2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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andles in the Rain By Ron Payne EXT. dark and remote country road - night SUPER: SUMMER - 1935 A PICK-UP TRUCK is driving along a remote and dusty road. Driving is a 28 year-old man named CLETUS MEINERT. In the middle is his nephew, CLIFFORD, thirteen. Riding shotgun is an older man named ZEKE. In the bed of the truck is a BLACK MAN with hands tied behind him. On either side are YOUNG WHITE MEN with crew cuts. The road leads them past a sign which shows them leaving the town of Harding, Mississippi. The pick up stops in the woods. Everyone gets out except the black man and Cliff. The two young men then grab the black man by his legs and pull him from the vehicle. As this is happening, the black man looks back through the window in the cab and, with his eyes, is seemingly pleading with Cliff to do something, anything. Cliff scoots to the drivers window, pokes out his head and screams to his uncle. CliFF Uncle Cletus? Cletus returns to the truck. ClETUS What is it? CLIFF You going to hurt that man? CLETUS Man? Niggers is animals. Faster you learn that, the better. CLIFF Daddy used to say a black mans just as good as a white.. Cletus slapped Cliff hard across the face. CLETUS Youre daddy was my brother, rest his soul. But he was a fool. Now hush up and pay attention. All the men are now standing away from the truck and at the edge of the woods. All except the black man hold shotguns. CLETUS (CONT'D) Put the hood on him, Zeke. Zeke Why we gotta do that, Cletus. Dont make no sense. CLETUS Gotta let the niggers know who the king of the jungle is. Zeke places a Klansman hood over the head of the black man. CLETUS (CONT'D) You got sixty seconds nigger. Better be on your way. BLACK Man No suh! I be shot like a dog ifn I run. Sides, cant see hardly nuttin. Cletus continued staring at his pocket watch. CLETUS Fine with me. Fifty seconds. BLACK MAN Lets me go home to my family, suh. I aint did nuthin. 0002000004C3000007DD4BD,CLETUS Forty-five. With that the black man takes off towards the woods. CLETUS (CONT'D) Three two one. Lets go huntin boys! Moments later, Cliff, still in the cab, shivers with fright. He jumps at the sound of shotguns being dis-charged. Int. old church - Day SUPER: CURRENT DAY - MAY 1970 Standing at the pulpit is preacher BENJAMIN BLISS. A white man, thirty years old, who resembles a hippie. Long hair in a ponytail, wearing jeans and a black preachers shirt. The congregation, as usual, is mostly black. BEN ...I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride. As the YOUNG BLACK COUPLE finalize their vows, Ben sneaks a quick peek to where GWEN, his secret black girlfriend, is sitting with her daughter, CAPRI, ten years-old. Both Ben and Gwen discreetly smile. Ben notices Capri making another of her funny faces. No one notices except Ben, who tries his best to keep from laughing. EXT. old church - day Ben is watching as the newlyweds get into a wildly adorned vehicle and pull away with rice falling from the sky. After the car pulls away Ben looks at Gwen and Capri as they walk towards their car. Gwen glimpses back at Ben for only a second. She then gets in the car and drives away. 00020000082D00000C9A827,Ben sees CLIFF MEINERT, his friend and local sheriffs detective, approach. Cliff is forty-eight, overweight, balding, and wears a rumpled tie and jacket. BeN Hey partner. CliFF Nice ceremony preacher. BEN Thanks detective. CLIFF Time for a drink of the holy water? BEN My office. Ten minutes. EXT. old church - day Behind the church two folding chairs sit on either side of the churchs rear door, facing a dirt parking lot, which is now empty except for Cliffs police cruiser. Both men are sitting and sipping a can of beer. To the side of the church we see a cemetery. (Loud belch) Ben looks at Cliff frowning. CLIFF What, I gotta leave cause I belched? BeN Never mind..I was surprised to see you here. Did you know the couple? CLIFF Never seen them before. Came because I thought you served food at these things. BEN That would be the reception, Cliff. CLIFF Damn! Well, guess I have to go home to eat. Romeos probably hungry and bitchy anyway. BEN Romeo? He still hanging around? CLIFF And still as mean as ever. Ill give him your love. BEN Good-bye, Cliff... Ben laughed as Cliff got up and went to his cruiser. EXT. country road - day A big, stout black man, LUTHER JACOBS, 39, wearing bib overalls had just finished changing his tire. As he puts the old tire in the trunk he hears a vehicle approaching from behind. He hears footsteps after the vehicle cuts the engine. Luther All done now, if you stopped to help. But I appreciate the--- A hood is suddenly placed over his head and TWO MEN drag Luther to the pick-up. One of the men tie his hands then tie the rope to the bumper. The truck starts up and drives away. Luther is pulled from his feet and as the pick-up gains speed, an on going dust cloud forms. EXT. cOUNTRY ROAD - DAY We see the two mens shoes standing next to a prone, unconscious Luther Jacobs. Jacobs arm twitches. MAN #2 Hes still alive. The other man hits Luther on the head with a ball bat. Man #1 You think? Int. Sheriffs dept. - day CHIEF HANSON BAGLEY sits at his desk. He is a fifty-nine year-old man who maintains a pained expression. 