~2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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SCREEN- BLACK CREDITS (EXCEPT FOR TITLE) We hear no music or sound effects as the boring sequence of credits flash. Moments later we hear a mans voice. Talking in a low tone, sounding scared, depressed, worried, paranoid, angry, restrained, the mans tone seems to be sounding like every negative feeling a person can have. He continues to speak as the credits run through. K-GEE (OS) Lord, please forgive me for the sins Im about to cause. You know as well as I do the explanations for this act Im about to cause, and for that, again, please forgive me. FADE TO INT. KATYS HOME-- BATHROOM-- DAY-- PRESENT The CREDITS end and we see a young man sitting on a bathroom toilet. Just sitting in a relaxing position, both seats are down. The man is leaning forward, head down, eyes open, holding his hands not in a praying position, but in a confused, locked together way. The young man has short black hair, with a messy, but socially acceptable look. Fresh looking face, white pale skin. Wearing a white T-shirt, and a unbuttoned, flannel shirt, the young man completes his appearance with plain, saggy blue jeans. This is K-GEE aka. KADEN GERRY, 27. The bathroom is small, pretty dirty, with a number of womens hair, and facial products resting on the counter. The shower light shines, but occasionally flickers on and off. The room is dim. K-GEE calmly takes out a 9MM. Barreta, and checks the clip. Sure enough its loaded. K-GEE cocks the chamber back, and continues to sit. Tipping the gun upward, K-GEE gently taps the chamber against the front of his head while thinking deeply. With a quick check of his Rolex, K-GEE stands up and quickly exits the bathroom. Gun in his right hand. CUT TO INT. KATYS HOME-- KITCHEN-- DAY K-GEE exits the bathroom, and quickly walks down a narrow hallway, surrounded with pictures of a young looking black girl, and pictures of other black friends, and family. K-GEE wastes no time at all, and walks with anger. 0002000007EE000007BB7E8,CUT TO INT. KATYS HOME-- KITCHEN-- DAY A black man and woman sit at the kitchen table. Sitting side by side from each other. An empty chair pushed out from the table suggest that was where K-GEE was sitting before he went into the bathroom. The black man, wearing a white tank top, exposes his semi-built arms, covered in tattoos. Wearing a backwards cap, slightly tilted to the side, young looking face, about the same age as K-GEE, and the clich eye-ring- this is CLEVELAND aka. ARTY CLEVELAND, 27. Sitting with his girlfriend, KATY, 23. The two seem to be in the middle of a conversation. CLEVELAND (to KATY) Naw, naw, its alright, I got it all covered, you know I do. We can see and hear K-GEE approaching down the hallway, keeping the same pacesame face. KATY (to CLEVELAND) Fuck that, I dont see why the hell she has to CLEVELAND hears K-GEE coming down the hallway, but doesn't bother to turn around. He interrupts KATY to speak to K-GEE. CLEVELAND (to K-GEE, not facing him) Yo Gee, you done rubbing one off? KEEPING THE SAME ANGLE K-GEE doesn't respond and continues approaching. Waiting for an answer, CLEVELAND doesn't have a chance to turn around and look at him, since K-GEE is there. K-GEE quickly raises his gun to the back of CLEVELANDS head, and pulls the trigger. The gun lets off an extremely loud bang, causing KATY, by natural reaction to quickly stand up. KATY moves back, out of the FRAME. The gunshot to the back of CLEVELANDS head causes it to split open down the middle of the hat/head. K-GEE quickly raises the gun in KATYS position and fires three rounds. We see squirts of blood come across the FRAME, suggesting K-GEE nailed his second target. Lowering the gun, K-GEE stands still, looking at KATYS corps. Still NO CUTS have been used. CLEVELANDS head, gushes blood, bits of brain, and skull. K-GEE looks down at his first victim, but turns away quickly, looking rather depressed. He puts his piece in his back, and walks out of the FRAME, opposite of KATYS position. 00020000064B00000FA3645,The sound of drifting footsteps is heard, which soon are gone by the sound of a door being opened and closed. THE SHOT DISSOLVES with the horrible sight of the still bleeding corps. DISSOLVE TO TITLE CONTEMPORARY CANDY 1/3 With a BLACK SCREEN, the TITLE appears in plain white letters. FADE IN THE BEGINNING- INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- MORNING-- PAST (4 YEARS AGO) A bedroom FADES INTO THE SHOT. THE CAMERA PANS around the room slightly, and CUTS TO CLOSE-UPS showing the features: two nice, sturdy oak desks sit on the far wall from the door. A small bookcase, sits to the wall left of the doorway. A large TV, DVD player, and CD player rests on it, as well as multiple mobster flicks resting on both sides of the TV. A built in closet on the right side of the door, and a mattress, with no bed frame lays on the floor on the side of the closet wall. K-GEE (23) lays on the mattress, half-way underneath the covers, wearing a white T-shirt, and boxer shorts, asleep. Considering the size of the mattress, a dog, Black Lab, lays on the side taking up most of the bed room, lays next to K-GEE. K-GEE has named the dog, SOLLOZZO. K-GEE remains sleeping, as does SOLLOZZO, but is soon interrupted at sound of the front door being knocked. SOLLOZZO springs to his feet and stands on the mattress, barking. K-GEE slowly opens his eyes. He slowly lifts his body upward and scratches SOLLOZZO behind the ears, calming him down. K-GEE (scratching SOLLOZZO) SOLLOZZO. Whats up? Someone here dogg? Huh? SOLLOZZO remains alert, staring at the closed bedroom door. We here the knocking again. K-GEE (CONTD) 000200000668000015E8662,O I guess someone is here. K-GEE lifts himself out of bed. SOLLOZZO soon follows, jumping down off the mattress. Mise-ON SCENE K-GEE stands by the mattress, and slowly, in a dizzy, tired state heads out of the room. K-GEE and SOLLOZZO slowly walk out of the room, down a small hallway. SOLLOZZO stays by K-GEES side. The two enter through the kitchen from the hallway. The kitchen looks pretty typical, counter next to the dinner table, microwave, oven, fridge. Going through the kitchen, CLEVELAND yells out from the living room, directly from the back of the kitchen. CLEVELAND (tired, angry) Whos here? K-GEE (still walking) Thats what Im checkin (sarcastic) And thanks for getting your lazy ass up, and checkin, even though your right fuckin there. CLEVELAND says nothing else. K-GEE glances back at CLEVELAND before opening the door on the left side of the kitchen. SOLLOZZO stands next to K-GEE patiently. Opening the door, reveals TONE, a light black skin man, front-wards cap on, long jersey, baggy pants. Smile across his face totally contradicting K-GEES pissed off face. SOLLOZZO Sniffs TONES leg. TONE Ahhh, I didnt think youd be up. (pets SOLLOZZO) Hey SOLL. K-GEE stares at TONE for a moment, mentally questioning his intelligence. K-GEE (pause) whats up? TONE Yeah, check this out mellow, I need an early shot. Goin out of the state for over a week. K-GEE What time is it? TONE (checks watch) Eight. K-GEE Yeah, see theres the problem TONE, I dont start pushin till eight tonight, you know that. TONE Man, what the fuck did I just say, I need an early take. K-GEE Where you goin? TONE The Big Apple, man. 0002000006D800001C4A6D2,K-GEE Goin to New York? TONE Naw, Chicago. K-GEE Chicago is the Windy City. TONE (confused) What? K-GEE Nothing. TONE Yeah, whatever, so, hey, Im sorry about coming here so goddamn early, but man, I gotta get goin at ten, and I wont last that long. K-GEE When do you get back? TONE The lords day. K-GEE stares at TONE with impatience, rolls his eyes, and signals him inside. K-GEE Alright come on. TONE (steps inside) Cool. A LONG SHOT is used from inside the living room. CLEVELAND lays on the couch in the foreground, sleeping. K-GEE directs TONE to the living room. K-GEE Alright, same as usual? TONE You know it. K-GEE K, you know the drill. TONE Yeah. TONE walks into the living room, while K-GEE heads back down the hallway. TONE walks up to CLEVELAND and extends his arm out. TONE (CONTD) Howya doin CLEVELAND? CLEVELAND slowly opens his eyes, waits patiently, then gives TONE the satisfaction by finally slapping hands. TONE (CONTD) (smiles) Alright, alright. TONE walks over and sits down on the reclining chair on the other side of the living room. TONE (CONTD) (to CLEVELAND) So, whatga do yesterday? CLEVELAND remains laying down, exhausted. CLEVELAND (mumbles) I dunno. TONE Man, come on, wake your ass up, its late. CLEVELAND Its fuckin eight o clock homey TONE Yeah, for real, the days been goin on for a while. CLEVELAND Man, I got me fuckin three fuckin hours of sleep so far, Im kinda tired. TONE Yeah? Whered you go last night, party? CLEVELAND Fuckin two hour drive back and forth, up to Jackson. Didnt get back till four thirty. ANGLE ON- K-GEE K-GEE stands at the end of the hallway, resting near the opening towards the living room, listening. His face is straight, waiting to see if CLEVELAND will slip up. 0002000006D30000231C6CD,TONE Fuck you doin out there man? Prison visit? CLEVELAND Naw, had to pick some shit up, for tonight. TONE Ah, powder? CLEVELAND Yeah K-GEE gets a pissed off look, and calls out to TONE. K-GEE (to TONE) Ey, Im all set man. TONE walks passed K-GEE and heads down the hall. K-GEE stares at CLEVELAND with a pissed off look. CLEVELAND notices this, by looking back. CLEVELAND (to K-GEE) What? K-GEE (to CLEVELAND, disappointed) Later. K-GEE heads down the hall, while CLEVELAND looks rather disappointed, but puts his head back down, and goes back to sleep. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- MORNING K-GEE closes the door to his room. K-GEE (directs hand to chair) Have a seat. TONE sits down in a folding chair placed next to the mattress. K-GEE takes a scale and a large bag full of heroin on one of the desk set up. K-GEE (CONTD) (holds up bag) Spic right? TONE Yeah. K-GEE Alright, come over here. TONE leans to the desk, while K-GEE takes a spoon laying on the wood and dips it into the bag. K-GEE (CONTD) One g.? TONE No, no, no, gonna have to go with two today. K-GEE Two? TONE Gonna have to last me the trip, man. K-GEE (looks at TONE with question) Who else is tappin in on this? TONE SASH. K-GEE Hm K-GEE adds some of the powder onto the scale. K-GEE (CONTD) Hows it goin with her? TONE Eh, you know how it is, homes. K-GEE Not giving you what you want when you need it? TONE No doubt. K-GEE Fuck em. TONE (laughs) Thats what Im tryin to do. K-GEE smiles and rolls his eyes. K-GEE (adding tiny bits to the scale) Alright, weareattwo. Check the needle. TONE (looking at scale) Looks good. K-GEE Cool. K-GEE takes a ziplock bag laying on the desk and dumps the contents of the scale inside. He seals it up, and holds it. 000200000652000029E964C,K-GEE (CONTD) Alright, lets see, Im gonna go with one twenty today. TONE (reaches for wallet) Huh, thats aight. K-GEE I only cut deals to those I like, you know that. TONE (takes out, flips through money) I hear ya, thanks. TONE and K-GEE hand each other their contents at the same time. TONE checks out the bag, while K-GEE counts the money, and pockets his trade, as well as TONE. K-GEE Alright, were good. TONE (stands up) Yeah. The two slap hands and both simultaneously exit the room. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- MORNING The two walk into the kitchen, while CLEVELAND still lays down. K-GEE walks TONE to the door. K-GEE So, what are you goin to Chicago for? TONE BROTHER. K-GEE MIKE? TONE Yeah. K-GEE Hows he doin down there? TONE Who knows, thats why Im goin down there, gonna surprise his ass. K-GEE Well, alright, take it easy when your down there, and (points down to TONES pocket) Take a test shot of that, cause my man told me thats ninety percent, its usually eighty, eighty five, so Id take a test to see if it needs anymore mixin or cookin, but you should fine, man. TONE (opens the door) Alright, thats straight. K-GEE Hope so, but hey listen, come on by when you get back, well kick the shit. TONE (smiles) Ahh, thatd be nice, man, thatd be nice. K-GEE Yeah, so beep me later on. TONE Will do. K-GEE K. The two slap hands. K-GEE Peace. TONE Peace. TONE exits through the door, which K-GEE closes once hes gone. K-GEE (to himself) Fucking cunt. K-GEE makes his way to the living room, where he sits down in the reclining chair, across from the still laying down CLEVELAND. 00020000065600003035650,K-GEE (to CLEVELAND, strict) I dont wanna be a prick n all, since its early, but hey, whats with telling TONE where your supply is at? CLEVELAND Man, who cares? It aint like hes a fuckin clear tag. K-GEE He gets high, he runs his mouth, you know how they are. CLEVELAND Dont worry, man, Ill make it my problem if something comes up, which it wont. K-GEE I know, and I dont wanna be preaching to you n all, but hey, gotta be smart, especially with the move. CLEVELAND Yeah. K-GEE Cool. (stands up) K-GEE walks into the kitchen K-GEE (OS) (CONTD) You want some pancakes? CLEVELAND We dont have any mix. K-GEE (OS) I think we do. (opens up cupboard OS) Fuck. CUT TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD-- SIDEWALK-- MORNING K-GEE walks down the sidewalk of his neighborhood, wearing a hooded sweat-shirt, and khaki pants. The neighborhood is the contemporary definition of "ghetto". Dilapidated houses, spray painted walls, trashed yards, and fields. Only a few people are keeping on the sidewalk, everyone minding their own business. He walks down the sidewalk keeping a low profile. Numerous cars drive down the street, most of them have their bass blasted. K-GEE periodically looks at the houses and people across from him. K-GEES POV An AGED BLACK WOMAN sits on her porch, in a rocking chair, rocking a baby back and forth. She follows K-GEE with her eyes, while keeping a straight, almost depressed face. K-GEE continues to walk down the street. He looks over at a car passing by slowly. K-GEES POV An old oldsmobile passes by. Inside are four BLACK MEN. They all stare at K-GEE with silent disapproval. 00020000061700003685611,K-GEE turns away ignoring eye-contact. Still walking; a car speeds up behind him and slows down. The bass blaring from the car is turned down, as well as the driver side window. A YOUNGER BLACK MAN WITH SUNGLASSES yells at K-GEE keeping the same pace as his walking speed. GLASSES (yelling from car) Yo, Gee! Party goin on at the pad tonight? K-GEE looks over and nods. GLASSES (CONTD) Aight, see you then! The car speeds off, leaving K-GEE with his usual walking pace. EXT. QUICK STOP MART-- NEIGHBORHOOD-- SIDEWALK-- DAY K-GEE walks on the side of a small 7/11 type store. A HOMELESS MAN stands, clich rags n all, stands next to a line of payphones. As K-GEE is about to cross paths, the HOMELESS MAN extends his arm. HOMELESS MAN (to K-GEE) Wanna help me out here friend? K-GEE glances at the MAN while walking. K-GEE (to HOMELESS MAN) I aint your fuckin friend, get the fuck outa here, man. K-GEE walks into the store, while the HOMELESS MAN stands still, and turns away waiting for the next person to come by. Cut to INT. QUICK STOP MART-- NEIGHBORHOOD-- DAY K-GEE continues his walking pace inside the QUICK STOP. Glancing at the teller, HAMAL, a middle aged, Arabic, man, who stays on the outside of the counter, zoning/organizing the magazine racks. K-GEE heads down one of the aisles, heading towards the back fridges. K-GEE (walking, looking away) HAMAL, you gotta keep those walking trashcans away from here. HAMAL (organizing, looking away) I know, I do, I do. K-GEE If you ever need a part time bouncer for this joint, you let me know. 0002000006A900003C966A3,HAMAL laughs at K-GEES comment, and continues his zone. K-GEE opens up one of the fridges and takes out a carton of orange juice. After closing the door, he then heads on over to another aisle, seemingly knowing where every product is located by heart. K-GEE strolls down an aisle and picks up a box of pancake mix, then proceeds to the front counter. HAMAL stops his zone and gets to his register while K-GEE takes his wallet out after setting the items down on the counter. HAMAL (punching in keys) This all today? K-GEE (takes out money) Thatll do it. HAMEL Seven eighty five K-GEE hands his money over HAMAL (takes money, rings up register) Out of ten. K-GEE Hey, HAMAL, Im not being hypocritical or anything, but do you ever sleep? HAMAL (takes out change) Yes, yes, not enough though. K-GEE I hear ya. HAMAL (hangs K-GEE change) Two fifteen. K-GEE (takes change, puts in wallet) Alright, and ahh one more thing. (signals to come closer with index finger) HAMAL leans forward slightly. K-GEE (CONTD) (jokingly whispers) How about I turn you in claiming your Osama and me and you will split the reward. HAMAL How could I spend the money? Id be in prison? K-GEE (smirks, walks away) Both clever and true. See ya later, HAMAL. HAMAL Take care. K-GEE starts to exit the store but is stopped by HAMALS voice. HAMAL (CONTD) You be having your party tonight? K-GEE (turns around, pause) yeah, come along have a beer. HAMAL I might. K-GEE Cool, see ya. K-GEE leaves the store holding his items. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- MINUETS LATER-- MORNING K-GEE walks into the living room, and heads to the chair, while CLEVELAND sits on the couch, playing videogames from across the room. 00020000084D00004339847,K-GEE (walking to chair, sits down in chair) How does everyone know about my place now? CLEVELAND (focusing on videogames) What? K-GEE Im walking down the street, and DREW rolls on up, asking if the party is on. So, Im leaving the store after buying the mix n all. ClEVELAND Yeach, when are you gonna make those? K-GEE In a second, so hold up for a second, and HAMAL is all like (imitates voice) "you having party tonight" CLEVELAND Yeach. K-GEE Yeah, and Im thinking, I barely talk to these guys, not in a friendship way, right? So, how is word getting around? CLEVELAND One person tells another person, and before you it the whole goddamn world is down. K-GEE Word gets around to the wrong person and before you know it, the fuzz is all on me. CLEVELAND It aint like that, man. K-GEE I hope not. Im holding two n a half keys of Mexican, Asian, and Columbian raw. CLEVELAND Lets just announce it to the whole fuckin world now! K-GEE Though it could be good. The more people come, the more money we make. CLEVELAND America is thirsty K-GEE (simultaneously) So give them a drink. CLEVELAND (simultaneously) So give them a drink. ClEVELAND (CONTD) Right. K-GEE Right. (gets up) Im gonna get at those pancakes now. Picked up some o.j. too. CLEVELAND That reminds me, I have to go on over to OJS and VODKAS pad later on. K-GEE (sarcastic) Have fun smoking that dirt. CLEVELAND Naw, well probably just chill. CUT TO TWO LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS POTHEADS INT. OJ AND VODKAS HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- HOURS LATER-- DAY The home of OJ and VODKA is the definition of "disgusting". OJ aka. OTIENO JOHARRIS, 21, a skinny black man, clean shaved, wearing a bowler hat, watches his friend, Vodka aka. MIKE BROWER, a 21 year oldskinny black man, wearing eye glasses, and a cap, adds some weed to a glass bowl. CLEVELAND, OJ, and VODKA sit around a small coffee table in lawn chairs. OJ and CLEVELAND watch VODKA load up the bowl, with such anxiety, that it seems they might start drooling any moment. Rap music plays at low volume level while the three make small talk, trying to keep their minds occupied for the time being. 0002000007B500004B807AF,OJ (energetic, watching VODKA pack weed) Ahhh, nigga, Im fuckin drollin here hurry up! VODKA (packing weed, energetic) Dont be rushin me, dogg, this motherfuckin shit has to be packed just right, here. CLEVELAND (laid back, watching VODKA pack weed) Fuckin shit, smells like shit, nigga, what the hell is this? OJ Its weed nigga! VODKA This shit right here, is straight up motherfuckin grade-A Mexican red hair. CLEVELAND Sounds like old school. VODKA (finishes packing, holds bowl up in front of face) It is, my boy, it is. (to OJ) OJ, lighter. OJ reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cheap plastic lighter and hands it VODKA VODKA (CONTD) Alright niggas, let me show ya how this shit is done. VODKA puts the bowl to his lips, lights it up, pulls bowl away, and holds in the smoke. VODKA tries his best to hold it in, but soon lets it all out with many coughs. VODKA (CONTD) (coughing) Ah, goddamn. CLEVELAND and OJ crack up laughing. VODKA, puts the bowl to his lips again and lights it up. Once again he ends up coughing intensely. OJ (takes bowl from VODKA) Alright, alright, this is how its supposed to be done motherfuckers, VODKA watch this. With the same steps as VODKA, OJ hits the bowl, inhales, and though he manages to handle it better, he still ends up coughing like mad. VODKA (to OJ) Thatsthats how its supposed to be done? OJ (coughing) Fuck you. With another puff from the bowl OJ ends up coughing again, though nobody really laughs this time. He passes it to CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND (takes bowl and lighter) I dont know if I wanna hit this. VODKA I told yall its grade-A Mexican. OJ O shit, that reminds me. CLEVELAND (to OJ) What? OJ (to CLEVELAND) No, hold up, hit that first. CLEVELAND takes one large breath of fresh air, then hits the bowl. He coughs of course. CLEVELAND (coughing) Man, man, man, this shit is killer. This is some killer shit. OJ Hell yeah it is. CLEVELAND takes his second hit, coughs, and passes it on to VODKA. 