes. REBIACU One..Two.. John You better not come looking for me ,Next time I will not be as nice (pause) And by the way,thanks for the lift. Rebiacu turns around to find John gone. She runs towards a side street but he isnt there. Rebiacu runs into Anexia. Rebiacu I lost him. Did you see which way he went? Anexia shakes her head from side to side. Ext : planet skylore : side streets : evening.[] John is in PAINS leaning on the city walls. The streets are crowded as skylorians watch him walk leaning on the walls. Skylorian 1 Hes drunk.. Skylorian 2 Look at his filthy clothes.. (laughing at him) John can see several Mech bots and battle drones down the road coming his way. His mind sees visions of an ALIGNMENT coming into shape. 00020000066A0000CA31664,He makes his way towards a PORTAL AIRPORT - An airport with vacuum like canisters capable of TELEPORTING anyone to a different planet. John comes across the fare man. A big fat skylorian with a hat tucked uncomfortable behind a booth so Fat he filled up the booth. Fare man Whats a young man like you doing with such tattered clothes..did you miss the clothes store.. The fare man begins to laugh as John looks in horror right into his huge mouth. The fare man collects the money and tosses it into a basket. Fare MAN (CONT'D) Go on through that metal detector. John notices the portals ahead as he attempts to step mech-bots appear from no where. He is still. Theyre in Hibernation mode. He makes his way into a portal. The door shuts. He pushes a button. He disappears into a thin ray of light and finds himself in PLANET C-LUNE. John steps out the Portal station and walks into the different atmosphere. C-lunians with turbans around their heads praying to STATUES of Mer'kien could be seen every where. A short midget grabs him. The faces of fear stricken C-lunians in INTENSE prayer steer at John and go right back to prayer. A midget wearing a turban and holding a spare one in hand approaches John. C-lunian midjet Must bow before Mer'kien. (Gives John a turban) John puts on the Turban and bows for prayer but SMEAKS away when the midget wasnt looking. John walks down a crowded alley way still exhausted and just about to fall to the ground when hes GRABBED from behind by someone in a RED ROBE with face covered. This unknown figure Snatches John off the streets into an alley way. Injecting him by the neck. REMAY 0002000007310000D09572B,Shii..shii..sleep. John falls asleep. c-lunots. bots go by. Int : planet skylore : skylorian power dome : palace : night.[][] The king Ramzionak and the other rulers debate the outcome of the future of their planets. hobokhan What if we dont find him before tomorrow. NeuverNOFF Im afraid Im just going to start preparations to flee, seek a distant planet for the Galvanites. I suggest the same for all of Razor x. Except for c-lune. As far as Im concerned their leader, Merkien deserves the same fate like his father. Ramzionak (authoritatively) If we flee now we flee for ever. Razor x is to beautiful a world to flee from. I assure you we shall kill that male and retrieve the M virus we shall harness the power of the Melisma and change our future, not fall victims to it. hobokhan (To Neuvernoff) Now we have enough information to believe You had the male hiding in your planet since the Merzan war. If your eyes were open it would have done us a lot of good. NEUVERNOFF I was unaware and besides I shut my self from razor x for fourteen years. Merza destroyed my planet and none thought about helping. Im still at grudge. hobokhan He destroyed my planet too. NEUVERNOFF At a different scale. Thats why I dont trust his Merkien. His father tried to take over Razor x, why have you allowed him back into our alliance. RamZIONAK I foresee a bright future for our Solar system. Im thinking on a large scale. NeUVERNOFF We must get rid of Merkien after the all this is over. A front line guard takes a few steps forward. Front line guard The king of C-lune enters. Merkien arrives with a few of his entourage. We see hes holding his left hand with his right hand. He seems to have a minor flesh wound he tries to EXAGGERATE to show off to the other Leaders that hes a king but not SCARED to go into battle. 0002000006BD0000D7C06B7,He stands in front of them. Merkien I was on the front line. I fought with the one said to have the M virus. He made a narrow escape. Ramzionak I commend your courage. Now sit. There more we discussed in your absence. MERKIEN (CONT'D) I have shown far more leadership than you and you tell me to sit. Every one in the guest palace expresses a sign of Surprise. RAMZIONAK (Standing up) Is that a challenge offer. For Im not a leader of our alliance by accident. Im able and strong enough to save Razor x from your father fourteen years ago. Bashera Leaders dont fight. They begin to brawl as every one watch the intense drama unfold. Merkien brings out his flaming sword. Ramzionak brings out a small stick. He presses a button and it becomes a long spear with double blades on both ends. They jump around the room at a battle that seems to be an intense one. LOUD BOMBARDMENTS could be heard coming from outside the Palace. Ramzionak is distracted, STOPS fighting for a second. Merkien seizes the chance to point his sword on Ramzionaks neck. Ramzionak Arrrh! BASHERA Let go of him. (To guards) Seize him. MerKIEN (Forcefully) No. Guards Seize them all. The guards OBEY Merkien at the Suprise of every one. They surround Bashera-queen of Skylore including the leaders of the three other planets of razor x. Ramzionak of Skylore Hobokhan of taymore and Neuvernoff of galvan Gun fire ERUPTS at the palace entrance as the kings guards are being KILLED. Neuvernoff and Hobokhan have laser guns pointed at them. MerKIEN (CONT'D) (To all) I am now leader of all of razor x. Immediately you will tell your armies to seize fighting and join my army...And you will transfer power to my authority. 00020000089E0000DE77898,NeUVERNOFF (To Merkien) You cant do this. Hobokhan One male cant rule all of razor x. RamzioNAK Merkien you are guilty of offence 234 against our alliance. MERKIEN I own the alliance and soon I will have the M virus. RAMZIONAK (long pause, to high guard) I say we do what he says. Cut TO: Ext : planet skylore : outside Power dome : day Outside the power Dome theres a WAR going on. We see the air space that was once filled with air ships doing different maneuvers is now filled with air ships fighting against each other. Merkiens C-lunian army are at war with the fleets of the other three planets Galvan, Skylore and Taymore in his attempt to TAKE OVER razor x. The fighting comes to a halt. The captured rulers concede to the C-lunian army. BacK TO: Ext : skylorian power dome : kings guest palace : day Merkien looks outside the glass dome of the planets towards the SUN in the sky. He smiles. MERKIEN (To guard) Put them to sleep. Guards open fire with a sleep ray gun on all the rulers of the other planets. They fall at sleep. Theyre taken away. MerKIEN (CONT'D) The Melisma's mine. int : planet C-lune : city of c-lune : seekers hide out : day[] We see planets starting to ALIGN in a world that seems a like an illusion. The scene is one of TERROR and CHAOS. Theres a loud piercing sound and a huge explosion. We hear a voice saying INSERT : come to me! The DREAMER awakens. We see the DREAMERS SHADOW from the wall as he EXPRESSES fear of the dream hes just had. John (To him self) These nightmares. John slowly opens his EYES. He doesnt RECOGNIZE the PLACE so he sits up quickly. He attempts to get out quickly but he notices him self in the LCD MIRROR walking closer but cautious. The IMAGE John sees of himself in the Mirror is that of a SKYLORIAN with THREE fingers but when he looks at his actual self hes the SAME. John glances again at the Mirror, hoping he isnt dreaming. He isnt. The light behind him goes ON to reveal a much vast space filled with seekers. Instantly he turns around and standing a few yards in front of him is a female. REMAY - 22, A C-lunian female. Dressed in a RED ROBE. Surgeon by trade is seated on a couch holding a newspaper... 0002000006D30000E70F6CD,Remay Thats what they see when they look at you. [] John turns around again at the Mirror and back at Remay. Remay (CONT'D) Those crazy Mech bots. Skylore will be a lot better with out them. She THROWS the PAPER at him. REMAY (CONT'D) Look youre making headlines over the news. Youre wanted dead. Should have been up five minutes ago. John catches the newspaper and looks at it ,seeing his OLD IMAGE on it. The headlines read. INSERT : Mer'kien takes control of razor - x. Merkien wants five fingered alien. Skylore daily news. John Alien?? John waves his FIVE FINGERED hand at the LCD mirror. He sees THREE fingers. Rest assured. He holds the paper upwards. He leans towards a Window to glance out to the building. Hes on the FOURTEENTH floor. Nothing looks FAMILIAR. He SQUEEZES the paper still holding it. John (CONT'D) Skylores news! REMAY Thats right. John I thought I was in C-lune. REMAY In the heart of the city. Thats correct. JOHN (Rubbing eyes) (To himself) What a Terrible nightmare. Suddenly He comes to his Senses. Searching, his hands run through his clothes like hes got ants all over and seems to be MISSING something. JOHN (CONT'D) Where is it? Remay is silent. John gets out of the BED. JOHN (CONT'D) (More demanding) Where...is it??, REMAY Slow down five fingered star cruiser. I've just given you one of the best makeover in all of Razor - x. Since I know who sent you I just did you a favour. The rest of the light in the room comes on to reveal several other seekers members standing in a straight line behind Remay. JoHN You dont understand. Its the only way I can find my mother? Renee comes close to John putting her hands on his cheek. While her other hands takes a long drag off the cigarette. 