0002000007F7000014C17F1,He buzzes his secretary, DORIS, a portly young blonde, outside his office door. Chief Doris? Wheres Cliff? Doris Doesnt come in on week-ends. CHIEF Geez. Am I the only one who works anymore? DORIS What am I? Chopped liver? CHIEF You know what I mean. Anyone else out there? DORIS Yeah, the new guy, Vern, is sharpening his pencils, awaiting orders to spring in to action. ChIEF No one else, huh? DORIS Unless youd prefer me to strap on the leather. CHIEF Send him in. Cliff let go of the intercom and sat back, rubbing his face. INT. sheriffs dept. - day The chief, sitting in the swivel chair in his office, is looking at VERNON SAWYER, 24 y/o but looks much younger. He is sharply dressed, sporting a buzz cut. CHIEF Need you to run out on old highway twenty one. A black man laying on the side of the road about a mile south of town. Probably just a drunk sleeping it off. VERN YESSIR!! Vern, excited, stands, knocks over his chair and he falls in the process. He gets up, picks up the chair, salutes the chief and hurries from the office. Chief shakes his head. CHIEF Just pretend you didnt see that. Ext. Service station - day A brand new Chevy pulls up next to one of the gas pumps. The rubber hose dinged, indicating that a customer awaited. INT. service staTION - day ADAM BLISS, 31, is tuning-up a car when he hears the ding and starts to wipe his hands with a shop towel. His boss, DELBERT MOSES, a large 55 year old man who personifies the term southern cracker peeks out from the door to his small office, which adjoins the repair bay. Delbert I think there may be a customer in need of gas, Mr. Bliss. Or should I ask him to come back at a time more convenient for you. Adam Shit Delbert! I only got two hands. Ext. Service station - day Adam walks towards the waiting vehicle. He sees a thirty year-old black man, CARL CHILDRESS, well dressed, sitting behind the wheel, looking impatient. ADAM Yeah? Carl Fill her up, my brother. ADAM Lets get one thing straight. Youre my customer, not my brother. 000200000D9900001CB2D93,CARL We are all brothers, brother. ADAM Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Even your kind from what I hear. As Adam was pulling the pump handle out, he notices the customer thumbing through a stack of leaflets. Below was date and location of the event. Below that read: The Time Is Now!! ADAM (CONT'D) The time is now, huh? For what? CARL We are having a public awareness session tomorrow at the park. We will speak of issues we blacks deal with day in and day out. ADAM Nice car and clothes for someone dealing with issues. CARL Earned everything I own. The black people in this town need someone to look up to. Might as well be Carl Childress. Dont you think? ADAM Thatll be $7.20 for the gas. Childress tossed a ten dollar bill out of the window and laughed loudly. CARL Keep the change. Looks like you need it. Childress pulled away, still laughing. Int. Service station - day Adam was now red with rage as he started back to work on the tune-up. Delbert came out of his office. DELBERT Problems? ADAM No problems. DELBERT Come on in my office Adam. Adam followed Delbert to his office. Delbert sat, kicked his boots on his desk as he leaned back. Adam stood. DELBERT (CONT'D) Known you for a long time, Adam. Give you a job here when no one else would even look at a Vietnam vet. Let you live, rent free, back in the trailer? ADAM Sure, Delbert. I dont forget people who treat me right. DELBERT Not looking for a pat on the back here. Just reminding you that once you have Delbert Moses for a friend, you have a friend for life. ADAM I appreciate it. DELBERT The customer out at the pump? Adam, dont EVER let another man treat you like a turd on the sidewalk. Especially a nigger. ADAM I screwed up over in Nam. Dont want to lose the only job I got here. DELBERT You aint in Vietnam, Adam. Youre home. We dont kick you out if you fuck up a nigger. We clear? ADAM Yeah, Delbert. Loud and clear. DELBERT Im thinking youre ready to get involved in our little community service. We call it the brotherhood. ADAM Brotherhood? DELBERT Just between me and you and that fly on the wall, some refer to it as the Klan. Give you an outlet for your frustrations. Adam looking hesitant. ADAM Sure Delbert. You know whats best. INT. old church - day We see Ben sitting in the first pew, reading the bible. Cliff walks in, sees Ben and quietly sneaks up the aisle. CliFF Boo! Ben jumps. He looks behind him. He then looks down at the bible in his hands. BeN Forgive him Lord. He knows not what he does. Cliff looks down at the Bible. CLIFF Yes I do, Lord. And please tell Mr. Sanctimonious Im heading to his office. EXT. OLD church - day Ben and Cliff are sitting in their usual chairs behind the church, beers in their hands. CLIFF (loud belch) Sorry I missed your service this morning. Overslept. BEN Its your soul, detective. CLIFF Look at that sun. Days like this I wish I were already retired. BEN Retired? Youre way too young, CLIFF Dont know. Pushing the big five-o. Got my pension. Life is good now. Both sat and enjoyed the day for a moment. CLIFF (CONT'D) Never know, maybe end up in Florida, buy a boat, do charters. . My dream anyway. Whats yours, Ben? BEN Never gave it a lot of thought. But I hope Gwens part of it. CLIFF Great gal. How she chose you is beyond my comprehension. BEN My dis-arming good looks perhaps? CLIFF Yeah...bet that was it.. Cliff thought for a moment. CLIFF (CONT'D) Your brother still bothered about you two? 00020000080600002A45800,BEN Of course. Adam hates people of color. Except white. Wasnt brought up that way. Turned out that way though. CLIFF He still working for that derelict down at the station? BEN Yeah. Delberts too cheap to hire another man and too lazy to pitch in, so Adam has to do it all. CLIFF Delbert Moses. What a piece of work he is. Busted him years ago. Ever tell you that? BEN No. CLIFF Yeah, mostly just petty stuff. But the judge got tired of seeing his face and finally gives him a two spot in the joint. BEN Good. He and I dont get along. CLIFF No surprise there, right? Hes a racist. You preach in a black church. BEN No. No surprise. Ben looks at Cliff and notices him gazing at the cemetery. CLIFF Think Ill take a walk, Ben. Cliff walked to his cruiser, grabs a bouquet of flowers and walks into the cemetery. Cliff is now seen looking at the tombstones of his parents. Moments later, Ben walks up from behind and puts his hand on Cliffs shoulder. BEN You were so young when they died, Cliff. Who... CLIFF Who raised me? The one and only, Uncle Cletus. BEN How was growing up with your uncle? CLIFF Like a slow roasting in hell. BEN Sorry. CLIFF Dont be. He was a fool, and a violent man. A police cruiser pulls quickly into the church parking lot. Cliff looks back to the parking lot and sees the cruiser. CLIFF (CONT'D) Excuse me, Ben. Cliff walked to the cruiser, bent down