0002000007470000532F741,OJ (CONTD) (to CLEVELAND) Alright, so check this out. CLEVELAND (getting over cough) Hold up, hold on a sec. Damn hold up. CLEVELAND lets out a couple big coughs before settling down. CLEVELAND (CONTD) (struggling to breath, to OJ) Alright, whats up? VODKA takes his hits, smaller this time, but still the usually coughing while OJ talks to CLEVELAND. OJ Alright, the whole party deal goin on over at your place, right? CLEVELAND Yeah, you two gotta be there by five thirty remember. OJ Yeah, yeah, I know, but check this out, were gonna be bringin around a kid, hes about seventeen or so, but this kid is down, you know, hes alright, but, yeah, this kid could be good for the pushin over at his school. CLEVELAND What school? OJ The motherfuckinhigh school. CLEVELAND Naw, fuck that, K-GEE dont want no dope being passed around at a fuckin school. OJ Man, this kids sayin everyone around there is thirsty as hell. For raw, and coke, man, mad money. CLEVELAND Naw, I dont know. VODKA passes the bowl to OJ. OJ holds on to it, while talking. OJ (holding bowl) Check this, nigga, Im talkin about mad money, this kid is hot shit over there I guess, and he can get mad business goin around there. CLEVELAND Im sure, but its a bunch of fuckin kids, nigger, aint no way K-GEE is gonna agree to that. OJ What about you? CLEVELAND What? OJ Are down with this? CLEVELAND I really dont give a fuck who the fuck I sell to, its just if K-GEE says "no", then its a no go, and I aint gonna be pushin behind his back. OJ So much money, nigga, so much money. CLEVELAND GEE calls the shots, not me. OJ Man, here we are being pushed around by a motherfuckin white boy, when us three could be out doin our own thing. CLEVELAND Dont even fuckin say that, man, dont even fucking start, we know how this shit is ran, and Im making all the fuckin money I need. 00020000071100005A7070B,OJ Alright, but hey, Ill ask him tonight before the push, alright? CLEVELAND Alright, ask the man, hes gonna say "no" though. OJ Me, my boy here, and the Mexican who Im bringing on over will sit down with him, and well talk bout this. VODKA (to OJ) Hes half Cuban. CLEVELAND Wait who? OJ VODKA (simultaneously) (simultaneously) The kid Im bringing That one kid, that OJ and VODKA stare at each other, silently debating on whos going to speak. VODKA looks at OJ. VODKA (to OJ) Go ahead. OJ (to CLEVELAND) Yeah, the kid were bringing over. CLEVELAND Hey, talk to GEE all you want, but we all know hes gonna say "fuck that". OJ Hey, man, gonna try, this amigo is one straight motherfucker, K-GEE will get along with this guy no problem. CLEVELAND Bring em on by, well see, wont know the answer just by talkin bout it. OJ True that. VODKA (to OJ, pissed off) Nigga, you gonna smoke that shit or what? Damn! CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- THIRTY MINUETS LATER-- DAY LONG SHOT The shot appears from inside K-GEES home, looking through the living room window. From a distance we can see CLEVELAND appear from the doorway across the street from OJ and VODKAS home. Looking almost scared and paranoid, CLEVELAND checks the street for trafficor police, and darts to his home. CLEVELAND runs inside his home. THE CAMERA PANS to the doorway where he enters, out of breath. He stands there, looking around. Hes stoned as hell. CLEVELAND (stoned) Yo GEE, where you at? K-GEE (OS) Yo! Im in here. CLEVELAND (confused, contd) wait, where? K-GEE (OS) In my room you dumb shit! CLEVELAND (contd, to himself) Well, goddamn, boy. THE CAMERA TRACKS with CLEVELAND through the living room, down the hallway, and to a door that is half closed. 00020000061F0000617B619,CLEVELAND opens up the door, slowly. K-GEE is seen sticking a syringe of heroin in his arm, slowly pushing the plunger down, and slowly removing the needle while sitting down on his bed. CLEVELAND stands still in the doorway. CLEVELAND What time is it? K-GEE sets the syringe on the small table next to his bed, lays down, and checks his watch. K-GEE (checks watch) Almost two. CLEVELAND walks on over to K-GEE. CLEVELAND Kinda early. Sits down next to K-GEE, who is still laying down. K-GEE (staring at ceiling) Naw, not really. CLEVELAND (staring at bookcase/wall in front of him) Eh, whatever. K-GEE You high? CLEVELAND (laughs) Yeah, a little. K-GEE Or are you tore up? CLEVELAND Well (laughs) I dont know, really about itthat, but yeah, yeah, Im feelin it. K-GEE Cool, enjoy it. CLEVELAND Yeah, butyeah, but hey, I have to ask you something and its prettyserious. K-GEE Naw, not when Im just starting to taste this shit. CLEVELAND Naw, no, I gotta tell you this now before I forget and plus (leans close to K-GEE) Im high as a fuckin rocket. K-GEE What is it? CLEVELAND Youll probably get pissed. K-GEE No I wont. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- HOURS LATER-- EVENING K-GEE lights a cigarette, facing the wall. He slams down his lighter and pack, and turns around where OJ and VODKA stand still in front of the doorway. CLEVELAND just lays down on the mattress/bed, resting his head on his hands, staring at the ceiling. K-GEE faces OJ and VODKA furiously. K-GEE (angry, to OJ and VODKA) You two have to be the dumbest motherfuckers ever! 0002000006A7000067946A1,OJ (mockingly puts hands up towards K-GEE) Whoa killer. We just fuckin walked in here, and this VODKA (interrupts) This is your "hello" intro? K-GEE (still pissed, but calms down a little, strict tone) Guys, you wanna sell dope at a fuckin school? OJ Naw, man, naw, we got a partner to take into this. K-GEE Yeah, your little Cuban amigo. OJ Yeah, so what? VODKA Yeah. K-GEE What, you dont think thats a fuckin risk? VODKA Whats so fuckin risky about it? K-GEE (runs hands through hair) Alright, check this scenario out here. You put your little spic pal out there out at the school, ok? He gets caught if he gets fucking caught, then we all get caught. And before you say anything OJ (to himself) Damn. K-GEE If this kid gets pinched, then hes gonna say anything about us to safe his ass. Hes young, hes a kid, hes trying to finish school, his life is just beginning, so what makes you think hell take the rep, and go down for all of us? Another thing is how do these kids have the money for this shit? Raw, coke? These fuckin kids can barely afford a pack of cigarettes. CLEVELAND (staring at ceiling) Lets not forget, if we go down, then well be all over the fuckin TV n shit, because of this whole pushin at schools deal this country seems to not like too much. K-GEE you know, I dont care about what kids do these days. Kids these day grow up fast, and theyre one hundred percent knowledgeable of what theyre buying and the physical risks involved, but when it comes to the law, and if the law comes down on one of these kids, then again, were fucked, not them lets say this spic gets thirty buyers, do you guys think that not one of them will get caught sooner or later? 00020000067B00006E35675,(pause) You can speak by the way. OJ and VODKA shoot glances at each other, mentally debating on whose going to speak. OJ (low tone) Meet this kid K-GEE, hes down, hes alright. VODKA For real GEE, he is. K-GEE O Ill be glad to meet this kid, but Ill tell you now, my answer is final. (to CLEVELAND) CLEVELAND, whats your answer. CLEVELAND (quotes TOM HAGEN from The Godfather) Theres a lot of money in that white powder. (cracks a smile, turns to K-GEE) Im sorry, man, I just wanted to say that once, but no, no, Im, gonna go against it too. (to OJ and VODKA) Hes right, its way too risky, and Id rather miss out on a couple bucks, than spend ten years in the joint. OJ (disappointed) Alright. K-GEE Good, now dont be pissed, I have some plans of course, which Ill talk about with you guys later on, but bring the kid around later tonight, well talk. OJ Alright. K-GEE Alright, you two go into the fridge and polish some beers, your still high as hell. VODKA and OJ smiles and give a little laugh. VODKA Alright, well be right back. VODKA and OJ leave the room, and head down the hall. K-GEE watches them leave and says one more thing to them. K-GEE (yelling down the hall, to OJ and VODKA) Hey OJ, VODKA, one more thing. The two turn around. K-GEE (CONTD) (quotes The Godfather) Remember the words of DON ZALUCHI: "I dont want it near schools! I dont want it sold to children thats an infamnia, in my city wed keep the traffic with the dark people, the colored. Theyre animals anyway so let them loose their souls". OJ (confused stare) What the fuck are you talking about, nigger? K-GEE (smiles) Just go get your motherfuckin beer. 000200000673000074AA66D,OJ and VODKA laugh a little, turn, and head down the hallway. K-GEE turns to the still laying down CLEVELAND K-GEE (CONTD) (to CLEVELAND) You gonna get one too, your still toasted a little. CLEVELAND (facing ceiling) NawIll keep it sober. K-GEE continues staring at CLEVELAND in question. CLEVELAND turns and laughs a little toward K-GEE. CLEVELAND (CONTD) (gets up from bed) Im just fuckin with ya, man (pats K-GEE on back) You know Ill never pass up free beer. But (quotes and imitates DON COLEONE from The Godfather) "I thought we could come here and reason together, and as a reasonable man" K-GEE (interrupts, finishes off quote, puts on accent) "Im willing to find a peaceful solution to whatevers nessesary to solve our problems". CLEVELAND (smiles) You got it. CLEVELAND walks down the hallway quickly. CLOSE UP ON K-GEE The camera ZOOMS IN on K-GEE who stares at CLEVELAND walk down the hall. K-GEES face is still; probably a million thoughts going through it. FADE TO GETTING ORGANIZED- INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT K-GEE enters the kitchen with SOLLOZZO by his side. Scratching his dog behind the ears, K-GEE stares at CLEVELAND, OJ, and VODKA, who sit in the living room, all playing videogames. They yell out, holler, and scream the usual profanities while playing. "Fuck all that shit!" "No way nigger!" "That shit was fuckin weak as hell man!" K-GEE stares at the three with a strange curiosity. K-GEE (to OJ, CLEVELAND, and VODKA) You guys all set? CLEVELAND (playing videogames, not turning away) With what, man? K-GEE (to CLEVELAND) For the push tonight? CLEVELAND Yeah, man, Im all set. K-GEE 00020000067200007B1766C,(to OJ and VODKA) Yo OJ, VODKA, you guys straight for tonight? OJ (playing videogames, not turning away) Im as straight as a pool cue, and as long too (laughs loud) K-GEE (to all three) Cool, Im gonna take SOLLOZZO out back, well get shit set up when I get back inside, alright? CLEVELAND Alight. CUT TO EXT. K-GEES HOME-- BACKYARD-- MOMENTS LATER-- EVENING K-GEE walks out the back-door with SOLLOZZO into the backyard. The backyard is fenced off to a small extent. Holding a dish of water, and a dish of dog food, K-GEE sets them down at the end of the yard, and drops to his knees, rubbing SOLLOZZOS ears. Facing his dog, K-GEE speaks to him in a low tone, while petting him gently. K-GEE (to SOLLOZZO, petting him, low tone) Alright, Soll. You know the drill. Im sorry, but I dont want you getting into peoples way, you know what Im sayin? (pause, smile) Ahh, youll be fine dogg, youll be fine, I wont let anything happen to your ass, you know that. You be a good boy, ok? You be a good boy, Ill come out and check on you alright? K-GEE kisses SOLLOZZO on the head, and rubs his ears before standing up. Heading towards the house, K-GEE gives a quick glance before heading back inside. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- MINUETS LATER-- EVENING SERIES OF SHOTS Two tables are unfolded and placed on the side of the bed. A number of folding chairs are spread out in the room including two placed at the two tables. Two scales are placed on both tables. Two ashtrays are placed on the tables. Two calculators are placed on the tables. CLEVELANDS hand is seen putting on a Rolex watch. K-GEES hand is seen putting on a Rolex. 00020000069B00008183695,On the right side corner of the room, a portion of the carpet is lifted up, reveling that it was simply Velcro holding that portion down. Upon further reveling on the wood floor are four built in safes, formed in the shape of a square. CU on K-GEE unlocking the lock. K-GEE opens the safe up reveling three large bags of heroin. Two full, one half full. K-GEE places the three bags on a desk behind the tables. CU on CLEVELAND unlocking the lock. CLEVELAND opens up his safe, showing four large bags of cocaine. CLEVELAND places the four bags on the desk. CU of a black hand checking the clip of a gun CU of K-GEES hand loading up a clip with 9MM ammunition. SEVERAL SHOTS of about eight people putting a gun in the back of their pants. MEDIUM SHOT THE CAMERA stays in the showing K-GEE sitting in the left seat behind the left table, CLEVELAND in the other. The CAMERA PANS BACK, now showing numerous people moving around the room, getting things organized for the night. Yet K-GEE and CLEVELAND remain sitting, lounging back, smoking cigarettes, not saying anything. FADE OUT THE PARTY EXT. K-GEES HOME-- NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT A bunch of cars pull up to the side of the curb in front of K-GEES home. Numerous people, mostly black get out of their cars, walk back from and up to K-GEES home, hang out in the lawn, on the curb, and even on the roof. Rap music blares from the house and from inside peoples cars. About thirty people are hanging outside alone. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BASEMENT-- NIGHT MISE-ON SCENE The basement, concrete floor, unpainted walls, really shows that its not the most important place in the house for K-GEE and CLEVELAND. 0002000006AA000088186A4,THE CAMERA PANS around the room. Three long tables with multiple folding chairs is really the only furniture. A neglected washer and dryer, which the guest sit on is present in the corner. The tables and chairs are crowded- everyone drinking, smoking, gambling, and some more illegal activities. A black man wearing a LA Lakers jersey comes into the FRAME. JERSEY finishes talking to one of his friends- JERSEY (to FRIEND) Alright, nigga, I gotta I gotta head on upstairs and blow my nose, you hear? FRIEND Yeah, man, hurry on up, though, we gotta go on over to the joint. JERSEY (smiles, jokingly, walks away) Nigga, dont be rushin me. Alright, man, Ill be right back. JERSEY walks through the basement, going through the numerous guest. He makes his way to the stairwell, occasionally stopping to slap hands with some people. He walks up the stairs, keeping to the side of the rail, since its even crowded on the steps with people. Making his way up the stairs, JERSEY now heads through the kitchen. The music blares as he gets closer to the living room. Not going into the living room, but instead detouring down the hallway towards K-GEES room, JERSEY stops in his tracks, since he has no other place to go. The hallway lined up to the very end with people waiting to see K-GEE and CLEVELAND behind the closed door. JERSEY looks at how long the line is, then pats a MAN in front of him to get his attention. JERSEY (CONTD) (to MAN) Ey, homey. The white boy in a good mood tonight? CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT About eight people sit in K-GEES room, all have their own chair. Talking to one another, the only person not joining in on the conversation is K-GEE and CLEVELAND. 00020000062500008EBC61F,At the end of a deal, K-GEE holds onto a gram of Colombian heroin which is conveniently zipped locked, in front of a the buyer, a seemingly JUNKIE. The camera TILTS TO THE RIGHT, showing a man, black, 25, quickly checking and shuffling a money as he sits in one of the many chairs placed in the bedroom. This is ANGEL. ANGEL finishes counting the money, nods to K-GEE of approval then hands it behind himself to another black man, close in age, braided hair- this is KEVIN. KEVIN puts the money in a fairly large lock box, closes it, locks it with a small key, then hands the key in front of himself to CLEVELAND who takes the key and pockets it. K-GEE hands the bag to the JUNKIE, who gladly takes it with a smile. K-GEE (to JUNKIE) My man, thats old school Columbian. You know the rules, right? Treat that shit good, itll be good to you, all that shit, be careful, because its straight from Columbia, and you know how those motherfuckers down their like to mix it up, right? JUNKIE Yeah, I hear ya man. K-GEE Alright. The two slap hands. K-GEE (CONTD) Your business is always welcome. CLEVELAND (to JUNKIE) For real, home boy, stay for a while, come back whatever, enjoy yourself. JUNKIE (getting annoyed) Yeah. Later. Thanks. K-GEE Yup. The JUNKIE leaves the room, closing the door as he walks out. K-GEE leans back, takes out a cigarette, lights it up, and exhales. K-GEE (CONTD) (angry) Im sick of these motherfuckin junkies, man. CLEVELAND Thats all we get, homey, you know that shit. (checks watch) You gonna call in the next guy? K-GEE Time is money. 000200000624000094DB61E,CLEVELAND (yawns) I am so fuckin tired, dogg. K-GEE Do a line, wake your ass up, man, we got two hours left. CLEVELAND Yeah, I know. CLEVELAND reaches in his pocket, and pulls out a cigarette pack. He takes out a small Baggy of cocaine from it, and lays it on his table. Inside the baggy already is a razor blade. K-GEE watches him open the baggy, only to show CLEVELAND roll his eyes, and stop his observation of the contents. CLEVELAND (CONTD) (to K-GEE) Fuck forgot my lucky straw, man. VODKA (to CLEVELAND) Must not be too lucky if you forgot it. K-GEE Want me to fetch it for ya? CLEVELAND (starts to stand up) Naw, you dont have to, Ill get my ass up and get it. K-GEE Naw, thats cool, I have to check on SOLLOZZO anyway CLEVELAND (directs hand to everyone in the room) You sure? How bout we get one of these faggot-ass motherfuckers to go? K-GEE (stands up) Man, I said Ill get it. Its in your room right? CLEVELAND Yeah, (reaches into pocket, pulls out set of keys) Its in the top drawer. K-GEE Alright, Ill be right back, I gotta go check on my dogg first. CUT TO EXT. K-GEES HOME-- BACKYARD-- MOMENTS LATER-- NIGHT Two POTHEADS bend down, one holding SOLLOZZO by the collar, the other holding a joint and blowing weed smoke in its face. The two laugh every time POTHEAD #1 blows smoke in SOLLOZZOS face, which causes him to turn away, and sneeze. POTHEAD #1 (to #2) Motherfucker hold em still. POTHEAD #2 (to #1, while holding SOLLOZZO by collar) Im tryin nigger, motherfuckin dogg, keeps on movin. #1 blows smoke in SOLLOZZOS face once again. 00020000062700009AF9621,The door to the house opens up. K-GEE stands in the doorway watching the two POTHEADS in shock of what is happening. Immediately, he takes out his 9MM, from his back, takes out the clip, and the bullet in the chamber, throws them on the ground and charges forward. Not noticing K-GEE coming up on them, the two POTHEADS keep their head turned away, laughing at SOLLOZZO. K-GEE raises his gun to POTHEAD #1, and pistol whips him in the back of the head. #1 quickly falls to the floor, making no sound, just holding his head, squirming on the ground in pain. K-GEE quickly points the gun to #2 who lets go of SOLLOZZO and back away. He puts his hands up slightly. POTHEAD #2 (hands raised slightly) What the fuck man? Chill the fuck out! K-GEE (pointing gun, strict tone) Come here! POTHEAD #2 (contd) Fuck you, man! K-GEE cocks the hammer back to the gun and glares at #2. POTHEAD #2 also glares at K-GEE for an uneasy moment, rolls his eyes, then takes a few steps forward. POTHEAD #2 (CONTD) (slowly walking forward) Come on, man, dont be a fuckin retard, point that motherfucker in the other direction. K-GEE says nothing. #1 lays on the ground still. POTHEAD #1 (on ground, in pain) Ah, fuck, nigga, my head, man. POTHEAD #2 (to K-GEE) Look at what you did to my boy, man! Come on, lets have a chat. With the door still open, ANGEL pokes his head outside, and steps forward. ANGEL (to K-GEE) Whoa, GEE, the fucks goin on? K-GEE ignores ANGEL, takes the butt of his gun, and slams it into #2S nose. Blood squirts out, and he falls right to the floor, next to #1. 0002000006390000A11A633,ANGEL (CONTD) (to K-GEE, angry) What the fuck man? K-GEE turns around and faces ANGEL. The two on the floor continue to bitch about the pain. K-GEE (to ANGEL) You know them, ANGEL? ANGEL Naw, never seen em before. K-GEE Then dont kick up so much shit about em. Come on, go get OJ and VODKA, and well throw these motherfuckers out on the street. ANGEL Whatd they do? K-GEE walks over to SOLLOZZO grabs scratches him behind the ears. K-GEE (scratching SOLLOZZO) They started shit with my friend. You start shit with my homes, then Im gonna get involved. ANGEL They hurt SOLLOZZO? K-GEE (little laugh, smile) Naw, but imagine if they did, man. CUT TO EXT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- NIGHT K-GEE makes his way through his kitchen furious. He then stops noticing something. A group of five SPANISH MEN all sit around the table in the living room, talking to each other in Spanish. They talk very loud, but yet are ignored by all who occupy the living room. They pass around a blunt while enjoying themselves. K-GEE glares at them for a moment, then turns to the kitchen table where a group of his FRIENDS sit playing cards. K-GEE leans down and talks to one of them. K-GEE (to FRIEND #1) Hey (nudges him on the shoulder) FRIEND #1 (playing cards) Yeah? K-GEE Hey, uh who invited the border jumpers? FRIEND #1 (contd) The essays over at the table? K-GEE Yeah. FRIEND #1 (contd) They invited themselves GEE. I aint got anything to do with those motherfuckers. K-GEE (looks back at the SPANISH group, runs hands through hair) Well better go out in the garage and get the piata. FRIEND 00020000063B0000A74D635,(contd, not caring) Alright. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT K-GEE lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Arms folded on his chest, he seems to be in deep thought, not paying attention to the furious CLEVELAND who paces around the room, smoking a cigarette, yelling at him. OJ and VODKA sit in the chairs, passing a joint back and forth to each other, keeping semi-quiet, occasionally whispering to each other as they watch CLEVELAND go off. CLEVELAND (pacing, angry, to K-GEE) This whole deal is fucked up man! K-GEE (quiet tone, not caring, laying down) Calm down, dogg, aint nothing gonna happen. CLEVELAND (contd) You sound pretty sure of that, homey. K-GEE (contd) Yeah, I sound sure, they were fuckinpunks, man, theyre nothing. I dont know them, they dont know me, nothing personal, man. I was protecting my friend. CLEVELAND (contd) I fuckin doubt they see it like that, the way they see it, is you pulled out your piece, and pistol whipped them in the face with the gun. K-GEE (contd) Actually the first one wasnt in the face, but right upside the fuckin head, but anywaysyeah, I know what your sayin, CLEVELAND, but they know not to fuck with me. CLEVELAND (contd) I just hope they dont roll up on us, thats all. For our sake, not theres. K-GEE (contd) They wont, dont worry. If worse comes to fuckin worse theyll be comin for me, not you or (directs hand to OJ and VODKA) These things over there. OJ looks at K-GEE, pissed off. OJ Yeah, that reminds me GEE- fuck you. K-GEE (to CLEVELAND, contd) You know what Im sayin though right? 