0002000006B40000EDDC6AE,RemAY The best of body altering technology in all of Razor x. (Cigarette pause) Youll be Thanking me when those bots walk right past you... John takes her hands away slowly. He stands up and looks into the MIRROR. We see REMAY through the MIRROR. John (Looking at his BODY in MIRROR) Heard of them before. Theyre no good. Youre fine one minute and the next its faded away. REMAY Only if you get wet, and from the weather fore cast doesnt look like its going to rain anytime soon and besides, Ild be stupid to jeopardize the life of the one with something I searched for my whole life. John Youre no different from Merkien. REMAY Ah!, Dont be ridiculous. Go on sit. Make your self home. John turns around to her. He looks at her through the corner of his eye. John sits on a chair seeming like a couch among a bunch of others. SHACKLES pop out of the chair BINDING his arm and legs to the chair. REMAY (CONT'D) (Laughs) The other chairs rotate into the ground leaving Johns chair alone. Remay tosses away the cigarette and walks up behind him. Puts her hands over him on his back slightly lowering it down his navel. REMAY (CONT'D) Dont try to resist me. Ive been watching you for a while. John Who are you and what do you want from me? REMAY I am Remay. Leader of the seekers. Redgahh sent you to me. John nods breathing heavily watching where her hands go. John So that means you are going to help me on my journey. Remay gazes out the window. REMAY On the contrary. We want the M virus as well. We are building for ourselves a Melismarator engine craft. So while others suffer when the Melisma emerges from the alignment , tomorrow, We will sour out into space and seek another home. 000200000B480000F48AB42,JOHN Why didnt Redgahh warn me you couldnt help me. REMAY Yes, we can help you save your life from the coming destruction. John thinks and CONSIDERS what choice he has to make. Remay leans close to him looking close INTO his eyes. Remay (CONT'D) Riff!, You must join the Seekers. John finally gets it together. JOHN I will not. RemAy Riff. Theres no where for you to hide from Merkien. He has all of razor x in his grip now. He will find you, take the M virus and kill you. JOHN How do you suppose I get away? REMAY You are safe here in a classified location, but you must come with us. JOHN My answer is no!, To leaving Razor x, No!, To saving myself No!, To joining the seekers. Now let me go. Both of Johns arms LIGHTS UP but the light dims off. His POWER is GONE. Remay brings out a TUBE seeming like an injection. She tosses it away. Remay Oh! That. I made sure you wont be of any danger to me or my organization. (Laughs) Int : skylorian power dome : kings palace : day Merkien (Seriously ,yelling) Zarian! MOMENTS LATER... We see a huge door about five stories high open up. A HUGE DEVICE - The Melismarator ,that barely fits through the door is wheeled in. Zarians standing next to the Machine. Merkiens in awe at the sight of this beast. Zarian (fearful) Whats happened? I dont understand. MerKIEN (Holding his sword.) Dont be afraid Zarian. I, Merkien is now the ruler of all of razor x and you will answer to me from now on. Zarian Fearfully nods his head in acceptance. Merkien races around the Melismarator ,his hands placed on it feeling it. MerKIEN (CONT'D) A masterpiece. Ah!, What a wonder. I suppose this will capture the Melisma? Zarian Yes. Merkien jumps down to Zarian. Merkien (Seeming a little emotional) I dont want to grow old... I want to live young and handsome for ever. Can the Melisma do this for me? ZARIAN The Melisma can do any thing your Majesty but first we need the M virus. Pointing fire sword at zarians neck. Merkien Then how do you suppose to get me the five fingered earthling before the alignment at night fall? Zarian opens up a CGI screen. On the screen is a model of a robot - Z101. ZARIAN My Z101 will do just that. (Smiling) Int : planet c-lune : seekers hide out : day[] John sees a little spot on the side of his neck and realizes hes been INJECTED. Remay Im sorry it had to come down to this. (To other seeker member) Begin the initiation rights. (To John) Its for your own good. John You cant do this. The other seeker members go over to a computer dash board. On pressing buttons, the room becomes dark and all the GLASSES, MIRRORS and WINDOWS begin emitting faint bluish rays of light across the room. John instantly becomes sleepy as this energy finds its way into his NOSTRILS. His neck rests sideways on his left shoulder. We see through Johns view , Remay looks really BLURRY. 0002000006A00000FFCC69A,A short male with Kangaroo like features entrances with something like some kind of ancient drum. He begins to drum. REMAY (To kangaroo featured Male) Play it smooth and easy. Let his mind float on the outskirts of our world. Remay takes off her RED ROBE REVEALING A WARRIOR like attire. A single black bra to match a black panty with tiny Mornatof skulls hanging on tiny ropes by her waist line. Boots with three sharp blades poking out the sides. RemaY (CONT'D) (To kangaroo featured male but not looking at him) Slowly...slowly...steady..yes. yes. Thats it. Other seekers in the room take out their robes revealing less detailed attire. Remays definitely the hottest. The other seekers begin to do a series of arranged dance moves to the beat. Remay places her hands on Johns shoulder. She flips over and lands in front of him, Sitting on his lap. Now her hands are holding both of his cheek. She SEDUCES HIM. We go into Johns mind as we see John on the outskirts of Razor x floating towards the BLUE SUN. We hear Remays voice in the back ground. REMAY (O.S.)(v.o) (CONT'D) You five fingered beast. Sail over the planets and to our star under the sound of my voice... JOHN AND REMAY CONTINOUS. We come back to location. Remay still continues to use her body and voice to entice John through the initiation process. TRANCE john to a climax of illusions. One of the seekers spot something that looks BIG on their radar. He goes to the window to check it out when a black laser beam tears through ripping him to bits. That seeker dies. The drumming STOPS. The dancing STOPS. Every one is under alert. A intercom system makes an announcement. INSERT : warning, warning, invasion. 0002000006B8000106666B2,REMAY (CONT'D) What is that? Seeker member It looks like some kind of giant robot. REMAY How did they find us. No ones supposed to know hes here. This is supposed to be a secret location. Seekers!, Fight. Defend our pride. The seekers bring out spear like weapons and begin shooting. A GIANT METALLIC ARM pierces through the window of the seekers hideout, Shooting. Bodies of seekers drop to the ground. Its the z101 sent by Zarian to capture John. There are two holes in the room. One revealing a giant arm and the other exposing the EYE of a giant robotic face. Remay looks into the Robots EYE. RemAY (CONT'D) (Screaming) It doesnt want us. Seekers protect our subject. (Referring to John) The battle continues as the Robot has dealt a great deal of damage to the seekers. Many of them laid dead. Theres several others HIDING. The robots arm seems to be SEARCHING. It comes upon a hiding seeker member ,SCANS and kills HER. It comes across another and does the SAME. It comes across John who is tied up to a chair. We see through the bots view and John has a different image. Thanks to the MAKE OVER by Remay. John is still at sleep. John wakes up to find a robots huge metallic face looking straight at him. Hes calm. Johns looks to the side of the room to find his VOICE IDENTIFIER RESTING on a table. BEEPING. The z101 is STILL, having a hard time breaking through Johns identity data. John seizes the moment ,using body force shifts the tied up chair little by little towards his VOICE IDENTIFIER resting on a table. The z101 Brings its face closer to John. Z101s guns disengage. It goes off battle mode completely and johns convinced the make over WORKS. Z101 leaves the vicinity completely. 