2Final Draft, Inc. Final Drafts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by BRENDAN NEVISON A Sitcom by BRENDAN NEVISON Current Revisions by (Brendan M. Nevison, 10/01/10) THE ADVERT 1. INT. A LARGE OPEN PLAN OFFICE. DAY OPEN WITH A WIDE SHOT OF AN OPEN PLAN OFFICE, THE CAMERA ZOOMS IN TO A CLOSE UP OF THE AD MANS FACE. *THIS SCENE IS TO BE FILMED LIKE A CHEAPLY MADE ADVERT- The Ad man is over weight in his mid forties. He wears a Pin stripped suit over a bright white shirt and a red tie. He is articulate, speaking with a powerful demanding voice. The Ad man sits on the edge of a desk beside a water cooler. He bends down to the cooler and pours water into a plastic cup A young amateur actor playing the role of an office junior approaches from behind the Ad man. The young actor clearly over playing the small part carries paper work but not paying attention to where his is walking, it becomes obvious that he is about to bump into the Ad man. The badly acted collision of bodies cause the Ad man to drop the cup of water. *THE CUP IS FILMED IN SLOW MOTION FALLING TO THE GROUND The Ad man looks disappointingly at the office junior who bow his head in shame. *THE AD MAN TURNS AND SPEAKS DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA. AD MAN Accidents happen all the time, but whose going to be there to clean up the mess?- The Ad Man Looks up in time with an overly dramatic and very cheesy Advertising Jingle. JINGLE 'Direct Insurance Claim Sales' The Ad man eyes follow the crudely written font across the screen that reads: Direct Insurance Claim Sales The Ad man looks back up at the camera. (CONT'D) (CONT'D) AD MAN Have you had a accident that wasn't your fault? Unsure if you have the right to claim. Well, Direct Insurance Claim Sales can help. CUT TO: THE AD MAN WALKS AWKWARDLY ACROSS THE OFFICE, WHILST SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO THE CAMERA AD MAN Have you had a slip or trip in the street? CUT TO: *A POORLY FILMED RECONSTRUCTION OF A MAN FALLING OVER A BROKEN CURB STONE IN A OVERLY CAMP MANNER. THE man GRIMACES IN PAIN WHILST HOLDING HIS KNEE. CUT: BACK TO AD MAN (CONT'D) Have you been injured at work? CUT TO: *ANOTHER BADLY FILMED RECONSTRUCTION OF A MAN CARRYING A BUCKET OF TAR UP SOME LADDERS, THE SCREEN GOES WHITE, A SCREAM IS HEARD, WHEN THE PICTURE RETURNS THE MAN IS ROLLING AROUND ON THE FLOOR COVERED IN TAR. CUT: BACK TO AD MAN (CONT'D) Or on the road CUT TO: *A CAR EXPLODING IN A FIELD, THIS IS RANDOMLY TRYING TO REPRESENT A ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT. CUT: BACK TO AD MAN (CONT'D) Then let Direct Insurance Claim Sales help. CUT TO: THE AD MAN STANDING BESIDE NIGEL A MAN IN A WHEELCHAIR, THE AD MAN PLACES A HAND ON NIGELS SHOULDER AD MAN This is Nigel, he was injured at work when his employer provided him with the wrong type of ladder. *NIGEL IS ANOTHER AMATEUR ACTOR PLAYING THE PART OF A MAN IN A WHEELCHAIR, HE SPEAKS WITH A MONOTONE VOICE AND IN PARTS IS CLEARLY READING A SCRIPT FROM AN AUTO CUE. NIGEL I was injured at work when my employer provided me with the wrong type of ladder. AD MAN Nigel received 361 after speaking to one of our honest and professional claim advisors from Direct Insurance Claim Sales. 0002000008C200000C308BC,NIGEL I received 361 after speaking to one of the honest and professional claim advisors from Direct Insurance Claim Sales. THE AD MAN LOOK DOWN AWKWARDLY AT NIGEL, THERE IS AN AWKWARD PAUSE. THE AD MAN SIDE STEPS OUT OF SHOT. CUT TO: THE aD MAN WALKS BACK ACROSS THE OFFICE STILL SPEAKING DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA. AD MAN We pride ourselves on getting you the compensation you deserve and remember it's A DWARF APPEARS IN VIEW, HE WEARS A LARGE RED FOAM HAT WITH LETTERING ACROSS IT WHICH READ: NO WIN, NO FEE THE DWARF HAS A HIGH PITCHED SQUEAKY VOICES, WHEN THE DWARF IS IN VIEW, THE SCENE IS SPED UP, SHOWING THE DWARF RUNNING AT SPEED ACROSS THE OFFICE, POPPING IN AND OUT OF SHOT. DWARF No win, no fee, no win, no fee, no win, no fee. THE AD MAN LOOKS ON AT THE DWARF AND LAUGHS, THEN SNAPS HIS EYES BACK DOWN THE LENS OF THE CAMERA WITH A SERIOUS LOOK ACROSS HIS FACE. AD MAN Our professional no fuss service is reflected by our accident claims agents who are on your streets today So if you've been injured in an accident then let DIRECT INSURANCE CLAIMS SALES clean up the mess, you know what to do Sue,Sue,sue! DWARF No win no fee. FADE OUT. TITLE SEQUENCE: Knockers FADE IN: Ambulance chasers 2. EXT. STREET DAY *WIDE SHOT OF A STREET OF TERRACE HOUSES, KARL, TERRY, JP AND TOMMY IN SEQUENCE HAVE DOORS SLAMMED IN THEIR FACES. Cut tO: KARL RESPONDING TO THE DOOR BEEN SLAMMED IN HIS FACE WITH A SIGH CuT TO: TERRY RESPONDING TO HIS DOOR BEEN SLAMMED IN HIS FACE BY LOOKING UP TO THE SKY Cut tO: JP STICKING UP HIS MIDDLE FINGER TO THE DOOR Cut tO: TOMMY WHO HAS HIS TIE TRAPPED IN THE DOOR. TOMMY COMICALLY STRUGGLES TO RELEASE HIMSELF FROM THE DOOR Cut TO: PENNY is STANDING IN THE STREET WATCHING HER FARCICAL TEAM FAIL AGAIN, SHE SLAPS HER FOREHEAD WITH FRUSTRATION. PENNY (shout) Team huddle please THE TEAM GATHER IN THE STREET, TOMMY RUBS HIS NECK WHICH IS RED FROM THE TIE BURNS, HE NO LONGER WEARING A TIE. JP SPITS ON THE FLOOR AND PROCEEDS TO TAKE A PICTURE OF IT WITH HIS DIGITAL CAMERA. HE SHOWS THE IMAGE TO KARL, WHO IS CLEARLY UNIMPRESSED. JP A Cheeky little throat oyster there for you. TERRY Really, must you do that? JP That is art my friend, I will call this the pavement meets the mouth fetus' 00020000087F000014EC879,KARL There is seriously something wrong with you. PENNY There is seriously something wrong with all of you, what the hell happened out there? Its nearly lunch and weve not even had a sniff, whats going on guys? TERRY This area has been saturated Penny my love, its not for the lack of trying, they simply arent biting today. KARL A woman up the road said we were the sixth accident claims company in a week to knock on her door, its been hammered round here. Tommy (Sheepishly) I lost my tie. PENNY I dont want the excuses guys, we need to pull something out of the bag, if you think that were going to be the lowest performing team for yet another week, then youve got another thing coming. And have you even thought about what would happen if Darren turned up today? JP If youd just let me continue doing my thing, then wed be well on target. Karl What? You think pushing a pram out on to the dual carriage way was a good idea? JP (smugly) At the time yes. PENNY Youre the only person who can cause a pile up and not cause one bleeding injury. KARL (annoyed) Are you condoning what he does. PENNY Im not condoning anything, but credit where credit is due he thinks outside of the box. KARL I cant believe Im hearing this. THE FAINT SOUND OF AM AMBULANCE SIREN CAN BE HEARD IN THE DISTANCE. PENNY (listening to the sound) And I cant believe Im hearing this, quiet all of you. KARL What now? TOMMY I hear it Penny, I hear it. JP Youre right Tommy I hear it too, even though you are borderline retarded, you do have acute sense of hearing. TOMMY Thank you, its true. Terry I believe thats an ambulance siren. PENNY It sure is guys. KARL And what about it? PenNY This could be our chance to finally smash our target. TERRY Are you thinking what Im thinking? PENNY (Taking off her high heeled shoes) I sure am, its time to start running. KaRL Youve got to be joking? TOMMY EXCITEDLY STARTS RUNNING IN THE DIRECTION OF THE SIREN. THE OTHERS WATCH ON AS TOMMY RUNS IN A BIZARRE MANNER DOWN THE STREET. Jp Tommy why are you running like that? TOMMY (from a fair distance) Its my run. PENNY SETS OFF RUNNING BEHIND TOMMY, THEN FOLLOWED BY JP AND TERRY 00020000067200001D6566C,JP (Fingers crossed) Come on bus crash! KARL STANDS WATCHING