t2Final Draft, Inc. Final DraftFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000007E0000000020001101-76FB67000480048-2582D08200D1-1C6AD29C6AD292B64064006471432D083A7FFFF010DEA00001000001F90000000708C140840581B845634D89B03CE00144A20045630308C112CB408404561B8C0A3399ED03CE003BFE200C0A2C4012CB1CD040840C0A1B816AA34D9DD03CE007169E20016AA31101CD0283D4084016AA1B81D8634DB3703CC0091D7A1B81D8632B0283D33124084021D861B8237234DA9B03CE00B235A1B82372347033123C944084023721B8283034D97603CC00C28241B8283020503C94459C4084028301B82D0834D908038E00E2CF01B82D081B800002000008C7000000008C1, HIDEAWAY INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - NIGHT A bull lamp illuminates a small girl, HOPE, 12, lying motionless in a small wall crevice cut into the earth of a rectangular room. Clothed in a dishevelled red polka-dot dress and wearing red shoes she amuses herself by playing breathing games. She stares at a Christ figure hung on the back of a black door with no handle to the right of the wall adjacent. Air from a make shift ventilation system ruffles a number of child's drawings hung above a table and chair next to the door. Some depict religious events underlined by moralistic slogans while others show scenes of a sexual nature. Similar pictures surround the toilet to the left of the table which consists of an old wooden vegetable box up ended with a hole cut in the top and a bucket underneath. On the other side of the room is a badly made wardrobe containing two dresses. A spare set of shoes is placed neatly under them. Next to the wardrobe and beside the door is a metal shutter with cutlery placed beside it. On the table lies a broken bible, its spine bent and its gait disfigured. Pages have been torn out with only a sliver of the material remaining. Next to the bible are sheets of paper and crayons. The sound of a lock is heard and a man, JEREMY, 46, enters. He goes over to the toilet and looks in the bucket. Jeremy What Have I told you about cleaning up after yourself Hope? Cleanliness is next to godliness you know. HOPE Does that mean Ill be closer to you? JEREMY We are close baby. You know how special you are. What do I keep telling you? Pointing to a picture of Jesus HOPE drew, the writing reads In faith we trust. HOPE I don't have to know I just have to believe. JEREMY Good girl. He picks up the bucket and takes it over to the metal shutter. Crouching down he picks up and puts in the cutlery, opens the shutter, deposits the bucket inside and closes the door. HOPE swings up to a seated position and starts kicking her feet out in front of her in a playful way. JEREMY smiles at HOPE. She reciprocates before blowing him a raspberry. He gets back to his feet and goes back to the table where he takes off his belt. HOPE What games do you want to play today? 000200000A10000008C1A0A,JEREMY I was thinking that you might like to play one of my games today? HOPE No! I don't want to! I want you to watch me draw! JEREMY Its not about want Hope. HOPE But it hurts. JEREMY People sometimes have to do things they dont want to, before they get something that they do. Lets not be selfish now. You have a responsibility to me Hope. Remember? JEREMY points to a picture of HOPE dwarfed by an intimidating looking devil. The writing reads "neglect your responsibilities and pay the price" HOPE But I don't like it. JEREMY You will, eventually. Youll just have to trust me. We each have burdens to bear. HOPE What burdens do you bear? JEREMY Its wrong to question me Hope. I am your father and you are my daughter. It makes me sad when you question me because you know I've got your best interests at heart. HOPE throws JEREMY a questioning look. JEREMY (CONTD) Alright. You want to know the burdens I bear, I'll tell you. Jeremy settles into a seated position. JEREMY (CONTD) I deal with devils Hope. Devils as they exist in the world out there. Jeremy points to the door and then to the bible. JEREMY (CONTD) Devils like in the good book, only much more illusive. HOPE What does illusive mean? JEREMY Difficult to see. Anyway these devils see, they exist inside of people, people who can look just like you and me, only theyre not like you and me Hope. These people would do you great harm if they could. There is a tide of human excrement that lies in wait outside your door and would simply swallow you up were it