looking in the drivers window. Ben sees Cliff nodding, then sees him walking slowly back to his chair. Ben returns to his chair and notices how pale he had become. BEN You okay, partner? CLIFF A black man was found roped and dragged. Maybe nothing to it, but.. BEN But what, Cliff? CLIFF Bad feeling in my gut. Hope its just indigestion. Cliff stands and pats Ben on the back. CLIFF (CONT'D) Gotta run, Ben. Cliff stands, and slowly walks to his cruiser. Ext. Gwens HOUSE - day Ben knocks on the door of a run-down small home in central Harding. Gwen answers. A look of surprise on her face. GWEN Ben? What are you DOING here? BEN Good to see you too. 0002000007FC000032457F6,GWEN Sorry, come in. Gwen opens the screen door. INT. Gwens house - Day They both walk to the living room and sit down close to one another. Ben hugs her tightly. Gwen breaks up the hug. GWEN Seriously, why are you here? BEN Actually, you looked so ravishing in church this morning I couldnt stay away. GWEN If you cant control your lust, preacher man, look another way. Hey, didnt see Cliff today. BEN Overslept. Good thing. He might need the rest. GWEN Why? BEN He got a new case. Not good. GWEN What? The black man being dragged? BEN Yeah. Geez, news travels fast. GWEN Small town. It was a race thing wasnt it, Ben? BEN I think Cliff believes it may be. A look of concern spread across Gwens face. GWEN Thats why I get scared sometimes Ben. You and me I mean. Ben sighed. BEN Back on that again? At some point weve got to get past this black/ white issue. GWEN I know, I know. Its funny though. I spend ten years married to a black man who beat me whenever he wanted and society could not care less. But I hang in there. For too many long years I stay with that animal. Now I find a charming man who is good to me, loves me, and treats me like a woman should be treated...and Im running for cover. All because your not the same color as my ex. BEN Society has changed, Gwen. Besides, when we do date we drive to Jaspers, miles away in a different town. Or have a picnic in the middle of nowhere. GWEN Its not the way I want it. But maybe the way it has to be for now. Ben took her hand. Looked into her eyes. BEN Its okay, though. Youve been through so much with the divorce, raising a child on your own. Now an unexpected relationship. Its natural to be cautious. GWEN I suppose. BEN The problem stops there, right? Gwen said nothing. BEN (CONT'D) Gwen, is it my color or my occupation? GWEN Both. Neither. I dont know. It gets all jumbled up in my mind sometimes. BEN Anytime it becomes too much for you, Ill back off. I promise. Gwen turned to Ben with a small smile. GWEN You do that, Ill have to kill you. 00020000056A00003A3B564,BEN Youre beautiful, but very mean. GWEN You know Im teasing. Of all the white preacher boyfriends I have, youre my favorite. Ben laughed and hugged her. BEN Jaspers this week-end? GWEN Sure, why not? BEN Hey, theres a civil rights rally in the park this afternoon. Stop by if you can. And listen, if you do, I promise to ignore you. GWEN Go ahead. Be a smart-ass. Actually, Capri hasnt finished her homework. That girl sure tests me sometimes. BEN Time is always an enemy on weekends when youre her age. Shes a good kid. GWEN She thinks the world of you too, Ben. Lets make this work, okay? BEN We will. Ben leaned over to kiss Gwen. Gwen was hesitant at first, then wrapped her arms around him and held him close. INT. sheriffs dept. - DAY Cliff walks in and goes directly to the chiefs office. He knocks on the chiefs open door. Chief looks up. CHIEF Morning, Cliff. Have a seat. CHIEF (CONT'D) Guess Deputy Pratt found you so you know what happened. CLIFF Yes sir. The victim? CHIEF Doc says hes hanging in. CLIFF I shouldve been there, chief. CHIEF Thought it was just a drunk sleeping it off. So I sent Vern. CLIFF The new guy? He from around here? CHIEF California. Interesting story. CLIFF California? And he ends up here? CHIEF Yeah, his daddys one of those make-up artists in Hollywood. CLIFF Really. Like the ones who turn Lon Chaney into Frankenstein? 00020000077D00003F9F777,CHIEF Wolf-man. CLIFF Huh? CHIEF Lon Chaney was the wolf-man. CLIFF Whatever. CHIEF Anyway, Vern tries to follow in his daddys footsteps but didnt like it. Then he tries the acting thing...didnt like that either. His daddy said he was damn good at both. CLIFF (incredulous) So he hops on a bus to Harding? CHIEF Not exactly. He meets a girl from here who is trying to break into the business. Apparently her talent was all in her mind. CLIFF Let me guess. They fall in love. She high tails it back home. Vern follows. CHIEF Bingo! So he walks in one day and applies for a deputy position. Problem was he had no experience. CLIFF Why bother with an interview? CHIEF The kids sharp. I saw some potential. So, then he says maybe he could be a sketch artist. I told him last time we needed a sketch of a suspect it had a tail, barked, and was infected with rabies. CLIFF (laughs) ChIEF Know what he does then? Says thanks, gets up, walks out of my office whistling. CLIFF And then? CHIEF Months later he walks into my office, still whistling, and slaps a certificate on my desk. From the academy in Jackson. First in his class. End of story. CLIFF Ill be damned. Chief looked at his watch. CHIEF If he ever gets here, go over what hes got. CLIFF Will do. CHIEF Well, Im heading home, the wife is out and Id like to get there and take advantage of the peace and quiet while shes gone. The chief leaned back, staring at the ceiling, thinking. CHIEF (CONT'D) Kinda strange timing, dont you think. CLIFF Whats that? CHIEF That this would happen right before the civil rights thing in the park. Thats today, you know. CLIFF This afternoon. CHIEF Maybe, after you see the man in the hospital, you should stop by. Make sure nothing gets out of hand. CLIFF Was already planning on it, chief. Int. sheriffs dept. - day Cliff hears someone approaching his desk. Vern Hi. Detective Meinert? CLIFF Cliff. VERN 0002000003B0000047163AA,Hi Cliff. Im Vernon Sawyer. CLIFF Pleased to meet you Vernon Sawyer. VERN First week on the job and Im late. Had to run an errand for the wife. CLIFF Goes with the territory, Im afraid. So, chief tells me youre from L.A. Into the acting thing out there. Heard you were pretty good. VERN Maybe. Wasnt my cup of tea, though. I met Sarah, my wife, out there so it all turned out for the best. CLIFF Just gave it up, huh? VERN No sacrifice, believe me. CLIFF No? VERN Landed a couple of commercials. The last one was for a deodorant. It took eight takes to get it right. When I got home that night I had to take a shower to get rid of the smell. Ironic, huh? Cliff laughed. CLIFF Okay, back to business. Vern looked down, consulting his notes. VERN The mans name was Luther Jacobs. Thirty-nine years old. Married.. Cliff interrupted. CLIFF Okay...at the scene? VERN Not a lot to tell. His hands were bound and he was unconscious. 