THE OTHERS RUNNING DOWN THE STREET, KARL NOT WANTING TO DO THE SAME. KARL (shouting to the others) I said I would never do this again. DEFEATED KARL SETS OFF RUNNING AFTER THE OTHERS. KARL (CONT'D) Hang on then! Cut TO: DARRENS COMING 3. EXT. BMW CAR. DAY Darren is in his BMW driving at speed, he is listening to heavy rock playing very loud on his radio, he slams his hands on the steering wheel whilst nodding his head in rhythm with the music with an evil scowl across his face. Gary a local police officer is parked at the side of the road in his police car and is about to take a sip of his coffee, when Darren speeds passed, Gary is caught off guard and nearly spills his coffee into his lap. Gary sets off in pursuit of Darren. Darren sees the flashing blue lights in his rear view mirror and growls with annoyance, he pulls up at the side of the road. Gary gets out his car putting on his hat as he approaches the BMW. He taps on the passenger window. The window slowly comes down releasing the thumping noise of the music. Darren calmly turns off the music as Gary bends down to window. DArren Is there something the matter piglet? GARY First of all, you can change your attitude sunshine. Darren turns to face Gary. Who is shocked to see that it's Darren? Gary snatches his hat from his head in fear and holds it to his chest and becomes sheepishly child like in the presence of Darren. DARREN (menacingly) You were saying piglet? GARY Oh nothing, don't worry about it, what's one hundred and twenty six miles per hour in a school zone between friends hey? 0002000009B5000023D19AF,DArren Now that is a shame, I can normally squeeze at least one thirty out of this little beast, she's clearly tired. Darren begins caressing the steering wheel. Darren (CONT'D) Rest now girl catch your breath. GARY Thanks for sorting out that claim for me by the way. DARREN Oh yeah, when you fell off that riot horse? GARY I got a grand and a half pay out for it. DARREN And the horse? GARY It was put down. DARREN Good result all round then. GARY Yeah, well I don't want to keep you here all day, do you fancy a drink later? DARREN No GARY OK, well I'll be off then, thanks again Darren. DARREN IGNORES GARY AND TURNS THE MUSIC UP, THE PASSENGER WINDOW CLOSES ALMOST TRAPPING GARYS FINGERS. DARREN SPEEDS OFF INTO THE DISTANCE. DARREN LEAVES GARY IN A CLOUD OF DUST, WHO WAVES ENERGETICALLY. CUT: BACK TO 4. EXT. STREET. DAY PENNY, TOMMY, TERRY, JP AND KARL are all running down the street. The sound of the siren becomes louder as they get closer. Penny runs past Tommy who stumbles and loses his shoe. TOMMY Ive lost a shoe. PENNY Leave it, we have no time. Terry is running out of breathe catches up with Penny. TERRY Can we slow down, PENNY (Running faster) Never! JP is over taken by Karl. JP looks angry by this, stops then proceeds to light a cigarette, which gives him an extra boost of energy and he catches up with Karl, JP grins smugly AS HE OVERTAKES Karl, JP then begins coughing and spluttering and has to stop AGAIN AS KARL OVERTAKES HIM. Karl laughs at JP who coughs up another spit and proceeds to take another picture with his camera. JP begins running again. Karl approaches Penny. KARL Are you trying to kill us Penny? They turn a corner in to another street, Penny is nearly hit by a car, which slams on its breaks. Penny continues onto the new road not fazed by the car. PENNY (referring to the people in the car.) Terry sign them up for whip lash. Terry stops at the side of the car, the shocked driver winds his window down, Terry is so out of breathe that he struggles to speak. TeRRY (Out of breathe) Hi Im from Direct insurance claim sales, have any of you been injured, if so you can claim... CAR DRIVER (angrily Interrupting Terry) Are you kidding me that overly painted tart could have killed us... Terry too out of breathe to care disregards the driver and sets off running again. CUT: There is an ambulance parked out side a house Phillip and Curtis the paramedics are helping an old lady with an oxygen mask onto the ambulance. 00020000065E00002D80658,Curtis notices Penny and the others coming round the corner to approach them. Curtis For god sake Penny, not again. PENNY (Out of breathe and pulling out a claim form) Hang on whats happened here? Whats happen love? Penny reaches into the back of the ambulance and tries to remove the shocked old ladies oxygen mask. Phillip and Curtis grab Penny and push her away. Karl, Terry, JP AND Tommy look on, trying to catch their breaths. PHILLIP You cant keep doing this Penny. PENNY You cant grab me like that, Im going to sue you for that. CURTIS Penny this woman needs medical attention, youre stopping us from doing our job, again. Phillip We can just call the police. PENNY Shut up you, I want to speak with the injured party here, she has a right to claim... KARL (To Terry) Shouldnt we be stopping her, shes lost it. TeRRY (Still out of breathe) Let her have her moment. PENNY Just like you we have a very important job to do... Phillip Yeah OK Penny, whatever, bye now. JP (To Tommy and Karl) Shes going to say it! Karl No she isnt going to say it? PENNY Whenever theres an accident that wasnt your fault, an injury and youre not to blame, if youve had First aid, then remember Direct Insurance Claims Sales... KARL (Embarrassed) Oh no Shes going to say it. PENNY ...are your Second aid. Penny stands firm and proud as the others look away. Curtis (Sarcastically) Can you put in a claim for a asthma? Penny looks caught out and slightly embarrassed as the Ambulance Drives away. She bends down and puts on her shoes she then straightens herself up and turns to the others, who stand with their heads down. 00020000070C000033D8706,PENNY Well dont just stand there get knocking. TERRY, JP, TOMMY AND KARL ALL TURN TO WALK AWAY. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Terry & the Old Lady 5. EXT. STREET DAY. Terry bends down and places a fifty pence piece beside the broken pavement slab and takes a photo, he then stamps his foot down on the slab to make it more raised and broken. MRS. HENRY But I fell over there. TERRY Mrs. Henry I have been doing this for over six years now, I know a dangerous pavement when I see one. MRS. HENRY Yes but I fell over there, on some ice. TERRY But how do you know you didn't fall here my love? He stamps his foot down on the slab, trying to make the curb stone more hazardous. TERRY (CONT'D) Get up you little bugger. MRS. HENRY Beg your pardon? TERRY Not you Mrs. Henry. This slab has to be at least an inch high for it to class as the cause of your injuries. MRS. HENRY But I didn't fall there, I remember it as clear as yesterday, I was walking with my shopping and I slipped over there on some ice. TERRY Listen! Mrs. Henry. Trust me, let me work my magic. Anyway it's your civil duty. MRS. HENRY What do you mean civil duty? TERRY Think about it, if you put in a claim, the council has to act and fix this hazardous path and nobody else will have to suffer the terrible pains you've suffered. MRS. HENRY But TERRY I mean do you really want to be responsible for the injuries or even demise of your neighbors, Mrs. Henry? MRS. HENRY Well know, of course not TERRY Of course not, so if I can just get a photo of you pointing at the death trap, then that would be splendid. MRS. HENRY Well if you think it will help. Terry begins taking photos of Mrs. Henry. TERRY You're a saint Mrs. Henry, truly one of god's people, now if you can point and look sad, perfect Handing Mrs. Henry a pen and a claim form 000200000BFD00003ADEBF7,TERRY (CONT'D) Now all I need is your autograph and I can be on my way. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Tommy and the Bailiff 6. EXT. STREET. DAY. Tommy knocks on the door of a semi detached house and waits for an answer. There is a small fence to his right separating the garden from the house next door. Tommy glances over to see another sales man standing at the neighboring door also waiting for an answer. He is a stocky rough looking man wearing all black and holding a clip board. The man in black notices Tommy and nods. tommy Are you a sales man like me? MAN IN BLACK I'm not selling, I'm collecting. tommy Oh right, for a charity? MAN IN BLACK Something like that, what are you doing? TOMMY I work for Direct Insurance Claim Sales. We help people claim compensation for accidents they've had MAN IN BLACK (With a scowl) Parasite TOMMY Whats a parasite? MAN IN BLACK You lot, going around making people sue each other, and you're putting my insurance premiums up. TOMMY We help people. MAN IN BLACK You're the reason people don't say sorry any more, fear of admitting liability. How do you people sleep at night. Tommy is confused with the mans comments, as the neighboring door opens. An old lady in a dressing gown stands before the man in black. MAN IN BLACK (CONT'D) Are you Mrs. Cunningham? LADY Yes can I help you? MAN IN BLACK Yes you can, you can start with paying your council tax you little bitch. LADY I don't have any money. MAN IN BLACK (Overly aggressively) Well if you haven't got any money, I will have to take some of your crap to sell, won't I? Move! Pushing past the lady into her house Tommy is watching as the drama unfolds, he walks down the drive way towards the street, and watches as the man in black exits the old lady's house carrying her TV. MAN IN BLACK (CONT'D) You know what you owe, and if isn't paid by next week I'll be back for your dead husband's urn Bitch. The man in black exit's the lady's garden and loads the TV onto his van which is parked on the street. Tommy is watching still in shock. The man in black approaches Tommy and spits at Tommys feet. MAN IN BLACK (CONT'D) You people make me sick. The man in black gets into his van and drives away. The old lady is stood at the door clearly upset. TOMMY Excuse me are you alright? LADY Yes I'll be OK thank you; you're not here to take anything are you? TOMMY No, I work for DIRECT INSURANCE CLAIM SALES. The old woman spits a large glob of spit which smashes onto TOMMYS face. The old lady wipes her mouth and shouts. LADY Well piss off you parasite, you're the reason my insurance premium has gone up. The old lady slams her door shut, as TOMMY wipes the spit from his eye and lets out a large sigh. FADE OUT. KNOCKS ONCE FADE IN: 7. EXT. DRIVEWAY. DAY Karl raises his hand to knock on the yellow frosted glass door. Karl knocks once but before he can knock a second time the door is flung open, startling Karl. The occupant stands before him wearing large bifocal glasses, a dirty off white string vest with equally dirty off white large under pants. 00020000086A000046D5864,The occupant acts shifty and on edge OCCUPANT Who the Bugger are you? KARL Erm? OCCUPANT Erm? Who the hell knocks once? KARL What? I erm OCCUPANT Why did you knock on my door with a single knock? KARL What? OCCUPANT Sorry am I asking you a difficult question? You seem to be struggling with this one. KARL Well no, I didn't have chance to knock twice; you open the door too quickly. OCCUPANT (sarcastically) Hang on now, I opened my door too quickly, I didn't know there was a specific way I should open my own door. KARL What? I'm just saying OCCUPANT Is there a law against the way I open my door? Who are you the door police? KARL No, you asked me why I knocked once; I'm just saying you happened to open the door before I could knock a second time. OCCUPANT I might be going out KARL Oh right, are you going out? OCCUPANT I might be KARL I can come back later if now's not a good time. OCCUPANT I might stay in now KARL OK OCCUPANT OK Uncomfortable pause OCCUPANT (CONT'D) Who are you,anyway? KARL Oh right! I'm Karl and I'm from Direct Insurance Claim Sales and OCCUPANT (shouting fast) Why-don't-we-start-this-again? KARL Sorry what? OCCUPANT Let's start over. The occupant slams the door shut and speaks from behind the frosted glass. OccUPANt (CONT'D) We got off the wrong foot, so knock again. KARL Look its OK, we don't have to do that. OCCUPANT No, no I think we do, so, knock again Karl looks down the driveway, considering to exit the garden Karl looks back at the door and lightly knocks on the glass. The Occupant stands firm behind the glass not responding to the knock. KARL I've knocked Hello? The occupant stands and stares from behind the glass door. KARL (CONT'D) Hello? OCCUPANT I didn't hear it KARL What do you mean? You can see me OCCUPANT I might be in the bath. KARL (Losing patients) This is ridiculous, you're not in the bath youre stood right there, I can see you. OCCUPANT I could have been in the bath. KARL But, this is stupid, I'm going Karl turns to leave OCCUPANT (still from behind the glass) Wait! KARL What's the point of this? OCCUPANT Knock harder KARL Oh my god, If I do will you open the door? 0002000006C800004F396C2,OCCUPANT If I can hear can hear from the bathroom I will. KARL Are you serious? OCCUPANT Very, so, knock harder. Karl frustrated knocks harder, much harder. The door is flung open and the occupant, he stands face to face with Karl with an angry look on his face. OCCUPANT (CONT'D) what the hell are you doing? I'm not deaf. KARL (defeated) see ya! Karl turns and walks away down the driveway. The Occupant is shouting in the background. OCCUPANT Go on, that's it run away beat my door down and just run away What a big man- The Occupants is holding his chord less phone which rings once, before it rings a second time the occupant answers. OCCUPANT (CONT'D) -Who the hell rings once? The occupant enters the house and slams the door shut. FADE: CRUSTY BUNS CAF FaDE IN: 8. INT. CAFE. DAY Karl, Terry, JP and Tommy are sat around the table by the window. Karl stirs his tea, Terry is reading the news paper, Tommy is attaching drinking straws together and JP returns from the toilet JP (proudly) I should put a claim in against that curry house, Ive made a right mess in there, my dirt pipes like a blood orange. JP proudly waves the image on the camera in front of Karl JP (CONT'D) I took a picture for you though KARL (Addressing JP) There is seriously something medically wrong with you. JP (Looking at the image on the camera) I have to agree, it looks like a nest of baby otters. JP Shows Terry the image. Terry is not amused. TERRY You're very immature, do you know that? JP Call the coast guard! The others look on unimpressed. Jp (CONT'D) What do you lot know anyway, this is quality. TERRY Dont let Penny see you with that, those cameras are meant to be used for collecting evidence, youre abusing her trust. 