00020000064D0000AD82647,CLEVELAND (contd, calming down) Yeah, I hear. K-GEE (strict, to CLEVELAND) I didnt ask if you "heard", you understand right? CLEVELAND stops and stares at K-GEE for a moment, totally insulted. CLEVELAND (rolls eyes, to K-GEE) Yeah. K-GEE Cool. (sits up, checks watch) Alright, you guys ready to count the night? OJ (to K-GEE) We just lit up one, man, hold on. K-GEE Hurry up. VODKA Goddamn man, the fucks your problem tonight? Youve been a woman all fuckin night, dogg. Just chill the fuck out, we got time. (holds joint in front of K-GEE) Come on have some bud, hash, doja, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. K-GEE (to VODKA, waves hand away) Get that shit outa my face, man. VODKA Alright, your sanity. K-GEE (smiles) My sanity, right. So, the thing Im going to K-GEE stops talking, as someones cell phone starts to go off. The SUPER MARIO BROS theme, is the ringer. Everyone except for OJ checks their phone, since OJ is hitting the joint. K-GEE (CONTD) (checking phone) Aint mine. VODKA (checks phone) Mine either. CLEVELAND (checks phone) OJ, thats you. OJ Fuck. (passes joint to VODKA) Here, hold this, a sec. VODKA (takes joint, smiles) Sure. OJ reaches for his phone. K-GEE We all have to have a different tone. OJ clicks the phone on "talk" OJ (on phone) Yo! As OJ gives small talk, K-GEE and CLEVELAND talk. CLEVELAND (to K-GEE) So, you still talkin to CLINE? K-GEE (lights up cigarette) Yeah, about once a week on the phone. CLEVELAND Hows he doin? K-GEE Like, financially? CLEVELAND Yeah. K-GEE (smirks) Alright, but cant make too much green sellin green. CLEVELAND Thats true. K-GEE 0002000007000000B3C96FA,Its too true, motherfuckers around here dont seem to get the message, that the more risk, the more profit. CLEVELAND How many times have we had this conversation? OJ finishes talking on the phone, and clicks it off. K-GEE every time you bring it up. CLEVELAND Eh, well I dont think OJ JAMES is comin on by, right now, hes pullin on in. K-GEE (to OJ) Who the fuck is JAMES? OJ (to K-GEE) The Mexican. VODKA (corrects him) Cuban OJ Spic. K-GEE JAMES? That aint no wetback name. OJ Hey, lay off him, until you meet the, man, I told him to come here. K-GEE Thats fine, remember, we gotta count that money. CLEVELAND Well do it after JE-SUS leaves. OJ Man, whatd I just say! Wait till you meet him first! K-GEE (to OJ) You just called him a spic, OJ. OJ For real? VODKA (to OJ) You did. OJ (laughs) Well, fuck me then. CUT TO MEET JAMES SULLIVAN EXT. K-GEES HOME-- STREET-- MOMENTS LATER-- NIGHT A young looking kid, about sixteen years old, slowly, and steadily steps out of his car, parked on the other side of the street from K-GEES home. Though late at night, the house still has a good number of people in it, music blaring to a ridiculous volume, people still coming in and out. The kid has short, naturally black hair, tan skin, and a long gold chain around his neck. His cloths are a fashion statement of the year, this is James Sullivan, half Irish and Cuban, though he shows more of the Cuban aspect. The CAMERA NEVER REVELS HIS FACE. MISE-ON SCENE James walks away from his car, only to stop, then run back, open the car door, and lock it. He then goes on. He walks through the street (checking if its clear), and makes his way up to the sidewalk pathway to the house. Numerous people who are chilling outside, mostly black, watch him as he passes with hardened eyes. 0002000008520000BAC384C,James walks past everybody with no look back, and heads to the front door of the house. James opens the door, and lets himself inside. With a quick look around he heads towards the hallway. Everyone continues their own events of social contact, but give a quick glance at James with the same look as the others outside. Making his way to the hallway, a drunk man walks up to him rudely, James stops as he does so to hear him out. DRUNK #1 (to James) You know where you at? James (to DRUNK) Yeah. DRUNK #1 Then where you at, boy? JAMES Im right here. DRUNK #1 You got a fuckin attitude with ya. Why you bringin that shit around here? JAMES The fuck you talkin bout? I aint got nothing but love. DRUNK #1 (laugh) Man, who the fuck are you? JAMES Im me. DRUNK #1 Yeah, yeah, see, see, you all cocky with me, how bout I whip your motherfuckin ass, and getch some respect in ya? JAMES If thats how you wanna go motherfucker. DRUNK #1 (deeply offended) Nigga what? Another DRUNK walks into the frame, and holds DRUNK #1 back by holding on to one of his arms. DRUNK #2 (to DRUNK #1) Alright, nigger, your drunk, come on hes just a fuckin kid, cmon. DRUNK #1 agrees slightly, and walks away, while facing JAMES. DRUNK #1 (to JAMES) Yeah, you lucky, I got respect. Id whip your motherfuckin ass boy. With the camera facing his back until now, the camera PANS AROUND HIS BODY revealing his young face. JAMES looks pissed but almostscared. He turns around, and heads to the hallway. He walks down it, CAMERA STILL TRACKING HIM until he comes to the door. No one is waiting in line now. But rather lounging around in the hallway, just hanging out. JAMES waits for a moment, straightens out his shirt, then knocks on the door. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT K-GEE, ANGEL, OJ, VODKA, and CLEVELAND are all longing in the room. OJ and VODKA sitting on the mattress, K-GEE and CLEVELAND in their designated seats behind the desks, which no longer has any of their "supplies", and ANGEL sits behind the two. SOLLOZZO stays by K-GEES side, quiet as usual. The four were all having a conversation when the door knocks. 0002000007610000C30F75B,K-GEE with a cigarette in his mouth looks rather discouraged by the knock, breaking up their seemingly enjoyable conversation they were having. K-GEE (answering to knock) Who is it? OJ (to K-GEE) Probably my boy. JAMES OS Its JAMES. OJ Ah, see. K-GEE (to OJ) Yo go let him in. OJ stands up, and heads to the door. CLEVELAND (to K-GEE, whisper) Cant wait to see this shit. K-GEE I hear ya. OJ opens the door, allowing JAMES to shyly walk in. OJ and JAMES slap hands, before OJ introduces him to everyone. OJ (to everyone) Yo everyone, this here is my boy JAMES. Everyone in the room stares at him with no expression. OJ (CONTD) (directs hand to everyone hes naming off, to JAMES) JAMES, thats K-GEE, thats CLEVELAND, you know my homeboy VODKA obviously, and that there in the back hidin like a little bitch is ANGEL. (to ANGEL) Im just playin man, you know Im afraid of your ass. ANGEL (to OJ) Better be. OJ Yeah and now that we know everybody, lets get down to business. K-GEE There aint no business here OJ. (to JAMES) JAMES pull up a chair, next to ya, and take a seat in front of me and CLEVELAND here. JAMES Alright. JAMES grabs a folding chair, and does as he was told. He sits down in a longing fashion, trying to look cool and tough, but K-GEE can see right through him. K-GEE (to JAMES) You know, I hate to come off as a cunt n all, upon first meeting you, but its getting late, and we gotta get some shit straight right away so we can all go our own ways for the night. JAMES (to K-GEE) Alright. K-GEE Cool, now, alright, so you wanna push at your school. At your high school, right? JAMES Thats right. K-GEE Right, but you have to go through me and my dogg, CLEVELAND to get the shit you wanna sell, right? JAMES Yeah. K-GEE K, now, have you ever seen The Godfather? JAMES The Go no, no, man, I havent, I wanted to, but never had the fuckin chance, you see? 0002000006AC0000CA6A6A6,K-GEE No, not really, but, almost the same situation goes down in that flick as does here, see? Like VITO didnt wanna give the order and finance to start pushin in his city to SOLLOZZO, the o by the way, my dog right heres (points to SOLLOZZO) name is SOLLOZZO too, (glares at OJ) and OJ shouldve introduced him first, since hes top dogg in this room, but SOLLOZZO in the flick was a gangster who wanted to start pushin, but VITO said "no", because its too damn risky and ultimately bad for business. JAMES K. K-GEE So, in this case. JAMES (interrupts) Yeah, OJ already gave me the low down on what you were thinking and thats, thats fine. K-GEE (strict) Ok, two things, one: you interrupted me. Me and my boys dont like to get interrupted. JAMES Sorry. K-GEE Yeah, and two: if thats fine, then what the fuck are you doin here? JAMES What? Its Friday, word is this is a hot spot for parties, and I wanted to meet ya, cause word is youre a cool cat, and yeah. K-GEE So, you being here is about the party, not about business, right? JAMES Yeah, I guess. K-GEE Wellyou already met me, so "nice to meet ya", and you came for the party, but yet your in here, wasting me and my boys time, so (directs hand to door) Go to the party. JAMES (looks back) What? Out there? K-GEE (laughs, to CLEVELAND) You, ah you wanna handle this one CLEV? CLEVELAND (to JAMES) Yeah. JAMES (confused) What? CLEVELAND (laughs, to JAMES) Yeah, out there, man. JAMES (to K-GEE) Alright, so I can stick around? K-GEE Till the parties over, and (checks watch) It aint over yet, so go on, get drunk, get high. JAMES (gets up from seat) Alright, so were done? K-GEE I dont know what we started to be done, but sure. 00020000063B0000D110635,JAMES Alright. K-GEE Alright. JAMES starts to head to the door. OJ (to JAMES) Yo J.! JAMES (to OJ) Yo. OJ Ill catch up with ya in a few. JAMES Alright, cool. JAMES continues heading towards the door, but is stopped again. K-GEE Ey, YOUNG BLOOD. JAMES (to K-GEE) O Im not a Blood. Everyone in the room but JAMES laughs a little. K-GEE (laughing) I never said you were YOUNG BLOOD. YOUNG BLOOD K. K-GEE (contd) How old are ya? YOUNG BLOOD Sixteen. K-GEE Alright, you know its illegal for sixteen year olds to smoke and drink dont ya? YOUNG BLOOD (smiles) Not in my book, man. K-GEE (pause) I wanna see this book you mentioned, but no, no, have a good time, man, hang out, relax, whatever, you know? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, thanks. YOUNG BLOOD opens, leaves, and closes the door. K-GEE (yells to YOUNG BLOOD) Your welcome! K-GEE laughs a bit, but is stopped by OJS rudeness OJ (to K-GEE) What the fuck, man? K-GEE (to OJ) What the fuck indeed, OJ. That kid is a straight up bug, man. Hes a fuckin begger, tryin to get a hold of my shit to make a buck, fuck him, he aint even got the smarts he needs to survive. OJ Man, Ill teach him the game. K-GEE I dont like that kid, man, and thats the thing, hes a kid, he should do something with his life. ANGEL (to OJ) GEES right, man, that kid seems like a bitch, I wouldnt be trustin him for nothing. OJ Whatever, niggers whatever. CLEVELAND OJ, dont be getting caught up with that, shit. Sooner or later itll take ya down. OJ Fuck. (to VODKA) You gonna support me here nigga? VODKA (shrugs) I aint got no say, nigger, Im neutral, here. 0002000006980000D745692,K-GEE Yeah, alright, lets finish up here, well talk about this later on, I really dont wanna hear about this shit right now. CU ON K-GEE PETTING SOLLOZZO FADE OUT INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT CU ON K-GEE LOCKING UP SAFE K-GEE locks up one of the four hidden safes inside the carpet, puts the key in his pocket, and seals down the loose piece of carpet concealing the safes. K-GEE stands up, and stares at his sleeping dog. K-GEE cracks his back by turning his waist back and forth, then stares down at CLEVELAND who is sitting down at his desk, making some lines from a small bag of coke laying on the top. CLEVELAND grabs his straw laying next to the bag and positions himself. K-GEE stares at CLEVELAND with patience. After snorting all the lines quickly, CLEVELAND leans back sniffing hard and rapidly. K-GEE Your gonna be up all night now. CLEVELAND (leaning back, sniffing excess) I aint got a reason to go to bed. K-GEE Yeah, well, I do. Listen (lights up a cigarette) Im gonna check to see if everyone is outa here. CLEVELAND You gonna let anyone camp out tonight? K-GEE Naw, not tonight, Im gonna sleep in, I dont want any hung over motherfucker bitchen in the morning, wonderin where there at. CLEVELAND Alright. K-GEE heads towards the bedroom door, stops and turns to CLEVELAND. K-GEE You feeling it? CLEVELAND Hundred percent. K-GEE stares at CLEVELAND for a moment then heads out of the room. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- HALLWAY-- NIGHT K-GEE heads down the hallway and stops half way as he hears the MEXICANS he displeases, talking softly in Spanish. With a roll of his eyes, and silent mouthing of "fuck", K-GEE peeks at the end of the hall. 0002000006C60000DDD76C0,K-GEE notices, YOUNG BLOOD, sitting around the table, holding a beer, talking in Spanish with the MEXICANS, laughing it up, having a good time. K-GEE stares at them for a moment then moves into the living room. He stands at the edge of the room and calls out. K-GEE (to MEXICANS) Alright, guys, time to head out, its late. The MEXICANS as well as YOUNG BLOOD look at K-GEE for a moment. YOUNG BLOOD speaks to them in Spanish, which causes all of them to slowly, and drunkenly stand up. YOUNG BLOOD and the MEXICANS start to head out of the room. K-GEE speaks to YOUNG BLOOD as he passes. K-GEE (CONTD) Ey, YOUNG BLOOD. YOUNG BLOOD Me? K-GEE Yeah, meet me in my room, say bye n shit to your pals. YOUNG BLOOD Aight, hold up a sec., man. K-GEE walks back down the hallway. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT K-GEE walks into this bedroom quickly and closes the door, almost excited. CLEVELAND Everyone bounce? K-GEE Yeah, but hold up. What part of the city do we have trouble pushin in? CLEVELAND I dont know, homey, tell me. K-GEE Spic-ville. CLEVELAND Ah, spic-ville. So what? Why? K-GEE Why? Cause we cant speak fuckin Spanish. CLEVELAND No, shit, Im black. K-GEE And Im white, stop the presses, but no, YOUNG BLOOD can speak Spanish. CLEVELAND Whos YOUNG BLOOD? K-GEE Motherfuckin The door opens up and YOUNG BLOOD steps in quietly, closing the door behind him. K-GEE (CONTD) (looks towards YOUNG BLOOD, to CLEVELAND) This motherfucker right here. (to YOUNG BLOOD) Hey, yo, take a seat at my desk, next to my homeboy. YOUNG BLOOD Alright. YOUNG BLOOD walks towards the desk, and gets a stare down by CLEVELAND causing YOUNG BLOOD to sit down. The two stare at K-GEE with the utmost patience to hear him out. 0002000006A70000E4976A1,K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) Alright, YOUNG BLOOD, how well can you speak Spanish? YOUNG BLOOD Good. K-GEE Fluently? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, I guess. K-GEE Cool, you wanna be rich? YOUNG BLOOD Why not? K-GEE Alright, so you wanna be rich, so you stick with me, thats how your gonna end up. YOUNG BLOOD Alright. K-GEE Show some enthusiasm man, your joining the exclusive club here. YOUNG BLOOD (more enthused) Fuck yeah, I wanna be rich, dogg. Who doesn't? K-GEE Everyone does, but nobody has the balls to make it happen. Thats where me and my boy CLEVELAND right next to ya, is gonna do. CLEVELAND and YOUNG BLOOD exchange looks, then turn back to K-GEE. K-GEE Alright, so, I dont wanna fill your head with high hopes now, but come on back next week Friday, earlier this time, and come to my room, just knock. Youll probably get a lot of (glance at CLEVELAND) CLEVELAND Niggers K-GEE Bitchin at ya for walking right up and knockin on my door, but fuck em, youre a VIP now, you get right in, while those pieces of shit out there wait for their turn. So you gonna be back? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah. K-GEE Come on, man- enthusiasm. YOUNG BLOOD (more enthusiasm) Shit, Ill be here, man, count on it. K-GEE Alright, cool, now get on outa here. YOUNG BLOOD (gets up) Alright, Im bouncing. K-GEE Remember early. YOUNG BLOOD You got it, man. K-GEE Cool. YOUNG BLOOD heads past K-GEE opens the bedroom door, but is stopped. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) Hey, man. (extends hand) The two slap hands. K-GEE Alright, get some sleep. YOUNG BLOOD For real. See ya. K-GEE Take it easy. YOUNG BLOOD exits the room. K-GEE turns to CLEVELAND smiling. CLEVELAND Dont tell me your gonna pull your FRANK PENTANGALI logic on that bug. 00020000072C0000EB38726,K-GEE What? "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer", deal? CLEVELAND Yeah. K-GEE Naw, I aint gonna do that, and it was HYMAN ROTH not PENTANGALI, who MICHAEL played that on. CLEVELAND My bad, but come on explain your shit to me. K-GEE Simple, dogg, were gonna use him to push in the essay hood. CLEVELAND Hes gonna get his ass shot. K-GEE Yeah, but even so, nothing personal, no big loss. CLEVELAND I guess. K-GEE Yeah, but come on, Im gonna watch that. CLEVELAND What? Godfather? K-GEE Part II. CLEVELAND Thought you were going to bed? K-GEE Naw, see now Im all excited. CLEVELAND I dont see why, come on tell me whats on your mind killa. K-GEE Hold up (heads towards bedroom door) Im gonna get some paper. K-GEE exits the room, leaving the CAMERA ON CLEVELAND. A LONG SHOT IS USED. CLEVELAND sits there, quiet, staring at the door- pissed. FADE TO YOUNG BLOODS LIVING INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- STREET-- MINUETS LATER-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD drives down the dark streets, in silence. Moments pass by, his mind occupied. He rolls down his window, and keeps quiet longer. YOUNG BLOOD, after a moment of awkward silence, screams out in excitement to the top of his lungs. YOUNG BLOOD (loud, excited) Whoooo! Fuck yeah, motherfuckers! YOUNG BLOOD continues screaming while driving down the street. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- KITCHEN-- MINUETS LATER-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOODS home is cramped, filthy, and uncomfortable. The house is owned by his grandma SENONA, a sixty year old woman, who lays on the couch, wearing a long dress. The TV is on across the couch, infomercials light up the room. YOUNG BLOOD comes through the back-door connected to the kitchen. The kitchen has pots and pans laying all around the counters. YOUNG BLOOD closes the back-door rather loud, which causes his grandma to wake up in a slight panic. 0002000006170000F25E611,SENONA (in Spanish, half awake) Whos there? Jimmy? YOUNG BLOOD (in Spanish, taking shoes off) Yeah, Im going to bed. SENONA (contd) What time is it? YOUNG BLOOD (contd, checks watch) About four. SENONA (contd) Goddamn, go to bed! YOUNG BLOOD (contd) Thats what I just said. SENONA (contd) You gotta get up for school remember. YOUNG BLOOD (contd) Its Saturday. SENONA O I forgot. SENONA lays back down, and goes back to sleep. YOUNG BLOOD walks away to his bedroom. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOODS room is full of empty liquor bottles, cigarette packs, porn, hung up posters, etc. YOUNG BLOODS girlfriend JENNI PLOEG lays on the bed, sleeping. JENNI, sixteen years old is a strikingly attractive girl, short blondish brown hair, slender body, wearing a tank top, exposing her flat stomach, with no pants on, only her underwear to heat her body below her waist. YOUNG BLOOD, afraid of waking her up, doesn't bother to turn on the light, and just takes off his pants, and short, leaving his boxers on. He crawls onto the bed, and tries to pull his share of covers over him, but pulling them away from the snug Jenni causes her to lightly wake up. She turns to him and half awake. JENNI (half awake) Hey. YOUNG BLOOD Hey. JENNI (contd) Where were you? YOUNG BLOOD At that party remember? JENNI (contd) O, have fun? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, it was alright. JENNI (contd) Good. I had an interesting day. YOUNG BLOOD (gets comfortable, turns away) Tell me later, ok, I just wanna get some sleep, shorty. JENNI (contd) 00020000063E0000F86F638,Alright. JENNI turns in the opposite direction from YOUNG BLOOD. The two remain quiet, and sleep, though JENNI seems to be thinking more than trying to go to sleep. THE SHOT STAYS ON HER FACE. FADE OUT EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK-- HOURS LATER-- DAY YOUNG BLOOD and a friend of his, METAL MAN, a seventeen year old black kid, wearing expensive contemporary cloths, chains, ear rings, rings, etc. (hence the name) talk normally to each other. METAL MAN rides on a BMX bike slowly keeping the same walking pace as YOUNG BLOOD as they talk. METAL MAN Why the fuck does he call you YOUNG BLOOD? YOUNG BLOOD Some inside thing, I dont fuckin know, man. METAL MAN Fuck em. YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, for real, but Im gonna see what he has to say, and if its good, then Im in. METAL MAN Gonna put in a word for me? YOUNG BLOOD I can, I dont know what hell say, hes kinda strict n shit. METAL MAN Thats what I heard about the man. YOUNG BLOOD But, yeah, I dont know what hell say about ya. I can speak Spanish remember, thats what he was getting at. METAL MAN So what I can speak nigger. YOUNG BLOOD I dont know if thats an accomplishment. YOUNG BLOOD stops as does METAL MAN and looks at a house across from them. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) Hey, yo, lets see if TERRY is home. METAL MAN Aight. YOUNG BLOOD (to house, yells out) Hey TERRY! Wake your ass up, bro! The two wait, while laghing, nobody answers. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) (to METAL MAN) I dont think hes home. METAL MAN Probably not. YOUNG BLOOD (to house, yells, in Spanish) I fucked your sister and mom yesterday at the same time motherfucker! 00020000063B0000FEA7635,METAL MAN Whadg you say? YOUNG BLOOD (laughs, to METAL MAN) Dont worry about it, dogg. METAL MAN Thats cold, but hey, mind if I come next Friday, burn the bitch on down? YOUNG BLOOD Go for it, but be cool n all, Ill talk to him about ya. METAL MAN Alright, just be all like "yeah, my homeboy METAL MAN needs a job, you think you can hook him up". Just say that. YOUNG BLOOD What job you need? METAL MAN I dont know, I dont care, man, I just need some money. YOUNG BLOOD See where Im comin at, man? I want it all, man. They shoulda called me Scarface, Tony Montana cause Im a greedy motherfuckin Cuban! METAL MAN You aint no Tony Montana, dogg. Tony got balls, you got a great big ol pussy, cause you got pussy whipped so much, it knocked off your balls. YOUNG BLOOD (tries to slap METAL MAN upside the head) Fuck you man! METAL MAN speeds off on his bike laughing while YOUNG BLOOD runs after him laughing and yelling after him. Their youth cant be hidden behind toughness for long. FADE TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- BEDROOM-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD walks into his room, wobbling a little bit- too much drinking. He looks to his bed, seeing JENNI laying there, headphones on, listening to music. YOUNG BLOOD Hey, hun. still up? JENNI (takes headphones off) What? YOUNG BLOOD Still up? JENNI No shit, Im awake aint I? YOUNG BLOOD I dont know, Im so tore up right now. JENNI Wheredg you go babe? YOUNG BLOOD (thinks hard) Fuckin ah that one kids house. The one that goes "what!" all the time, babe. JENNI CHILIS? YOUNG BLOOD (sings tune, takes shirt and pants off) 00020000065F000104DC659,"Chilisbabyback ribs". (laughs) JENNI Better be quiet, youll wake your grandma up. YOUNG BLOOD (crawls into bed) Aw, Ill give her a reason to wake up. YOUNG BLOOD starts rapidly kissing JENNIS face, ironically missing her lips. She rolls her eyes, and lightly pushes him away. JENNI You stink. YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, sorry, I spilled some beer on my pants, and everybody thought I pissed em, man it was gay as hell. JENNI No, you smell like smoke. YOUNG BLOOD Cause I smoke. YOUNG BLOOD starts kissing her the same way again, and again she pushed him away. JENNI Listen, whats weird is your all hot n heavy when your drunk, but your cold when your not. It just dont I dont know. YOUNG BLOOD I get really horny when Im wasted baby. JENNI Yeah, but it just seems like you YOUNG BLOOD stops her in the middle of her sentence by now kissing her on the lips. Her eyes remain open as hes doing so. She finally closes them and gives into the false affection. FADE TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- BEDROOM-- ONE DAY LATER (MONDAY)-- MORNING BLACK SCREEN An alarm clock goes off over a black screen. We here an exhausted moan come from YOUNG BLOOD, not too excited to go to school. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- STREET-- FORTY FIVE MINUETS LATER-- MORNING YOUNG BLOOD drives with his eyes half way open, still tired. He calmly smokes a cigarette. JENNI rides in the passenger seat. With the radio turned down low, the two chat a bit. YOUNG BLOOD Whats your plans after school? JENNI Goin out with KRISTEN. YOUNG BLOOD She giving you a ride? JENNI Yeah, right after school. YOUNG BLOOD Alright, she dropping you off at home then? 00020000067200010B3566C,JENNI I guess, were just goin to the mall. YOUNG BLOOD Alright. JENNI So, hey, you goin to that one guys house this Friday? YOUNG BLOOD Whos? JENNI Like, KS or something. YOUNG BLOOD K-GEES? JENNI Yeah. YOUNG BLOOD Who told ya that? JENNI TONY told TERESA, who told me YOUNG BLOOD Kind of a tongue twister, "TONY told TERESA, who told", anyways yeah, I am, why, you wanna come? JENNI I would like to. YOUNG BLOOD Why? Why do you care? JENNI Party, its Friday. YOUNG BLOOD See, that really aint the place for woman your age to go to. JENNI So what, Im gonna bring RACHEL with me, well keep out of peoples ways. YOUNG BLOOD (thinks) If you wannna go, then go for it, but Im just saying is that it aint the safest place, know what Im sayin here? JENNI Yeah. YOUNG BLOOD Alright. Silence fills the car for a moment. YOUNG BLOOD turns up the radio but JENNI soon after turns it back down. JENNI So, why does this kid wanna talk to ya? Some drug thing? YOUNG BLOOD I I dont know, just kickin it with the fuckin guy. JENNI So, your not wheelin and dealin then? YOUNG BLOOD I dont know, maybe. JENNI I dont want you to be goin out and doin that shit. YOUNG BLOOD O, so what, I need the money. JENNI Theres other ways. YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, but I dont know. JENNI Im just saying, I dont want you getting arrested or shot, you know for some shit. YOUNG BLOOD Aight, you dont gotta be watchin my ass here woman. I can handle things. JENNI Alright, I just dont wanna loose you like that. YOUNG BLOOD Like what? YOUNG BLOOD looks over at JENNI waiting for answer, but her attention is drawn to the window, looking out of it to avoid him. 0002000006E5000111A16DF,CUT TO INT. HIGHSCHOOL-- BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CLASS-- HOURS LATER-- DAY YOUNG BLOOD sits in his desk while his teacher rambles on. Half the kids in the class seem to be paying attention. THE CAMERA PANS TO YOUNG BLOODS DESK who sits in the back row. He leans his head up against the back wall, about to fall asleep. TEACHER OS advantages to a franchise. They are: well known- products- advertising- management- and territory rights, alright? Well known- products- advertising CUT TO INNOCENCE HIDDEN UNDER THE NAME KC INT. HIGHSCHOOL-- HALLWAY-- HOURS LATER-- DAY The hallway is crowded with teenagers. Socializing, relaxing after a day of school, etc. YOUNG BLOOD walks through it calmly. He takes out his NEXTEL cell phone and "two-ways", someone. Moments later a voice comes in on the other end. The voice belongs to KC, YOUNG BLOODS best friend. KC OS (over speaker) Yo? YOUNG BLOOD (into phone) Ey, man, you gonna meet me? KC OS (contd) Yeah, same place? YOUNG BLOOD (contd) Yeah, but before we head on over to your house, we gotta stop and pick some up. KC OS (contd) CLINES? YOUNG BLOOD (contd) Yeah. KC OS (contd) You know what, I talked with him, earlier on this week, he said to just toke with him. YOUNG BLOOD (contd) O for real? CUT TO INT. CLINES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY CLINE, YOUNG BLOOD, and KC all sit on a couch, side by side. CLINE leans down rolling a blunt on a small table. THE SCENE NEVER CUTS DURING THIS SEQUENCE OF DIALOGUE. THE CAMERA STAYS AT A MEDIUM-LONG SHOT. CLINE a rather large black man, 23, wearing a sports jersey, a lot of jewelry, and other expensive attire articles, seems to point out that this man is doing rather good work in the weed selling ring. He sits on the right of YOUNG BLOOD. 00020000084E00011880848,On YOUNG BLOODS left is KC. KC aka. KORY CLADEN, 16 years old, a white kid, who seems to know the ways of the street to a certain extent judging by his nice cloths. CLINE (rolling blunt, to YOUNG BLOOD) So, who are you gonna be working for? YOUNG BLOOD (watching CLINE roll) Some cat named K-GEE. You heard of the him? CLINE (stops rolling, eye contact with YOUNG BLOOD) Well, hell yeah I know that motherfucker. I used to buy weed from that fuckin guy. YOUNG BLOOD Wait, he sells weed? CLINE (goes back to rolling) Naw, naw, not anymore, he quit doing that a couple years back to move the dope he sells now in. YOUNG BLOOD Huh, so whats up, he a cool cat? CLINE Hes alright. Rude motherfucker. YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, for real, I seen that. KC So whats up, CLINE? You got something against him? CLINE Me? Naw, not really, we just got some disagreements sometimes, ya know? KC Yeah. CLINE The guy is the guy is too obsessed with business. He never has any fun. Unlike me (holds blunt in front of face, smiles) Im all about fun. (laughs) Gonna get fucked up from this shit, fellas. Because (starts to sing, while holding blunt) Im a super, super, star (high pitched, till singing) Staaaaaar. KC You gonna light that up, or are you gonna sing in an off key voice all day. CLINE Aight aight, lets do this thang. CLINE lights up the blunt while the other two look on. Their lips watering. CUT TO EXT. CLINES HOME-- PORCH-- FORTY MINUETS LATER-- DAY KC and YOUNG BLOOD walk onto the porch. YOUNG BLOOD (while walking) So whats up, all you need is a ride home? KC (while walking) Yeah. YOUNG BLOOD Aight, no problem. The two are stopped by CLINE opening the front door in a hurry. He stands in the doorway holding a pack of Bubble Tape. The 6 feet of thin gum that my generation of kids loved to death. CLINE opens the pack up revealing the whole 6 feet worth of rolled up gum. CLINE Hey guys check this shit out! KC and YOUNG BLOOD turn to watch CLINES display. CLINE takes the whole wad of gum and some how manages to put the whole thing in his mouth. He raises his arms in victory. CLINE (with wadded gum in his mouth) 0002000007B7000120C87B1,Yes! KC Your gonna choke man. CLINE (laughs) Yeah. YOUNG BLOOD (to KC, avoids CLINES stupidity) You ready? CUT TO PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED INT. KCS HOME-- KITCHEN-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY KC walks into his home through the back door leading to the kitchen. Just like everybody else's house, its filthy. KC yells to his dad, WILLIAM CLADEN, a balding man, beer guzzling, beer belly, disgusting cloths wearing being sits in his reclining chair, beer in his hand watches TV. KC Hey, Im home? WILLIAM Where were you? KC I was with JAMES. WILLIAM Alright. You get all your work done? KC walks into the living room and stands in the doorway looking at his dad. KC Yeah, Im good. WILLIAM You sure? KC Yeah, Im sure. WILLIAM Im just saying, because if I get another call from one of your teachers, then your in trouble. KC I know. WILLIAM Good. Did you eat yet? KC Yeah, I got some food over there. WILLIAM Ok. KC Alright, Im going up. WILLIAM To do what? KC (starts walking away) Chill. WILLIAM Hey wait a second. KC (stops) Yo? WILLIAM turns his attention to KC with anger. WILLIAM Did you take some of my beer? KC No, why? WILLIAM Because it looks like Im missing some. KC Naw, I didnt touch it. WILLIAM I hope not. Id beat your fucking ass if you did. KC No, I didnt take any. WILLIAM I hope not. KC (walks away) I didnt. KC walks away, and heads upstairs to his room. WILLIAM continues watching TV, drinking his beer in silence. CUT TO INT. KCS HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAY KC walks into his room, which is filled with posters, and CD cases. He walks over to his CD player and turns it on. He turns on his music having it being rather loud. KC grabs a shirt off the floor, which is put in a pile, throws it on his bed, and takes off the shirt hes wearing now. His back is covered with bruises, as is his chest as he turns towards the camera to grab his other shirt. Paying no mind to his marks, KC puts on his "clean" shirt, and throws the other one on the ground. 0002000007500001287974A,KC falls onto his bed, and listens to his music in solitary. CUT TO INT. KCS HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- DAY WILLIAM looks at his watch, then leans over and grabs the phone on the side of the chair. He clicks it on and starts dialing a number. Moments later a voice comes in on the other line, who is TIM MASON, a local, small time loan shark. TIM OS (over phone) Go. WILLIAM Hey, TIM, its WILL. TIM OS (contd) I know who it is man, need some? WILLIAM Yeah, its Monday isnt it? TIM OS (contd) Yeah. WILLIAM Yeah, well then I need some. TIM OS (contd) Alright, you know the place. WILLIAM Alright, Ill be there by four thirty. TIM OS (contd) Alright, hurry on up, I got shit to do. WILLIAM Ok, see you in a few. TIM OS (contd) Yeah. WILLIAM hangs up the phone, and slowly gets up from his seat. He takes one last drink of his beer, and sets it down on the table next to the chair. Grabbing his car keys off the kitchen table, WILLIAM heads out the back door, never bothering to tell his son that hes leaving. CUT TO INT. KCS HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAY KC watches out his bedroom window, looking down on his dad leaving in his piece of shit car. KC sees safety now, and heads over to his bed, wear he lifts up his mattress and takes one of the many beers underneath it and cracks one open. He takes a sip of it, and lays back down on his bed, enjoying his "freedom" for the moment. CUT TO INT. WILLIAMS CAR-- STREET-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY WILLIAM drives down the ghetto streets, holding a cigarette, listening to oldies. He sings along with the song. CUT TO THE LOAN SHARK INT. TIMS HOME-- KITCHEN-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY TIM MASON, a white thirty five year old loan shark, who always dresses nicely, but never overdresses for the usual occasion. He wears a cap over his head covering up his obvious baldness. The only indication of his financial well-ness is his Rolex 00020000067600012FC3670,TIM sits at his kitchen table, waiting, with a three hundred dollars laying in front of him on the table. Smoking a cigarette, he watches as WILLIAM enters through the door. WILLIAM (walking towards kitchen table) Hey, TIM. TIM (Nods) WILL. WILLIAM (sits down, glances at money) Looks like were all set. TIM Yeah, but your still on ISS right? WILLIAM Two weeks, same as always, TIM. TIM Just making sure, WILL, just making sure. TIM slides WILLIAM the money, who gladly takes it with a smile, and puts it in his wallet immediately. TIM (CONTD) Alright, I put you down for only eight percent this time, since I know your good for it, and youve paid on time for the last few months. Keep it up, itll stay this way. WILLIAM Got ya. TIM Yeah, two weeks from today, call if you have any problems. WILLIAM I know the drill. So whats eight percent? TIM (pause, cold stare) Three hundred and twenty four. Youll find no one else, not even a bank with those rates man. WILLIAM Yeahyeah, thats great, I appreciate that, man. But why am I an exception from everyone else? TIM (stands up) Your not. Its because Im a nice guy. WILLIAM (stands up) The best. The two walk to each other and shake hands. TIM Going straight over from here to get your shit? WILLIAM Yeah, I think so, aint got nothing better to do. TIM Could drink. WILLIAM Ive already been doing that. TIM Yeah, I know, I can smell it on you. WILLIAM Eh, damn kid has been pissing me off. TIM Ah, hes a good kid, let him learn. WILLIAM (starts to walk away) When you have a kid, sir, youll learn. TIM I doubt it. Ill see you in two weeks then. WILLIAM (contd) Two weeks, no later. TIM 00020000069F00013633699,Good. WILLIAM leaves the house, leaving TIM alone standing in his own kitchen. With a check of his watch, he walks to his counter and grabs his cell phone and a small date book. He brings both to his kitchen table, and takes out a pen. Flipping through the book, he stops at a page, looks over the information written on it carefully, and starts dialing his phone. He waits patiently as the phone rings. Someone on the other line picks up, though cant be heard too well. TIM (CONTD) (into phone) Hey, TOMMY, its TIM just wanted to remind you of your payment coming up on Wednesday. SERIES OF SHOTS A SERIES OF SHOTS is used. TIM calls numerous people, all business related. TIM is a business man, and like all business men, the fun doesn't start till the work is done. TIM leans slouches back in his chair still at the kitchen table. He speaks into his phone calmly. TIM (CONTD) (into phone) Im just telling ya, I know your good for it, please dont make me loose that confidence. TIM paces around the kitchen slowly, still on the phone. TIM (CONTD) (contd) MANNY, dont be doin this to me. You know Im old school, and I dont wanna relate to old school tactics, here, but I gotta, cause thats how I am. TIM looks into his fridge, trying to find something good to eat. He uses his free hand, the one that not holding the phone to scavenge around. TIM (CONTD) (contd) CANDY, this is how the game works, I dont set the rules, the street does, and I cant change the street. TIM sits at the kitchen table, eating a piece of cold pizza as he continues with the phone calls. TIM (CONTD) (contd) You spent it on a watch? What kind? (waits for answer) you got ripped off there buddy. 00020000066400013CCC65E,TIM paces around in his kitchen furiously, screaming into the phone. TIM (CONTD) (contd, pissed off) One fuckin day motherfucker! One fuckin day! Thats twenty four hours! One thousand, four hundred, and forty fuckin minuets! Im very punctual here asshole! Im aware when someone is late, and when someone is late when it concerns my money! I make sure that I stay on schedule, one way or another! TIM sits on his kitchen counter, listing to the other line ring and ring. TIM down on his kitchen table staring that the ceiling while talking on the phone. TIM (CONTD) (contd) Im like Jerry McGuire here, man, Im trying to keep you with me (listens to other person on the other line) Im am not gonna say that, dont even get me started. (listens to other person) o fuck KING, that guy cant beat my rates, its an impossibility. (listens to other person) I guess not. (laughs) TIM checks his watch, and grabs his car keys while talking. TIM (CONTD) Yeah, but hey, listen, I have to go now, ok? I really have to go. (listens to other person) I have to go over to some potheads house and pick up my cut. (listens to response) Yeah, I charge them more, for this shit, they dont have a car, and all they spend their money on his fuckin shit. (listens to other person) Yeah, their not the brightest. CUT TO EXT. OJ AND VODKAS HOME-- PORCH-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY TIM knocks on the front door and rings the doorbell. OJ nor VODKA come to answer it. TIM looks to the side to try and peek in through the living room window, but the curtain blocks his view. TIM looks across the street- to K-GEES home, and heads on over there. 0002000006690001432A663,CUT TO EXT. K-GEES HOME-- PORCH-- DAY TIM knocks on K-GEES front door, and waits for someone to come to it. Moments later the door opens. CLEVELAND stands behind the screen door, takes one look and shuts it. A second later he opens it back up laughing, and opens it fully for TIM to step through. CLEVELAND (moves aside, laughing) Im sorry, man. CLEVELAND shuts the door behind him. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- DAY CLEVELAND heads on over to the couch wear his video game is left on pause. He picks up the controller and starts playing. CLEVELAND (playing videogames) You looking for OJ and VODKA? TIM Yeah. CLEVELAND They should be in GEES room. I think hes doing a deal, so you better knock first dogg, you hear? TIM Yeah, I hear ya, man. TIM heads for the hallway to K-GEES room. CLEVELAND (contd) So whats new? TIM (walking to hallway) Couldnt tell ya, man, living in the past here. Same old shit everyday. CLEVELAND (contd) Aw. THE CAMERA TRACKS WITH TIM TO K-GEES CLOSED DOOR. TIM knocks first as he was instructed. K-GEE OS Yo? TIM Hey, KADEN, its TIM. K-GEE OS Alright, one sec man. TIM waits patiently for the door to open. When the door does open WILLIAM steps out of it, putting a bad of heroin into his pocket. WILLIAM (passing by) Hey TIM. TIM Howya doin WILL? WILLIAM OS (contd) Better now (laughs) K-GEE enters through the doorway. K-GEE (to WILLIAM) Yo BILLY, Ill catch ya laterz right? WILLIAM OS (contd) See ya next week KADEN. K-GEE (to TIM) Whats up? TIM Is OJ and VODKA here? K-GEE Yeah, theyre in here, come on in, man. TIM steps inside. K-GEE closes the door in front of the camera. 00020000066A0001498D664,CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAY OJ and VODKA sit down in folding chair side by side. They look up at TIM with expressions saying "am I in trouble?" OJ What up TIMMY? VODKA (retard voice and expression) TIMMY. The two laugh a bit expect for K-GEE and TIM who look at the two in question of their stupidity. TIM pulls up a folding chair against the wall and sits in front of the two. K-GEE remains standing. OJ (looks over at VODKA) Uh oh. VODKA We behind again? TIM No, no, you have a few days, but I wanna talk to ya about something else. K-GEE (standing) Hey, TIM, am I allowed to hear what Im about to hear? TIM (to K-GEE) Yeah, KADEN stick around, its your house. My business is your business when it takes place in your house. K-GEE (walks over to wall) Well I didnt know. K-GEE grabs another chair and ashtray over by the wall and sits down next to TIM. He puts the ash tray on the ground and lights up a cigarette. OJ (noticing the cigarette) O that sounds good, I need one now. VODKA Yeah, for real, sounds like some heavy shit is gonna go down concerning us nigger. TIM Nothing is wrong concerning you guys, just chill the fuck out. OJ (laughs) Ho ho ho, whoa VODKA and OJ light up cigarettes. TIM Alright, see, now I need one because Im out of place. TIM lights one up. TIM (CONTD) Ok, have you guys heard of a guy named KING? CHARLEY KING? OJ I never have (to VODKA) You? VODKA (to OJ) I only know the people you know, homey. OJ (to TIM) No, we dont know who that is. K-GEE (to TIM) Hes a loan shark aint he? TIM Yeah. Yeah he actually does business around here, Im surprised you two never heard of the guy. 00020000069A00014FF1694,OJ (offended) Sorry TIM Anyways, Im loosing some business or clients to this man. OJ Uh oh, dont sound good for old TIMMY here. VODKA (retard voice and expression) TIMMY! K-GEE (to OJ and VODKA) Shut up, listen to him. TIM (to K-GEE) Thank you. (to OJ and VODKA) Anyways, Im loosing a lot of money to this guy. A lot, were talking thousands and thousands of dollars. OJ Aight, I see where this shit is goin, now. TIM Yeah, and I hate to get you guys involved with my affairs. OJ Who you having an affair with? K-GEE It means business. TIM It means business yeah. VODKA Sorry, you gonna have to speak in non-smart terms with us. TIM Im tryin, but listen. You guys wanna do this for me? Ill ignore your upcoming payment, and obviously give you payment for this. VODKA Thats what we do, man, but ah that depends what kind of money are we looking at? TIM That depends what kind of money are you looking at? K-GEE (to OJ and VODKA) Realistically guys. OJ Yeah, yeah, I knowumm (to VODKA) What were you thinking? VODKA (to OJ) dont sound like a problem, just go normal pay. OJ That sounds alright. (to TIM) Two thousand dollars. TIM Two grand? (thinks) alright, that seems about right. OJ Cool. VODKA Yeah, no doubt. TIM Alright (pulls pen out of pocket, to K-GEE) You got a piece of paper? Like a regular piece? K-GEE (gets up) Yeah, in the kitchen, let me go and get it. TIM Alright. (to OJ and VODKA) Ill write down everything you guys need to know. OJ K. (checks watch, to VODKA) Were missing The Simpson's. CUT TO EXT. K-GEES HOME-- DRIVEWAY-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY K-GEE and TIM walk out into the driveway. They walk to TIMS car calmly- regular gentleman/businessmen. 00020000087800015685872,K-GEE (walking) So aside from that complication, hows business? TIM (walking) Eh, slow. Hopefully itll change after tomorrow. K-GEE Im sure it will. They get to the car. TIM unlocks and opens the door. He sits down in the drivers seat and keeps the door open to talk to K-GEE. TIM That is of course, (mispronounces name) OTIINOOTI-E-NOO, how did you say that KADEN? K-GEE (pronounces it correctly) OTIENO OTIENO JOHARRIS. But I dont blame you there, man, thats why we call him OJ and I suggest you do the same. TIM Fucking nigger names, man. K-GEE Hey, the blacks like to complicate things. TIM Good money makers, man. If I had a different occupation, Id stay as far away from niggers as possible. K-GEE I feel different. Theres the occasional motherfuckers who deserve that name, but I like hanging out with them. TIM Yeah, but youve been around these parts all your life though. K-GEE Thats the reason. But before we start a debate, Ill just say that OJ and VODKA may be some dumb-asses but when it comes to business like that, then theyre cool, and on task. TIM I hope so. K-GEE They are, dont worry about it. TIM Alright, I gotta head on home. The old lady comes home in about half n hour, gotta have dinner made. K-GEE (shakes head) Could be free. Keep your freedom, keep your money. TIM Its fun being married, sometimes. You gotta get yourself a girl KADEN. K-GEE Dont get me started. Ill just say, my business is at a all time high, and about to get higher if my plans work out that I have. TIM Gotta have some pleasure in your life. K-GEE Im young, TIM, I wanna get some work done before I settle down. TIM How old are you? K-GEE Twenty three. TIM See Im thirty five, and still doing business and everything is fine. K-GEE Seeits hard finding a woman who can except my line of occupation. You know what Im saying? TIM Yeah, I do. I can see that. No worse than what Im doing. K-GEE TIM, were both business men, and like all business men we have different views of what is and what isnt expectable in the business world (not sure) that make sense? TIM It does, it does. But well catch up later on all this, I have to head back. 0002000007B500015EF77AF,K-GEE Alright. The two shake hands. K-GEE (CONTD) Nice seeing you again, its been a while. TIM Yeah, miss talking to you, well have to get together sometime this week, go to the bar, have some beers. K-GEE I dont drink, you know that, but yeah sounds good. Ill give you a call tomorrow telling you on what happened with this whole thing. Those two will let me know. TIM Sounds good. Ill talk to you later then. K-GEE Yup, later. TIM closes the door to his car, starts it then backs out. K-GEE starts to head back towards the house. He turns and waves TIM who pulls out of the driveway. K-GEE facing the camera, walks back. K-GEE (CONTD) (while walking back, to himself) Fuck him. He heads inside the house and slams the door. FADE TO MONTAGE K-GEE lays down on his bed, gets under the clovers, and clicks off the lamp next the bed. CLEVELAND remains sleeping on the couch in the living room. The videogame controller is next to his face. OJ and VODKA sleep in the same room, in twin beds across from each other. The two seemed to be passed rather than sleeping judging by their positions. YOUNG BLOOD and JENNI sleep in the same bed. JENNI faces YOUNG BLOODs back. She puts her arm around his waist, only to have it removed calmly by YOUNG BLOOD. JENNI whos eyes are now open, turns in the other direction, now both having their back turned to each other. CLINE