00020000065100010D1864B,John grasps for air and continues his little movements towards the VOICE IDENTIFIER. Someone comes out of hiding and steps in front of him. REMAY (CONT'D) Where do you think you are going? Vibrations all around. They hear a huge SOUND. Half portion of the WALL is ripped off. Z101 returns causing Huge WINDS to gush in the hideout SUCKING every thing in the in sight. Since he cant find John he might as well take every thing with him. We see the remaining seekers in the building getting sucked by this unstoppable vacuum. Remays hanging on to a pole. She screams to John for help. REMAY (CONT'D) Help me... Shes eventually SUCKED in. As she circulates into Z101s vacuum. Johns left still TIED to the couch. The only thing stopping him from being sucked in is a pole. His hand is swift to catch his VOICE IDENTIFIER in the Air. Struggling, he places it in his pocket. The poles rips out its foundation. His couch is being sucked by the vacuum. John Nooooooo! John regains power as his arms LIGHTS up. He releases a beam so big it fills the camera, into Z101s vacuum causing the bot to return a REFLEX fire. Z101s hit, it shuts down. Johns injured and falls to the ground, the shackles broken from the POWER of the beam hes unleashed, he free to roam. He sees a piece of cloth and wraps it around his injured arm. He limbs around headed for an opening when... Darkness. The lights starts to flicker. Going from darkness to whiteness. It continues. John (CONT'D) I smell battle drones. Their syringes. They want a shot of the M virus in exchange for their deadly venom. I wont let them get to me. 00020000067800011363672,Instantly we see looking like and buzzing like bees from one corner of the room are BATTLE DRONES. Bots with long squid like arms with SYRINGES at the tip. From the other corner of the room are C-lunots. The C-lunian version of Mech bots. Only brown in color. John releases his beam destroying them as more comes at him. He jumps around the room. Using his arm, feet, head every thing he has. A pretty sight. The room flickering, Johns hands glowing with blue Lasers, the C-lunots firing red lasers. Planet c-lune : ext : teleporting stations[] Rebiacu ,Salomese and Anexia appear on two different teleporting cannisters at the C-lunian PORTAL AIRPORT station. Theyre trailing after John. They look quite tall compared to the station filled with Midgets wearing turbans. Anexia Hes not that far away. I hope hes doing OK. Rebiacu I hope the same. Weve come a long way for him. Wishes hell understand that. Hes the only reason Im still in Razor x. ANEXIA Maybe he really does not need any help. Saw the way he shot out lasers from his hands, fought mech bots ,stood unshaken on a moving air ship. I think Ild like to say to my future child, thats how I met your father. REBIACU Stop dreaming. ANEXIA Im serious. Ive always wanted something a little unusual like lasers, five fingers for my male friend. REBIACU Do another research on five fingers. Im sure youll come up with something. ANEXIA Hello!, After tracking him down for many years, I think He deserves to be my guy, Theres nothing wrong with that. REBIACU (pause, caring) No. I just think a fugitive isnt the right choice for someone like you. Theres lots of other males. 00020000072A000119D5724,ANEXIA I just want to see how he dances thats all. Salomese hovers next to Rebiacu. It shows them a sign of danger. Rebiacu looks Salomeses tracker. REBIACU Hes not alone. Planet c-lune : seekers hideout : day[] Lights flickering. Lasers flying. John BATTLES with the mech-bots and battle drones. He tosses them back and fourth around the room. Smashing them into broken down components. He tries but cant shoot lasers any more. Hes exhausted. Lost too much energy. His face looks pale. He SPOTS a shaft. Labeled - seekers door way. They wont give him a chance to get to it. He SPOTS the Z101 broken down arm. Jumps inside it and fixes a damaged component. A flying chance, he takes it. Out Z101s arm and straight into the Shaft, he shuts the shaft door. The c-lunots and battle drones cant get in. Z101s vacuuming arms TURNS ON again sucking on every Battle drones and C-lunots in sight. Z101 explodes. Thats so smart of you John. Int : seekers hideout : tube John falls through a tube like place at a terrific speed. The tube has circular metallic gear like shapes all around it. He falls into a place. Theres an air craft waiting. Ext : PLANET c-LUNE : plainS sand dunes : day We see a desert plain. High winds blowing, brown sand lowering from the mountain like shape. The ground opens up and out comes a craft, blue in color belonging to the seekers. Int : seekers craft : evening Theres emotional music playing. Johns dehydrated pale looking face looks out the cock pit of craft. He pushes some buttons on the dashboard. He hears the voice of Merkien on the radio station. INSERT : come to me.. John shuts if off. Angrily he punches the buttons. It sounds like its damaged. When he catches a glimpse of his HANDS. He gives it one good UPSET look. He sees his reflection in the mirror. Now hes angry. 000200000A13000120F9A0D,John Arrrhh! He swerves the craft full speed into a pile of sand. The ship is still on, he jumps out the ship steering at the little sun and the other three planets coming into ALIGNMENT. He holds his head. John (CONT'D) Arghhhhh! He crouches on the floor with his knees. He feels a little STING on his ankle. JOHN (CONT'D) Arghhhhh! Reaches to find hes been stung by a scorpird.( a scorpion like insect). He picks the animal up and tosses it far away. Cut TO: EXT : PLANET C-LUNE : PLAINS AND DUNES : NIGHT We see John from the corner, we can hardly recognize its him. Hes all wrapped up in A shinny silver like material he pulled of the Trunk of the airship. Part of it hes made a TURBAN with thats definitely not tied correctly, and the other half hes wrapped around his body as shield from the huge sand blowing his direction. His face pale, Hes lost weight, he doesnt look the same. John falls to the ground. Tired and exhausted. His eye closes. Int : planet c-lune : seekers hideout : evening. The floor is plain and clean filled with exploded parts of C-lunots, battle drones and the giant Z101. A hand picks up a broken down battle drones syringe. Its Rebiacus hands. Rebiacu Some kind of battle too place here. Anexia Another failed attempt to stop my hero. They just dont get how powerful he is yet. Theyll never get him. Rebiacu is accessing the components on the floor. She comes to a smashed up computer station. She sees a set up indicating what the place is used for. RebIACU They give people new identities. REBIACU (CONT'D) No. Hes not feeling OK. Hes lost lots of energy.[] ANEXIA After fourteen years of research on him I always felt the same way. didnt take long to get to know some one that complicated. Wonder why it took me so all those years when its taking others days. REBIACU Maybe it wasnt your priority. (To Salomese) What do you have for us Salomese? Anexia backing Rebiacu has a little frown on her face, She turns to Rebiacu with a smile. SaloMESE (TV Display to Rebiacu) Dunes. REBIACU Dunes. They walk out the DOOR. Near by theres someone listening. We do not see who this person is we only see a hand with long female like NAILS. Ext : skyLORIAN POWER DOME : palace : day An Hour glass fills up the Screen as we hear sword fight and sounds of engines crashing and burning. The camera backs up to reveal High guards from all four planets standing, watching. Camera backs up more to reveal..... Merkiens playing sword fight in some kind of practice arena with practice droids. An electronic voice speaks to him 00020000066700012B06661,ELECTRONIC VOICE You have killed one thousand practice driods. Merkien On my first day as ruler of razor x. Thats quite a job well done. With one swipe Merkien takes out the driods as some kind of huge hands through the walls bring more practice driod out to challenge him. Door opens. Zarian enters. A little nervous. Merkien seems to read his mind somehow. Merkien (CONT'D) It failed. How can it be. Throws a sword to an on coming Practice driod. It burns. Merkien pushes button, practice stops. Zarian Master something happened, there was probably a glitch. Zarian creates a cgi image. On the image is Z101. Zarian tries showing a blue print of Z101 engines failure to Merkien. MERKIEN Oh!, Glitches, glitches, I hate glitches. You mean to tell me an armed warrior that size couldnt retrieve the M virus from him. ZARIAN Im sure the next time we will find him he wont be so lucky. Merkien using his sword rips the cgi image. Pushes button, practice continues at a faster pace this time. MerKIEN No more glitches in you. (Seriously) I want every one in razor x to be on the look out. Hes only one. I am the eyes and ears of our worlds. He has no where to hide. Walking close to Zarian. MerKIEN (CONT'D) (Passionately) My Ronyx city cant wait. Int : planet c-lune : plains and dunes : nihgt In the harsh darkness we close in on John from a top view walking through the sand dunes. On either sides are giant statues of Merkien made of sand that seems to be blown away by the winds. He could barely walk. His clothes tattered, his face pale. Having lost energy from the laser blasts hes unleashed. Hes dying. 0002000009B6000131679B0,His voice flash back to different memories hes had. Memories You have no history..youre just a planetary waste. I can make it own my own. Five fingers..your parents are dead Im sorry. Im going back to Galvan. Skylore doesn't need anyone like you. Sometimes you have to walk away? (Finally echoing) Come to me...come to me... John sees a MIRAGE of one of the giant statues of Merkien move its hands and its headed STRAIGHT at him. Giant hands coming closer. John Nooo! John, Using his hands to shield his face. It looks like the face of terror, Ah!, Johns going to die but....... The sand hand image DISAPPEARS. Blown by the wind. Just an illusion. MONTAGE OF JOHN From the side we see John walking. We see John walking again, his knees WEAKENING and LOWERING to the ground. We see John on the floor. FAINTED. Cut TO: JOHN CONTINOUS : Moments LATER A hand belonging to that of a female taps John on the shoulder. Its Rebiacu. She turns him over, his face upwards. We see through Johns view. Rebiacu and Anexia are a little BLURRY looking down at him. He opens his eyes. ANEXIA (To Rebiacu) How long has he been here.. RebiaCU (To John O.S.) Not too long. Think were right on time. Hows his pulse rate? We see them in the ship checking Johns pulse. Giving him fluids. ANEXIA 185.. REBIACU Not too bad. Gotta get him somewhere safe. They seem to be checking his pulse. ANEXIA (Nodding head.) Emmmm..but where? REBIACU I have an uncle in Taymore. Well be safe there for now. Rebiacu looking at all the giant sand structures of Merkien.. Salomese joins the two of them. In his hand hes holding Johns VOICE IDENTIFIER. Salomese (TV display) (To Rebiacu) I fixed it. REBIACU Nice Salomese. Anexia Some of these days well have to start paying you. The VOICE IDENTIFIERs BEEPING loudly in beats of two. Beep, beep...beep, beep. Rebiacu smiles. REBIACU You know!,Ive Always wondered what this beep means to him.. John opens his eyes. He hears the beep. Unable to move his head his eyes goes from the BEEPING VOICE IDENTIFIER and back to Rebiacu. John SMILES. The beep keeps getting louder and louder. As we close in on Johns smiling face. Black out. Cut TO: Ext : Planet taymore/ INT : flying airship : night.