000200000974000055FB96E,JP Oh go back to sleep grandad, Jesus, when was the last time you used your camera to collect evidence? People arent claiming anymore, so Im using this to make money elsewhere. TERRY What a surprise, JP, being underhand again. JP While you losers bust your nuts, on a ship thats already sank. Im making cash, with my little digital friend here. KARL (trying not to be interested) Go on. JP If any of you nick my idea I will use actual fire to burn you down. Im looking at you Tommy. TOMMY IS UNAWARE OF WHATS GOING ON. JP (CONT'd) Its called freaky Pics dot com TERRY Internet porn? Jp No, its this web site that pays money for freaky pictures. TERRY Internet porn then? KARL And they pay for pictures of your shit do they? JP No thats for my personal collection. A mate of mine sent them a pic of some guys severed cock and got three hundred and fifty quid for it. KARL (Mocking JP) come across many severed cocks in a week do you? JP You never know with the people we meet, you never know. TERRY Sorry Ive lost the reason why I started listening to you. KARL I need to get my commission this month, Im absolutely skint ToMMY Me too, I cant even afford my dinner today, I found a bottle of orange coke on the bus this morning, Ill probably just have that. KaRL Orange coke? Tommy Yeah I think coke do orange now, Someone must have left it on the bus, Ive got it here. Tommy hands Karl the bottle. Karl unscrews the lid and smells to contents. KARL This is a bottle of piss Tommy! Jp You filthy boy. ToMMY Oh no, I knew it didnt taste right KARL Do you know what I mean Terry. Terry hands Tommy five pounds. TERRY Buy yourself sandwich. Tommy Thank you, Ill pay you back. Terry Go and buy some mints, can we all now drop the piss and poo conversation please? Ive just ordered eggs for god sake. JP puts his hand out to Terry expecting some money. TerRY (CONT'D) Piss off you. Jp If I ate a shit youd pay me. Karl No but youd film it. Terry laughs CUT TO: Penny is at the counter speaking with mavin the chubby greek cafe owner. PENNY A latte please Marvin. MARVIN STARTS TO PREPARE THE DRINK. MARVIN Whats the matter, you looking depressed face today. PENNY Were struggling to hit target again, I cant seem to get through to them. MARVIN Ive been having the same problem with my son. He never listen to me, I say Marco why you not clean the greasy little tray of Georgie Forman, hey?.. 00020000068700005F69681,He Say papa I tired, I no sleep blah, blah, blah... PENNY What did you do? MARVIN What any good father would do, I invite him and new girlfriend to my home. PENNY To talk things over? MARVIN No, I invite them round to home to beat Marco like small child, in front of new girlfriend...She cry, she cry so much, Marco he cry...please papa no more...I say, you show respect for popa, you show respect. MARVIN TURNS FROM PENNY, THEN RETURNS WITH THE GREASE TRAY FROM THE GEORGE FOReMAN GRILL, WHICH IS VERY CLEAN. MARVIN (CONT'D) You see Penny, respect. PENNY Can you bring the tea over to us please Marvin, thank you. PENNYS MOBILE PHONE BUZZES, SHE READS THE MESSAGE FROM DARREN which reads ON MY WAY. PENNY APPEARS WORRIED. CUT TO: PENNY TAKES A SEAT At THE TABLE, SHE LOOKS AT THE GROUP AND SMILES. PENNY (CONT'D) Come on guys cheer up, we can do this, weve been in this position before, we got through it then, we can get through it now! They look at Penny not convinced. Tommy (keenly) Yeah we can do it! The others look at Tommy Jp Shut up Tommy, you geek! Penny Leave him alone, at least Tommy still has the buzz for the job, look at the rest of you. Karl Ill be honest, Ive lost the buzz, theres only so many times I can handle having a door slammed in my face. Tommy An old lady spat in my face earlier, but its fine, Im still happy. Penny smiles at Tommy, who blushes. Karl With respect Tommy, crayons and a colouring book would keep you happy. JP laughs Penny I know its getting hard, but we need to hang in there, I was thinking of organizing a team building day, you know paint balling or something, to perk us all up, what do you think? 0002000006A4000065EA69E,Terry It sounds like a great idea but these lads dont have a pot too piss in. Jp Yeah Tommys been drinking out of the pot. PENNY What? I will pay for it, if it helps my team do better, then I dont mind making a little financial sacrifice. KARL Sounds like a good idea Penny Well if we aim for next Saturday, Ill book it, oh I almost forgot, its team member of the month time. JP laughs at the notion of team member of the month. PENNY (CONT'D) Excuse me did I say something funny? Jp Well its,it doesnt matter. PENNY If youve got something to say then say it. Jp Well its something Karl said last month about the vouchers for a prize. KaRL Dont bring me into this. Penny Karl, what about the vouchers? KARL We were all saying last month, that, well... Penny Go on! Karl Look I have a lot of debt, Im considering signing on to keep my head above water and well, the vouchers, I cant pay the council tax bill with a five pound voucher for HMV. PENNY looks furious, KARL (CONT'D) Im just saying, thats all PENNY looks like she about cry PENNY Do you know, this incentive was to show my appreciation for you lot and you just throw it back in my face... Penny flaps her hand in front of her face to try and keep back the tears. Karl looks at the others slightly embarrassed. Terry Listen Penny love, we appreciate the gesture, Karl is just finding it hard at the moment, were all feeling the pinch. PENNY Do you not think that I maybe I might be struggling too, Ive got my own little ones at home to feed and clothe... JP Intervenes Jp You put clothes on your cats? Penny Just on Scampi, fuzz scratches. Youve all got to understand if you guys dont get paid then I dont get paid. 0002000008AB00006C888A5,JP Intervenes Jp What about your basic salary? PENNY Its not very much, besides, I need that, its not cheap to look like this you know. KaRL Look Penny, Im sorry, its just been a rough morning, well really push for it today, all of us. The others smile at Penny Penny Thanks lads, Im off to the ladies room to calm myself down, oh and Darrens on his way. The team looks at each other nervously, as Penny leaves the table. Cut TO: Penny walks past Marvin whos cleaning a table as she approaches the bathroom. Marvin Did you get the respect Penny? Penny secretly whispers to Marvin PENNY I find switching on the water works, gets the job done. She secretly high fives Marvin Marvin Naughty, naughty, Penny. Penny struts to the bathroom. fade OUT. Darrens here FADE IN: 9. EXT/INT STREET/CAFE. DAY DARRENS BMW PULLS UP OUTSIDE THE CAFE, HIS TIRE IS UP ON THE CURB, THE ROAD HAS DOUBLE YELLOW LINES MARKED ON IT. THE MUFFLED SOUND OF ROCK MUSIC STOPS AS HE EXITs THE DRIVERS SIDE OF THE VEHICLE. HE ADJUSTS HIS TIE AND DIAMOND ENCRUSTED CUFF LINKS AS HE APPROACHES THE DOOR OF THE CAFE. AS DARREN IS ABOUT TO ENTER THE CAFE, A TRAFFIC WARDEN APPROACHES HIS BADLY PARKED BMW. DARREN TURNS TO THE Traffic WARDEN WITH A MENACING SCOWL. DARREN Oy Adolph, keep walking. THE TRAFFIC WARDEN IS SHOCKED WITH THE REMARK, HE LOOKS UP AND NOTICES DARREN. THE WARDEN HAS FEAR IN HIS EYES AND RUNS OFF DOWN THE STREET. DARREN LETS OUT AN EVIL LAUGH AND PROCEED TO ENTER THE CAFE. DARREN ENTERS THE CAFE BY KICKING THE DOOR WIDE OPEN. THE TEAM AND OTHER CUSTOMERS IN THE CAFE ALMOST JUMP OUT OF THERE SEATS. DARREN ENTERS AND APPROACHES THE COUNTER, ARROGANTLY LOOKING AROUND THE CAFE. MARVIN LOOKS UNCONCERNED WITH DARRENS PRESENCE AND STANDS WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE. MARVIN What can I get you? DARREN SLAMS HIS HAND ON THE COUNTER HE STARES AT THE TEAM NOT LOOKING AT MARVIN AS HE REELS OFF HIS ORDER. DARREN Bacon, eggs, sausage, beans, two hash browns, mushrooms, black pudding and chips, I want it over there. Twenty minutes ago. DARREN WALKS AWAY FROM THE COUNTER TOWARDS THE TEAM. MARVIN Bacon sandwich coming up! DARREN SITS AT THE TABLE WITH THE TEAM, HE GLARES MENACINGLY AT THEM. FINALLY FOCUSING ON PENNY. 