sleeps on his couch. Bong on the floor. KC sleeps on his bed over all the covers. WILLIAM, sleeps in his reclining chair. TV still on, beer bottles on the side table. TIM sleeps next to his wife in his bed. His cell phone goes off which is resting on a dresser next to the bed. Without looking up, he moves his arm, keeping the side of his face embedded in his pillow, and fishes around for the phone. He slowly brings the phone to the side of his face to talk. K-GEE still awake, stares up at the ceiling. His thought process is hard to come by. FADE TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- MORNING 0002000006EF000166A66E9,K-GEE sits at the kitchen table reading the newspaper in silence. CLEVELAND slowly gets off the couch, exhausted. He slowly walks into the kitchen and heads to the fridge. CLEVELAND (walking) Your up early. Too early. K-GEE Couldnt sleep and when I did sleep, I didnt sleep for very long. CLEVELAND (looking through fridge) I slept like a baby, until your ass woke me up. K-GEE Sorry. Its Tuesday, go back to sleep, its gonna be a slow day. CLEVELAND Yeah probably. Is the milk in here still good? K-GEE It should be. You want some eggs and toast? CUT TO MURDER AT? INT. OJ AND VODKAS CAR-- STREET-- HOURS LATER-- DAY OJ and VODKA drive down the city streets in confusion. VODKA holds piece of paper written by TIM with all the information they need on the hit. OJ drives, looking at all the street signs they pass. Both are pissed off as well as lost. VODKA (looking down at paper) I know were coming up on it. OJ Man, weve been going around in circles, how the fuck can we be coming up on it? VODKA Alright, take thirty fourth, all the way down to a stop light. Turn right onto OJ (simultaneously) Clide VODKA (simultaneously) Clide OJ Right, were on Clide now. VODKA Go down Clide, till we get to Redding street, turn right. OJ Did you see Redding yet? VODKA If I did Id tell you. OJ Your not even looking nigger, your looking on that motherfuckin sheet. VODKA Well, I gotta know where were goin, here, shit. OJ We know what street we have to go down, so just keep your eyes open for this motherfuckin Redding Street is it a street or an avenue? VODKA It just says Redding. Street or avenue, its still Redding. OJ Right. VODKA (looking to the right, points) Alright, whats this one coming up here? 00020000071600016D8F710,The two watch closely till they pass the street. VODKA (CONTD) That wasnt it. OJ You sure nigger? VODKA Im sure nigger, that was like Reservoir Street or something. OJ Or something? It probably said Redding. VODKA It didnt say Redding! OJ Fuck you, I bet it did! Im turning around. VODKA O come on, man, Im sure it fuckin wasnt. OJ Were gonna see. VODKA Im telling you it wasnt. Were gonna have to turn around again, because that aint Redding. OJ pulls into a driveway, pulls out and heads back in the opposite direction. VODKA (CONTD) Im fucking telling ya, dogg, Im telling ya. OJ Look again. The two coast by the street again at a slow speed. VODKA and OJ both look at the passing street sign carefully. VODKA (points to sign) See, that wasnt it. OJ Fuck. OJ pulls into another driveway and turns around again. OJ (CONTD) We cant be far, I know it. VODKA I know. OJ Fuckin TIMMY probably sending us out on a wild goose chase, man. VODKA He wouldnt do that because he knows Id whip his Caucasian ass. OJ Yeah, no doubt, same here, bro. VODKA So, hey, you hear about JAMES? OJ Nigger, watch the fuckin road! VODKA I am, I just wanna say this though. OJ Whad up? VODKA You know JAMES who made an entrance over at the party last week? OJ Yeah, YOUNG BLOOD. Thats what we call him now. VODKA So didg ya here about GEE wanting to use him for the spic parts of the town? OJ Yeah, cause the cat can speak Spanish. VODKA So you know? OJ Yeah I know. VODKA What doya think about that? OJ Hey, if it gets us more money, then Im down. VODKA GEE seems pretty thrilled about that. OJ As long as the kid dont fuck up, then Im cool with him. VODKA I dont think he will. JAMES is pretty straight. OJ Hes alright, I aint got no problem about putting the dog down if he fucks up though, you know? 0002000006E90001749F6E3,VODKA I heard that. Thats what I was getting at, if he fucks up. OJ Yeah, "if", for sure. VODKA (looking ahead at upcoming sign) Hey, yo, slow down a sec. OJ What, it comin up? VODKA Yeah, I think so. OJ Is it? VODKA (checks closer) Yeah, yeah, turn down it. OJ No shit. OJ turns down the street. OJ (CONTD) Alright, whats it say now? VODKA (checks paper) Alright, go down to the end, and turn left on Elm street. OJ Elm street? VODKA Freddy Kruger street, dogg. OJ (fake scared) Yeah, for real, I aint fuckin turning down there, man. VODKA Man, come on. OJ Yeah, Im just playin nigger. CUT TO INT. OJ AND VODKAS CAR-- ELM STREET-- IN FRONT OF CHARLES KINGS HOUSE-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY OJ and VODKA sit in the car, engine off, staring at CHARLEY KINGS home. They stare out the window looking at it. OJ I think this is it. VODKA (checks paper) Four nineteen, Elm street. OJ (little laugh) Heh, be cool if it was one house down VODKA (little laugh) Heh, four twenty. OJ Alright, so how doya wanna do this. VODKA We shoulda thought about this earlier on while were driving here. OJ We got lost, remember nigger? VODKA Or before we left the house, but I dont know, what doya think? OJ (thinking) Im thinking VODKA (looks around) This side of the hood doesn't seem to be too jumpy, but we might still wanna keep it DL. OJ Its daylight, man, thats what I had in mind. VODKA Cut? OJ I hate cutting. Last resort, nigger, last resort. VODKA Thats as quiet as its going to get. OJ (hesitates) Whos gonna do it? You? VODKA Ill do it, nigger, shit, you drove here, if I dont have to chip in for gas Ill do it. OJ Sounds aight. VODKA Aight. VODKA reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folding six inch boot knife. He flips it open and holds it by his side. 00020000069700017B82691,VODKA (CONTD) Aight, you gonna wait in here? OJ Yeah, I got my piece, if shit gets heavy, then Ill play hero on ya, and Ill save your ass. VODKA I dont need no saving, I get it done right the first time. OJ I believe it. VODKA (takes a deep breath) My phones on, so two-way me if something goes down. OJ I know, nigger. VODKA Im off nigger. VODKA exits the car, leaving OJ inside looking on. He rolls down the passenger side window to see better. VODKA slowly walks up to the house, only to turn around while walking ,smiles to OJ, licks his index and middle finger, slicks back his bald head of hair as a joke, then turns and keeps walking. He adjust eye-glasses before he gets to the house. OJ seems a little nervous as he watches VODKA stroll up to the house. VODKA conceals his knife under his long sleeved shirt. Obvious hes holding something since his hand is no longer visible. He walks up the front steps, rings the doorbell and waits. An uneasy moment passes by as VODKA waits by the front door of CHARLES KINGS house, and for OJ who seems even more nervous. Finally footsteps can be heard approaching the door. VODKA stands alert. The door opens revealing man, long hair tied back, younger looking, roughly shaved, almost punk rocker looking man in his thirties. KING Whats up? VODKA Yeah, hi, (points finger) UhCHARLES KING? KING Yeah. VODKA CHARLES KING the loan shark? KING Whats up man, who are you? VODKA slips his hand out from his sleeve and immediately grabs a hold of KINGS pony tail with his free hand. With a quick rise to, and a deep and heavy cut, VODKA splits KINGS neck open. Blood squirts all over VODKAS face covering his glasses with blood. 0002000006610001821365B,KING pushes VODKA back and falls to the floor holding his throat with both hands. VODKA stands above the dieing KING. VODKA (looking down) Thats right motherfucker! VODKA takes his glasses off and holds them in his free hand. With no mercy bends down slightly and jabs the blade into KINGS gut. KING still holds both hands to his throat even though his gut has been seriously punctured. VODKA (CONTD) (stands back up) Homey, if you live through this shit, then I buy you dinner. VODKA leaves the house and shuts the door behind him. He runs out to the car. OJ starts the car waiting for VODKA to enter. Instead of opening the door, VODKA tries to make a dramatic and action filled escape by trying to jump through the open passenger side window. He makes it about half way through, legs still sticking out. VODKA (CONTD) (hurt, half way into car) Aw, fuck! Man my ribs! OJ takes off laughing. THE CAR LEAVES THE FRAME. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAY K-GEE with his arm prepped, sticks a syringe of grade A heroin into his arm. Pushing down on the plunger, K-GEE takes the syringe and tosses it into a waste basket near the bed where he sits. CLEVELAND walks into the room, and stands in the doorway. CLEVELAND Whats up? K-GEE Its a downer dude, so not me. (laughs) CLEVELAND sits in a folding chair next to the bed, and stares down at K-GEE as he talks. CLEVELAND Do you care if CLEVELAND is cut off as K-GEES cell phone goes off, resting on the desk next to the bed. The Mario Bros theme goes off. K-GEE Ah, shit. Can you get that CLEVELAND, its just now, getting started. CLEVELAND Yeah, I suppose I could. 0002000006500001886E64A,CLEVELAND gets up slightly, grabs the phone and clicks it on "talk". CLEVELAND (on phone) Yo? (listens to person) This is CLEVELAND nigger. (listens to person) Yeah, hold on, homey. CLEVELAND hands the phone over to K-GEE who remains laying down. K-GEE (on phone) Yo? (listens to other person) Yeah, Ill tell them. (listens to other person) Yeah, yeah, tell me later alright, come by later on, alright, peace. K-GEE hangs up and lays the phone down next to himself. CLEVELAND Anyway, man The cell phone goes off again. CLEVELAND (CONTD) The fuck? K-GEE Yeah, I thought I heard someone beepin in. K-GEE answers the phone. K-GEE (CONTD) (on phone) Yo? (listens to other person) thats fine, come on by, dogg. (listens to other person) Alright, peace. K-GEE hangs up the phone, and lays it back down. K-GEE (CONTD) Fuck man. CLEVELAND Who was that? K-GEE BIG OL J. CLEVELAND Hes a fuckin junkie. K-GEE If I do it three times as much as him what does that make me, CLEVELAND? CLEVELAND (smiles) Exception, exceptions. But hey, do you mind if KATY spends the night on Friday? K-GEE Why? CLEVELAND Wants to party. Cant go back home smellin and feeling like one. K-GEE Yeah, thats cool. Remember we have to talk to YOUNG BLOOD about that whole thing. CLEVELAND (not to thrilled of the topic) Yeah, I know, homey, I know. K-GEE You against that? CLEVELAND No, but I K-GEE (interrupts) Cool, but Im in the process of being fucked up, so no seriousness now. Wait for OLE J. to come on up here, he should be here anytime now, so could you let him in. CLEVELAND Am I the door man? K-GEE Your black arent you? 00020000062400018EB861E,CLEVELAND catches onto the racist joke. k-GEE Ooooooo CLEVELAND Ooooooo FADE TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAYS LATER (FRIDAY)-- EVENING YOUNG BLOOD and JENNI get ready for the party theyve been hyping up for the week. Stuffing his pockets with cigarettes, a lighter, car keys, and his wallet, YOUNG BLOOD starts to head out the door while JENNI finishes tieing back her hair. YOUNG BLOOD Lets go. JENNI Hold on. YOUNG BLOOD checks his watch. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- KITCHEN-- EVENING YOUNG BLOOD and JENNI walk through the kitchen, grab their shoes and start putting them on. SENONA comes into the kitchen and stands looking down on the them. SENONA (in Spanish) Where the hell are you two going? YOUNG BLOOD (finishes putting on shoes, stands up, in Spanish) Going out. (to Jenni) Hey hun, dont wait up, go out to the car, Im gonna get bitched at here. JENNI Hurry up. (to SENONA) Bye SENONA. SENONA doesn't say a word to JENNI and keeps staring at YOUNG BLOOD as she exits the room. SENONA (in Spanish) Where? YOUNG BLOOD (contd) To a party. SENONA (contd) No drinking or drugs. YOUNG BLOOD (contd) Sure. SENONA (contd) Im serious. YOUNG BLOOD (contd) So am I. SENONA (contd) If I find out YOUNG BLOOD (contd) What? What are you gonna do? SENONA says nothing else and keeps staring at YOUNG BLOOD with anger. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) (contd) Im a man now, grandma, never ask me questions like that. SENONA (contd) Ill ask you whatever I want as long as your living in my house. YOUNG BLOOD (contd, turns, walks away) 00020000062F000194D6629,Thatll change soon, trust me. YOUNG BLOOD leaves the house, leaving SENONA standing still, terribly insulted. CUT TO ABUSE INT. KCS HOME-- BEDROOM-- EVENING KC lays on his bed, listing to music, as always. His Nextel beeps suggesting someone is trying to two-way him. KC grabs the phone and pushes the response button. KC (into phone) Yo? YOUNG BLOOD OS (over speaker) Ey, where you at? KC (contd) Im sitting at home, waiting for your call. YOUNG BLOOD OS (contd) Yeah, well be there in like five minuets. KC (contd) Alight, see you then. YOUNG BLOOD OS (contd) Out. KC (contd) Yup. CUT TO INT. KCS HOME-- KITCHEN-- EVENING KC walks downstairs and crosses into the kitchen. He spots his dad sitting in his reclining chair, asleep, and slowly heads over to the door. He starts putting his shoes on, but is shocked as his WILLIAMS voice shoots from the living room. WILLIAM (tired, drunk, strict) Where the fuck are you going? KC (finishes putting on shoes) Im going out with JAMES. WILLIAM (contd) Where are you going? KC To his house probably. WILLIAM (contd) Did I say you could leave the fucking house? KC No. Can I? WILLIAM (contd) No, you cant. KC (pissed, disappointed) Why not? WILLIAM (contd) Cause I dont want you leaving. You can stay here. KC (contd) Im gonna be gone for a little while. WILLIAM (contd) I dont give a shit KC (contd) JAMES is already on his way. WILLIAM (contd) Your gonna have to tell him you cant go. KC (contd) Please. WILLIAM To do what? Drugs? KC (contd, rolls eyes) Nooo. WILLIAM (contd) Bullshit, I know what you do. 00020000062300019AFF61D,KC (contd) What? WILLIAM (contd) I know you do that shit. KC (contd) I know you do. WILLIAMS eyes light up with rage. He gets up from his seat and slowly walks into the kitchen with an intimidating tone and walk. WILLIAM (furious) What the fuck did you just say? KC slowly walks backwards. KC (scared) Nothing. WILLIAM (contd) No, come on, say it again. KC (contd) I didnt say anything! WILLIAM (contd) Bullshit. KC comes to the end of the wall, and obviously cant go any further. He stares straight at his still approaching father. WILLIAM forces KC back into the wall even further without even making physical contact. WILLIAM stands taller than KC, who looks up at him terrified, but tries to maintain a self-control coolness. WILLIAM (strict) If you ever say anythinganything! Like that to me again Ill split your little fuckin head open boy! You hear? KC (contd) yeah. WILLIAM (contd) I hope so. KC (contd) Yeah, I hear. WILLIAM (contd) Good. WILLIAM steps into the middle of the kitchen and faces the still pinned KC. WILLIAM Come here. KC (contd) Why? WILLIAM Just get the fuck over here! KC (contd, shakes head) No. WILLIAM What? KC I said "no", man. I aint gonna get hit. WILLIAM Your not gonna get hit, but you will if you stay the fuck over there boy! KC hesitates but obeys his fathers request. KC slowly slowly walks to his father. As he gets close enough, WILLIAM punches KC in the nose. KC steps back a few feet from the impact and immediately walks out of the house holding his rapidly bleeding nose. He leaves the house silently. 0002000006520001A11C64C,WILLIAM (CONTD) Get the fuck outa here, boy! And bring back some eggs on your way home. Ill make us some omelets in the morning! WILLIAM turns to the refrigerator and sticks his head inside. He grabs a beer, and shuts the door. CUT TO EXT. KCS HOME-- DRIVEWAY-- EVENING KC takes off his over shirt, and uses it to press against his nose. Obviously trying to stop the blood flow, it still keeps on coming. He paces around the driveway, wiping tears from his eyes. Moments later YOUNG BLOOD pulls into the driveway. KC heads to the passenger side of the car. INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- KCS DRIVEWAY-- EVENING KC opens the door to the car, and sits down in the front seat. JENNI already in the back seat. YOUNG BLOOD immediately questions KC. YOUNG BLOOD (caring) What happened, dogg? KC (shakes head, waves hand to avoid attention) Nothing. YOUNG BLOOD Dude, your squirting blood out, what happened? You box with your ol man again? KC No. JENNI He just fuckin hit you? KC Dont worry about it. Damn, I deserved it. YOUNG BLOOD O bull shit, that motherfucker in there is a straight up junkie. Man, I know its your daddy and everything, but that shit aint right. KC Man, just fuckin go. YOUNG BLOOD and JENNI stop asking questions and pull out of the driveway. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- STREET-- MINUETS LATER-- EVENING YOUNG BLOOD remains driving, not asking KC anything, but wanting to. JENNI looks on at KC feeling bad. His nose still bleeds. JENNI You wanna lay down back here KORY? KC Naw, Im cool. JENNI You sure, cause I dont mind switchen spots. KC No, just lay off will ya? JENNI (leans back) 0002000006D20001A7686CC,Alright. Everyone remains quiet, staring straight a head. Moments pass by but are broken as KC slowly starts to cry. Trying to hold it in, KC tires his hardest but no matter how hard he tries, he fails to hold back his feelings. YOUNG BLOOD (trying to make KC feel better) Hey, come on, man, dont feel bad, well get there, well get fucked up. JENNI KORY Ill give you head when were there, sound good? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, man, she knows how to do it good. She learned from your dad. KC (little laugh, trying to stop crying) Right. YOUNG BLOOD Ill tell you, I got bitched slapped once in the face by JENNI here, and I went into convulsions. You got slugged by a big guy now, and you still remain your cool. KC cant talk, due to his throat being clogged with fluid. He continues to cry but his friends comments seem to have made him feel better. JENNI God, your dad is such a fuckin asshole. YOUNG BLOOD On the plus side, KC, JENNI already agreed to give you head, so ah I guess she has to do it now. JENNI Thats fine JAMES. I dont mind? Do you mind KORY? KC laughs a little but says nothing as he continues crying. JENNI (CONTD) (to YOUNG BLOOD) Dont be sad JAMES if I run away with him. YOUNG BLOOD Trust me I wont. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- IN FRONT OF K-GEES HOME-- STREET-- MINUETS LATER-- EVENING YOUNG BLOOD stops in front of K-GEES house across the street. He turns the engine off and looks back at JENNI. YOUNG BLOOD (to JENNI) Hey step out a sec. JENNI Why? YOUNG BLOOD Just one second, I wanna talk to my boy. JENNI (pause, angry) alright, hurry up. JENNI exits the car and stands on the outside of it, pacing around. YOUNG BLOOD leans in towards KC and speaks in a low tone, trying to make sure JENNI cant hear. 0002000006BE0001AE346B8,YOUNG BLOOD How ya doin? KC (stopped crying) Im fine. YOUNG BLOOD Stop bleeding KC takes the shirt hes been using to cover his nose and gently releases it from his nose. Blood drips down a little from it, which causes him to apply the shirt again quickly. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) I guess not. Listen do you want cruise around with JENNI a little bit, till it stops bleeding? KC I dont know. YOUNG BLOOD Well I have some business to take care of anyway, so until then Im not gonna party so KC (thinks) yeah sure. YOUNG BLOOD So, you wanna cruise around a little, then give me a holla when you wanna come back. KC Yeah, thats cool. YOUNG BLOOD Alright, let me talk to the bitch. YOUNG BLOOD gets out of the car leaving KC inside. THE CAMERA STAYS ON KC, who stares at the ground, depressed. After a moment JENNI gets into the drivers seat. She starts the car, and rolls down the window for YOUNG BLOOD to say a few words. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) Alright, so I guess you two can go out, until your ready, and yeah give me a call. You guys know how to get back here? JENNI Yeah, we can find it. YOUNG BLOOD Alright, Ill see you guys in a few then. JENNI Yup. JENNI rolls up the window and looks at KC. JENNI (CONTD) You ready? CUT TO THE MEETING INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- MINUETS LATER-- EVENING K-GEE, CLEVELAND, ANGEL, KEVIN, OJ, VODKA and six other men, five black, and the other one is white, making it so K-GEE doesnt seem so out of place. Theres SCOOBY, QUICK, GHOST, TAMMY, MAX, and the white associate is BENNY MAC. The twelve men all sit in their folding chairs in a circle. Each holding a beer, except for K-GEE who comforts himself by smoking a cigarette. They talk a bit before they are interrupted. 0002000008D30001B4EC8CD,GHOST Aight, so anyways, the guy goes back downstairs, after checking out his friends moms you know. MAX Cooch. GHOST Yeah, so he goes back downstairs, sits next to his homeboy, and just flat out tells him "yo, Id just peeped at your mamas pootang". SCOOBY What? GHOST Yeah, not even fuckin playing here. Motherfucker acts like OJ Wait, wait hold up, nigger. He just flat out told his homeboy that? GHOST I shit you not, dogg, I shit you not. CLEVELAND Probably got beat down. GHOST Alright, but hold up, so R. sits there acting like aint no thang, but his homey, goes like "hey, yo get up a sec". Of course R. didnt want to, but he was told that nothing would happen he wanted to "show him something". TAMMY Motherfuckin bullet the head. GHOST Naw, so R. gets his ass up from the seat, walks over to his dogg, his dogg takes RS head and slams his face into the motherfuckin wall. Everyone in the room laughs a little. VODKA Homey got it homeboy got what was coming to him, you dont mack on somebody elses mama, especially if its your home boys, CLEVELAND Or worse yet, your partners. GHOST For real, man, for real, but Everyone stops socializing as they hear the door knock. K-GEE checks his watch and get up from his seat. K-GEE I think thats the kid. QUICK Who ah the cat with the Spanish? K-GEE opens the door, showing YOUNG BLOOD on the other side. K-GEE slaps hands with him. K-GEE Whats up, man? YOUNG BLOOD Eh, not much. K-GEE Good, cause its about to go up. Hey yo listen man, pull up a chair from the wall, join us. YOUNG BLOOD Cool. Everyone looks at YOUNG BLOOD with intimidating looks just like last time. YOUNG BLOOD takes a chair and stands lost, not knowing where to place it in the circle, since its completely inclosed. K-GEE (to CLEVELAND) Everybody make some room. Everybody in a pissed off manor picks up their belongings and shifts their chairs enough to make an opening for YOUNG BLOOD to place his chair, which he does next to CLEVELAND and OJ. OJ and YOUNG BLOOD slaps hands. OJ Whats goin down, YOUNG BLOOD? YOUNG BLOOD I guess thats my name from now on. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) That would be correct. Its a cool ass name, man, some of these cock-suckers in here dont have the right to have a nickname. 