[] Theres an air ship flying into the atmosphere of Planet Taymore. INSIDE AIRSHIP. Anexias on the wheels. She has on head phones. Next to her is Salomese on the passenger side and on the back seat is Rebiacus giving John an injection on his right arm. 00020000086700013B17861,John shows sign of being in pain. He wants to yell but cant because he sees Anexia. Rebiacu (To John) In a few moments youll feel alright. Told you not to use all that energy. Yes You can use the virus for protection but in small amounts. Its so powerful. It can drain you. John I hate those mech bots. They killed my best friend mother. Anexia takes off her head phones and turns around. Anexia Did I just hear you say mother. You mean you two know each other? Is there some mother son relationship going on here?... Theres silence and little chuckles. ANEXIA (CONT'D) No wonder.... Anexia puts her head phones back on and continues humming the lyrics to a Skylorian rock song.[] She places a band aid on his arm. John puts his shirt back on. His Arm lights up. His face no longer pale. Hes alright. Rebiacu Youve not changed much ever since I can remember. John (Showing sign of interest) Really, tell me about my child hood. REBIACU You liked to have it your way. (Mimicking John) I can do it my self... Rings any bell? JOHN Next time allow me prove my self with the syringe. REBIACU Sure. Ill just keep a spare one. They both laugh. Rebiacu presses a button and a digital photo album appears. John flips through them John gets to see pictures of him self as a child. RebIACU (CONT'D) And that whole talk about Riff. Where did you get that from? Your name is John. Ronald named you John cause he was a Christian. He got it from the Bible. John So he believed in something....Do you believe in anything mother? REBIACU No. I think were all beings that evolved from the universe. Anexia turns around and takes her head phones off. Anexia I believe the universe is all every ones dream. I, in your dream and you in my dream. That way you can have what ever you want. She puts her Head phones,turns back around and keeps on piloting. John laughs looking at a picture of The first picture had A much younger Rebiacu, John and Ronald out at a cafe. John flips through the PICTURES. MEMORIES start to come back to him. John Comes across a picture of his little self holding a advanced toy gun, standing in between Rebiacu and his father. 0002000007C9000143787C3,JOHN Is that a bible? John (CONT'D) So he was a man of faith. REBIACU He was a scientist and also ran a church. John is silent for a short while. JOHN (Thoughtfully concerned) Tell me mother. Why did this virus end up inside of me? Rebiacu pauses for a short while. She catches her breath. Rebiacu (Seeming like she wants to tell something thats hard for her to tell) It all started seventeen years ago your father came to Skylore after he heard about the Alignment of Our dying world and your father had the cure. He had the M virus. Merza ,the king of C-lune at the time heard about it so He tried to take over Razor x in an attempt to find your father and take the M viru thus gaining control of the alignment but his plans failed. The year was 2046. Flash back 2046 The skylorian skies is red as fire burns in every corner of the planet. Skylore is being attacked by MERZA - 45 king of PLANET C-LUNE but unfortunately Merza, He is being carried in a stretcher by a Medi-ship. Hes wounded. The medi-ship makes its way into the Mother ship - a much bigger ship that can house lots and lots of heavy stuffs. Cool. The door slides opens both ways. His son a young PRINCE Mer'kien - 14 ,So handsome he looked like a God, darkish blue skin, He has on a band around his head with a Ronyx mineral in the middle. Red eyes with no pupils, tight black skin tight suit makes an entrance with a bunch of high ranking officials. Ext : cl mother ship 1 : level eighteen : day/flashback Theres an electronic voice on the wall saying: INSERT : begin operation procedure. MerZA Have you found Ronald with the M virus. MerKIEN I havent found the earthling but I have caused a wreckage on Taymore. Galvan has been reduced to broken down rocks. I have brought the rest of the troops so we can destroy skyl..... merza (Angrily ) The M virus is the very reason for this war my son so I could have it and harness the power of the Melisma. Without the M virus son the war is futile. 0002000006CA00014B3B6C4,MERKIEN But father the alignments not until fourteen years from now. Merza (Coughs out blood) But you only have one chance at power my son. Hows our battle field stats? With Merza too sick to see, Prince Mer'kien looks to a display monitor on the metallic wall revealing a blue print of the battle field. He sees their C-lunian army are TOTALLY OUT NUMBERED by the combined war troops of Galvan, Taymore and Skylore. MERKIEN Quite well father. MERZA (Coughing lots of blood.) Good, good, Good, if we dont win I will be at the mercy of the alliance forever. (Situation getting worse) A guards Cgi screen appears next to Mer'kien. Guard Zone..zone..prince, please receive. We have spotted the earthling, Ronald in a crowd ,headed towards the Air plane hanger. Merkien Ill be on my way. The guard salutes and the CGI closes out into a dot. Merza coughs more blood. The electronic voice on the wall says again: INSERT : begin operation procedure. Merkien IGNORES. The prince looks at the mechanical doctors. They SHAKE their heads for Merzas condition. Merkien gives them a sign. Every one EXITS and Merkiens left alone with his Father. Blood puffs from his mouth but he still retains his confidence it looks like he could survive..Mer'kien hears a beep and looks to the display monitor. Blinking on the screen in red is a warning for MORE FLUIDS. He grips his fathers hand tighter we close in on Mer'kien eyes..his eyes Flashes.. Cut TO: The war continues.. Ext : skylorian power zone. day : 2046/FLASHBACK A group of skylorians are on the RUN. Theyre attempting an escape for their lives from the war as they run towards the air ship HANGER of the power dome but are followed by one of king Merza air ships. 000200000CCE000151FFCC8,A young looking REBIACU - 20 at the time runs off with a HUMAN disguised as a skylorian - RONALD - 30, earthling. Has on a helmet. Theyre trying to protect their child, John - 3. Features taken from father, Looks EARTHLING has skylorian features and has on a three fingered glove. Behind them is a street sign saying : INSERT : If you see anyone with five fingers call MECH BOTS. They see the air plane hanger in sight. REBiACU (loudly) We can make it. They make their way into the hanger. Laser beams rip through the glass windows to the floor creating a huge Gap. Skylorians Are falling through, screaming. Ronald gets down and covers John. Male Stranger seen by Ronald running by hanger gigantic double doors seeming lost from other crowd hes running with. Ronald (To stranger) Hey! This way. Stranger (observing) Youre human. Five fingers, get away from me. (Stranger runs off) Ronald gazes up ward. His eyes spell trouble. He brings out a syringe that has a label M virus. He injects the complete dose into John. Flash forward : present day : 2060 : air ship : night John raises his hands up looking at his hands. He clinches his FIST. John So fathers the one responsible for all of my pain. Now Im a part of something I have absolutely no idea of. Rebiacu You cant really blame him, the times were tough. Do your best to forgive him.