0002000009F400004AC09EE,CLIFF Check the surrounding area? VERN I did. No discernible tire tracks. No houses out that way either. CLIFF Go on. VERN I did find a beer bottle. A crunched Coke can. A used condom, thought it was a balloon at first. A few cigarette butts. A potato chip wrapper. And an old dirty rag. Thats about it. CLIFF Nothing else? VERN Nope. Everythings in the evidence locker if you want to take a peek. CLIFF Okay. Go back out there and see if there are any houses from the town line to where he was found. Maybe someone saw or heard something as they passed by. VERN I can do that. Vern turns and leaves. Just as Cliff stands, his phone rings. CLIFF Meinert. GWEN (O.S.) Cliff? Hi! CLIFF Gwen? Hi, honey. Finally decide to ditch that hippie preacher and have a life with an honest cop? Gwen laughed lightly. GWEN (O.S.) Not quite yet. CLIFF Gwen, you sound upset. GWEN (O.S.) Its probably nothing, ..oh, never mind, I shouldnt have called. CLIFF You sure? Gwen hesitated. CLIFF (CONT'D) Quick stop, then Im coming over. INT. sheriffs dept. - day As Cliff was putting on his jacket, Doris walked to his desk. DORIS Cliff. The hospital just called. CliFF Whats up? DORIS Our dragging victim? He just died. CLIFF Damn! Better call the chief. Doris walked away. Cliff sat in his chair and seemed stunned. EXT. Gwens house - day Cliff walks up the steps to the front door of the small, poorly maintained house. He knocks. Gwen opens the door after unlatching a number of locks. GWEN Cliff. I really wish I hadnt bothered you. Come in. Gwen opens the screen door. CLIFF Hi, honey. They both walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. GWEN Coffee? CLIFF No, thanks. Im fine. GWEN I should have called Ben. But Ive been such a pain to him recently... Cliff interrupted. CLIFF No problem. You know that. Gwen was wringing her hands nervously. Cliff grabbed her hands in his. CLIFF (CONT'D) Calm down and talk to me Gwennie. Gwen took a deep breath. GWEN Last week I noticed a leaflet posted on the telephone pole in front of the house. Advertising the civil rights thing down at the park today. Anyway, here it is. She laid the leaflet on the table, in front of Cliff. CLIFF Yeah. Heading over there myself. GWEN Just before I called you, I noticed the same flier, only it was turned over and... Gwen flipped over the flier. On the back was a crude drawing of a black man. Rope around his neck, swinging from a tree. Cliff stared at the drawing. He tried to hide his concern. CLIFF Just some sick white kids idea of a joke, honey. 000200000363000054AE35D,GWEN Probably. Its just that next Saturday Capris having a sleep-over here with a number of her school friends...and after hearing about that poor man being dragged, now this..it just spooked me, I guess. Being right in front of the house and all. CLIFF Thats because thats where the phone pole was, Gwen. Nothing more to it. You okay now? GWEN Im fine. Thanks for stopping by. I feel so silly now. CLIFF Give me a hug, gotta run. EXT. public park - day Ben is walking towards a small but growing crowd in the public park, site of the civil rights rally. He sees mostly black people milling around waiting for the rally to start. Ben walked towards the stage. A black man was tapping the microphone, preparing to speak. CARL Welcome. My name is Carl Childress. I am happy to be part of this exercise today. In part, we are here to talk about equality. 00020000054D0000580B547, We will also talk of the need to be informed, and stay informed. Our race cannot fight the fight if ignorance prevails amongst us. We now see Ben standing alone, listening, when he feels something touch his shoulder. He turns and sees Cliff standing behind him, smiling. CLIFF They let just about anybody into one of these things, dont they. Ben looks his friend over. BEN Apparently. CLIFF Hows it going here? BEN Just got started. Rain headed in though. They both turned their attention back to the speaker. CARL The path leading us from ignorance is the same path that leads us to equality. But this road is filled with pitfalls, obstacles, and mis-information. There are those who do not want you to reach the end of that path. They will be hiding by the roadside and try to distract you from your destination. They will tell you that you have gone the wrong way. That you must turn back. Or they will tell you theres a shortcut. But that would require veering off the path. We can not listen! We will not listen! The crowd cheered wildly, angrily. CLIFF Oh good. Just what I need today. A bunch of pissed off black people. Ben was looking behind him when he sees a spotless red pick-up parked at the curb which borders the park. CLIFF (CONT'D) Isnt that Delberts truck? BEN Sure looks like it. Think Ill go see if thats Adam with him. 000200000BE300005D52BDD,CLIFF What is Delbert doing here? At that moment the pick-up speeds away, tires squealing. The afternoon is turning to evening now and the incoming clouds make it appear even darker. The speaker is given a slip of paper from his associate. CarL Yesterday a black man was dragged outside the town limits. Dragged like a plow behind a horse. I just received word that the man has died. (Murmurs and unrest in the crowd) So, if anyone here questions our reason for this rally, this should lay your doubts to