0002000006490000752D643,DARREN I wanna know facts and figures, talk to me sugar tits. JP SNIGGERS, DARREN SCOWLS AT HIM. PENNY Well we are trying very hard, were going to finish here and get back on it. DARREN Facts and figures fun bags, dont feed me bull-shit, Ive order my breakfast. PENNY LOOKS UNCOMFORTABLE WITH DARRENS QUESTIONING, TERRY INTERVENES. TERRY We are going to try harder. DARREN DOESNT TAKE HIS FOCUS OFF PENNY and ADDRESSES TERRY BY POINTING HIS FINGER. DARREN I dont remember asking you anything grandad. KARL IS ANNOYED WITH THIS COMMENT KARL Come on Darren thats a bit harsh isnt it? DARREN STANDS in a rage UP KNOCKING HIS CHAIR TO THE GROUND. DARREN Ill tell you whats harsh, my foot up youre arse, sweetheart! KARL LOOKS SHOCKED AND BEMUSED WITH DARRENS AGGRESSIVE ACTIONS. JP AND TOMMY KEEP THERE HEADS DOWN NOT WANTING TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE SITUATION PENNY STANDS UP AND TRIES TO CALM DARREN DOWN he STARes AT KARL AS HE PICK UP HIS CHAIR AND SITS BACK DOWN. DARREN (CONT'D) So I ask again, facts and figures. Penny What, right now? DARREN Jesus Christ Im going to blow up here...yes right now! PENNY its only morning, I mean, we have a full day to hit target. Darren Its eleven thirty, that means youve had four and half hours, so I ask again, facts and figures. PENNY PLUCKS UP THE COURAGE. PENNY Three! DaRREN You better be twisting my nuts Penny, I swear to god! KARL Its not for the lack of trying... DARREN SLAMS HIS HAND ON THE TABLE. DARREN Say another word...I dare you. KARL STAYS SILENT. Penny starts fake sobbing. PENNY Were going to work especially hard today Darren. 000200000D1000007B70D0A,DARREN Dont try that with me girl, it might work on this soppy lot, but it most certainly wont work on me. Penny stops sobbing PENNY Sorry Darren The others look at each other then at Penny, and feel like theyve been conned. DARREN Look out there. Darren points through the window at his Shiny BMW. The team all turn look out of the window at the car. DARREN (CONT'D) I didnt get her by not hitting my target, you can live your life like losers if you want, or you can grow a pair and live like a sexual man mountain like me. (PAUSE) DARREN (CONT'D) Believe it or not I dont like seeing you fail, no, cos when youre good its never and when youre bad its always The team look as if they are trying to work out the meaning of whats just been said. Darren (CONT'D) Look this isnt my idea but head office have had the bright idea to give you a little incentive. If you hit target today thats 21 shiny little claims. Which I could do standing on my head. JP under his breath JP Cock DARREN Then you will get 100 each. JPS EYES LIGHT UP PENNY Thats fantastic, hey guys, we can use some of that money for a drink after paint balling. DARREN (with glee) Did you say paint balling? Penny Yeah we were thinking about setting something up for next week, do you fancy it? DaRREN Do I fancy it? Let me tell you that I was the under twenty champion of paint balling back in the day, so yeah I do fancy it, if you lot think you can take me on. Karl sniggers DARREN (CONT'D) Did I say something funny? KARL No. Darren stares at Karl, who has his head down trying not to laugh DARREN Im out of here. Penny I want an update on figures at twenty-one hundred hours, if you havent hit target by then, dont bother coming in tomorrow. Any of you. But make sure you put me down for that paint balling day please. PENNY Yeah thats fine, no problem, What about your breakfast? DARREN Ive lost my appetite. DARREN EXITS THE CAFE TEAM twat! LOVES BLIND 10. EXT. STREET. DAY JP AND TOMMY WALK UP THE STREET, JP IS LOOKING THROUGH THE PHOTOS ON THE CAMERA. JP I would round house kick him in the face, Hed be on the ground going please I beg you no more then I would two foot jump on his fat head...Yeah thats what I'd do. TOMMY CONTINUES WALKING WITH A STRANGE SMILE ON HIS FACE NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO JP. JP (CONT'D) What do you think...Tommy? Do you like been slapped or something? I will smack you about the face every time you ignore me. TOMMY What? JP I swear you walk around like rain man, were you listening to anything I said? TOMMY No but dont hit me, I was thinking of her. JP Who? TOMMY Penny of course Jp You are so gay, shes a hog Tommy TOMMY Hey dont talk about her like that, shes beautiful. JP (SARCASTIC) Yeah Tommy shes stunning. TOMMY Did you see her when she was running and the sweat trickled down her face leaving white lines in her make up...ah! JP You can put make up on a pig Tommy, but its still pig. ToMMY (ANNOYED) Shut up what would you know anyway? JP (SPITEFULLY) I know that half of the companys sampled miss piggys beef curtains, and you havent got a hope in hells chance of porking her, so pull your head out of the clouds. TOMMY UPSET BY JPS WORDS AND WALKS UP A DRIVEWAY. TOMMY You can be a nasty piece of work sometimes. JP Come on, I was messing about, dont cry about it...Tommy? 000200000DA70000887ADA1,TOMMY TURNS AROUND GIVING JP THE FINGER, JP TAKES A PICTURE. JP SNIGGERS and PULLS out A HAMMER FROM HIS BAG THEN LOOKS ACROSS THE STREET. JP (CONT'D) (TO SELF) Right then! FADE OUT. Fat family FADE IN: 11. EXT. FRONT DOOR. DAY The small scruffy boy opens the door. KARL Is your mum or dad in? The boy stares at Karl not responding. KARL (CONT'D) -Well? Are they? Still no response from the boy KARL (CONT'D) -Are you deaf? Karl looks into the house over the boys head. Karl (CONT'D) -HELLO, IS ANYBODY IN? (CALLING) The mother replies from the living room MOTHER (O.S.) HELLO, WHO'S THAT? KARL HI IT'S KARL FROM DIRECT INSURANCE CLAIM SALES, MOTHER (O.S.) OH RIGHT, WE WEREN'T EXPECTING YOU LOT TODAY, YOU BEST COME IN THEN. KARL OKay CHEERS! Karl looks down at the boy expecting him move but the boy stands firm staring at Karl KARL (CONT'D) (patronizingly) Can I get past please mate? The boy still doesnt move. KARL (CONT'D) (angrily) -Kid move out of the way, I need to speak to your mum The boy still doesnt move, Karl bites his lip and simply pushes the boy by the face out of the way, as Karl enters the house the boy is not phased by this and continues to stare. CUT TO: From a distance 12. EXT. DOOR STEP. DAY TERRY KNOCKS ON THE DOOR; THE DOOR IS FLUNG OPEN BY TINA. TINA IS A ROUGH LOOKING WOMAN. TINA DISREGARDS TERRY AND CALLS FOR HER SON DANNY, SHE SHOUTS AT THE TOP OF HER VOICE. TINA (CALLING) 'DANNY? DANNY REPLIES FROM THE DISTANCE OUT OF SIGHT DANNY (O.S.) What? TINA WHERE ARE YOU? DANNY (O.S.) At the park TINA WHO WITH? DANNY (O.S.) Carter TINA YOU BETTER NOT BE UP TO NO GOOD? DANNY (O.S.) We're just chilling TINA I WANT YOU HOME SOON DANNY (O.S.) Why? TINA YOUR TEA IS ALMOST READY, THAT'S WHY. DANNY (O.S.) What are we having? TINA WHAT? DANNY (O.S.) What are we having? TINA WHAT? DANNY (O.S.) What Are We Having? TINA FISH FINGERS DANNY (O.S.) Yeah TINA CHIPS DANNY (O.S.) Yeah TINA AND PEAS. DANNY What? TINA PEAS DANNY (O.S.) What? TINA PEAS DANNY (O.S.) Beans? TINA NO PEAS DANNY (O.S.) I don't like peas TINA DO YOU WANT BEANS? DANNY (O.S.) I don't like peas. TINA I HEARD YOU, DO YOU WANT BEANS? DANNY (O.S.) Can I have beans, instead of peas? TINA YES DANNY (O.S.) Carter said can he come for tea? TINA WHY ISN'T HE HAVING HIS TEA AT HOME? DANNY (O.S.) He said his mum kicked him out TINA WHAT FOR THIS TIME? DANNY (O.S.) What? TINA I SAID WHY HAS JANICE KICKED HIM OUT AGAIN DANNY (O.S.) He said he doesn't know. JANICE (O.S.) HE DOES KNOW. I CAUGHT HIM STEALING MY FAGS AGAIN. TINA YOU DO RIGHT JANICE. Janice (O.S.) HOWS YOUR MIKE, TINA? TINA STILL FAT AND LAZY. MIKE SPEAKS OUT OF SHOT FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE MIKE (O.S.) I heard that you cheeky cow, TINA You were bloody meant to you fat mess. CAN YOU HEAR HIM HERE JANICE? DANNY (O.S.) What? TINA I'M TALKING TO JANICE DANNY (O.S.) Oh right carter said can he still come for tea TINA & JANICE NO! DANNY (O.S.) Janice, Carter said can he come home? TINA WHAT? DANNY (O.S.) I'm talking to Janice. TINA OK JANICE (O.S.) TELL HIM, 'HE CAN COME HOME IF HE BUYS ME MORE FAGS' TINA NICE ONE JANICE, YOU TELL HIM. JANICE (O.S.) WHAT? TINA I WAS JUST SAYING NICE ONE! JANICE (O.S.) I JUST TOLD HIM THAT HE CAN COME HOME IF HE BUYS ME MORE FAGS. TINA I HEARD YOU I WAS SAYING NICE ONE! DANNY (O.S.) HE SAID HE HASN'T GOT ANY MONEY FOR FAGS. JANICE (O.S.) TELL HIM HE SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE HE NICKED MINE. DANNY (O.S.) Mum, carter said can you lend him some money for some fags. 