[] JOHN There I was all those years taking all those blames for being different, hammering Ronyx into the gravel, called names not knowing .....know what? I cant forgive him. REBIACU Would you like you know the rest? JOHN (To Rebiacu) I ...want to know everything. Anexia turns around and takes off her head phones.. Anexia We are this close to planet Taymore. (To John flirtatiously) I see lots of hangout spots for the both of us. (Looking out window) There and there and...every where. John cant help but SMILE. RebiaCU (To Anexia) Anexia! Youre an angel. (To Salomese) Show her to my uncles house. SalOMESE (TV screen) Oh! Your dubious uncle. Sure. (To Anexia) Ill turn on my navigation system. Go left, go right..turn sixty.... Johns face is one far from OK. He can hardly CRY and can hardly make a FROWN. Hes just somewhere in between. He makes eye contact with Rebiacu. Theres re quiet. Rebiacus face is like one about to say something. She is. REBIACU (To John) So where was I? FLASH BACK CONTINUES : 2046 Ronald has just given a complete dose of the M virus to John. Johns falling at sleep in his hands. Ronald (To Rebiacu) Just Incase they find me. He can go on to save Razox x. Rebiacus speechless. Ronald gazes out the fractured burning hanger building to see Merzas c-lunian air ships circulating it. RONALD (CONT'D) (To Rebiacu) I think they found me, now Run to the top and try to power the air ships. Follow that stairway. (Pause) Hurry! REBiACU (Worried) Give me John. RONALD No! Just go, go ,go. ah! REBiACU (Steering at bleeding arm) Youre hurt.... (surprised) Rebiacu RUNS up the spiral stairway into the control room. She powers on all of the left over spaceships on board the hanger. RebiaCU (CONT'D) Got it. John Great. Get back down lets get out of here. Sonic Boom! Laser beams rip through from outside and continues destroying the working spaceships. Only a FEW left. 00020000062900015EC7623,Rebiacu tries to make her way back down but a laser gun fire DESTROYS the spiral stairway. REBIACU (Fearful) Ronald! Ronald leaves John behind and runs underneath her. RONALD Jump!, Jump! Dont be afraid I'll catch you. REBiACU (paralyzed with fear) John! The floor underneath little John has a BIG CRACK. Ronald runs back to the child still keeping an eye on Rebiacu. Injured on one arm he puts John in a safer place behind a spaceships acidic fuel compartment. Ronald GRABS John in his good arm and climbs into a spaceship, starting the engines and placing the kid in the passenger side. Ronald puts the air ship on AUTO pilot and selects EARTH as the location. The ships timer begins a one minute count down to launch. Rebiacus heard SCREAMING as Ronald makes his way out the Ship. Ronald Stands on the stairway of the ship. He turns to look at her but gets HIT by the edge of a pole dangling from a huge wire cable. Hes lost consciousness and is unable to breathe cause he no longer has on his helmet. Ronald leans beside the ships door , GASPING FOR AIR. REBiACU (O.S.) (CONT'D) Nooo! Ronald manages to shut the door as he slides down the ship to the floor. His head is aching badly. Hes dying. The spaceship carrying baby John takes off as Lasers pierce through the hanger causing explosions at every angle. The EARTH BOUND spaceship carrying baby John approaches the red skylorian skies filled with spaceships from all of Razor x at war with C-lune. The ship is spotted by one of the Evil king Merzas ships. INT : C-LUNE SPACE CRUISER : CL-45 : EVENING 00020000064B000164EA645,Two c-lune pilots watch through their air ships glass wind shield as the defenceless ship carrying the baby ascends. Cl45 PiLOT ONE Emm! Going some place.. Cl45 PiLOT two Ill take em down. The second pilot reaches for the targeting device and gets a lock on the TARGET. His hand reaches for the fire button. An ANNOUNCEMENT comes on a little screen as the face of prince Mer'kien appears. Mer'kien Attention all c-lune units. Due to the passing away of my father I will assume the throne as your new ruler. I want all units to retreat at once. This battle is not ours. All units to cease fire immediately. CL45s pilot ones hands still on silver trigger button. Target is locked. He MOVES targeting stick to side a little and presses the FIRE BUTTON anyway. The missile heads straight for the sea but grazes the air ship carrying John bound for earth causing it to CHANGE DIRECTION for PLANET GALVAN. CL 45 pilot one Lets go. We got him. They change their direction of flight and head east in the direction of the other fleets. They retreat back to c-lune. WAR CONTINUES We go through a series of shots through the c-lune army showing the impact of the Merkiens announcement. On board another Spaceship - CL18, Merkiens announcement could be seen. The C-lune army begin their RETREAT. At a c-lune destroyed command post. Merkiens ANNOUNCEMENT could be heard through a cgi (computer generated image) A bunch of c-lune submarines change direction and begin heading east. They turn air borne. A bunch of c-lune ground laser tanks and missile carriers disengage their guns and turn air borne. 0002000007E300016B2F7DD,C-lune army continue their retreat as a sea filled with skylorian, Galvan and Taymorian battle ships continue to shoot out missiles at the retreating C-lunian army. int : skylorian power zone : air zone : evening The foundation is shaky as Rebiacu FALLS from the platform down and looses consciousness. Her eyes closes. A hand picks up an EMPTY SYRINGE from the ground. Its prince Merkiens with an entourage of Guards behind him. MerKIEN (With utmost disappointment) Its gone. Merkien looks to find Ronald still gasping for air. His HELMET that allows him to breath in the skylorian atmosphere is damaged. A huge piece of debris falls, too quick before Merkien could move away, the debris grazes Merkiens beautiful face causing a scar on his face. Merkien (CONT'D) Earthling. Its all your fault. Merkien brings out his flaming sword and kills Ronald. Angrily he shovels his sword back and exits with his guards. Finally we see the ship carrying John moving at top speed and crash lands in Galvan. A pile of smoke erupts. FlaSH FORWARD : PRESENT DAY : 2060 : AIR SHIP : NIGHT. John (To Rebiacu) So Merkien killed my father. Im going to get him for this. Seeming like hes trying to move. Rebiacu places her hand on him. Rebiacu John! No if you go you are going to die. I lost your father to this ...thing..Im not going to loose you too. Leave him to the fate of the universe. We will leave razor x for another solar system. Anexia with head phones over head. Anexia Relax. Were almost there. Salomese (TV display) (To Anexia) Theyre not arguing about the destination. JOHN For the sake of Razor x. This is why my father died so I can save this planet. Theres no way I can walk away from it. REBIACU Says who. Some things youre just going to have to walk away from. You cant save razor x at this point. Its doomed for destruction Merkien has taken over the alliance. Even if the Alignment doesnt destroy them, His poor leadership would. Its a hard choice to make but son, but stay,..stay. 0002000007D80001730C7D2,John thinks his decision over and over. He agrees quietly. Theres the sound of a huge bang from razor xs sun in the horizon. Anexia takes off her head phones and tosses it on the floor. Anexia (To Rebiacu) Here we are...Just in time before the storm came up. Rebiacu takes a careful look at the disturbance in the sky. REBIACU Thats not a Storm. Its the Alignment. (To Every one) We still have some time. If all goes well we can make it. Every one gazes in Awe as the Sun starts to Show SLIGHT Symptoms of the end of its life. Ext : planet taymore : phzenkus house : Night. In plain view of Phzenkus apartment is an Antenna. It has a sign that says... INSERT : Melisma alert antenna. We get a glimpse of planet Taymore for the first time. A very colorful planet. Blue , Red and green streets. Buildings spaced out from each other with color varieties. Red roofs , Yellow doors and the like. We see Rebiacus air ship from the side ,DESCEND in front of one of these colorful houses. Color galore. Int : planet taymore : phzenkus House : day Inside the house Phzenku is laying on the couch busy watching TV. On the TV is Merkiens face making an announcement. MerKIEN (In the TV) My fellow citizens of razor x. Even at this dark hour with the Melisma upon us I urge you to put your eyes out you just might see the Earthling pass by your house. Hes got five fingers. Theres a huge reward for anyone who turns him in. Phzenku (Looking Suprised at TV) Tuts! His television changes by it self. It says .. INSERT : bell ring. You have people waiting outside to see you. Phzenku quickly tidies his home buy selecting an option on his TV screen. The clean house button. He goes to the door . The door disintegrates and opens. John first smiling sets his eye on Phzenku. We do a series of intercuts between John first seemingly Normal eyes and Phzenku. Johns eyes is normal. Phzenkus eyes is normal. John notices Phzenku and Johns face changes. His eyes become red. Hes furious. 