not for me. All that lies out there, for you, is certain death. This truth is the burden I bear. Hope sits for a second in quiet contemplation. HOPE Does God help you fight with the devils? JEREMY (Laughs) Yes. God Helps. God fights with me. We fight side by side, shoulder to shoulder everyday. HOPE Jesus too? JEREMY And the Holy Spirit. The holy trinity. HOPE I bet theyre nice people? JEREMY The nicest. HOPE Id like to meet them one day. JEREMY You will. HOPE Id like to help them. You know, Jesus and God and that. Help fight the devils. JEREMY Youd be defenseless. HOPE Would not! JEREMY You cant imagine what is out there Hope and I dont want you to. This is why I protect you. I fight that world so you dont have to. Its a world where innocence does not exist and everybodys out for themselves. Where people tread on people just to get ahead. Satans world. HOPE I don't like the sound of that. JEREMY Well thats why you've got me and I've got you. HOPE And weve got Jesus and God. 000200000A0B000012CBA05,JEREMY Exactly, together we can take on all comers. I won't let Satan come into your life Hope. HOPE Because I'm beautiful? JEREMY (Stroking HOPEs hair) The most beautiful thing in the world. HOPE And what we have is beautiful? JEREMY Pure as the driven snow. HOPE And because Satan doesn't know about me and you wont tell him Ill be safe? JEREMY As safe as I can make you. HOPE You promise not to tell? JEREMY Promise. HOPE Pinky promise? She holds out her little finger. JEREMY Pinky promise. JEREMY wraps his little finger around hers and shakes it up and down. JEREMY (CONTD) You'll be a good girl for me now won't you? HOPE Whatever you say daddy. JEREMY Ok. Now, take off your dress. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - LATER JEREMY helps put HOPEs dress back on. Readjusting it by herself she lies back into the alcove. JEREMY convulses as if hes about to be sick. Hope Whats the matter? Jeremy Ill be ok in a minute. HOPE I dont feel well either. My legs hurt. Jeremy busies himself getting ready. He puts on his vest and pulls on his pants. JEREMY Theyll ease up. HOPE They dont always. JEREMY get up and goes over to a chair and picks up his shirt. HOPE (CONTD) Why are you getting dressed? JEREMY (Still trying to stop himself being sick) I cant stay around here all day having fun. HOPE Fun! What fun? I haven't had any. I played games. I did penance, you hurt me. You should watch me draw. JEREMY I didnt enjoy penance anymore than you. We each have to pay for our sins. We repent and do penance for those evils. HOPE When do you do penance? JEREMY Hope, what did I tell you before? What have I told you about questioning me? HOPE You always make me do penance. When do you do penance? JEREMY Quiet now. HOPE I dont sin all the time. JEREMY Its a sin questioning me! HOPE Every thing I do is a sin for you. JEREMY Hope! HOPE (Crying) I dont know why I have to pay for sins I haven't committed. All the time hurting me. Youre bigger, dont you know it hurts? It hurts me all the time. It makes me sick. Sick here and sick here. Look! Im bleeding daddy. Blood. Running over and grabbing HOPE by the wrists JEREMY shakes her. JEREMY Stop it Hope! Just stop it! You know I never mean to hurt you? Dont you? HOPE You do! JEREMY Its not wrong Hope. HOPE I dont believe its right. JEREMY Its right because I tell you its right! Are you listening to me? HOPE (Crying louder) No. I want you to leave me alone. JEREMY Stop crying Hope. Stop Crying! HOPE I cant. Why cant you stop hurting me? 000200000B7300001CD0B6D,JEREMY make a fist as if hes going to punch her. HOPE recoils before crying even louder. JEREMY restrains himself. He gets up and starts to pace the room. Stopping dead in his tracks as though remembering something, he goes back over to the alcove to console her. JEREMY (In a low voice) You remember Adam and Eve don't you? That story? The one you liked, remember? Like I said before the story about how we fell from grace to become what we are today. Eden? You remember? Hope looks up from behind her closed hands which cover her face. JEREMY (CONTD) They lived in that garden. That beautiful garden that God created for them, which provided for their needs like I provide for yours. And in that garden they didn't wear any clothes like we dont sometimes when we play games and it was beautiful