00020000069A0000961B694,TINA TELL HIM HE'S A CHEEKY LITTLE TOE RAG. DANNY (O.S.) He's laughing JANICE DON'T YOU BE LENDING HIM MONEY TINA. MIKE, TINA'S HUSBAND SPEAKS FROM THE LIVING ROOM OUT OF SIGHT. MIKE (O.S.) Who's wanting money? TINA No ones talking to you go back to sleep you fat pig. DANNY (O.S.) What JANICE (O.S.) I'M TALKING TO YOUR MUM TINA DON'T YOU WORRY JANICE HE'LL GET NOTHING FROM ME. MIKE (O.S.) Dam right TINA Shut your face JANICE (O.S.) I'M OFF TINA i'M EXPECTING A CALL FROM OUR STE, HE'S MEANT TO BE COMING OUT NEXT WEEK. TINA I HEAR A PISS UP. JANICE (O.S.) TINA, OUR STE IS MEANT TO BE COMING OUT NEXT WEEK. TINA YES I SAID WE'LL HAVE TO HAVE A PISS UP TO CELEBRATE JANICE (O.S.) WE'LL HAVE TO HAVE A PISS UP OR SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE. TINA YEAH THAT'S WHAT I SAID. MIKE (O.S.) Tell her we'll have to have a piss up TINA You can hear me shouting can't you? You silly fat bastard MIKE (O.S.) Carry on Tina, I mean it, carry on. TINA CAN YOU HEAR HIM HERE JANICE, KICKING OFF AGAIN DANNY (O.S.) What TINA I'M TALKING TO JANICE. JANICE (O.S.) WHAT IS HE GOING ON ABOUT NOW? TINA Bugger ALL PER USUAL. JANICE (O.S.) I'LL PHONE YOU LATER TINA LOVE- DANNY? TELL CARTER IF I DON'T HAVE A FRESH PACK OF FAGS IN MY BAG BY THE MORNING I'LL BEAT HIM THAT HARD HIS ARSE WILL FEEL LIKE A SPOT WELDERS THUMB. DANNY (O.S.) What? JANICE (O.S.) TELL HIM I WANT MY FAGS BACK DANNY (O.S.) He's run off a minute ago; think he's gone to get some chips. JANICE (O.S.) HE'S GOT MONEY FOR CHIPS BUT NOT FOR MY FAGS? TELL HIM HE'S DEAD. DANNY (O.S.) Mum can I get some chips? TINA WHAT ABOUT YOUR TEA? DANNY (O.S.) What are we having again? TINA (O.S.) FISH FINGERS CHIPS AND BEANS. DANNY (O.S.) What? 000200000A2B00009CAFA25,TINA What, have you got your mobile on you? DANNY (O.S.) Yes why? Terry look dumbfounded by the whole situation. TINA So I can phone you instead of shouting in the street. DANNY Why dont you phone me mum? Stop shouting in the street. TINA NOTICES TERRY STANDING there as she takes her phone out of her pocket and begins to dial, Terry attempTs to speak, but Tina puts her hand up to stop him as she conNects to DANNY ON THE PHONE. TINA (ON THE PHONE) Hi, can you hear me, what, no, its the signal, youre breaking up, no, fish fingers, yeah, chips, no chips, this bleeding phone. Janice hangs up the phone and addresses Terry. tiNA (CONT'D) Yes love, how can I help? TERRY Forget it! Cut: BACK TO 13. INT: HALLWAY/ LIVING ROOM DOOR. DAY Karl slowly pushes the living room door open. The living room is very dirty with take away boxes littered everywhere. 3 children sit on the floor in front of the TV. The mother and father are sat on the sofa semi naked covered by a large yellow stained Blanket The father is very over weight and has reddish rashes and scabs covering his balding head and most of his bare back. He grazes on a large bag of crisps and never takes his eyes off the TV screen. The mother is also very over weight she is sat under the blanket. She wears an off white dirty bra barely containing her large breasts, she speaks with a gravelly voice. MOTHER Come in then KARL Thanks MOTHER Sit down then your making the house look untidy KARL LOOKS AROUND FOR A CHAIR. KARL Sit down on what? MOTHER- (To a child) Here you, get him something to sit on. THE KID EXITS THE ROOM BRIEFLY AND RETURNS WITH A BROKEN VIDEO PLAYER, HE THROWS IT ON THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF KARL. MOTHER Sit down then. KARL You want me to sit on that? MOTHER We don't have any chairs. KARL (Disbelief) You don't have any chairs? MOTHER These frigging kids smashed them up, used them for a bonfire last year, didn't you? You little Terrors? The MOTHER KICKS YOU ONE OF THE KIDS IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD, THE KIDS SNIGGER. Karl DEFEATED SITS AWKWARDLY ON THE DIRTY VIDEO PLAYER; HE DOESN'T REALIZE THAT HE HAS SAT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE TV. The FATHER BEGINS MAKING PIG LIKE NOISES WITH ANNOYANCE THAT HIS VIEW OF THE TV HAS BEEN BLOCKED BY Karl. MOTHER (CONT'D) Jesus, are you made of glass? KARL What? MOTHER AND FATHER TV, the TV. KARL Oh sorry. KARL MOVES OUT OF THE WAY. THE MOTHER TRIES TO COMFORT THE FATHER. MOTHER TV is back now, TV is back, shh! KARL (To the father) Sorry about that MOTHER He won't speak to you now; he's in his special place. KARL I here that one of you has had an accident? 000200000A470000A6D4A41,MOTHER Wait a minute, we've not been paid for the last claim we put in. KARL (Nervous) What claim is that? MOTHER We put in 3, when the kids got nits; we were suing the school for negligence. KARL (itching his head and thinking on his feet) Ill be honest with you claiming for nits isnt exactly the strongest of claims, so what we normally do, to make a claim like that stronger is to put more claims in to support been processed by the solicitors...yeah, thats it! MOTHER (Suspicious) So what do I need to do? KARL claim for something else, like an actually injury. MOTHER I need to think, how about a nice cupper? KARL No I'm OK thanks MOTHER Don't be silly, it's no bother. KARL No really I'm fine thanks MOTHER- (Ignoring Karl and directing a kid) Two coffees KARL So who's hurt themselves then? MOTHER Well thinking about it, it's funny you should turn up, my eldest hurt himself the other week, broke his wrist. KARL Jackpot! I mean, really what happened. MOTHER He fell off the church roof. KARL Is he a Scaffolder? MOTHER Burglar! He was robbing lead, lost his footing fell off, the dozy bugger! Can he claim for that? KARL What? Who are you wanting to claim against, your son was stealing. Who do what to sue, the church? MOTHER Dam Right we do, if they didn't have such a pricey roof then our Kevin wouldn't have been up there in the first place, would he? KARL I guess not. The CHILD RETURNS WITH THE CUPS OF COFFEE AND HANDS Karl A VERY DIRTY CHIPPED CUP. MOTHER He makes the best cupper, he does; he's riddle with autism but what a cupper! THE BOY STANDS CROSSED EYE AND STARES AT KARL; THE MOTHER TAKES A BIG SLURP AS KARL PLACES THE CUP ON THE FLOOR. KARL So is Kevin in, I could do with getting some details from him. KARL LOOKS UP TO SEE THE ENTIRE FAMILY STARING AT HIM. MOTHER Are you not going to have a drink? KARL No I said I didn't want one. MOTHER- (Slightly annoyed with KARL) But he made you a cupper? KARL But I said I didnt want one MOTHER But he makes a great cupper KARL I dont want one, thank you though. MOTHER (pointing at the child) Look at his little face, youll upset him if you dont drink it, its the only thing he can do. Karl looks at the bog eyed child who shows no emotion, Karl looks down at the filthy cup of coffee thinking how to get out of drinking it. KARL Its too hot, I'll leave it to cool for the moment. MOTHER A coffee boiled is a coffee spoiled; everyone knows that, so drink up. KARL LOOKS AROUND AT THE FAMILY WHO CONTINUE TO STARE AT HIM WITH ANNOYANCE. KARL HESITANTLY PICKS UP THE FILTHY CUP. KARL Do you know what, I've just realized, I'm not even thirsty. 