0002000006C400017ADE6BE,Phzenku notices Johns Red eyes and his face seemingly fearful as he tries to helpless defend Johns lit up hands from coming his way for a punch. Blam! John grabs Phzenku and they both fall into Phzenkus house. John on top of Phzenku. John Arghhh!, You animal. Rebiacu notices this and dives down trying to separate the two of them. JOHN (CONT'D) Lair! PhZENKU Ahh!, My neck hurts. Get the five fingered monster away from me. Rebiacu Thats not a monster. Thats my son. (To John) Let go of him. She literally had to pull John off him. Rebiacu (CONT'D) You two know each other. John (To Rebiacu) Please tell me this scam here that told me my mother is dead isnt your uncle. REBIACU Thats uncle Phzenku. Johns about to charge towards him again. Rebiacu gets in his WAY. JOHN Allow me. REBIACU (To John) Dont do it, John. AneXIA (To Salomese) Wow. My hero. I want to see that again. SalOMESE (TV display) Two for John and none for the opponent. John wins. RebiACU Uncle Phzenku did you really tell him that Im dead. How could you? Phzenku You didnt tell me that your son had five fingers. Look at your fingers, three. I though it was some alien from outer space seeking to devour. I wanted to protect you Rebiacu. Theres a sign of Relief. Rebiacu catches Anexia gossiping cheerful about the drama that Just took place. REBIACU (To Anexia) Can you wait for us out side. Theres something we would like to discuss. You know, Family.. AneXIA (Furious) Im still not part of the family?, Well thanks cause you sure made me feel like I was. REBIACU Dont take this the wrong way. AneXIA I cant believe you just embarrassed me like this in front of all this people. (To John) John, youre just going to watch this. 0002000006A60001819C6A0,John is silent. Anexia STORMS out. The door shuts. We follow Anexia as she Whispers to her self. AneXIA (CONT'D) (To herself angrily) I mean who does Rebiacu think she is to put me down like that in front of my Potential male friend. If I cant have him. No one else can. We close in on her face. Shes furious. Int : skylorian power dome : kings palace : day Merkiens is pacing back and fourth the palace throne. Hes restless. Merkien is looking out into the skies impatiently. Zarian Its going to work trust me. Theres no where he could possibly hide. Patience..Patience.. MerKIEN (slowly) I..dont ..have..time..Look (Pointing finger towards the skies) The Melismas upon us.. A cgi appears with the face of Anexia. Merkien (To Zarian) Quick. Answer it. AneXIA Zone, zone, Merkien. zARIAN Recieve... ANEXIA I suppose you would like to know where hes hiding.. Merkien smiles. Ext : outer solar system : razor x We see the planets COMPLETELY ALIGNED. Something seeming like a whirlwind starts to EMERGE. It stops. The SUN CAVES inside of it self and SHRINKS until its much smaller than the rest of the other planets. A portion is TORN open, out of it starts to emerge the MELISMA. - A red type gaseous element with a billion tiny wolf like faces made of this gaseous element. It begins slowly to spread across to the four planets. SERIES OF SHOTS TO INDICATE IMPACT OF MELISMA. Skylore : we see skylorians boarding Mother ships. In an attempt to flee. Galvan : We see galvanite workers Looking up into the skies in Awe. C-lune : we see c-lunians in continuous prayer towards giant statues of Merkien. When one all of a sudden stands up and runs away. The rest of them flee. 0002000006130001883C60D,Int : planet taymore : phzenkus house : day. John is seated in the living room. Anexia dosent look to happy. She has her hands folded. John walks over to her. John I dont think she meant it like that. Anexia Look how she said it. That was so embarrassing. JOHN Dont worry. Ill make up for it on a space cruiser moving at light speed to the best hang out spot out there. John (CONT'D) Thats my female. John hugs Anexia. Rubbing her head with his chin. She smiles. there seems to be something on her mind she wants to say but .......... INTERRUPTION : Phzenku comes out the door with a bowl of food. Rebiacu is right behind him..[]. PhzenKU So I take all I can because I know when I get to Skylore I will sell every thing. That how I found out about all the routes you can take out of razor x. I know all of them at the back of my mind. Rebiacu Is it safe? PHZENKU There are just thousands of guards protecting the outer solar region. Phzenku puts the food down on the table. Rebiacu takes a dip. REBIACU Delicious. Come on lets eat. We have a long trip ahead of us. John comes over to the dinning table. John Emmm... He takes a sip from the drink, and looks at Phzenku. JoHN (CONT'D) Im not paying for this am I? Every one cracks. PhZENKU Funny. Rebiacu (Steering at John) Happy reunion..son John Same to you mother. PhZENKU I worked really hard to make this reunion possible. I mean in the kitchen. They laugh and cheer together. Salomese joins them with a New replacement battery. He replaces his battery. His energy is recharged. 00020000064200018E4963C,Salomese (TV display) Taste like fruit drink. Every one laughs. Theres a huge sound outside. John goes over to check it out. He looks up in the sky to the Red wind blowing. Theres a hurricane in the sky. Theres disruption outside. Taymorians are fleeing for their lives. JOHN (calm Awe) The Melisma! Rebiacu stands up from the chair. PHZENKU We must leave now if were to make it. JOHN Wheres Anexia? Rebiacu I thought She was with you! Every one looks around. Shes no where to be found. REBIACU (CONT'D) (Looking outside) Outside. Ill check outside. JOHN Its too dangerous. Get us ready to leave and Ill go find her. I wont leave without Anexia. (To Salomse) Come with me... (To Phzenku) Take care of her. (To Rebiacu seriously) That was no way to talk to her. John storms out. Salomese hops along. RebiaCU (Feeling Remorseful) Be careful. Ext : planet taymore : phzenkus street : night John is running through the CHAOTIC STREETS. HE STOPS. HIS HANDS LIGHT UP. THE HURRICANES OF THE MELISMA MAKES IT HARD FOR ANY ONE TO MOVE. THERE ARE TREES FLYING ,SMASHING INTO BUILDINGS. TAYMORIANS FLEEING FOR THEIR LIVES. Series of shots showing John searching for Anexia. We see John with Salomese, THERES HEAVY WINDS BLOWING. John (Yelling, Voice echo) Anexia!!! We see John by himself. Holding unto a tree branch. JoHN (CONT'D) Anexia!!! Now we see John again by Himself trying to see but he could hardly see a Thing. Salomese comes to join him. He looks at Salomese and Salomese has a shakes its head as if to say I didnt find HER. Ext : planet taYMORE : PHZENKUS HOUSE : NIGHT. 0002000006550001948564F,We see John and Salomese arrive back Phzenkus house. The place seems like a mess from the outside. Theres terror in Johns face. Int : PLANET TAYMORE : PHZENKUS HOUSE : night. John walks in slowly with Salomese behind him. Hes cautious. Battle driods arrive from no Where. He blasts them quickly, His eyes finds A cgi screen in the air with the words.. INSERT : press here. John presses it and theres a message for him. Zarian (Pre recorded video message) We have your mother. If you want to see her, you must surrender your self immediately. Thanks to the tip from your friend. Step into the portal. A blue glowing portal appears on the floor. He doesnt step in. John hears off screen the voice of someone call for help. ANEXIA (O.S.) (Sounding like in pain) John! John runs over to meet Anexia lying on the ground. Shes covered in blood. HUGE WINDS OF THE MELISMA ARE STARTING TO TEAR THE BUILDING APART. Anexia (CONT'D) Im sorry. John takes off his shirt and wipes her face clear of the blood. John Stay With me!!..no! Stay with me! ANEXIA Im sorry. Im sorry. Johns hands holding her by the shoulder, he tries to revive her by shaking her. He hears someone else say to him.. PHZENKU (O.S.) Ahhh! He jumps over a pile of flame and runs over to Phzenku whos lying on the floor. Badly injured. John What happened Phzenku? He helps Phzenku up. PHZENKU (Could barely speak) They came and ...Arghhh! JOHN I need you to take her somewhere safe. Can you do that for me? Phzenku consents. John gazes angrily at the PORTAL. He runs into it. Salomese hops along. They disappear into a ray of light. 00020000061300019AD460D,Ext : outER SOLAR SYSTEM : RAZOR X THE MELISMA CONTINUES TO EMERGE FULL SPEED FROM THE CORES OF THEIR SUN CAUSING CATASTROPHE ON ALL THE FOUR PLANETS. THERES CHAOS , DISASTER, STORMS AND EARTH QUAKES. Ext : skylorian power dome/ INT : palace : day. THE FOUNDATION OF THE POWER DOME IS SHAKY FROM THE POWERFUL MELISMA SWEEPING THROUGH ALL OF RAZOR X. Full shot of The MELISMARATOR as it stands in the Exibition hall, ready to do its job-to capture the Melisma. The Melismarator is partially turned on as light glows underneath this scientific wonder. There are guards all over the place ready to seize John once he appears. Theres A CIRCULAR portal door way on the ground. It seems that all eyes are on it in expectant of something. Merkien watches closely with one hand tucked in, Squeezing his hair. Merkien (A little Unsure) Ah! Soon I will experience true Immortality. My father dreamed of this day but the male was getting old so I thought I will be a better candidate to own the Melisma. A robot guard runs forward looking paranoid from sensing inevitable destruction. Guard Master shouldnt we abort and flee for our lives? Merkien brings out his flaming sword and chops his head off. MERKIEN Glitches. REBIACU (O.S.) My son will come and rescue me. Merkien (Laughing) Isnt that our plan? Zarian (To Merkien) Of course. Hell be here and when he does well capture him.. (laughing) REBIACU (O.S.) You only wish. We get a glimpse of Rebiacu. Shes trapped in a CUBE attached to a CHAIN thats leveled from the top of the ceiling. 