and pure. Adam and Eve didn't have a care in the world. They were pure and life was simple. Cant you see Hope? That's just like us. Its our little miracle. HOPES cry turns to a whimper. JEREMY (CONTD) That's just what we have here. Peace and harmony. All I ask of you is that you dont question me, like the only thing they were not allowed to do in the garden was not eat from the apple tree. Then there was that snake. That evil, awful snake. Satan. He came into the garden and told poor Adam to eat an apple from the tree. That he would always wonder how it would taste if he didnt try it and wouldn't harm him if he did. Free will got the better of Adam Hope. Adam should have trusted God. Adam should have trusted God like you should trust me. Adam ate from the tree and felt shame about his body his beauty and so did Eve. Their paradise became their nightmare. I dont want this to happen to us Hope. I always want this to be our paradise. I never want us to lose the beauty and purity that we have in our relationship. You just have to trust me Hope. Have faith in me. Believe in me. Do you believe me Hope? HOPE (Drying her eyes) Will you watch me draw? JEREMY Do you promise not to cry anymore? Do you promise to believe me? HOPE No more penance for today and watch me draw? JEREMY Ok. HOPE I believe you. HOPE runs over to the table, gets out her crayons and begins to draw stick figures of her, her dad, Jesus on a cross and God on a cloud. JEREMY stands over her smiling with a sense of satisfaction. FADE OUT. INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - LATER HOPE scribbles away at the table happy and contented. JEREMY leans against the wall with his arms folded smiling. He pushes off an ruffles HOPEs hair. JEREMY Ill have to be off little one. HOPE OK. Will you make food? JEREMY Of course. Your evening meal. Tonight its your favourite. HOPEs eyes light up. HOPE Spaghetti Bolognaise! JEREMY Correct. HOPE Yey! I cant wait. Oh, I need a wee. HOPE gets up and runs over to the make shift toilet, pulls down her knickers, hops on and starts to pee. 000200000ADB0000283DAD5,JEREMY Bye Hope. HOPE Bye daddy. JEREMY walks over to the door and unlocks it using one of a number of keys. INT. Ante room - CONTINUOUS Opening a slim chamber with another solid oak door directly ahead, JEREMY steps inside closing the door behind him, activating a UV light above. Studying his reflection in a mirror on the mud wall he can see bacterial stains on his mouth, hands and clothes. Locking the door to HOPEs room he opens the outer door using another set of keys. INT. Mine shaft - CONTINUOUS After double bolting the outer door he opens the shutter by his left leg and pulls out the bucket he deposited earlier. Throwing the contents into a disused mine shaft he puts the bucket back and closes the shutter. Walking down the hallway he passes three more doors and shutters stopping at the last. Taking a deep breath he puts in the key and opens the door. ADAM, 14, taking his chance, darts through, knocking JEREMY to the floor and kicking him in the ribs. He tries to jump over JEREMYs body but JEREMY kicks out a leg which connects, causing ADAM to land face down bursting his nose. Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, JEREMY hurls him through the set of double doors. ADAM hits the ground hard. He curls into a small ball and starts to cry. ADAM Please dont hurt me. I promise Ill never do it again. I didnt know what I was doing. Please... Angered JEREMY goes over to a PA system cut into the mud and presses play before entering the room and slamming the door shut. Screams are heard over the loud music. INT. Mine shaft - LATER JEREMY exits ADAMs room in tears. He looks at his shaking and bloodied hands in shock. Locking the door he takes a minute to compose himself before making his way to a staircase on the opposite side of the hallway. Wearily JEREMY trudges up the many steps wiping his brow and hands with a handkerchief. Opening the door to almost blinding sunlight he slams it shut. Fade out. FADE IN: INT. Mine shaft - 6 years later JEREMY, 52, is collecting the metal toilet buckets from the cells and disposing of them down the mine shaft. Coming to HOPEs cell he opens the metal shutter to reveal nothing. JEREMY HOPE! Hope can you hear me? I need your toilet bucket. Hope? Can you put it in the metal shutter please. Ill close my end and open it up in a minutes time. You know I cant open both sides at once. CUT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS HOPE, 18, stands next to the door clutching a food knife which has been sharpened to a fine point. All the lights in the room have been smashed and she stands in complete darkness. She is beginning to show early signs of pregnancy. CUT TO: INT. MINE SHAFT - CONTINUOUS JEREMY checks his watch. The second hand ticks around. 