rest. We earlier passed out candles to be used as a sign of unity. I now ask that we light these candles and pray for our brother, Luther Jacobs. A few candles are lit in the crowd and held high. Then a few more. Before long, the park is suddenly aglow. Then the rain came. We see the glow from the park transition to a glow from another source. The glow from a lit cross at a KKK rally. Ext. CLEARING IN THE WOODS - NIGHT A meeting of the KKK is taking place. A KLANSMAN in a white robe addresses others dressed the same. He speaks with a slow southern drawl. KLANSMAN We have once again begun our march towards righteousness. The CROWD cheers, torches bobbing up and down. KLANSMAN (CONTD) We have begun the process of restoring the proper order. Although we are only soldiers, our solidarity, our commitment, our bravery makes us the power of one! The speaker turns towards the large burning cross as a streak of lightning flashes across the sky. He raises his hands towards the cross. KLANSMAN (CONTD) WE..ARE..THE ONLY IMAGE OF GOD!! Delbert looks at Adam standing to his left. DELBERT See? Told ya this shit is fun!! INT. bens house - night Ben is relaxing, listening to music when he hears the unmistakable sound of his brothers Harley pull up outside. He gets up and goes to the door just as Adam starts to knock. BEN Hey, Adam. Surprised to see you. ADAM Hi, Bennie. Come in? BEN Sure, sure. They walk to the living room and each sit. BEN (CONT'D) So. Whats up? ADAM Worked on the bike today. Taking it out for a test drive. Ben notices a troubled look on his brothers face. BEN Yeah. Hows things at the station? ADAM Same stuff, Bennie. Tune-ups, oil changes, long hours, little pay. BEN Delberts place is a dead-end career anyway. Find something else. ADAM Working on cars is all I know. Besides, niggers getting all the good jobs. BEN Here we go.... ADAM Had one pull in the station earlier. New car. Nice suit. BEN Maybe he deserves what he has. ADAM The nigger gospel. Compliments of Bennies new girlfriend, I bet. BEN Do you ever get tired of talking that race crap, Adam? ADAM I got a right. I go to Vietnam, defend my country, come home to find I cant get a decent job.. (Ben interrupts) BEN Lets be honest. You were kicked out of Vietnam. Why? Because you fought not only Americas enemy but your own demons as well. ADAM I defended myself. BEN Right. You put three black men in the hospital, almost killed one. Didnt you know that they were on our side? ADAM I got a medal of honor, Bennie. 00020000051D0000692F517,BEN Followed by a dis-honorable discharge. Listen Adam, you were a brave soldier who risked your life to save others. I know that. Problem is you never know when to stop the fighting. ADAM Thanks, doc. Ben leans back, looking defeated. BEN It always ends up like this doesnt it? Us arguing. Whyd you change on me, Adam? ADAM Everything in life changes, Bennie. If you want to survive, you gotta ride with the tide. Adam gets up and heads towards the door. Before he gets there he turns to Ben. ADAM (CONT'D) A little advice. Find yourself a nice white girl. Get married. Get a dog. Have kids. And stop trying to be everything to everybody. Think on that and youll know Im right. EXT. CLIFFS APARTMENT - NIGHT Cliff is opening the downstairs door which sits next to barbershop, which he lives above. INT. cliffs apartment - night Cliff opens the door to his apartment, carrying a bag of groceries. CLIFF Hi, ROMEO. Romeo (Cliffs parrot) Shit-Head! CLIFF Bird quotes Shakespeare and cant even say a simple hello. Cliff is now sitting in his recliner, eating his meal and reading Shakespeare, his favorite past-time. CLIFF (CONT'D) The fool doth think he is wise. ROMEO The fool doth think..squawk! CLIFF The wise man knows himself to be a fool. ROMEO Et Tu Brute..squawk! Cliff smiled. 0002000005C700006E465C1,ROMEO (CONT'D) Shit-head, shit-head! Cliff ignores the bird. He looks towards the bedroom. CLIFF Well, its time for a trip to hell. Cliff goes to his bedroom, grabs a box from his closet and returns to the living room. He sets the box in front of his recliner and opens it. He digs through the box and finds the folder hes wanting. We see that it is marked KKK on the outside. He reaches over and grabs his ulcer medication, takes a long drink, sits back and opens the folder. INT. Adams TRAILER - night Adam sleeps and dreams: Vietnam - 1967 Adam is sits under a tree, resting. Nearby he hears TWO BLACK SOLDIERS complaining. Black soldier #1 Man, look at the population of the blacks back home compared to the whiteys. What..maybe we be 20 %. Now look around you. Shit! Over half is us! Thats why they make us register for the draft. To see if were black or white. We white, we gets us a deferment. We black its Welcome yo ass to Vietnam. Adam looks over after over-hearing the conversation. ADAM Hey, Sambo, I hear any more shit coming out of your ass, Im gonna put my boot up it BLACK SOLDIER #1 You talkin to me, mother-fucker? Yo ass aint in Selma, Alabama now. ADAM Might as well be. The black men both stood up and approached Adam. Adam got up, pulled his knife. ADAM (CONT'D) Bring it on! Spooks or Gooks, makes no difference to me. Adam woke in a cold sweat. He goes to the bathroom, rinses his face and stares at his reflection in the mirror. 00020000050D00007407507,EXT. small house - night A pick-up truck pulls up, stops next to white picket fence. Two men in Klan garb jump from truck, grab across from trucks bed, kick down a section of fence, plant the cross in the yard, douse it with gasoline and set it on fire. The truck speeds away. A five y/o BLACK CHILD opens the front door and looks. Black child Daddy, daddy!! Our yards on fire! EXT. Bens house - day Cliff parks his cruiser in front of Bens house. He hears music from the back yard. He walks around to the back. Ben is working on his car, head under the hood. A portable eight track player plays Sherry by the Four Seasons. Cliff walks directly behind Ben. BEN (singing out of tune) She-e-ery-y, ba-yay,by.. CLIFF (screams) HEY!! Ben, startled, jumps and hits his head on the hood. BEN Scared me to death! Ben reaches for the player to turn down the sound. CLIFF Serves you right. Jesus, I thought there was a pregnant cow back here. BEN Yeah, like youre Frank Sinatra. CLIFF Nifty little gadget you got there. BEN A portable tape player. Cool, huh? CLIFF Got a second? Ben wipes his hands with a shop towel. BEN Sure. CLIFF Gwen called yesterday. A poster was nailed to the telephone pole in front of her house....a drawing of a black man...hanging from a tree. BEN A lynching? 