000200000AE70001A0E1AE1,They hear a sound. A GLOW appears on the floor. Zarian (To Merkien) Here he comes. MerKIEN (To guards) Prepare to seize him. The guards gather around the glow. The glow extends out of the ground, several feet in the air. John appears with on the Circular PORTAL as the colors clears out Salomese. The guards rush close to John. Merkien (CONT'D) Told you weld meet again. You should have taken my offer when you had to chance. John You get the M virus and my mother and I walk out untouched. Deal. MERKIEN That is not in your power. Johns arm Lights up as he tries to fight off the guards. Merkien signals his guards. MERKIEN (CONT'D) If you do she dies. John is calm. They take him in. Bashing the back of his head with a power gun. John falls to the ground. Arhhh! They give him an injection. The brightness of his hands dims. Rebiacu SCREAMS. MERKIEN (CONT'D) Take her out of my sight. (Looking up with arms spread out) It is time. (Smiling at Melisma Storm) Cut to: Int : palace Zarian turns on the Melismarator. The beast roars and comes alive. Three fingered hands rip grip onto several areas of someones body. The hands belong to the guards and they just finished RIPPING OFF Johns clothes. He sits completely naked. Hes placed inside the (chamber two) of the MELISMARATOR. A whole bunch of syringes controlled by the device surfaces and inject into Johns body. He shakes like hes been zapped with a thousand volts of electric. Merkien is naked and as he steps into chamber one of the Melismarator. A bunch of syringes appear and sink their sharp edge into his body. His eye closes. A HATCH on the top of the MELISMARATOR OPENS UP and a huge pole EXTENDS up to the skies The pole emits a very bright light as the Melisma is BEING SUCKED from all the areas of the four planets. The Melisma weakens...its dragged..its sucked. The wolf like faces shout for help as theyre pulled to the CONFINES of the pole. The Melismas completely captured into the MELISMARATOR. THE WHOLE PLACE SHAKES. We see a screen on the Melismarator indicating that the MELISMA TRANSFER IS TAKING PLACE. MELISMA TRANSFER COMPLETE. The power of the MELISMA is successfully transmitted into Merkiens body but too much power inside of Merkien causes a problem. Zarian notices it but theres not a thing he can do. He panics. Mer'kien screams, Zarian opens the hatch and Brings Merkien out who seems unconscious. Salomese smashes the hatch to chamber two and brings John out. Fast at sleep as the MELISMARATOR vibrates. THE WHOLE PLACE IS GOING TO BLOW. LOG LINE : a mixed civilization earthling in a distant solar system on a quest to find his mother discovers his past has him entangled in a series of events that threatens his existence and the very fabric of this solar system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10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 3093010FFFF0C00000 10 3093020FFFF0C00000 10-103093030FFFF0C00000 10 3093040FFFF0C00000 10-103093050FFFF0C00000 10 3093060FFFF0C00000 10 3093070FFFF0C00000 10-103093080FFFF0C00000 10-1030930-20FFFF0C00000 2100-1030930-70FFFF0C00000 140-1030930-30FFFF0C00000 4890 30930-30FFFF0C00000 470-1030930-40FFFF0C00000 3350-1030930-60FFFF0C00000 5190 30930-30FFFF0C00000 420-1030930-50FFFF0C00000 1040 30930-40FFFF0C00000 40 30930-30FFFF0C00000 320-10310920102004-30FFFF0C00000 10404AC50A1E9304EB4030930-60FFFF0C00000 820-10310920102004-30FFFF0C00000 10404AC50A1EA304EBC0310920102004-30FFFF0C00000 10404AC50A1EB304EC4030930-30FFFF0C00000 40-10-1030930-30FFFF0C00000 10404AC50-10310920102004-40FFFF0C00000 10404AC50A1EC304ECC0-1030930-50FFFF0C00000 90-103101D70102004-10FFFF0C00000 30404AC50A1ED304ED4030930-10FFFF0C00000 2800 30930-10FFFF0C00000 10404AC50 310920102004-20FFFF0C00000 10404AC50A1EE304EDC0-1030930-60FFFF0C00000 2C0-1030930-30FFFF0C00000 1C0-1030930-40FFFF0C00000 40-10 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1018020718C630C01018086C48018010180-26C48018034018020-718C630C0A0180-36C480C01480180-4FC5A0C02420180-6B40 27D0180-5D8-70 CE0180-16C480 101800008000002BE0000000440,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E407010100000011640,Courier40,Courier Final Draft12401614E407010101040,Courier Final Draft40,104070114E4070103000090000001700000002023A4EB023A4EB000A0000001D00000002714331F3A7714331F3A7000B00000005000000020000C00000021000000011AA871AA6511A822FD47E71000F0000005A0000000050E05B0 104,@7y4,77A4,4,4,4,54,0900130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000D000000011ABC4001290000000D000000011ABC4000140000089E00000000304EB45CDB205F30304EB802C,E,833,/FFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005D0000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-208420031-10 8410BFFFF01015B000010000003700000001015B408108410B1490388000785B84D900002000001610000000015B,there has to be a bar scene where John will tell the galvanites that his differences only mean he's going to rule all of razor x. they get mad and want to attack him.. shoould there be entertaining or should there be a fight that gets him locked up. Then at the end he'll rule over the guy that had him locked up.. theme it's ok to be different..0004000000350000000A013533F1823861A83AF11473149115D100050000000A00000002015D00006000000CD0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 D0 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 40-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000208410B08410B000B00000005000000020000C000000180000000115B5C1985117E1000F0000005500000000400 10 104,@c4,77A4,4,04,934,4,Sys00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B0000000115D001290000000B0000000115D0FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X00140000069A00000000304EBC5CDB205F30304EC002C,E,62F,+FFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000560000000020001101-7F7C6F00800000480048-20C20031-10 C10BFFFF01000010000002600000001040810C038E000C0000400000009000000020120000500000008000000020200006000000960000000310C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 50 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000209510B09510B000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,@c4,77A4,4,04,934,4,Sys00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001200129000000090000000120FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X00140000085500000000304EC45CDB205F30304EC802C,E,7EA,FFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005D0000000020001101-7F7C6F00800000480048-207820031-10 7810BFFFF0101350000100000036000000010135408107810B116038C0006C078D9000020000013B00000000135,The time line will be..that john will find out that his father put the m virus inside of him...hid it..and programmed it such that when that day comes the virus must be away from john otherwise he'll die. The virus has to do its work in order for him to live...has to be taken specially by the catchivator...0004000000150000000401473481137100050000000A00000002013700006000000CD0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 70 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 10-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000209510B09510B000B00000005000000020000C0000001600000001135F5617BD91000F0000005500000000400 10 104,@c4,77A4,4,04,934,4,Sys00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B00000001137001290000000B000000011370FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X00140000072500000000304ECC5CDB205F30304ED002C,E,6BA,fFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005C0000000020001101-7F7C6F00800000480048-202420031-10 2410BFFFF01054000010000003400000001054408102410B4B038C000180243F00002000000590000000054,phzen'ku's attitude should be one of extra nice since he wants to get john to stay..00040000000A00000002015610005000000090000000205600006000000960000000310C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 50 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000209510B09510B000B00000005000000020000C000000100000000154023F1000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,77A4,@c4,4,``4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A0000000156001290000000A00000001560FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X001400000C5100000000304ED45C1B02470BE30304ED802C,E,BE3, FFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000490000000020001101-7F7C6B000480048-20-10 64FFFF0101E00001000000160000000101E40810000200000023000000001E,JOHN My mother is still alive.00040000000E00000003015220200050000000E0000000301522000006000000A40000000320C30FFFF0C00000 20 10930-40FFFF0C00000 10-1010930-60FFFF0C00000 10 00070000005F00000003010180-4FC5A0C010180-6B40 101800008000001550000000240,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,104070114E40701030000900000005000000020000A0000000F00000002064064000B00000005000000020000C0000000D000000011E01000E000000060000000101E000F0000005500000000400 10 104,4,4,4,4,4,4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A0000000120001290000000A00000001200FFFE000000060002000177AA4FFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000490000000020001101-7E7C6B000480048-20-10 64FFFF010260000100000016000000010264081000020000002B0000000026,REDGAHH Your mother is still alive. 00040000000E0000000301922820005000000130000000401922602800006000000A40000000320C30FFFF0C00000 20 10930-40FFFF0C00000 10-1010930-60FFFF0C00000 10 00070000005F00000003020180-4FC5A0C010180-6B40 101800008000001550000000240,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,104070114E40701030000900000005000000020000A0000000F00000002064064000B00000005000000020000C0000000D000000012601000E0000000600000001026000F0000005500000000400 10 104,4,4,4,04,804,04,c00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A0000000128001290000000A00000001280FFFE000000060002000177AA400140000087300000000304EDC5CDB205F30304EE002C,E,808,FFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005C0000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-209C20031-10 9C10BFFFF010F70000100000036000000010152408109C10B139038C0009009CAF000020000015800000000152,this scene should have 1) its mer'kien's scene so he should come in sooner.. 2) show the battle clearly as to the take over.. 3)Show Mer'kien hypnotize zarian and the catchivator brought in the building... 