00020000098800003312982,JEREMY That's a minute hope. Your bucket best be in there or else you best be asleep. He opens the shutters to nothing again. JEREMY (CONTD) Thats it. Im coming in. JEREMY goes over to the alcove containing the PA system presses play and takes out a base ball bat. He walks over to HOPEs chamber and starts to unlock the outer door. JEREMY (CONTD) Im warning you. If you try any funny stuff youll come off worse. Think of your unborn child Hope. I promise I wont be gentle like last time if your fooling around. CUT TO: INT. ANTE ROOM - CONTINUOUS As JEREMY steps inside the outer doors the UV light above the ante room is activated. The light fixture flickers from old age. He steps inside and studies his sporadically illuminated face in the mirror. The years have not been kind. Wearily he puts in his key and unlocks the doorway to HOPEs Chamber. JEREMY Hope are you awake? CuT TO: INT. UNDERGROUND CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS As JEREMY opens the door HOPE closes her eyes. The UV lights flickering illuminates the chamber at intervals as he enters the room clutching the bat. As JEREMYs eyes begin to take in the surroundings he notices the broken glass of the bull lamp on the floor. Realizing the lights have been smashed the pair are suddenly plunged into darkness as the door trips the UV lights power. HOPE opening her eyes, pulls open the door. CUT TO: INT. ANTE ROOM - CONTINUOUS JEREMY SHIT! Running back to the corner of the ante room JEREMY drops his baseball bat. He manually flicks the UV lights switch as HOPE plunges her knife into his side. He falls to the floor in the intermittent darkness clutching the knife in horror as blood spills down his side. HOPE scuttling backwards after initially being blinded by the light finds the bat at the entrance of the chamber and attacks JEREMY. JEREMY (CONTD) Hope, no!! HOPE hits him round the face several times until JEREMY is no longer conscious. Breathing heavily HOPE drops the bat and slumps to a seated position on the floor before retreating into a corner and weeping softly to herself. Staring at JEREMY she starts to cry. Upset, she checks to make sure he in still breathing. She touches him with uncharacteristic tenderness. Coming to her senses she searches his pockets for the door keys. Finding them, she gets to her feet and unlocks the door just as JEREMY starts to come around. Frightened, she exits the Ante room. 00020000090E00003C94908,CUT TO: INT. MINE SHAFT - CONTINUOUS HOPE stumbles into unfamiliar surroundings and stares at them with a mixture of shock and awe. Seeing three doors similar to the one shes just come through she begins to cry. HOPE Ive got to get out. Ive got to. Seeing a set of stairs to her right and a door without any locks at the top she rapidly ascends them and bursts through the door. CUT TO: INT. kitchen - CONTINUOUS Blinded by natural light to which she is completely unaccustomed, she falls to the floor. Rubbing her eyes she tries desperately to get her bearings. Hearing childrens voices she gets to her feet and stumbles past a table and chairs to a sink in front of a window. HOPE Help me? Help me please? Banging into the sink with her feet and knees she supports herself in order to catch her breath as her vision slowly re-adjusts. In front of the house across a road is a childrens play ground where children and adults play happily together. Beyond is the sea. Out stretching her hand she places it on the window pane and spreads her fingers. A SMALL GIRL from the playground sees her and waves. HOPE smiles and reciprocates. The child turns and starts playing with her friends again. HOPE moves over to the door by the sink which opens without resistance. A gust of wind shoots through HOPEs hair. Feeling this sensation for the first time she smiles wildly and starts to