0002000006860000B115680,MOTHER- (angry) My little lad has gone to all that effort to make you and wonderful cupper for you and you just throw it back in his little autistic face KARL RAISES THE CUP TO HIS LIPS, HE REMOVES A LARGE curly BLACK HAIR OUT OF THE WAY, HE SMILES AT THE ON LOOKERS AND AS HE IS ABOUT TO TAKE A SIP. Kevin ENTERS THE ROOM, HE IS A LARGE GINGER HAIRED MAN WITH ROTTEN TEETH and SCABS ACROSS HIS MOUTH AND LIPS. HE SPEAKS WITH A STRONG IRISH ACCENT. KEVin Hey ma, that's my cup! KARL SPITS OUT THE COFFEE AND DROPS THE CUP ON THE FLOOR. KARL Sorry, look, listen I think we should leave this for today. MOTHER What do you mean he's here now we can sort out this claim? KARL No I think it's best if I leave now. Karl head towards the door to leave but Kevin is blocking his exit. KEVin Hey ma, do you want me to punch him in the temple? KARL What? MOTHER And break your other wrist? Just move out of his way. Karl squeezes passed Kevin in the doorway, then standing on a large pile of dog Poo on the carpet. KARL (Very annoyed) Yeah, it seems your dog has left a little present for me here on the carpet. MOTHER We don't have a dog. KARL- (Appalled) Dirty bastards! FADE OUT. UNABLE TO BE HELPED? FADE IN: 14. EXT. STREET. DAY KARL WALKS AROUND THE STREET CORNER AND TRIPS AND FALLS TO THE GROUND. JP JUMPS OUT OF THE BUSHES WITH A CLAIM FORM IN HAND, HE NOTICES THAT ITS KARL ON THE GROUND. JP Oh its you. KARL Jesus Christ I almost broke my neck. JP Stop over reacting, I thought Id got someone then. Karl Did you do this? JP Yeah! Karl Youve got to stop doing this, someone could have been hurt. JP Thats the point. KARL Have you knocked this street yet? 000200000ACF0000B795AC9,JP Nope I think Tommys done a few. KARL Youre not bothered are you? JP About what? KARL The Bonus! JP Course I am KARL Wells lets get knocking then. THEY WALK PAST A GARDEN, THERE IS A SKINNY MAN STOOD AT THE FENCE SMOKING A CIGARETTE. KARL (CONT'D) Hi mate, have you had an accident recently that wasnt your fault? The man No thanks no sale. Karl Im not selling anything pal, Im trying to help people get money for injuries theyve had. The man You wouldnt be able to help me. THE MAN TURNS TO HEAD BACK INTO HIS HOME, KARL TURNS TO JP WHO IS TIEING A PIECE OF WIRE BETWEEN TWO TREES. KARL Hey come over here JP What? KARL I think Ive got one, but he looks like a bit of a nutter, come in with me. JP Oh what? Im busy. KARL Just come on. THEY OPEN THE GATE AND HEAD UP THE DRIVE WAY. Cut TO: LACK OF URGENCY 15. EXT. STREET. DAY Tommy is jumping on and off a curb, PENNY CATCHES TOMMY DOING THIS AS SHE APPROACHES FROM AROUND THE CORNER. PenNY What are you doing? TOMMY IS STARTLED AND FLUSTERED TO COME UP WITH A WAY OF MAKING HIMSELF LOOK BUSY, HE BENDS DOWN TO TIE HIS SHOE LACE. TOMMY Im just tieing my laces. PENNY Get up, your shoes are Velcro. ToMMY Sorry Penny PENNY I dont get it, you were there when Darren gave his speech this morning? ToMMY Yes. PenNY So you do understand the importance of us hitting our target then. TOMMY Yes sorry PENNY So why the hell have Ive caught jumping up and down in the street and not banging those doors. ToMMY Sorry Penny PENNY Right stop saying sorry and get knocking. I want this entire street doing now. TOMMY STARTS WALKING DOWN THE LONG STREET, WALKING PAST ALL THE HOUSES HE SHOULD BE KNOCKING. PENNY LOOKS FRUSTRATED WATCHING TOMMY WALK DOWN THE STREET. PENNY (CONT'D) What are you doing Tommy? TOMMY Going to knock on the doors. Penny (shouts) Start from this end you crank! ToMMY Oh yeah, sorry Penny. Penny (to self) I swear that boy has special needs. cUT: BACK TO Lost but not forgotten 16. INT: THE MANS DARK AND DANK LIVING ROOM. DAY KARL & JP are sitting on the old dirty sofa, the MAN is sitting opposite them on tatty leather arm chair. The walls are yellow and dirty the room is all but empty but for a small table with an ashtray over filled with cigarette butts. JP (sarcastically) Nice place you got here. KARL ELBOWS JP, TO SHUT HIM UP KARL (trying to be professional) So how is it we can help? MAN (Lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag) I've lost everything, I lost my wife and kids, my job JP (Impatiently) So what happened? MAN I'm a bit nervous to be honest with you lads KARL Listen were fully trained in giving impartial advice. Don't worry, we maybe able to help. JP (Under his breath to Karl) geek! MAN The money would help. JP (Impatiently prompting the man) 0002000006760000C25E670,So? MAN Do I get the money straight away or JP (interrupting Karl) No mate, it works like this, you tell us what injury you've had and we tell you if you have a claim or not. So do you fancy telling us what happened, before I die with suspense? KARL FROWNS AT JP MAN Sorry, it's just I've not spoken about this for long time. KARL (Reassuring) Its fine take your time, start from top. JP ROLLS HIS EYES MAN Well it was summer and the front lawn was getting a bit overgrown, it was a Sunday, she'd taken the kids to their Grandmas house KARL TAKE A CLAIM FORM FROM HIS BACK AND CLICKS HIS PEN PREPARING TO WRITE. MAN (CONT'D) so I decided to do bit of gardening, you know tidy it up a bit? I just bought one of those high powered grass trimmers KARL (sowing genuine interest) Oh yeah my dads got some, the blades are made from titanium. JP LOOKS AT KARL WITH SARCASTIC AMAZEMENT JP (To Karl under his breath) You do have girlfriend don't you? KARL (under his breath to JP) Shut up, you tit! MAN (Continued) Yeah those are the ones Well I'd not even had them switched on for more than half a minute, when it clogged up and stopped... THE MANS HANDS BEGIN TO SHAKE AS HE TAKE ANOTHER DRAG OF HIS CIGARETTE MAN (CONT'D) Now I know what I should have done, I should have turned it off, I should turned it off at the mains but I didn't I don't know why but I went to turn it around so I could see what was clogging the blades, instead of pulling it away from me, I pulled it towards myself and it started up again. THE MAN PUTS HEAD DOWN AND SPEAKS LOUDER MAN (CONT'D) it ripped through my shorts, through my under pants and, lopped off the end 0002000007D60000C8CE7D0,KARL GRIMACES WITH HIS MOUTH OPEN AND SLOWLY PLACES HIS HAND OVER HIS OWN CROTCH JP IS BITING HIS NAILS NOT YET GRASPING WHAT THE MAN HAD SAID, THEN THE PENNY DROPS. JP (shocked amazement) Shut up, no! JP FOLLOWS SUIT COVERING HIS CROTCH WITH HIS HAND MAN (tears in his eyes) So can you help me? JP (in awe) You Lopped off the end? KARL again elbows JP again to shut him up KARL (Flustered) Okay, so this is awkward MAN (Disappointed) you can't help me can you? KARL TURNS TO JP FOR BACK UP. JP IS STILL AT THE MAN IN AWE. JP You Lopped off KARL (interrupting JP with annoyance) JP? JP Huh! What? Yeah we can do something with this MAN (Confused) What? KARL Yes, what? JP It's called Product liability KARL (Whispering directed at JP) Don't JP, please leave it. JP (cheekily grinning at KARL) All we need is a few details from you. MAN Really, do you think I might get something? JP I shouldn't see why not mate MAN But how? It was my own fault. JP (with false reassurance) It's the company who made the trimmers who are at fault here, not you. KARL (Whispering to JP) What are you doing? JP (Whispering to KARL) Shut up, I got an idea. MAN It was over 3 years ago JP It'll be fine, our solicitors will have a field day with this one. KARL (To JP) What? It was over 3 years ago. JP (Whispering to KARL) Shut up a minute. MAN Well what is it I need to do? JP DELVES INTO HIS BAG AND PULLS OUT HIS DIGITAL CAMERA. JP Well for your claim to processed, we need a bit more evidence, you know, proof. MAN Evidence? Proof, what do you mean? JP SWITCHES ON THE CAMERA, KARL GRABS JPS ARM, TO STOP HIM. KARL (Whispering with anger to JP) Whatever your thinking about doing don't do it. JP (Smiling back at KARL and winks) Snappy, snappy! FADE OUT. MORALS FADE IN: 17. EXT. STREET. DAY JP IS WALKING LOOKING AT THE IMAGE ON THE CAMERA. KARL You took a picture of that poor guys cock related injury, why? JP (laughing at the picture on the camera) Jesus KARL this is amazing. KARL What the hell are you on? 00020000063C0000D09E636,JP I'm in the money here brother KARL What do you mean? We'll get bugger all commission on that, you ruin everything. You forget you little rat, I don't live with mummy and daddy, I actually have to make money to eat, you're an absolute tool. JP Calm down you tart. I've just made you 150 KARL (Bemused) How? JP