4)scene has to end with find me the boy.. Rebiacu and John will go to Taymore...Ane'xia has to die to make way for John and Mother..000400000017000000040111E31251154100050000000A00000002015400006000000CD0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 60 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 10-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000209C10B09C10B000B00000005000000020000C0000001600000001F7CD574F9231000F0000005500000000400 10 104,@c4,77A4,4,04,934,4,Sys00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B00000001154001290000000B000000011540FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X00140000074C00000000304EE45CDB205F30304EE802C,E,6E1,FFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000580000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-201820031-10 1810BFFFF0100001000000340000000103E408101810B270388000C4618E70000200000043000000003E,remay should make hints that somethings are merely an illusion00040000001400000004011D32714010005000000090000000204000006000000CD0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 60 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 20-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000201810B01810B000B00000005000000020000C0000001000000001017601000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,@c4,4,4,04,934,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A0000000140001290000000A00000001400FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X001400000A2C00000000304EEC5CDB205F30304EF002C,E,9C1,  mFFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000640000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-20A820031-10190A818BFFFF0102A300001000000360000000102A940810A818B28D038C0009C0A8C400002000002AF000000002A9,his father's responsible for the death of your father... rebiacu should tell john - we must leave..John will be like i want to stay in skylore cause thats what i always wanted..to find you and we'll live together in skylore. after a few laughs john should bring it up to Rebiacu saying mother know what would be cool if we both lived in skylore just you and I..Reb-just u and I yeah! I always had this dream that about living with my family and having a girlfriend..anexia will you e my girl friend? Anexia-let me think about it. Rebiacu not feeling so happy. wants john for her self and will blow up when she find Anexia laughing and ask her to leave and be like I'm your Mother.00040000006D00000014013934017537619539A1A03A11E23E7116A31721173317411D331D91231323612AB100050000000A0000000202AB00006000000CD0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 F0 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 90-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A00000015000000020A818B0A818B000B00000005000000020000C0000001A000000012A3180561571D9A1000F0000005500000000400 10 104,@c4,77A4,4,04,934,4,Sys00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B000000012AB001290000000B000000012AB0FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X00140000072E00000000304EF45CDB205F30304EF802C,E,6C3,oFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005B0000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-202420031-10 2410BFFFF010900001000000340000000105C408102410B49038C00018024850000200000061000000005C,finally Rebiacu will be like at least now you know your past so you know where you're going.00040000000A00000002015E10005000000090000000205E00006000000960000000310C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 50 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000202410B02410B000B00000005000000020000C0000001200000001983E03F1000F0000005500000000400 10 104,@c4,77A4,4,04,4FF4,04,9300130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A000000015E001290000000A000000015E0FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X001400000A6700000000304EFC5CDB205F30304F0002C,E,9FC,  FFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000640000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-20F020031-10610F010BFFFF0102CF00001000000360000000102CF40810F010B2B5038C000E40F0B600002000002D5000000002CF,expand on it that John will destroy the mech bots and the mornatof will take it and run away to it's mom..john will retreive it and face Mer'kien... mer'kien will encounter John again and they will battle John will destroy the bots and mer'kien will flee. John losts the Mornator and is chasing it down the street of Skylore, gives it an insect. skylorians will see John, Mer'kien will use that to say hey! this is the bad Guy if you see him let us know..he carries a harm ful virus..At phzenku's house they will watch the tv and see a broad cast from mer'kien saying all of razor x find him' he's the key to the alignment. or well die. they will decide to flee..john will go out to clear his head and talk to Anexia...00040000008900000018012832C13A34217437C1105310A110F3117115A31641197319B11D931DC120B320D12703272127D328112D1100050000000A0000000202D100006000000CE0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 100 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 B0-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A00000015000000020F010B0F010B000B00000005000000020000C00000012000000012CF027B61000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,77A4,4,4,4,77A4,77A00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B000000012D1001290000000B000000012D10FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X00140000082000000000304F045CDB205F30304F0802C,E,7B5,aFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005C0000000020001101-7F7C6F00800000480048-205420031-10 5410BFFFF010F10000100000033000000010F1408105410BE7038800048549A00002000000F600000000F1,they will see the Mer'kien's announcement and will storm out it's time to leave. John and rebiacu will go out looking for Anexia. John has to find her and she'll appologize to him and boom they'll come and take rebiacu away. anexia will die.0004000000320000000A015A3611A23AC1D33DA1E13E71F31000500000009000000020F300006000000CD0000000410C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 90 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 10930FFFF0C00000 40-10000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A000000150000000209510B09510B000B00000005000000020000C0000001000000001F10E461000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,77A4,4,4,4,4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A00000001F3001290000000A00000001F30FFFE000000060002000177AA4!X0014000007DE00000000304F0C5CDB205F30304F1002C,E,773,oFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005D0000000020001101-777C6F00800000480048-206020031-10 6010BFFFF0101040000100000035000000010105408106010BFE038C0005406031000020000010B00000000105,john should expresses how he misses skylore..is there any hang out spots still around...revealing his careless character...Remay will tell him, out side are people like zombies and all they do is pray and brace your self skylore is going to be like that soon.. 00040000000B0000000201107100050000000A00000002010700006000000960000000310C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 50 20C310FFFF0C00000 30 000700000019000000010201800008000001F90000000340,System40,A014E440007010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E407010101040,Times New Roman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g slimey EquiptmentsgahhArghhsomekindNooooooolunotslunotslunots Skylorianslunians skylorianslunianlunotsbotslunotsBadaboomdroidsArrrhhPOVMedimediRazoxlunianCL45sphzenku phzenkus phzenkus phzenkuslunianNoooPhzenku v XFFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000550000000020001101-777C6F000480048-20F20612E-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 10404AC5012304F88010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,104,|4,4, |4,014,F2000130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC00000000304F885C23E20421304F8C02C,E,42,>Page #aN! Tj?QaN!T FFFE000000060002000177AADpFFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000510000000020001101-777C6F000480048-20C20613A-10 C264FFFF0100001000000330000000101408105AC20A038E000203C20A0000200000005000000001, 0004000000090000000201300005000000090000000201300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020C2640C264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,304, 4,4,,y4,24,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001300129000000090000000130FFFE000000060002000177AADHH$$7*x C+John encounters Mer'kien for the first time*kJohn at the forest?ȭ'John Staggers his way to portal station4Mer'kien takes over Razor x.B *John finds him self at the seekers Hideout8*Y Remay entices John. z101 arrives8Y Rebiacu and Anexia arrive C-lune@(John battles mech bots and battle drones69:John reunites with his mother.eLEMQGeneral?Courier Final Draft 0 lGeneralGeneral0General Scene Heading?Courier Final Draft 0 lAction Scene Heading1ActionAction?Courier Final Draft 0 lActionAction2 Character Character?Courier Final Draft 0  Dialogue Character3 Transition Parenthetical?Courier Final Draft 0 Dialogue Parenthetical4GeneralDialogue?Courier Final Draft 0 ActionDialogue5General Transition?Courier Final Draft 0  Scene Heading Transition6GeneralShot?Courier Final Draft 0 lAction Scene Heading7General GENERAL SCENE HEADING ACTION CHARACTER PARENTHETICALDIALOGUE TRANSITION SHOTsTCH.Electronic voice John Galvanite Galvanite 1Redgahh Bartender Galvanite 2 Reg Galvan guardRedgahhGALVAN guard 2 CrowdRebiacu AAnexia Ramzionak BabyMech botPHZENKU Little femaleHobokhan NeuvernoffBashera KingMERKIENZarian Law directory GuardHohokhanFront line guard RemayMornatof Seeker member RebiC-lunotsSalomese TvMemoriesMerzaRonald Ohzen Mech bot 1 MerCallerMerkienMer;kien؄sTCE (V.O.) (O.S.) (O.C.) (CONT'D) (SUBTITLE) (v.o)sTTR CUT TO: FADE IN: FADE OUT. 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