laugh. Birds chirp in the trees and a car drives by. Hope is taken aback. Staring from the sky down to the set of keys in her hand she remembers there were three other doors next to hers downstairs. Closing her hand into a fist she turns around and is confronted by JEREMY. JEREMY Im afraid I cant let you go Hope. Im sorry. JEREMY plunges a knife into HOPEs belly. HOPEs legs buckle and she falls to the floor where she sits for a second in shock. On the fridge is a picture of her and JEREMY drew some years ago. The caption reads Daddys little angel. JEREMY grabs HOPES foot and starts dragging her towards the stairs. HOPE Why? Why are you doing this? Dad, are you the devil? HOPE makes a last attempt to stop herself being pulled down the stairs. She outstretches her arms and grabs the door. The door swings shut on its hinges to a deathly quiet. THE END 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 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 2093010FFFF0C00000 10 2093020FFFF0C00000 10-102093030FFFF0C00000 10 2093040FFFF0C00000 10-102093050FFFF0C00000 10 2093060FFFF0C00000 10 2093070FFFF0C00000 10-102093080FFFF0C00000 10-1020930-20FFFF0C00000 170-1020930-30FFFF0C00000 4C0 20930-10FFFF0C00000 30 20930-40FFFF0C00000 6F0-1020930-60FFFF0C00000 720 20930-70FFFF0C00000 B0-1020930-50FFFF0C00000 80 20930-30FFFF0C00000 E0-1020930-60FFFF0C00000 B0-1020930-20FFFF0C00000 30-10 -1020930-40FFFF0C00000 50-10 -1020930-20FFFF0C00000 80-10 -100007000002280000000F0101801755A0 101802755A0180101803755A0C0101804117900C0101805F3AB-70 101806BD870 101802071685A0C0101808755A0C010180-3755A0C0290180-4117900C0680180-6BD870 69018020-71685A0C0A0180-2755A0180E0180-5F3AB-70 801800008000002170000000340,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier1040-1C0614E407010100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,1040-1C0614E407010300009000000170000000202754EB02754EB000A0000001D00000002714331F3A7714331F3A7000B00000005000000020000C0000003400000002DEADE3825CB363F0DF1DF88252A136700000F000000590000000050E0F0 104,|4,dy4,77A4,77A4,4,4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000C00000001459E001290000000C00000001459E0FFFE000000060002000177AAT&B $<A<A=@rv ( , = D N S a h A E H M b i   / 5 - 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Phone Number: 07866566684 Email: deanstraffon@yahoo.co.uk00040000006D0000001601B41311E32112232A16536816937317B3831913931943981B43B91BB3C71D510005000000130000000401B2461D500006000001070000000510C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 E0 10B30FFFF0E00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 90-1010930FFFF0C00000 10-10-1000070000005400000003010180480 2018010480 1018000080000016B0000000240,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier1040-1C0614E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A0000001D00000002E13D3263A1E13D3263A1000B00000005000000020000C0000001300000001ADD19FA01000F000000590000000050E010 104,, 4,4,p*4,H4,$4,p4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000A00000001D5001290000000A00000001D50FFFE000000060002000177AAD q SFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004F0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20F0-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EF0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 104056A0012273A4D4010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 1018000080000016B0000000240,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier1040-1C0614E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,4,4,n4,or4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AE00000000273A4D45C1AE20421273A4D802C,E,42,>Page #"4hj?Q"h FFFE000000060002000177AADlFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004B0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20C0-10 C264FFFF0100001000000330000000101408105AC20A038E000203C20A0000200000005000000001, 0004000000090000000201300005000000090000000201300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000003800000002010180205A0 1018000080000016B0000000240,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier1040-1C0614E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020C2640C264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,LI~14,um4, 24,W4,00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001300129000000090000000130FFFE000000060002000177AADQ6$$~Splt