0002000007B50001BDB97AF,(to OJ) Right, Otieno Joharris? OJ Ey, what did I do, nigger? K-GEE (to everyone) Alright, sorry to cut anyone off from socializing, but we open up shop in a few, so lets get some future business plans done first. (to YOUNG BLOOD) Hey, YOUNG BLOOD, let me introduce you to everyone. (points to the people hes naming off) Now I think you already met ANGEL and KEVIN over there, but I dont know, thats who they are. OJ and VODKA your homes. Over there is THE CAMERA SHOWS EVERYONE K-GEE NAMES OFF GIVING THEM THEIR OWN TEMPORARY PROFILE. K-GEE (CONTD) SCOOBY. His homeboy next to him GHOST. Hes got mad stories, youll have to hear them when we get done with all this. Ah thats TAMMY. Not his real name, but maybe hell tell you why he goes by that. We got MAX. Hes a chiller. The only other whitey in this joint, BENNY MAC. Tough as they come. And you know my number one home boy here, CLEVELAND. (looks around) I think thats it. YOUNG BLOOD Alright, cool. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) Hope you got a good memory, cause Im not gonna repeat everyones name, and if you say the wrong name to someone here, or whatever yeah, your fucked. YOUNG BLOOD I follow. K-GEE Good. YOUNG BLOOD (to K-GEE) Wheres your dog? K-GEE My, dog dogg? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah. K-GEE SOLLOZZO, yeah, hes probably in the living room. You didnt see him when you came in? YOUNG BLOOD No. K-GEE Well, hes probably there. I hope he is. (to everyone) I think we can explain to him with confidence on what we do. TAMMY You sure? K-GEE Yeah. (looks at YOUNG BLOOD) We dont trust this kid, but we gotta start somewhere, right? OJ I got his number, guys. (smiles to YOUNG BLOOD) I know where this cat lives. K-GEE We can make threats later, come on, you guys have to be cooperative. Remember were starting a new type of system here. So listen up, and get renformed K-GEE looks around the circle. K-GEE (CONTD) Jesus Christ, yall look like your waiting for me to tell you a story before nap time. 0002000007F30001C5687ED,OJ (confused) K? K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) YOUNG BLOOD. First, I wanna say that I am a drug dealer. CLEVELAND is a drug dealer. By knowing this, youve already devoted your trust to us. If you dont want any part of us, then walk on out, well see how far you get. See what Im saying? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, man, I get it. K-GEE I hope so. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- STREET-- EVENING JENNI is behind the wheel as KC sits in the passenger seat still holding his nose with the shirt. The two talk to each other calmly. JENNI Im series, get the hell outa there. KC I have my reasons, but please something else. This is my deal, Ill handle it. So talk about something else, or nothing at all. JENNI Ok. Silence in the in car now. Finally JENNI breaks it. JENNI (CONTD) Did you get a girlfriend yet? KC No. No, not yet. JENNI When are you gonna get one? KC How should I know. You just cant wake up and say to yourself, you know "hey Im gonna get a girlfriend today". No it dont work like that. JENNI Sure it does. KC I disagree. JENNI Well, disagree all you want, you, especially you can get a girl when ever you want. Youre a very attractive boy. KC (insulted, sarcastic) Boy. Gee thanks. JENNI Man, youre a very attractive man. KC Your too optimistic. JENNI Whats that mean? KC Your too positive. You always see the good in things. JENNI Sorry for telling the truth. KC (little laugh) alright. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- EVENING The now thirteen men still sit around talking. K-GEE being the leading man in the discussion. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) What your going to be doing YOUNG BLOOD is going down on blocks where all the Mexicans or whatever live, the ones who dont (mocks Spanish accent) Speak a very gooda eng-galish taco. Some of the men laugh at the racist joke. K-GEE (CONTD) Youll probably be going on down with either GHOST, TAMMY, OR BENNY MAC. We like to make sure our deal is safe when we make it, and if it isnt then we bring the tools necessary to fix the problem. You cool with this shit yet? 0002000007270001CD55721,YOUNG BLOOD (nods head) Yeah but when will I be going out in the street and doing this thing? K-GEE Whenever your ready. We, uh (glances to CLEVELAND) Me and CLEVELAND, will teach you the the basics to the game first, but (checks watch) Not tonight. We start pushin every Friday night at eight o clock. We also push every day of the week, but thats only to people we know. Its good to keep at least some sort of organization. Its good to keep a schedule, because if you get mixed up one day, you know where to start the next day. Right? CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- STREET-- NIGHT The two still engage in the classic art of conversation. JENNI Hows school going? KC Pretty good, mom (little laugh) JENNI What? KC Come on, lets hear about you. Its rare that we get to talk without JAMES around. JENNI What do you wanna talk about? KC About you, howve you been. JENNI (confused glance at KC) Fine. (little laugh) KC You two getting along fine? JENNI I guess. You know JAMES is JAMES, theres really no way to describe him. Uh hes sweet. There, hes sweet. KC Hows living with the guy? JENNI Fine. Theres really not much to say as far as that goes. KC Grandma pissing you off yet? JENNI No, not really, I barely talk to her, I dont think she likes me. KC Well, she must like you if shes letting you stay at JAMES pad. JENNI I dont think she has any say. Its weird, he kinda controls her. KC He control you? JENNI Me? No, no, though he can be bossy. KC I hear ya on that. JENNI Aw, hes sweet though, I love him. KC Could you spend your whole life with him? JENNI (smiles to herself) I dont know. Maybe. JENNI seems to be flattered by her own fairy tail happy ending thoughts, while KC looks on, looking disappointed or jealous. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- EVENING The conversation still goes on 00020000077A0001D476774,K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) Were trying to organize a more proper approach to pushin our shit out. Were not like the junkies out on the street selling nickel bags to some fourteen year old junior high bitch, no, we deal with valuable shit. We dont sell weed here. If you want some, Ill set you up with a homeboy I know. We we try to make this not totally mafioso like, but sort of a democratic way of doing this. You get what you earn. There are no bosses here. If anyone in this room wants to leave and miss out on (Leans close to YOUNG BLOOD, low) millions of dollars (contd) Then they can get the fuck on out. OJ (gets up) O thank God for that. OJ stops a few feet from his chair and sits back down laughing. OJ (CONTD) (laughing) My bad, go on, GEE. K-GEE I hate being series, but thats how I am. For some reason I cant help it. And as a series man, I get involved in series shit. Im series when I say I wanna make this thing organized. Im series when I say we sell valuable shit. Organization and a valued resource equals series money. Thats why we do what we do, to make money, obviously. You wanna make some money? YOUNG BLOOD Fuck yeah, man. K-GEE Good. Greed is good. Dont sound good, but it is if you think about it. The more greedy you are, the more energy, and devotion you put into your job to make money. Money is everything. People will tell you it isnt, but it is. You need money to buy a car, a house, raise a family, take care of people you wanna take care of, Im telling ya, the more money you have, the more people you can help and help yourself. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- STREET-- EVENING JENNI and KC still continue verbal exchanges. Shirt still applied to nose. JENNI Still bleeding? KC I dont know. JENNI Find out. KC slowly takes the bloody shirt away. No blood is coming out, yet his nose is horribly swollen. He flips down the visor mirror to check out his nose. 0002000007B40001DBEA7AE,JENNI (CONTD) Bleeding? KC (looking in mirror) No. But it is swollen like a motherfucker. JENNI I dont think that makes too much sense. KC Well it looks bad. JENNI Look at me. KC turns to JENNI who quickly looks at it, not wanting to take her eyes off the road for too long. JENNI (CONTD) O it dont look too bad. KC Bullshit. JENNI Ill put some make up, on it. KC It wont work. JENNI O sure it will. KC I dont think so. I need a bandage. JENNI I think theres a seven eleven around here. KC Seven eleven doesnt sell bandages I think. JENNI No, they do, I know they do. KC Shall we then? JENNI We shall (little laugh) CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- EVENING K-GEE still commands the room, giving the low down. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) Biggest fear about the dope game isnt about getting shot by some fiend well, that is a fear, but if you play it cool the whole time you dont have to worry about that, plus these guys look after each other. We dont look at each other as friends, homies, doggs, whatever, but partners. A partner, someone you would ride and die for. During business hours, we look after each other. Uh what was I saying? CLEVELAND Talkin about the fear of getting shot. K-GEE Yeah, but ok, ok, getting shot, play it cool, youll be cool, these guys will be cool if your part of this. The law the law if the number one fear to a dealer. I know some motherfuckers who go on all like (imitates hard ass tone) "o, fuck the po-lice, Id pop a pig in a sec bitch" (regular tone) Yeah, yeah, yeah, all hard ass talk, and there could be some follow up depending on who you are, or how fuckin stupid you are. The law the law is not a concern if your careful and organized. Dont be paranoid. I know its easy to get paranoid after a while, but the dope game is a game of risks, but its the risks that make us rich, and if your paranoid, youll stop taking risks and thats it, your no longer making money. So caution not paranoia. See? 0002000006420001E39863C,YOUNG BLOOD Got it. K-GEE Lets say you do get pinched. We anticipate shit like this. Every week we put some money away for bail. I think we have like, shit I dont know. KEVIN We got well over a hundred thou put away, GEE. YOUNG BLOOD Holy shit. K-GEE Yes, he speaks (to KEVIN) Im just playing KEVIN. (to YOUNG BLOOD) KEVIN is the first black Jew ever. Now your thinking "gee willigers, thats a lot of money". OJ (to VODKA, low) Heh, "gee willigers" (laughs) Thats classic, I gotta write that shit down. K-GEE So, if you ever get thrown into the joint, well bail your ass out if we have enough, you gotta fuck up bad to have a bond over one hundred gs. Worse comes to worst, we got some good-fellas up in Canada who can store you away for a while. You know that reminds me, Goodfellas ever seen it? YOUNG BLOOD Is it a movie? K-GEE Yeah, mafia flick. YOUNG BLOOD No, ah OJ told me you were big on those movies. K-GEE Hey they dont teach you the game and life in school. Gotta look at the big screen man. My favorite part in the flick. Jimmy, in it, you know, played by my boy DeNiro, hes all telling the kid Henry the two most important things you need to know when taking on the life of a gangster. "Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut". Remember that, think about it, dont forget it. They may just be flicks with actors n shit, but they sometimes speak truth. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS CAR-- SEVEN ELEVEN-- EVENING KC waits inside the car, staring out the window. Moments later JENNI comes out of the Seven Eleven theyre parked at with a small plastic bag. 0002000008670001E9D4861,She gets inside the car and digs into the bag. JENNI Ok I got you (pulls out box of nose bandages) Bandage tape. KC Cool. JENNI And some (takes out box of tampons) Tampons. (little laugh) KC (sarcastic) Thanks, cause you know I need them n all, since Im (laughs) Never mind. JENNI (laughs) O and I got you the napkins you wanted. (takes out napkins) KC Cool. JENNI So there you go. KC Thank you. JENNI Your welcome. Just wanna help you out. KC Well, thank you, I appreciate all youve done. JENNI Your welcome again. Now, lets head back to that one guys house. Maybe the party started, didnt look like anything else was going on. KC Its K-GEE, and I guess the parties dont start till like eight o clock, so, we should be on time. JENNI Cool. I hope JAMES isnt dead yet. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- EVENING K-GEE is still going on. K-GEE The money youll make from now on, my man, is (to everyone) Whats a word I could use here, guys? QUICK Loads. MAX Naw naw naw "heaps". Heaps all right? BENNY MAC. What about "multiplicity"? K-GEE Alright, were using BENNY MACS. (to YOUNG BLOOD) The money youll make is multiplicity. GHOST O sure take another crackers suggestion, dont listen to us stupid niggers. K-GEE (to GHOST) If you say so. (to YOUNG BLOOD) Look around take a look YOUNG BLOOD. Isnt this a piece of shit crib? Spend your spending money uh profit, your fixed profit on two things (hold up two fingers) Two that would be: a Rolex (shows off Rolex) Everyone in this fuckin room has one, YOUNG BLOOD. Time is the most important thing in this world, and you need to tell time with style, and respect I sound like a goddman commercial, here, but yeah, you gotta get a Rolex. Were not really a gang here youngin, but if we were then fuck bandannas, fuck rolled up pant legs, tattoos, whatever, for us its a Rolex to show off our place in society. Ok two: two gotta have a piece bro. This day n age we live in a world of guns. Fight fire with motherfuckin fire. If the world wants to shoot guns at each other, then well shoot right back, thats it, my man. Get a piece, a gat, a strap, pocket rocket 0002000007AF0001F2357A9,SCOOBY Steel. GHOST Bean shooter heat BENNY MAC Poper, rod, roscoe, life sneezer, lead thrower, and I invented a name another one lighter. CLEVELAND Lighter? BENNY MAC Yeah, lighter. I thought it was clever. MAX Someones gonna have a square and be all like "can I have a lighter", and youll end up taking out your fuckin piece on the fool. BENNY MAC Eh, fuck yall its been decided. K-GEE Before we all express our knowledge on slang, let me finish up real quick hereplugs. (smiles, to YOUNG BLOOD) Get a Rolex, get a gun. And my Rolex is telling me its almost time for business. Id have you watch how this shit works out, but if you shake my hand, you become part of our business, you take the night off to reflect on your future fortunes. So (extends hand) YOUNG BLOOD shakes his hand without hesitation. K-GEE (CONTD) No hesitation? YOUNG BLOOD Not one bit. K-GEE Alright, well, thats the end of my chin. If you could do me a favor, go out there and get my dog. YOUNG BLOOD Sure. K-GEE Cool. (to everyone) No applause? CLEVELAND O man, fuck you, I guess you get a pipe? K-GEE Pipe me, come on, I gave a huge ass speech. OJ O (starts to clap hands) OJ is the only one who claps as the others sit there, smiling but try to act tough. K-GEE stands up and puts arm around YOUNG BLOODs shoulders and opens the door for him. K-GEE Just bring him in here. YOUNG BLOOD I can do that. YOUNG BLOOD starts heading down the hall, but is stopped by K-GEE saying one more thing. K-GEE Yo YOUNG BLOOD. He turns. K-GEE (CONTD) When it comes to SOLLOZZO. If anything happens to him I become a straight up section eight. If you dont know what that means, figure it out, but dont figure it out the wrong way. YOUNG BLOOD Got it, GEE. K-GEE closes turns and sits back down. K-GEE (tired) Eh, that was fun. GHOST Not really. K-GEE (lights up cigarette) About to get funner. CUT TO A PROPER GREETING INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- MINUETS LATER-- EVENING 00020000071A0001F9DE714,YOUNG BLOOD sits on the couch in the living room watching TV, drinking a beer in peace. Moments later the back-door opens. JENNI and KC walk in, as well as several guest just arriving. The other guest head down into the basement as JENNI and KC spot YOUNG BLOOD right away. YOUNG BLOOD Ey, KC, I like your bandage. JENNI and KC sit down on the couch with YOUNG BLOOD. JENNI on the right, KC on the left of him. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) Hows your nose man? KC Looks and feels like shit. JENNI It aint too bad. YOUNG BLOOD Fuck it, man, itll get better. KC Yeah, maybe. So whats up? What did K-GEE say? YOUNG BLOOD glances to JENNI then turns back to KC. YOUNG BLOOD Ill tell ya later. JENNI What, you cant say what you wanna say in front of me? YOUNG BLOOD Thats right. JENNI Well, fuck you too. YOUNG BLOOD (to JENNI) Come on, girl. Just talking, I dont think you wanna hear it. KC So (looks around) This is the party? (little laugh) YOUNG BLOOD Naw, no it hasnt even started yet. But hey, you guys get up, go to the fridge have a beer, make yourself at home. KC Who gave you word of that? YOUNG BLOOD K-GEE. He said just kick it. K-GEE walks into the kitchen and opens up one of the kitchen drawers. K-GEE (looking in drawer) When did I say that? YOUNG BLOOD Ey, man, come on over here, I got some people here you wanna meet. K-GEE takes a spoon out from the drawer and walks into the living room, still holding the spoon. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) (introduces JENNI) Ey, K-GEE. This here is JENNI, my moll. This here (introduces KC) With the big ass cast on his face is KC. Or Kory, if you want Kory with a "k". K-GEE (extends hand) Kory with a "k". Im K-GEE. This is going to get complicating. Whats the "c" stand for KC? KC (shakes hand) CLADEN. K-GEE looks at him very interested, knowing of that last name. 0002000006DA000200F26D4,K-GEE Huh well, anyway, your KC Im K-GEE. Like I said, its gonna get complicating. The two stop shaking hands. KC KC and K-GEE. One of us has to change. K-GEE I seriously doubt that. (to JENNI) YOUNG BLOODS moll. The two shake hands. K-GEE (CONTD) Im going to call you JENNIFER. I think JENNIFER is more polite than "moll" (looks to YOUNG BLOOD) JENNI Yeah, I agree. (glances to YOUNG BLOOD) Stop shaking hands. YOUNG BLOOD Hey, K-GEE, dont bother mackin on my girl, thats statutory rape right there, man. K-GEE (to JENNI) How old are you JENNIFER? JENNI Sixteen. K-GEE Ah, see YOUNG BLOOD, sixteen- thats one hundred percent legal. (smiles) Im just playing. But hey, guys, chill, (to KC and JENNI) You two go in the fridge, grab a beer, have a cold one, Ill be done later tonight. YOUNG BLOOD K, man. My homeboy METAL MAN should be stopping on by too. K-GEE (walking away) METAL MAN? Shit, names get stupider and stupider these days. K-GEE walks away down the hallway. JENNI Whats with the spoon? YOUNG BLOOD Dont ask. KC I think I know. YOUNG BLOOD Dont ask, dont say. Go get some beers. KC Yeah, I better. KC gets up from the couch and walks to the fridge. JENNI leans over and kisses YOUNG BLOOD. JENNI So your all good with these guys now? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, Im on good rates with those guys. JENNI (strict) Be careful. YOUNG BLOOD (smiles) You gonna get a beer? JENNI Eh, maybe. Where did K-GEE or whatever go? YOUNG BLOOD In his room. JENNI To do what? YOUNG BLOOD Doesn't matter. JENNI Ok KC sits back down in his same spot. YOUNG BLOOD (to KC) So, I like your bandage. KC (sarcastic) Thanks. YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, it Everyone else from the bedroom can be heard coming out, laughing, socializing, etc. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) 0002000006AA000207C66A4,Aight, guess Ill introduce you guys to the hatchet-men. YOUNG BLOOD takes a sip of beer. FADE TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT K-GEE sits in his folding chair, behind his desk, smoking a cigarette, tired, resting on his hand. CLEVELAND lays on the bed sleeping, while KEVIN sits at the desk next to K-GEE punching in keys on a calculator, after of course counting large sums of money which lays on the desk. After counting the money, KEVIN puts it in a plastic ziplock bag, writes the amount on it- $5,183, and walks over to one of the open safes in the floor where he puts it in there, resting on top of dozens of other ziplock bags full of money, shuts it, locks it, and walks back over to sit next to K-GEE. K-GEE What if someone came running up in here, and blasted us. Whats to stop him from taking all that money from the safe that you left wide open? KEVIN Nothing. KEVIN writes a number on a piece of paper, puts the paper in his pocket, and sits back. He looks at the calculator and shows it to K-GEE who glances at the number, then turns back and continues resting on his hand. KEVIN (CONTD) What? K-GEE Slow night. KEVIN (looks at calculator) Nineteen thousand, two hundred, and fifteen. K-GEE We made twenty five last week. KEVIN Well, some weeks will never be big some days wont. Twenty thousand dollars in one night? Pretty good. K-GEE Not really. We have a lot of people to pay off. KEVIN All part of the game. K-GEE Yeah Im mad greedy, KEVIN. Why do you think I took on YOUNG BLOOD? Make more money. KEVIN Aw something you not telling me here? You shatting on your uppers, here, GEE? K-GEE Naw, I got enough to live on, but I need some to live a life I can 00020000065B00020E6A655,(holds back words, stands up) Man, I gotta get something to drink. KEVIN Bring me back a beer. K-GEE I dont think we have any. KEVIN Could you check, homey? K-GEE Well see. K-GEE walks out of the room and heads down the hallway. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- NIGHT K-GEE is about to head into the kitchen but stops and looks at the living room couch showing JENNI watching TV, while KC sleeps next to her on the couch. K-GEE continues to head into the kitchen. K-GEE Im surprised you guys are still here. Opens up fridge, takes out a beer. Walks over to the cupboards. JENNI I just woke up, couldnt go back to sleep. K-GEE (takes cup out from cupboard) I wish I could sleep. K-GEE walks over to the sink where he fills up the glass with water. JENNI Insomniac? K-GEE walks down the hall with the beer. THE CAMERA STAYS ON JENNI, who stares straight a head but her eyes look down the hallway. K-GEE OS Worse. Ill be right back. JENNI continues looking off towards where K-GEE went. Moments later K-GEE returns, holding his glass of water. He sits down on the reclining chair across from JENNI and the passed out KC. K-GEE Wheres YOUNG BLOOD? JENNI JAMES? K-GEE Yeah. JENNI In the basement I think. He went down there and never came back up. K-GEE Hes either dead or passed out. JENNI Either ways fine. K-GEE Ah. (looks at TV) Whatdya watchin? JENNI Some movie. K-GEE (to JENNI) Your friend pass out? JENNI Yeah a while ago. His names KORY, but everyone usually calls him KC. K-GEE What happened to his nose. JENNI Long story. K-GEE It aint none of my business, but Im kinda interested. Get in a fight? 