0002000006660000790E660,CLIFF Yeah. But it looked like the work of a child. Almost like a cartoon. BEN I wonder why she didnt call me? CLIFF She thinks shes been an aggravation to you lately. BEN Is she okay? CLIFF I went over and calmed her down. Assured her it was just a nasty little prank. Nothing more. Just wanted you to know. BEN Maybe Ill stop over. CLIFF Maybe its best if you let it go for a day or two...if she needs to talk to you about it, she will. BEN Right, right. Good idea. CLIFF Gotta go, partner. BEN Thanks, Cliff. CLIFF By the way, Id wait a few minutes before I started that wailing if I were you. Remember, I got a gun. Int. Sheriffs dept. - day Cliff sits at his desk. Vern, wearing a sweatshirt with Dodgers arced across the front, walks up. CLIFF Hey there, Hollywood. VERN Hi, Cliff. Any luck with Jacobs? CLIFF Not easy to talk to a dead man. VERN Dead? Wow! CliFF Everythings turned up a notch now. So, what did you find out? VERN Three houses sit in route from the town line to the crime scene. One is abandoned. Talked to the residents of the other two. One was not home in that time frame. The other a woman who saw or heard nothing out of the ordinary. CLIFF Anything else? VERN Maybe. Checked the employment history of the victim. Seems he was fired from his last job. His boss was a guy named Warren Cantwell. CLIFF Thanks, but Cantwells always on my list of suspects anyway. VERN I also checked all the places that sell the type of rope used on Mr. Jacobs. No recent sales. CLIFF Okay. Stay on it, and thanks. Good working with you. Last time we had a new guy took him forever to answer a damn question. 00020000048E00007F6E488,VERN Dont always have to wade through the bull-shit to get to the barn, right, detective? CLIFF Now you sound like a southerner. Me and yous gonna get along just fine. Int. Sheriffs dept. - Day Cliff sits in the chiefs office. CHIEF Well, lets hear some good news. CLIFF Nothing yet, chief. CHIEF No longer aggravated assault here, Cliff. We landed the big one this time. CLIFF Yeah, the big one.. CHIEF More bad news. Last night a cross was lit up on the front lawn of a black family down south of town. They were home, but say they didnt see anything. CLIFF They never do. CHIEF The Klan you think, right? CLIFF Yessir. CHIEF Want you on this full time, Cliff. CLIFF Full time? CHIEF I dont give a damn if you see Bonnie and Clyde walking into the bank on Main street, your focus stays on this. Talked to Jacobs wife, yet? CLIFF Yeah..that was a tough one. CHIEF Dont suppose she knows anything. CLIFF Nothing. CHIEF Whats your plan? CLIFF Going to speak to a few guys who used to be active in the life. Then go from there. CHIEF Whatever. I want them out of my county. Let em take a shit in someone elses litterbox. Thatll be all, Cliff. 0002000005D1000083F65CB,Cliff stands, starts to leave, stops and looks at the chief. CLIFF Know how they got their name? CHIEF The Klan? How? CLIFF From the Greek word Kuklos. It means circle. And a circle never ends.. Ext. SMALL HOUSE - day Vern walks up to the door of a small, well kept house after looking at the burnt area on the front lawn. He knocks. The door barely opens and a SMALL BLACK WOMAN is peeking out, eyes wide with caution and fear. VERN Hi. My name is Vernon Sawyer with the Harding Sheriffs department. Young black woman Please leave, mistuh. We dont want no more trouble. VERN Just a few questions, if I could step inside. The door is opens and Vern steps in. INT. Small house - day Vern and the woman are both sit on the sofa. The woman very jittery. VERN I know you already spoke to a deputy about the incident, I just needed to be sure you have nothing else you might remember. Even something you feel is not important. YOUNG BLACK WOMAN Nobody saw nuthin. Now please go. VERN I noticed someone cleaned up the area on your lawn. Your husband? YOUNG BLACK WOMAN He went out at three in the morning and did what he could. VERN Could I take a look at what he removed? YOUNG BLACK WOMAN Trash already been picked up. Youd have to go to the dump. VERN Thanks for your time. Vern stands and walks out. EXT. Small house - day Vern is in his car pulling away. INT. Verns car - day Vern drives down the street. He spots an alley which appears would go behind the house he just left. 00020000059A000089C1594,Vern drives down the alley and sees the rear of the house. He also sees the trash can, still full. He exits his car and is rummages through the trash until he finds a plastic trash bag filled with ashes. He opens his trunk, places the bag inside and leaves. EXT. old house in country - day Cliff pulls up to a small, rundown house with a rusting tin roof, various auto parts lying in the front yard. Chickens were pecking at the ground and a pit bull was chained to a leash and snarling. The house of RALPH TINSLEY. Cliff avoids the chicken droppings and pit bull, steps up to the front door and knocks. Ralph I dont give a damn if youre Jesus Christ, go away! CLIFF This is lieutenant Cliff Meinert. Harding Sheriffs department. I have a warrant for your arrest. RALPH (O.S.) The hell you say! Cliff knocks harder this time. The door opens. A small, wiry, gray haired man with rough features and few teeth stands looking at Cliff. He looks down at Cliffs hands and sees no warrant. RALPH (CONT'D) Warrant, my ass! Whats this about? CLIFF Need to ask you a few questions. Five minutes and Im gone. Tinsley saying nothing, turns and walks into the house. INT. OLD HOUSE IN COUNTRY - day In the kitchen, both men are sitting at the table. Cliff lights a cigar and looks at Tinsley. RALPH Well? Whatcha want? CLIFF Ralph Tinsley. Used to be a big