Freaky pics dot com! KARL You wouldn't, what about him. JP What about him? KARL It's not right. JP Neither this,and I love it. Fade OUT. Ham-bushed 18. EXT. STREET. DAY. Tommy is stood staring at a sign on a gate, which reads beware enter at your own risk TERRY APPROACHES TOMMY AND GRABS HIS ANKLE WHIST MAKING A BARKING NOISE, TOMMY JUMPS WITH FEAR. TOMMY Hey dont do that Terry What are you doing? ToMMY Do you think theres a dog in there. TeRRY Why would they have a sign, if they didnt? ToMMY To scare away sales men. Terry LOOKS OVER THE FENCE INTO THE GARDEN SEARCHING FOR A DOG. TERRY I cant see one, dont bother if youre scared, just move onto the next one. ToMMY Penny told me I have knock all of these doors, I cant let her down. TERRY Youve got it bad, havent you young Tommy? TOMMY Im going in, keep an eye out for me, if you see a dog then let me know. Terry Be careful. Tommy nervously opens the gate, scouring the garden with his eyes. Terry stands at the gate also looking in the garden. Tommy makes his way up the garden path towards the house door, creeping slowly and cautious. Terry (CONT'D) Youre almost there, just a few more steps. Tommy turns to Terry and gives him two thumbs up. Terry then nervously spots something in front of Tommy. 0002000006180000D6D4612,TERRY (CONT'D) Tommy dont move! Tommy stops dead in his two thumbs up pose with a nervous grin across his face, he speaks nervously through clenched teeth. ToMMY Please what is it. Terry Just dont move, for the love of god, dont move! Tommy still remains in the same pose. Tommy How big is it? TERRY Pretty big, just be quiet, I will try and distract it. Terry looks around for something to distract the beast. Tommy plucks up the courage and slightly turns his head to see the creature. Tommy notices that its a harmless looking pig, looking back up at him, Tommy relaxes. Tommy Its just a little piggie, Terry. Terry What are you doing stop moving you fool. ToMMY Its just a harmless pig. Tommy bends down slowly speaking making baby talk noises, he gets eye level with the pig and smiles, he slowly puts his hand out to stroke it, Just before his hand makes contact with the pigs head... Terry Stop Tommy. Tommys hand holds still above the pigs head. TerRY (CONT'D) Think for a second, why would the sign say, beware enter at your own risk, if they were just harmless pigs. Tommy making sense of the situation slow retracts his hand away from the pig, then a sense of realization of what Terry has just said...Pigs Tommy (standing up slowly) What do you mean pigs? Tommy slowly turns around to see he is surrounded by four pigs all looking up at him. Terry has fear in his eyes ToMMY (CONT'D) Theres four of them? Terry I know. ToMMY What do I do, help me. Terry looks around helpless. TERRY Im going to get help for you son, just dont move. 00020000062D0000DCE6627,Tommy looks like hes about to cry. ToMMY Dont leave me. TERRY Okay,just stop moving Tommy stands very still with his hands by his sides. Penny is walking down the street and notices Terry standing at the gate. PENNY Terry what are you doing. Terry puts his finger to his lips, telling Penny to be quiet as she approaches the gate. PENNY (CONT'D) Dont you tell to be quiet... Penny gets to the gate and sees Tommy surrounded by pigs. Penny (CONT'D) Oh my god, Tommy what are you doing? ToMMY Help me Penny, please Karl and JP notice Penny and Terry at the gate, they approach. Jp Hey up, you wont believe what weve just seen. Karl shakes his head at JP, They see Tommy in the garden. Karl What the... Jp Can my day get any better, Tommy what are you doing? ToMMY Shut up, help me. JP begins filming the situation on his digital camera, giggling whist doing so. KARL Is this really happening? TeRRY Hes been like that for ten minutes. KARL Who the hell keeps pigs in there garden? TERRY Thats I was thinking. Penny Are pigs vicious? Terry points at the sign on the gate. PeNNY (CONT'D) Really? Listen Tommy youre going have to run for it. TomMY I cant Im too scared. JP still filming Jp Why dont you kiss them Tommy, I thought you were into pigs. Penny looks at JP PENNY Your not helping here, you team mate is in trouble and you just mock him, where the hell is you team spirit, one of our men is in need of our help, so lets help him all off us. JP Put the camera down Jp Ok, Tommy, kick the big one in the face and run for it. KaRL Dont kick a pig in the face. 000200000A940000E30DA8E,Jp Right dont bother, just stay there you dont want to make Karl cry. KaRL Shut up JP you tit. Penny Shut up, both of you I have an idea, we need to distract them. KaRL Do you still have that orange coke in your bag. TOMMY Yes. TOMMY slowly puts his hand in his bag and pulls of the bottle, he unscrews the lid and goes to take a drink. KaRL No dont drink it you clown, JP begins filming again. Jp What a knob Karl Throw it behind you. TOMMY nervously gets prepared to throw the bottle over his shoulder, some of the contents spills down his front. Karl, JP and Terry Grimace. Tommy throws the bottle to the back of the garden and the pigs begin to follow. Penny Now Tommy run. Tommy runs to towards the door of the house. The others slap their foreheads with amazement. All This way you clown Tommy turns and runs towards the gate and the team with his ridiculous style of run JP Why are you running like that for? TomMY Its my run The pigs turn and see Tommy running towards the gate, they make chase grunting and squealing. Terry Run boy run. JP Continues filming laugh excitedly. As Tommy approaches the gate one of the pigs bites down of Tommys hand, Tommy lets out an almighty scream. Fade OUT. A&E 19. EXT. ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY CAR PARK. NIGHT The team stand outside the entrance of A&E, Tommy has a bandage on his hand. Karl So weve hit Target then? Penny Weve just signed of twenty three, claims in there. Jp What are the odds of a bus crash happening today? TeRRY I know Penny figures are figures, Ill phone, little Tommy pulled through for us again the little hero, look at his little face. Jp Hes off his tits TeRRY That will be the morphine Tommy I lost my Tie and my shoe today. KaRL And you got mauled by a pig! TeRRY Naughty piggy. Jp Jesus this is the coolest youve ever been, god I wish I had some morphine. Penny Im going to phone Darren, give him the good news, I think Tommy has earned the vouchers. KaRL (sarcastically) Yeah we should all aim to be attacked by farm yard animals in the future. Penny Makes me wonder why we dont come to casualty every day. As Penny puts the phone to her ear, Phillip and Curtis the Paramedics stand with Gary the police officer, the notice Penny and the others, Phillip points over to where the team are standing. Phillip There they are. Penny notices Gary walking over to them, she hangs up the phone and looks at her team. Penny (taking off her high heels) Right then guys, someone grab Tommy and...RUN! The team all run off into the distance. FADE OUT. ThE ADVERT The Ad man looks down the Lens of the camera. AD MAN/DWARF No matter the weather wind or rain, let Direct Insurance Claim Sales ease your pain. Credits the 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TINA DANNY MIKEJanice GARY3sTCE (V.O.) (O.S.) (O.C.) (CONT'D) (SUBTITLE)(ON THE PHONE)sTTR^ CUT TO: FADE IN: FADE OUT. FADE TO: DISSOLVE TO: BACK TO: MATCH CUT TO: JUMP CUT TO:FADE TO BLACK. FADE:CUT: CUT: BACK TOAmbulance chasers/+A & e int. Day. ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY ROOM CUT TOTerry & the Old Lady Int: car day KNOCKS ONCE KNOCKS ONCEEXT DAY DRIVEWAY:!KNOCKS ONCE EXT DAY DRIVEWAY: FADEIN:EXT DAY: DOOR STEP,(INT: THE MANS DARK AND DANK LIVING ROOM:CuT TO: ext Street dayEndEXT.EXT. 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