00020000071C000214BF716,JENNI Yeah. K-GEE Obvious who the winner was. (little laugh) JENNI (fake laugh) yeah. K-GEE So how are you JENNIFER? JENNI (tips head, not sure) Im alright. K-GEE You chose to crash here, tonight? JENNI Yeah, I dont wanna wake up the guys, and I dont feel like going back home so I can sit in the bathroom with JAMES making sure he doesn't swallow his tongue or chock on his puke. K-GEE Its happens. JENNI Yup. K-GEE You drink? JENNI Do I? Or did I? K-GEE Did you? JENNI I had a few beers, but I hate beer, so I dont really drink it that much. K-GEE Yeah. I hate all kinds of alcohol. I dont drink anymore. JENNI Why not? K-GEE Bad experiences, and plus its stupid. Taste like piss, you get drunk, puke all night, feel like shit in the morning. Whats the point? JENNI Exactly. K-GEE I dont understand some people. JENNI Same here. K-GEE (checks watch) When did you eat last? JENNI Me? Uh I dont know, earlier today. K-GEE You hungry. JENNI Im fine. K-GEE I didnt ask if you fine, I asked if you were hungry. JENNI A little. K-GEE Wanna go out, get something to eat? JENNI I really dont have any money. K-GEE Come on. My dollar. JENNI You dont have to pay for me. K-GEE For the past minuet, your really the only person I could have a real fuckin conversation with tonight, so consider it a "thank you". JENNI (thinks) ok, sure, where to? K-GEE Its late, so the only joints open is ok, I know one joint. Truck Stop. Its really good, I always go up there. Get some breakfast in you, itll be cool. JENNI Sounds good. CUT TO INT. TRUCK STOP-- DINING AREA-- MINUETS LATER-- NIGHT JENNI and K-GEE sit at the truck stop eating pancakes, drinking coffee, having a conversation, while oldies and country music is played on the overhead speakers. The place is pretty full, mostly white trash looking guys. 00020000083C00021BD5836,K-GEE Im a bit surprised. Do you often leave to have a meal with strangers in the middle of the night while you leave your boyfriend and friend all alone while theyre horribly drunk off their ass, who could use medial attention any second? JENNI (laughs) I aint got nothing better to do. Fuck them. K-GEE Tough girl. JENNI I am I admit it. I can be a bitch sometimes, but the people I bitch at deserve it. K-GEE Most guys would disagree with that statement. JENNI (laughs) Right. K-GEE Have fun at the party? JENNI Yeah, until JAMES and KORY got too drunk. What do you throw a party like every week? K-GEE Every Friday. JENNI Why? K-GEE (thinks) ah chill, have fun. JENNI Didnt seem like you had much fun. K-GEE Im laid back. (lights up cigarette, holds pack in front of JENNI) Smoke? JENNI Sure. Thank you. (takes a cigarette from pack, K-GEE lights it up for her) I usually dont smoke. K-GEE Why are you doing it all of a sudden? JENNI Stressed. K-GEE About what? JENNI A lot of things really. No offense, but my problems can only be told to someone I know well enough. K-GEE None taken. At least you admit you have problems. Motherfuckers around around my place act like all hard shit. Makes a person dull as hell when you cant see any drama in them. Moments later three black men walk up to K-GEE. BLACK MAN #1 (slaps hands) What up GEE? K-GEE Ah, shit. Whats up DUB? DUB Nodda, nodda, keeping it cool, keeping it tight. K-GEE You stop by the pad? DUB Yeah, yeah, we made an appearance, tipped a few, but we had to drift on outa there. K-GEE Whys that? DUB Had to meet up with some eggs. (leans close, low) We had to pump metal on some niggers. Joey Clatch and his motherfucken redhots. I know you wanted them off too, thats why Im telling ya. K-GEE Not really the place, man, but hey snap a cap at me later, tell me about it. DUB Will do GEE. The two slap hands before the three leave. JENNI looks confused. JENNI I know I just met you and everything, but whats weird is that you talk all smart and intelligent when your talking to me, but with your friends your all ghettod out. K-GEE 0002000007A90002240B7A3,Thats an issue I dont I know you long enough to tell ya about. JENNI (smiles) I see how it is, now. K-GEE Thats how it is. THE CAMERA PULLS AWAY FROM THE TABLE. JENNI and K-GEE continue talking. FADE TO EXT. CITY-- SIDEWALK-- DAYS LATER-- DAY K-GEE and YOUNG BLOOD walk down the sidewalk of the city. The two keep walking as THE CAMERA TRACKS WITH THEM THE WHOLE TIME. The two walk, talk, and smoke. Looking like some average guys you see everyday, except not quite the average conversation you hear everyday. K-GEE One thing I forgot to tell ya, YOUNG BLOOD, which is above all things in the world. Even above Rolexes, guns, which (low) Im gonna take you on by my buddy's pad and show you some pieces. YOUNG BLOOD Cant wait. K-GEE The thing above all is the lord. You believe in God, YOUNGIN? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah. K-GEE Good. Trust no one except your number one partner, your dog the animal type dog, so trust your dog, trust yourself of course, and trust the lord. Your number one partner, your canine, yourself, and the lord. God is well, first Im not saying you have to be some bible spitting, Christion, catholic, ah Methodist, whatever. I hate religion. I find it overrated, a scam, and basically a motherfucker on stage telling you what to do to be a good person. No fuck that, God is all I need. If you trust God, then maybe hell start trusting you. Maybe Im not sure if he trust me yet, but Im trying my best to earn it. Ill know if I have his trust when he gives me a painless death. YOUNG BLOOD Painless death? K-GEE Yeah, better going down feeling no pain. Mental, physical, whatever. Until I finished life solving all my mental and physical problems, then Im ready to die, and the lord will help me solve those problems. YOUNG BLOOD (odd look) Pretty passionate, guy, you are. K-GEE Nothing wrong with that. YOUNG BLOOD I never said there was. K-GEE Yeah, but listen. When can I put you out here? When will you be ready, YOUNGIN? 00020000071900022BAE713,YOUNG BLOOD I dont know, not until you and CLEVELAND teach me the technical shit, you know, weighing, selling, mixing, whatever. K-GEE Yeah, we might teach you some of that shit tonight, I dont know yet, right now Im trying to teach you the morals of the street. But again, homey, I dont know yet, remember, or remind me, we have to swing on over to my homeboys pad, and pick you up strap tonight. YOUNG BLOOD Ill remember, kinda excited bout all that. K-GEE Its on my dollar, but consider it a loan. Im gonna need the cash later on. Itll probably be a couple yards, depending on what you pick out. Get what you want, but make sure can stash it. You know conceal the gat. YOUNG BLOOD I know, GEE, I know. So did you go out with JE K-GEE (interrupts) Hey, YOUNG BLOOD, how do you say "me and the chopper squad are gonna pay you wrong numbers a visit", in Spanish. YOUNG BLOOD (repeats in Spanish) K-GEE (laughs) Ahh, sweet, my man. CUT TO INT. TAMMYS HOME-- BEDROOM-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT TAMMY lays on his bed, watching TV in a comfortable position, resting on one hand. K-GEE and YOUNG BLOOD stand on the side of the bed watching the show with him also. With out looking at the two, TAMMY speaks in a calm voice. TAMMY So whatcha need YOUNG BLOOD? Need a piece? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah. TAMMY Alright, I can take care of that. A moment passes by since TAMMY stops talking and watches the TV again. K-GEE and YOUNG BLOOD stand silent, looking pretty impatient. K-GEE So TAMMY So what kind of piece did you need? YOUNG BLOOD I was thinking of a K-GEE (interrupts) He needs a nine, and a pocket rocket. YOUNG BLOOD Who says? K-GEE I do man. Two pieces, one back up. Nine is what everyone I know uses and theyve been happy with em, and you need a something you can put in your sock, or sleeve, or whatever. 0002000006A2000232C169C,YOUNG BLOOD If you say so, man. K-GEE Hey, I aint no dictator or anything here YOUNGIN, but its for the best. Take my word for it. YOUNG BLOOD Alright, man. CUT TO The armory INT. TAMMYS HOME-- BASEMENT-- MOMENTS LATER-- NIGHT TAMMY takes out a 908 MM. The gun is 3-, making it a pocket rocket of its own. TAMMY holds it after taking it out of a gun (safe) closet. There are three closets side by side in basement. The middle one conceals the handguns. TAMMY You said you need a nine and pocket rocket? Well here. (hands gun to YOUNG BLOOD) This bad motherfucker is a two in one deal. Holds nine pills, I got one that Ive used. It fires fine, the kickback is pretty light, and (points to the side of the gun) The serial number is filed out, so no trace. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) What doya think? YOUNG BLOOD I like it. K-GEE (to TAMMY) He needs a backup piece. YOUNG BLOOD Well, you could just go with a twenty two. Old school. K-GEE Yeah, hook him up, show him the score. CUT TO INT. TAMMYS HOME-- BASEMENT-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD holds two guns while looking in a large mirror. He changes positions, checking out each angle. TAMMY and K-GEE look on TAMMY See, appearance man is a must. You need to look good. Even if your going down shootin, you wanna look good on the news. YOUNG BLOOD (looking in mirror) True that. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) You good? YOUNG BLOOD (contd) Yeah, man, tight as fuck. K-GEE Good. TAMMY Those two together is gonna be about three fifty. K-GEE Alright. K-GEE takes out his wallet and starts shuffling money. He quickly gets it together. K-GEE (CONTD) (hands TAMMY money) Alright. TAMMY (shuffles money) Cool. (to YOUNG BLOOD) Dont be killing anyone, killer. 0002000006990002395D693,YOUNG BLOOD (looking at guns) Eh, I doubt that will ever happen. K-GEE You sure about that? YOUNG BLOOD What? That Ill never kill anyone? K-GEE Yeah. YOUNG BLOOD I dont know. Maybe itll come down to that. TAMMY Well, YOUNG BLOOD. In your line of work now, shit happens. Not "might happen", but will happen. YOUNG BLOOD looks to K-GEE hoping hes lying, but K-GEE gives a look to YOUNG BLOOD suggesting that TAMMY is right. CUT TO INT. K-GEES CAR-- STREET-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD rides next to K-GEE who is behind the wheel. The two remain quiet listening to music until YOUNG BLOOD turns the volume down to start a conversation. YOUNG BLOOD I dont have to kill anyone do I? K-GEE You should really use other words than "kill". It doesn't sound so bad if you say "bop, bump, knock off" uhh "whack". See if you say "Im gonna" YOUNG BLOOD (interrupts, rude) I get it! K-GEE Whoa sorry. To answer your question grouchy is I dont know. This aint the worse, but it aint the best neighborhood. Why do you think I wanna expand? More money of course, but to have more friends and partners, so I dont have to worry about getting shot. If people know I have power, then theyll know not to fuck around with me. YOUNG BLOOD Where do I come in? K-GEE Your in charge of the Latino side of town. You run it, you handle distribution when your ready. YOUNG BLOOD You starting a mafia? K-GEE Of course not. Im not being racist here, but we dont do business with the most organized guys. YOUNG BLOOD True that. K-GEE (pause) YOUNG BLOOD, have you ever tried heroin? YOUNG BLOOD No. K-GEE No? Why not? YOUNG BLOOD I dont want to. K-GEE Well, thats what your gonna be sellin, as well as yay. 00020000068800023FF0682,YOUNG BLOOD I know. K-GEE When selling dope, make sure you have a taste yourself, so you can tell your clients the truth of the quality. YOUNG BLOOD When would I be doing this taste testing deal? K-GEE Right now. Going to my place. Do you wanna try it? You wont get addicted, or anything, and it wont kill ya, believe me, I know. Youll just get really fucked up. YOUNG BLOOD (thinks) sure. Why not? K-GEE Savor this moment. Itll be a while before someone gives you free skag? CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD sits in a chair in K-GEES bedroom. He sits and watches as K-GEE finishes injecting him, and takes the needle out of his arm. K-GEE thats the hard part. Next part is the easiest Lay down and chill. DISSOLVE TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD lays on K-GEES bed staring at the ceiling. K-GEE sits at his desk with a key of heroin. K-GEE has a scale, and plastic ziplock bags on the desk. He starts weighing it, but before he can package it, YOUNG BLOODS cell phone goes off. K-GEE looks over at YOUNG BLOOD. K-GEE You gonna get that? Its your phone? YOUNG BLOOD Eh, you get it. K-GEE Naw, get it. YOUNG BLOOD slowly grabs his phone, looks at the number calling and lays back down. YOUNG BLOOD Fuckin JENNI. K-GEE Answer it. YOUNG BLOOD Naw. YOUNG BLOOD tosses the phone at K-GEE who catches it. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) You answer it, tell her Im crashing here. Shes probably wondering where I am. Tell her Im sleeping. K-GEE Fuck. K-GEE clicks on the phone. K-GEE (CONTD) (on phone) Yo? (listens to other person) naw, hes crashing here, hes out. (listens to other person) Yeah, K-GEE. (listens to other person) 00020000067800024672672,You like KADEN better? (listens to other person) Then call me that. (laughs, listens to other person) No, not like that, I dont I dont see it that way. YOUNG BLOOD Dogg, go in the other room, man, your killin me here. K-GEE says nothing to YOUNG BLOOD and walks down the hallway like a woman on the phone. K-GEE (walking away) Right, right, Im down with that. THE CAMERA ZOOMS IN ON YOUNG BLOOD, who remains laying down on the bed. He continues staring, then glances over the bag of heroin on the desk. He turns his attention away then looks back at it. YOUNG BLOOD slowly gets up, walks over to the desk, grabs a ziplock bag, checks to see if K-GEE is coming, then scoops some dope in the ziplock. He quickly makes sure everything looks the same as it did, as well as pockets the bag. He goes back over to the bed and lays down as if nothing happened. CUT TO PURE PRESSURE INT. KCS HOME-- BEDROOM-- ONE DAY LATER-- NIGHT KC and YOUNG BLOOD sit on the bed, while KC has a belt tied around his arm, causing his veins to bulge out of his arm. YOUNG BLOOD picks up a syringe next to another one. YOUNG BLOOD You ready? KC I guess. YOUNG BLOOD Stay still. KC Yup. YOUNG BLOOD slowly inserts the syringe of heroin into KCS arm who makes a noise due to the minor pain. KC (CONTD) Ah is that needle clean? YOUNG BLOOD You shouldve asked that before I put this thing in. But yeah, theyre clean. K-GEE has a whole box of these motherfuckers wrapped in their seals. KC So you stole his dope, then his needles? YOUNG BLOOD Eh, fuck em. KC Stupid, man. Hes gonna find out. YOUNG BLOOD Alright, shut up. YOUNG BLOOD takes the syringe out of KCS arm. 00020000067C00024CE4676,YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) Lay down, it starts quick. KC (starts to lay down) Cant believe Im doing this shit. YOUNG BLOOD Too late, relax. KC lays down on the bed in silence. YOUNG BLOOD (CONTD) (picks up belt) My turn. YOUNG BLOOD starts putting the belt around his arm as the shot dissolves. DISSOLVE TO INT. KCS HOME-- KITCHEN-- FORTY FIVE MINUETS LATER-- NIGht KC walks downstairs into the kitchen. He immediately heads to the cupboards, grabs a cup of water, then heads on over to the sink where he fills it up with water. KC chugs the cup quickly, only to fill it again, and do the same. WILLIAM who rests on the couch has a clear view of KC. He keeps his eyes open keeping silent. KC looks over at him, probably thinking hes asleep, since KC lets his trip go on. KC walks a little unbalanced, a little wobbly. WILLIAM watches closely. KC heads back upstairs. THE CAMERA STAYS ON WILLIAM who continues looking on. CUT TO INT. RED LOBSTER-- DINING AREA-- DAYS LATER-- NIGHT K-GEE, CLEVELAND, and YOUNG BLOOD sit eating dinner. They sit in a booth- smoking section. K-GEE So, we all set here? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, man, Im cool, I know the score. CLEVELAND You gonna be packin your piece? K-GEE Yeah he is. YOUNG BLOOD (pause, looks over to K-GEE rudely, then back to CLEVELAND) yeah I am. CLEVELAND You pop a spic, they go right down, man. Let me tell ya. YOUNG BLOOD Im sure. I dont plan on it. CLEVELAND I know, dogg, you plan on making some money, which you will, we think youre ready, here. K-GEE Your going out with BENNY MAC tomorrow. I dont like the idea of sending out a K-GEE waits for CLEVELAND to say his "line". He repeats himself. 0002000006940002535A68E,K-GEE (CONTD) (looks to CLEVELAND) I dont like the idea of sending out a CLEVELAND (looks up) What, o my bad nigger. K-GEE out with ya, cause last I heard spics and (looks at CLEVELAND) CLEVELAND Niggers. K-GEE Dont get along. So send ya out with a white kid, hey, you should have a good first day of school. YOUNG BLOOD Okay. I never talked to this BENNY MAC, really. K-GEE Hes a cool cat. Now, hes there for protection, not for sellin, thats your area. YOUNG BLOOD I know, man, lay off, I know how it works, you told me a million times. K-GEE Well, Im gonna tell ya a million and one times, because I dont want any slippin up out there. Not a big cop zone, but theyre around. YOUNG BLOOD I know. CLEVELAND (to K-GEE) Ey, GEE. Come on, man, we taught this kid good, hes ready. K-GEE I hope. CLEVELAND Hes set. This shit YOUNG BLOOD (Looks to door) Here comes my hoe. K-GEE Who JENNI? YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, I told her to come on up. K-GEE (strict look) Dont do it again. This is a business dinner. YOUNG BLOOD Calm down, man. K-GEE (strict look, to himself, whispers) Fuck. JENNI spots them and walks over to the table where he sits down next YOUNG BLOOD. JENNI Hi. YOUNG BLOOD Hey babe. JENNI Whatcha eating? YOUNG BLOOD Food. JENNI O, food you say? K-GEE JENNIFER hello. JENNI Hello KADEN. CLEVELAND KADEN? Whered that come from? K-GEE She likes to be proper. JENNI (to CLEVELAND, jokingly) You got a problem with that CLEVELAND? CLEVELAND Actually I do. When it comes to my buddy, I like his real name to be said. K-GEE KADEN is my real name. CLEVELAND (to K-GEE, pause, insulted) Fuck you too. JENNI (to YOUNG BLOOD) Where did you get money for Red Lobster? 000200000690000259E868A,K-GEE Its on my dollar. Why you want something to eat? JENNI Thanks but I just came in to say hi. So "hi". K-GEE Hi. CLEVELAND Whad up? JENNI (to YOUNG BLOOD) So whats your plans hun? YOUNG BLOOD (rudely) I dont know girl. Gonna finish eating here, then Im gonna head on home. JENNI Sorry for asking. K-GEE JENNIFER, you sure you dont want anything to eat? JENNI No thank you KADEN, Im fine, and thank you for calling me by my name instead of (looks to YOUNG BLOOD) Girl. YOUNG BLOOD Damn, everybodys a fuckin dick today. JENNI Sorry. CLEVELAND Yeah, sorry, YOUNG BLOOD, didnt mean to be a dick to ya. JENNI starts rubbing K-GEES leg with her own- playing footsie, only K-GEE isnt playing along. He looks down quickly then looks to JENNI who looks as if nothing is happening. K-GEE Am I being a dick YOUNG BLOOD? YOUNG BLOOD (jokingly) Yeah, a straight up one. K-GEE Straight up one? YOUNG BLOOD (thinks, starts laughing) O shit, I didnt even realize that. Shit. K-GEE glances at JENNI who glances at him with a little smirk. K-GEE lights up a cigarette, and looks away. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- HOURS LATER-- NIGHT CLEVELAND plays videogames as always. K-GEE walks into the living room and sits next to him. K-GEE You know what? Im light. CLEVELAND No shit. Gotta get some muscle on those bones. K-GEE No, I mean my key of ASIAN. Im light about one and half grams. I just got done weighing the bastard and figuring out if I need to make a run. CLEVELAND I didnt take it. K-GEE Yeah, no shit. CLEVELAND You sure about that? You sure your down? K-GEE Yeah, Im sure. I just weighed it the other day and this time when I weighed it I was down. 00020000069A00026072694,CLEVELAND Who do you think did it? K-GEE YOUNG BLOOD. CLEVELAND Yeah? K-GEE Yeah, I remembered, few days a ago, the last time I weighed it, I gave him a taste, and I was talking to his girl, and I went into the other room. Thing was I got stupid and left the key on my desk, wide open while that motherfucker was in there, stoned out of his mind. CLEVELAND Confront him. K-GEE Im gonna, but later on. I want to keep him happy, make some money, see where that goes. I wont forget though. CLEVELAND Shouldnt have left the room. Cant trust kids these days. K-GEE No shit fuck. K-GEE gets up and walks away. CLEVELAND sits playing videogames, not caring. CUT TO INT. YOUNG BLOODS HOME-- BATHROOM-- NIGHT YOUNG BLOOD shoots up while sitting on the toilet. CUT TO INT. KCS HOME-- BEDROOM-- NIGHT KC shoots up in his bedroom. After pulling out the syringe, he gets up, throws a very small baggy of some left into his sock drawer as well as the needle which he puts into a plastic baggy and a spoon making sure its properly covered of course. He then lays back down on his bed ready to enjoy his high. CUT TO INT. HIGHSCHOOL-- ALGEBRA CLASSROOM-- NEXT DAY-- DAY YOUNG BLOOD sits in his classroom listening to his teacher yak on. CLOSE UP ON YOUNG BLOODS HAND. YOUNG BLOODS HAND shakes mildly. CLOSE UP ON YOUNGS BLOODS LEG. His leg shakes along with his hand. He looks rather anxious. Withdrawal. CUT TO INT. HIGHSCHOOL-- HISTORY CLASSROOM-- DAY KC sits in his classroom also ignoring his teacher doing his job. CLOSE UP ON KCS FINGERS. His fingers lightly tap the desk rapidly. CLOSE UP ON KCS EYES. His eyes move all over the place, looking around at nothing. Withdrawal also. 0002000006710002670666B,CUT TO DISCOVERED INT. KCS HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAY WILLIAM walks into KCS room and starts snooping around. He immediately starts checking his dresser. He starts at the bottom one first. Searches through- finds nothing. He continues and starts at next the one. Searches through- again- finds nothing. WILLIAM by obvious process of elimination searches through the top dresser. After a moment of brushing away numerous socks and white T-shirts, he stops as he notices something. His face is still. Seemingly filled with anger more than disappointment. We know what he sees. CUT TO INT. HIGHSCHOOL-- HALLWAY-- HOURS LATER-- DAY KC and YOUNG BLOOD meet up in the hallway. They immediately start talking, while walking. KC Its official. Im already addicted. YOUNG BLOOD Your not addicted, alright. Were not junkies. Were just thirsty, thats what K-GEE calls it. Not addicted, that takes a lot of using and heavy doses, we didnt do that. We just miss getting high. KC Whatever. After I finish off what you gave me, Im done. YOUNG BLOOD Yeah, ditto. KC Fun as hell, man, I thank you, dogg, for that shit, but I dont wanna get addicted. YOUNG BLOOD "d" to the "itto". Ditto, mother fucker, ditto. KC Word is your going to be wheelin and dealin today. YOUNG BLOOD Five o clock. BENNY MACS pickin my ass up at K-GEES crib. KC Dont get shot. YOUNG BLOOD I wont, dont worry. KC Gonna shoot up before you go? YOUNG BLOOD No matter how much I wanna, I dont wanna be high as fuck before I head on out. KC Smart. YOUNG BLOOD Yup, Yeah, need a ride. KC Be tight. YOUNG BLOOD I got it covered. CUT TO INT. KCS HOME-- KITCHEN-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY 0002000006BB00026D716B5,KC walks into his back-door calmly and quietly. Out of no where, WILLIAM grabs KC by the shirt and pins him against the wall. KC is shocked and doesn't know what to do. WILLIAM (furious) What the fuck is this? WILLIAM pulls out the small baggy of heroin out and holds it in front of KC. KC (scared) Goin in my room now? WILLIAM (contd) Its my fuckin house, and with you wobbling all over the