man in these parts. Still spreading the gospel according to the KKK? 000200000E0400008F55DFE,RALPH No. CLIFF Just when I was in the mood for a good old-fashioned lynching story. RALPH Nope. Hung up my rope. Hey, thats a good un. Hung up my rope.. Ralph laughs as he spits a stream of tobacco juice towards the trash can, missing by a foot. CLIFF Ill get right to it. A black man was dragged behind a vehicle a few days ago. Looking for the driver. Cliff blows cigar smoke into Ralphs face. RALPH Maybe the nigger had to pee and his car was taking him for a walk. Ralph giggles at his own joke. CLIFF Hes dead, Tinsley. RALPH Breaks my heart. CLIFF Ill bet. RALPH Listen, detective, I couldnt drive across the road if I wanted to. My trucks been in the shop for ten days now. Transmissions out. Down at Delberts station. CLIFF Moses? Figures. RALPH Hes got a good mechanic. Been taking it there for a while now. CLIFF Maybe you and Delbert teamed up. RALPH Listen to me. Delbert has a convenient place to take my vehicle. But Al Capone hes not. I doubt he could steal a candy bar without getting busted. Too damn full of himself. Hell, hed probably want to get caught so people think hes a big time criminal. No, sir. I want somebody to team up with, Id prefer someone without a target on his back. Any other questions? I gotta feed the chickens. EXT. sERVICE STATION - day Adam is repairing a tire outside the repair bays when Delbert pulls up in his shiny red pick-up. Delbert backs the pick-up up to the bay doors. He gets out, opens the tailgate and we see a number of glass containers in a wood crate. DELBERT Give me a hand, Adam. ADAM What you got? DELBERT Whats it look like? ADAM Looks like bottles to me. DELBERT Brilliant! They both carry the case of the bottles to Delberts office. They are now at Delberts pick-up truck. Adam leans against the side of the truck. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Do me a favor. Dont lean against the paint job Delbert pulls a hankie from his back pocket and buffs the area where Adam had touched. ADAM Whats the bottles for Delbert? DELBERT To allow us to do what God put you and me on this earth to do. Adam walks back into the station. Delbert shakes his head. Ext. Brick home - day Cliff pulls into the driveway of a modest, yet clean brick home in a residential neighborhood. Cliff rings the doorbell. WARREN CANTWELL answers the door. He is an older, mid-sized man, nicely dressed, graying hair, whose gaunt appearance made him appear taller. CLIFF Warren Cantwell. Remember me? Warren Forgetting you is like forgetting a snake bite, detective. CLIFF Spare a few minutes? WARREN Do I have a choice? INT. BRICK HOME - day Cliff and Warren sit in the living room. Cliff lights a cigar. CLIFF Care to tell me your whereabouts Saturday afternoon? WARREN Home. And, no I have no witnesses, so dont ask. Why? CLIFF A black man, Luther Jacobs, was dragged behind a vehicle last Saturday. Looking for the responsible party. WARREN And you come here because of some trumped up charge from years ago. CLIFF Can you blame me? WARREN Never went to jail. CLIFF Never said you werent smart. Cliff blows cigar smoke into Warrens face. Warren just stares at Cliff. CLIFF (CONT'D) Noticed your pick-up outside. Old, but a nice sturdy bumper. Bet you could pull just about anything with that sucker. Even a big black man. WARREN Bought it six months ago. Drove it a total of about three hundred feet. Needs body work. Warren stood, goes to a file cabinet and retrieves a document WARREN (CONT'D) I got the bill of sale here. Shows the miles and date right on there. Go look at the odometer, youll see it hasnt changed. 000200000A9000009D53A8A, Got it from old Fred Blair. Three houses from here. Cliff looked at the bill of sale and handed it back. WARREN (CONT'D) Listen, I no longer believe racial cleansing is a realistic goal. Too many niggers and too many whites who think like niggers. Cliff, skeptical, just stares. WARREN (CONT'D) One thing you can take to the bank, though, if I ever want to stir the racial pot, everyone will know whos doing the cooking. But draggin a niggers ass behind my truck like hes a boat trailer? Nope! Not my style. Warren gets up and heads to the restroom. WARREN (CONT'D) Excuse me, gotta take another piss. Seconds after the bathroom door closed, Cliff hears a tormented cry. WARREN (O.S.) (CONT'D) Goddammit! CLIFF You okay in there, Warren? Warren hobbles to where Cliff sat. WARREN Dirty little tramp gave me the clap. Try to piss as often as I can. Shorter periods of agony. CLIFF How long you been like this? WARREN Since last Friday night. Went down to Luckys, drank three quick beers, went to the can and thought somebody stuck an ice pick up my Johnson. CLIFF Think Ive heard enough, Warren. WARREN One more thing, detective. CLIFF Yeah? WARREN Used to have a guy working for me named Jacobs. Big nigger. Fired him. Too lazy to work. Nothing more, nothing less. Thought Id tell you so you dont get a wild hair up your ass later and pester me again. CLIFF Knew that before I came here, Warren. Int. Bens car - Day Ben and Gwen are driving in the country on a sunny day. They pass a sign which we see reads: Milton 28 MILES. They pass an old red barn sitting off the road maybe 300 yards. On top of the barn is a weather vane. Behind The barn runs a little stream shadowed by a large oak tree. BEN Did you ever notice that when the sun hits that weather vane just right, it looks like a cross? GWEN Its a nice spot. Capri really loves it when we picnic here. Its hard to believe no one has bought the property. BEN Its still in probate, I think. The house used to sit next to the barn facing the stream. Hard to tell there was anything there now. GWEN What happened, anyway? BEN Fire. Best they could tell a kerosene heater got knocked over in the middle of the night. EXT. jaspeRS BAR - day Ben and Gwen pull into a parking lot. Jaspers is displayed on a sign on the front of the old building. INT. jaspers bar - day The OWNER stands behind the bar, a black man of about sixty-five, with a medium size and loose Afro, totally white. BEN