fuckin place the other night, I got a little fuckin curious? KC (scared) Sorry. WILLIAM (contd) Yeah, fuck you! I wouldve thought youd be smarter after all the discipline I gave ya. That bandage you got on your nose tells it all. KC (contd) Im sorry, first time I ever tried it. WILLIAM (contd) I fuckin doubt that you piece of shit! KC (contd) you dont believe me? WILLIAM First time or hundereth time, you still be doin this shit! What should I do with ya! KC (contd) I dont know. WILLIAM (contd) What? Should I slap you around till you get the fucking message? WILLIAM starts slapping KCS face hard while still holding him against the wall. WILLIAM (CONTD) (contd) Kick some fuckin sense into ya? WILLIAM knees KC in the stomach. KC falls to the floor holding his gut in pain. WILLIAM starts kicking him while hes on the ground. WILLIAM (CONTD) (contd, stomping on KC) You stupid fuckin asshole. I beat the fuck outa ya, you fuckin junkie. KC cries in pain, and begs him to stop. KC (crying, screaming) Stop! Please dad! WILLIAM (contd) You want me to fuckin stop? When- (stomps on him hard) The fuck- (harder) Are you- (harder) Gonna (harder) Fuckin learn? (hardest) WILLIAM stops stomping and backs away. Like last time he walks to the center of kitchen and stares down at his fallen and beaten son. 0002000008AB000274268A5,WILLIAM (CONTD) Stand up pussy! KC still squirms on the ground. WILLIAM (CONTD) Stand the fuck up, or Im gonna kick you again! KC, crying, stands to his feet which takes all of his strength. WILLIAM (CONTD) Now get the fuck over here, boy! KC stands still, staring at his dad with watery eyes. He knows more is yet to come. WILLIAM (CONTD) Im gonna come to ya if you just stand there, KORY. KC glances at his fridge, and makes one bold move. KC quickly opens up the fridge and grabs the nearest hard object in there- a ketchup bottle. KC holds it in front of him. WILLIAM (CONTD) Come on do, fucker! Hit me with it! KC stands still. WILLIAM (CONTD) You fuckin punk. WILLIAM approaches KC who by reaction tries to hit WILLIAM over the head but his arm his caught by WILLIAM. WILLIAM and KC struggle briefly only to have KC kick WILLIAM in the crotch. KC immediately, maybe not knowing what hes doing, moves forward and slams the ketchup bottle over WILLIAMS head. WILLIAM drops down to one knee from the impact, causing KC to repeatedly smack the glass bottle over WILLIAMS head. KC continues only to stop and calm down again. He looks down at his injured father, drops the bottle, and darts out the back door. CUT TO LIFE LESSONS INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- DAY K-GEE sits next to YOUNG BLOOD and CLEVELAND. YOUNG BLOOD and CLEVELAND play video games, while K-GEE looks on, bored. BENNY MAC walks into the house. BENNY MAC Whad up? K-GEE Ey, man. (to YOUNG BLOOD) Hey, time to go. YOUNG BLOOD Hold up, man, after this quarter. K-GEE shrugs in disappointment. K-GEE (to BENNY MAC) You ready? BENNY MAC Yeah, man, Im ready to go. K-GEE (to YOUNG BLOOD) Alright hurry up. YOUNG BLOOD Hold up, damn. CUT TO EXT. CLINES HOME-- PORCH-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY KC exhausted runs up onto CLINES porch, and immediately starts knocking no answer. Again, KC knocks, but yet still no answer. KC moves to the side a bit and checks the living room window next to the front door, but sees no one. KC takes out his cell phone, scrolls down his list of numbers on the phone and clicks the one he wants. After a moment of ringing, CLINE finally answers. CLINE (over phone) Yo, what up K to the C? KC (into phone) 0002000007EC00027CCB7E6,Nodda, hey where you at, man? CLINE (contd) Im heading to Detroit right now, dogg. KC (contd) Ah, fuck. CLINE (contd) Why what up? KC (contd, pause) Nothing, just wanted to see what was up. CLINE (contd) Yeah, well, sorry, man. Ill be back in three days thats if I dont drink. But Ill probably tip a few, so five days. KC (contd) Alright, give me a bump when you get back. CLINE (contd) Will do. KC (contd) Alright, see ya, man. CLINE (contd) Peace. KC still stands on the porch, worried. He then scrolls down more numbers on his phone. He closes up his phone and looks around the neighborhood for a moment, scared. KC then re-opens his phone and clicks on a number on his list. KC (into phone, listens to other person) Yeah, I need a cab. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY K-GEE and CLEVELAND sit on the couch, bored. CLEVELAND plays videogames as always, while K-GEE, watches on, talking to him. CLEVELAND doesn't seem to be paying much attention. K-GEE Consider this a trial period for YOUNG BLOOD. He fucks up, then Ill confront him about that dope Im missing. If he makes money, then Ill keep on the DL until he does fuck up badly. CLEVELAND I aint stickin up for the kid, I really dont even like him all to much, but you know nigger, you kinda put this upon yourself, know what Im saying? K-GEE No. Explain it to me. CLEVELAND Youre the one who A knocking at the door is heard. K-GEE gets up from his seat and walks to the door. K-GEE (walking to door) Go on. CLEVELAND You gave him a taste, so naturally, hes gonna want a little more, right? K-GEE (contd) I gave him a taste, and he wanted the whole meal, you know? CLEVELAND No, not really. K-GEE gets to the door, opens it, and pauses at the sight of KC standing on the porch. K-GEE looks at him, knowing something is wrong. K-GEE Whats up? CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY K-GEE, CLEVELAND, and KC sit at the kitchen table. K-GEE sits across from KC, and CLEVELAND sits next to K-GEE. 000200000729000284B1723,K-GEE He beat you, because he found weed on ya? KC Yeah. CLEVELAND That aint no reason to beat your kid. K-GEE No shit. Listen KC, is your dads name WILL? KC (surprised) Yeah, howd you know? K-GEE He buys (holds back words) Hes a client of mine. You know? KC I know. I knew he does dope. K-GEE Right I guess you know my trade. But, seriously, you want me to have some words with him? KC No I dont. I dont want him to know where Im at. K-GEE Dogg he wont do nothing to ya ever again I promise you. KC I dont want to fuck things up? K-GEE Fuck what up? Do you want to continue being beaten like a bitch? Huh? KC No matter what you say, hell continue doing this to me. Especially now, since like I told ya, hes gonna go off the hook. CLEVELAND Watcha beat him with a ketchup bottle? KC Yeah. CLEVELAND Ooo, shit, see I get hit with a booze bottle before, but never with a fuckin ketchup bottle, shit K-GEE KORY look at me. KC looks up. K-GEE (CONTD) Do you want me to talk to him? KC No, I dont. K-GEE I dont believe that. I think you just wanna sound like a man, and act like you can handle it, or you dont wanna be a bitch, and get other people to fight your battles, but man think about it. Hes a grown man, youre a kid, you cant stand up to the guy. Especially when hes stoned or drinking. KC I dont I dont know, man. K-GEE Do me a favor take off your shirt. KC Why? K-GEE Do it. KC Naw, thats alright. K-GEE No it aint, take it off. KC thinks for a moment, but complies with the demand, gets up and takes his shirt off, showing his back to K-GEE. Bruises are all over his back. K-GEE looks furious. K-GEE (takes out cell phone, furious) Thats it Im calling him. KC No, man, come on. K-GEE Fuck you. CLEVELAND take him into your room. CLEVELAND Right. (to KC) Come on, KC, well have some drinks. 0002000006D300028BD46CD,KC (disappointed) Man K-GEE Go with CLEVELAND, hang out. Dont come out till I tell ya. CLEVELAND escorts KC out of the kitchen, down the hallway a little. K-GEE yells from the kitchen, while scrolling through his numbers. K-GEE (CONTD) Yeah, I bet he did that to your nose too didnt he? K-GEE finds the number, and clicks on it. While waiting for an answer he whispers K-GEE (CONTD) (whispers) Fuckin asshole. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- MINUETS LATER-- DAY K-GEE walks WILLIAM into the kitchen. K-GEE immediately sits down at the table, as WILLIAM stands in the doorway wearing a baseball cap, probably to cover his injured head. WILLIAM KADEN whats the deal here? K-GEE (strict) Sit down. WILLIAM walks over to the table, where he sits across from K-GEE cocky, as if he won the battle between him and his son. K-GEE stares at WILLIAM for a moment, staring at him as a marvel of disgust. K-GEE (CONTD) Your son, came on by earlier WILLIAM KORY? How the fuck do you know him? K-GEE We met at a party and WILLIAM (interrupts) What party? K-GEE (angry) Shut up, never interrupt me. He comes here, saying that you beat him because you found some bud of him. WILLIAM That little bastard has to come crying to other people, when it has nothing to do with them. Little pussy. K-GEE (odd stare) Do you even listen to yourself, or think before you speak? Thats your son, man, and hes a good kid. This aint right. WILLIAM Back up, one second. I found bud? K-GEE Thats what he told me. WILLIAM No, no, no, I found heroin in his sock drawer. K-GEE (pause) Maybe it was yours? WILLIAM It couldnt have been. I lock my stash up, and plus Ive been out for a while. Im thinking he got it from you now. K-GEE What if he did? WILLIAM 0002000006D4000292A16CE,(pause) well then well I dont then. K-GEE You could be a good parent and talk to him about that shit you found. Hitting the kid is only gonna make him depressed and scared and thus end up doing that shit. WILLIAM You a shrink now? K-GEE Im speaking out of personal experience. I have total empathy for that kid. Since it happened to me, and since thats one of the main reasons that drove me to the shit I do, Im gonna do my all to make sure another person doesn't ruin their life. My clients. Most of them are adults, they know what theyre doing, and most of them are deadbeats; junkies. KORY is a kid still. Hes young and has his whole fuckin life to look toward to, and Im gonna make sure that he chooses the right path in life. WILLIAM You gonna adapt him? K-GEE No, Im not gonna adopt him you dumb fuck. How Im going to make sure he gets back on the right track is by cutting off your supply. I want you to quit this shit, quit drinking, obviously quit beating your kid, and go to rehab, anger management classes, and a fuckin head doctor. WILLIAM First I just wanna say, is how the hell am I gonna afford a shrink? K-GEE With the money you save from buying dope, youll have more than enough. WILLIAM I seriously doubt that, and second. Your gonna cut me off because of him? K-GEE Thats right. WILLIAM Thats bullshit. K-GEE Your right it is bullshit. WILLIAM Ill just get another dealer. K-GEE (leans in close) No you wont. Because if I find out your still using shit, beating your kid, drinking, and whatever else I fuckin dont know of at this time Ill make sure you never lay a hand on my homeboy, your son, ever again. (leans back) Matter of fact you wont be able to lay a hand on anybody, you know what Im saying? 00020000068C0002996F686,WILLIAM I hear you, KADEN. K-GEE I have the power to make the pigs not find a single trace of you. This is a threat, WILL. This is a true threat. I dont play people. WILLIAM I understand. K-GEE Good. WILLIAM But, KADEN, you have to know, that Im dying here. Ive been out for five days, the only reason I took your call is so I could have the chance to come over here and buy some more off of ya. K-GEE Nope. WILLIAM Come on, man, Im dying. I cant go cold turkey. Ill die, Ill seriously die. K-GEE No, you wont. WILLIAM I swear to god, man, come on let me buy one last package. Ill gradually cut down over time. Just like quitting smoking. K-GEE (thinks) how do I know youll quit? WILLIAM I swear to God, on the holy father Ill quit after one last package. K-GEE (thinks) I shouldnt be doing this but fine. WILLIAM Yeah? K-GEE Yeah, how much you need? Same? WILLIAM Can I buy a little more off of ya this time? K-GEE Why more? WILLIAM Because, KADEN, this whole rehab deal is gonna take a while to get set up, and in that time I dont know how long I could last before I get into the program. K-GEE You can usually get right into rehab. WILLIAM I went there for smoking, and it took a long ass time to get in. K-GEE Drug rehab is much different than smoking. WILLIAM Trust me, its not. K-GEE (thinks) how much more? WILLIAM Lets do with eight grams. K-GEE (shocked) Eight? WILLIAM Yeah eight. K-GEE I dont know about eight. WILLIAM Come on man. K-GEE (thinks) are you gonna be able to pay off TIM? WILLIAM O dont worry about that, I got it covered. K-GEE You better. Ill give you your eight then thats it. Its gonna be six hundred dollars even there. 0002000006A100029FF569B,WILLIAM Yeah, Ill get it. (checks watch) Give me forty five minuets to run and get the money. K-GEE Forty five minuets. Im timing your ass so go now, hurry up, so we can do our tearful good-byes. WILLIAM (gets up from seat) Right. WILLIAM extends his hand out for K-GEE to shake, but K-GEE stares at him with impatience and disgust. WILLIAM gets the message and pulls back his hand. WILLIAM (CONTD) Ok. Forty five minuets. WILLIAM walks away and leaves the house through the back-door. K-GEE runs his hands through his hair and gets up from his seat. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- CLEVELANDS ROOM-- DAY K-GEE walks into CLEVELANDS room and stands in the door way, watching KC polish off a beer. K-GEE (to CLEVELAND) CLEVELAND, can I have minuet? CLEVELAND yeah, sure. CLEVELAND exist the room, bringing his beer along of course. K-GEE sits on the bed next to KC who also sits on the bed, giving K-GEE some room to sit down. K-GEE closes the door with his foot, and looks at KC with full eye contact. He speaks in a low tone. K-GEE You know, Im sorry that shit has happened to you, man. I really am. Happened to me when I was a kid. From the day I was born to the age of eighteen. My dad, would get drunk and lay me out, for no reason. KC No shit? K-GEE No shit. Like I told your dad in there, all that abuse that I took led me to drugs. I still (holds back words) I dont want you to get mixed up in this shit. Dope is too expensive. Spend your money on shit you need. You dont need that shit, dogg. KC Yeah. K-GEE Dont end up like how I did. KC Ok. K-GEE Now your dad wont lay you out anymore. I guarantee it. Hes done with dope, drinking, whatever, and Im sending him to rehab. 00020000061E0002A690618,KC Ok. K-GEE I want you to finish school your still in school right? KC Yeah. K-GEE See, stay in it. I dropped out right when I turned sixteen. Found no use for it back then. It wasnt until I dropped out that I noticed that school is the most important thing you can do before you head on out on your own. Right? KC Right. K-GEE Cool. Umm you get what Im trying to tell you right? KC Yeah, man, I understand. K-GEE My man The two slap hands. K-GEE I know you smoke some herb, right? KC (little laugh) Yeah. K-GEE Thats fine. If you wanna get high, smoke some weed, shit that wont hurt you. Or hurt your wallet so much. Weed is fine, just dont do anything else, Im telling ya, for your own good. KC I know. K-GEE Ok, well, Im gonna send you and CLEVELAND over to my homeboys house. I got some work to do, so chill there, smoke some bud, watch a flick, whatever. KC Cool. K-GEE Yup. K-GEE gets up from the bed, and opens the door. K-GEE (CONTD) Yo CLEVELAND, come here a second. CLEVELAND walks up to K-GEE from the kitchen, now having a sandwich in his hand. CLEVELAND Whad up? K-GEE Listen I want you to take KC here, over to OJ and VODKAS house. Introduce him, chill, smoke some bud, you hear? CLEVELAND Id be honored. K-GEE Good. (to KC) KC, why dont you go get your shoes on. KC Alright. KC gets up from the bed, walks past K-GEE and CLEVELAND and heads into the kitchen. K-GEE whispers to CLEVELAND. K-GEE (whispers) Hey, I dont want those two giving him a hard time for any reason, alright? Pull those two aside and explain the thing, ok? 0002000009350002ACA892F,CLEVELAND Alright. K-GEE Rock on. The two slap hands. K-GEE (CONTD) Ill tell you when its cool to come back over, man. CUT TO INT. BENNY MACS CAR-- SEVEN ELEVEN-- PARKING LOT-- DAY YOUNG BLOOD sits in the passenger seat of BENNY MACS car. Bending down, YOUNG BLOOD, pulls out a lock box, and quickly unlocks it with the key, which is held on the car keys. Opening the box reveals a large bag of Columbian heroin. YOUNG BLOOD checks his back, making sure BENNY MAC or no one else is looking. Once the coast seems to be clear, YOUNG BLOOD. Digs into his pocket, pulls out a clear plastic baggy, and scoops the bag into the large one. Folding it up quick, YOUNG BLOOD, puts the bag into his sock, turns, closes and locks the box, and puts the car key back into the ignition. He sits there patient, again, as if nothing has even happened. Moments later, BENNY MAC comes out of the store with a bottle in one hand, and a slurpie in the other. He gets into the car. BENNY MAC (hands bottle) Heres your aspirin. YOUNG BLOOD (takes bottle, opens it) Thanks man. (puts pills in his mouth) Have some of that? BENNY MAC Yeah, sure. YOUNG BLOOD (takes a drink of slurpie, swallows aspirin) Thanks, dogg. (keeps holding slurpie) BENNY MAC (grabs slurpie) Give me back my fuckin slurpie, dogg. YOUNG BLOOD (little laugh) My bad. BENNY MAC Alright (starts engine) Here we go. Ready for your first push? YOUNG BLOOD Nope? BENNY MAC Too bad. (starts backing out) CUT TO LAST WORDS INT. K-GEES HOME-- BEDROOM-- DAY K-GEE holds eight grams of heroin, held in a ziplock bag. He grabs his weighing scale from his dresser, and puts it back into one of the open floor safes. Closing the safe, K-GEE takes his keys, and opens up another one of the four safes. This safe does not contain, heroin, coke, or money, but a pile of guns and ammo, each weapon wrapped in plastic, with extra clips in each bag. K-GEE immediately grabs one of the guns- a forty five. He takes it out of the wrap, throws the wrap back in the safe, closes the safe, and pushes the carpet back over it. K-GEE exits his bedroom, holding a bag of heroin in one hand, and the gun in the other. CUT TO INT. WILLIAMS CAR-- STREET-- DAY WILLIAM drives down the street while keeping a quiet stare. No music playing this time. The SHOT STAYS ON HIM FOR A MOMENT. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- DAY 000200000F2D0002B5D7F27,K-GEE sits down at the kitchen table. Placing the bag of dope down, K-GEE hangs on to his gun, points it vertical, and holds the barrel to his head. He closes his eyes, and prays outloud, while keeping a low tone. K-GEE (low tone, quietly) Lord. Please forgive me for the sins Im about to cause. Well I should say, forgive me if I do cause a sin. (pause) I made a terrible choice, and now Im afraid I might cause the same sin again. CUT TO INT. CLINES CAR-- ROAD-- DAY CLINE drives down the road, on his way to Detroit. He drives with his knees, trying to light a bowl up at the same time. THE SOUND IS GONE. No sound can be heard, only K-GEES voice. K-GEE OS (contd) Im now in a pretty fucked up position lord. I have to decide if I should take a life, to save one, or save the life and risk the survival of the other. CUT TO INT. TIMS HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- DAY TIM sits in his living room, watching TV, while talking on his cell phone. NO SOUND ONLY K-GEES VOICE. K-GEE OS (contd) I never was big on gambling. But some how lord some how I have to choose. Be safe, and take a life, or play the field, and risk another life, an innocent one, to save two. CUT TO INT. MALL-- FOOD COURT-- DAY JENNI and a friend, walk around the mall, each holding shopping bags. They walk and look at the possible restaurants to eat at down the food court while chatting. NO SOUND ONLY K-GEES VOICE. K-GEE OS (contd) I dont know if this is like a fucking test or what, Im not really sure. I really dont feel whacking someone today. Not during the day-time at least. Neighbors eh, I dont think theyll care. Never have before, you know that, lord. CUT TO INT. WILLIAMS CAR-- STREET-- DAY WILLIAM continues driving down the street. NO SOUND ONLY K-GEES VOICE, is used once again. WILLIAM keeps a straight face while staring straight a head. K-GEE OS I just wish the best for KORY lord. You know that of course. I dont know the kid all too well, but I cant let another one of me be born. Im not a big fan of putting myself down here lord, but really, come on. CUT TO INT. OJ and VODKAS HOME-- LIVING ROOM-- DAY VODKA rolls a blunt as OJ, CLEVELAND, and KC look on. The four commence in small talk it seems, but cant be understood, since the same tactic is implied. K-GEE OS (CONTD) So what should I do here lord? I aint gonna fuckin make a choice like this by myself. If I choose to bump someone off, I would like to think that I did it because you gave the "ok". I wanna feel that what I did was for the best. CUT TO INT. BENNY MACS CAR-- STREET-- DAY BENNY MAC drives down the street. Singing alone with a song it seems, the audio is out again, only the voice. YOUNG BLOOD stares a head at the street, nervous. He looks down at his hand showing it to be shaking rapidly. K-GEE OS Eh, well see I guess. I know you know the answer of what will happen to KORY and his dad, and I wish I would know too, but Im fucking lost. Hopefully you give me the wordmake me feel what I should do when that motherfucker gets here. He still loves his dad, I know, which is why this shit is getting complicated. CUT TO INT. K-GEES HOME-- KITCHEN-- DAY THE SCENE NOW COMES BACK TO K-GEE PRAYING. K-GEE still holds the gun against his head, eyes closed. K-GEE What ever happens. Whatever path youve chosen for me to cross during this situation lord please forgive me amen. K-GEE opens his eyes, and lower the gun. He stares at the gun for a while, either fearing the weapon, or admiring it. He pops out the clip, checks the ammo, and slams it back in. He cocks the gun, and sets it on the table. Checking his watch K-GEE then runs his hands through his hair and keeps them on top of his head, confused and scared. He stares down at the gun, still having his hands pushed into his hair. K-GEE (CONTD) (looking down, hands in hair, flat tone) Fuck. Cut TO BLACK CREDITS END OF PART 1 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10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 2093010FFFF0C00000 10 2093020FFFF0C00000 10-102093030FFFF0C00000 10 2093040FFFF0C00000 10-102093050FFFF0C00000 10 2093060FFFF0C00000 10 2093070FFFF0C00000 10-102093080FFFF0C00000 10-1020930-20FFFF0C00000 890-1020930-30FFFF0C00000 22A0 20930-40FFFF0C00000 79E0-1020930-60FFFF0C00000 8CC0 20930-70FFFF0C00000 9C0-1020930-50FFFF0C00000 3DA0 20930-40FFFF0C00000 4B0-10 -1020930-30FFFF0C00000 560-1020930-80FFFF0C00000 110-1020930-20FFFF0C00000 180-10 -1020930-60FFFF0C00000 1740-1020930-50FFFF0C00000 1F0-1020930-10FFFF0C00000 790 20930-80FFFF0C00000 10-10 -10000700000354000000170101801755A0 101802755A0180101803755A0C0101804117900C0101805F3AB-70 101806BD870 101802071685A0C0101808755A0C010180-2755A018030180-26C480C06D0180-4FC5A0C06810180-6B40 73E0180-718C630C06E0180-36C480C01760180-5D8-70 2A10180-3755A0C0A0180-8755A0C0F0180-4117900C0550180-6BD870 1A0180-5F3AB-70 70180-1755A0 40180-1755A0C0101800008000002170000000340,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier 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