Cotton, whats happening? Cotton Aint nuttin shakin but da trees, and dey wouldnt be shakin if it wadnt fo da breeze. Ben and Gwen sit at a table. The interior of the bar is dark with neon lights glowing. Cotton walks over. 000200000A930000A7DDA8D,Cotton (CONT'D) Whatll it be, preacher? Hi, Gwen. GWEN Hi, Cotton. BEN How about a beer, and a gin and tonic for the lady? Cotton On my way. Cotton leaves to get the drinks. GWEN Where did he get the name Cotton? BEN Look at his hair. GWEN Oh...yeah. Cotton brings the drinks. BEN Thanks, man. Ben goes to the jukebox, punches in a few tunes, returns to the table and takes Gwens hand. BEN (CONT'D) Care to dance, mlady? GWEN Certainly, sir. Love on a Two Way Street started playing. As they dance, Ben sings along. Out of tune as usual. GWEN (CONT'D) Be quiet, preacher man, or I swear I will leave and walk home. From a distance, Ben and Gwen sit at their table, close, holding hands. A romantic time. INT. bENS CAR - day Ben and Gwen pull out of Jaspers parking lot. BEN You seem better today, hon. Calmer. GWEN I guess. BEN Cliff told me about the flier. Ben looks over to judge her reaction. GWEN Lets not do that again. Youll end up telling me its not a problem. BEN Just making sure you were okay. Gwen shivers and gazes blankly through the windshield. GWEN It was right there. Twenty feet from my house. BEN Cliff says its nothing more than a prank, Gwen. GWEN A prank...Right in front of my house, Ben. MY HOUSE! BEN Gwen, people use those poles to post everything from yard sales to rewards for lost pets... GWEN And also handy for the occasional reminders. BEN Reminders? GWEN That blacks need to stay in their place, which is with others of their own kind. BEN Okay, Im lost. GWEN You hadnt been gone more than a few hours when I noticed it! Wake up, Ben! BEN Oh. Now this mysterious, yet invisible enemy is stalking your house? He sees me go in and its time to start a lynching party? Jesus, Gwen, maybe you need to wake up! GWEN Lets not argue. BEN No, let me finish. Im your preacher. Part of my job is to visit the homes of my congregation, which you are. Thats all anyone knows, except for Cliff and my brother. Who else COULD know. Were sneaking around like criminals, for Gods sake. I truly believe our town is past all that, anyway. GWEN Past that? When was the last time youve seen a mixed couple walking hand in hand in OUR town? BEN Well...I havent. GWEN No, Ben, because it doesnt happen. BEN So, what are you saying here? What do you want? GWEN A little compassion, maybe a little understanding...I dont know if I even know. Dusk approaches and Gwen looks out the window at the first hint of the moon. Ben reaches over and pats her thigh. BEN Itll be okay...okay? GWEN And if its not? Ben does not reply. GWEN (CONT'D) I dont worry about myself. Its Capri. Ben, lets move away. Me, you, Capri. Up north. Chicago, St. Louis, anywhere but here. 0002000005D30000B26A5CD,BEN What about your job? GWEN I work on an assembly line putting toilet deodorizer tablets in a box. I think the world would survive. BEN Ive got my church to consider. GWEN Is your church more important than me? Never mind, I dont think I want you to answer that. BEN Ive worked so hard here, Gwen. The congregation needs me. Besides, I still think youre over-reacting. GWEN Maybe so. Cliff says its a prank. You say Im over-reacting. I pray to God youre both right. INT. SHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff sees Vern at the coffee machine and walks over. CLIFF Hey, Hollywood. Any news on the Jacobs case? VERN Zero, zilch, nada. CLIFF Same here. How about the cross burning? Talk to the family? VERN Yes. The wife was the only one at home. Shes terrified, Cliff. She wanted me gone ASAP. CLIFF Cant blame her. VERN But before I left I went around back to their trash. Found a bag of ashes the husband had scooped up. Brought it back. Evidence right? Cliff thinks for a moment. CLIFF Damn! Tell you what. Grab what you collected at the Jacobs site and lets meet in the lunchroom. Might as well bring the bag of ashes as well. Lets see everything we got. VERN Yes sir. INT. Sheriffs dept. - day Cliff and Vern sit across from each other in the makeshift lunchroom. Spread out on the table are plastic bags containing the evidence collected at the site where Jacobs was found. CLIFF This is all crap, Vern! No offense, but this is all crap! Cliff picks up the individual bags: 00020000056A0000B837564,CLIFF (CONT'D) Potato chip wrapper. Used condom. Beer bottle. Coke can. Dirty rag. And of course, a bag of ashes. Shitty evidence for a shitty case. VERN So, where do we go from here? CLIFF You keep working on the cross burning thing. See if you can catch up with the husband this time. Vern stands, collects the evidence, and starts to walk away. Cliff (CONT'D) Vern, hang on. Toss me the bag with the rag. Vern does this and walks towards Cliff. Cliff stares at the bag, suddenly pale. He quickly drops the bag on the table as if he had touched fire. CLIFF (CONT'D) Open it up, Hollywood. Vern does this and looks back at Cliff. CLIFF (CONT'D) Spread it out on the table. Vern does as told. CLIFF (CONT'D) See the tear, Vern? Pull the edges together, like youre fixing to sew it back together. Confused, Vern does this. Cliffs face shows no emotion as he stares at what once looked to be a hood. A Klansmans hood. Cliff thinks back to the night when he was thirteen years old and remembers his uncle saying: gotta let the niggers know who the king of the jungle is. CLIFF (CONT'D) Lets see the bag with the ashes. Vern grabs the bag and sets it at Cliffs feet. Cliff looks at the bag, takes a deep breath and then opens it. He digs down into the ashes. Dust forms above the bag. He looks at Vern as he sifts through the ashes. Suddenly he stops, hand still in the bag. 00020000041F0000BD9B419,CLIFF (CONT'D) You did good, Vern. Cliff pulls out a soiled rag, shakes the ashes away, and lays it next to the hood on the table. Almost a perfect match. CLIFF (CONT'D) I think we just got our first solid lead, Hollywood! INT. shERIFFS DEPT. - DAY As Cliff passes the Chiefs office, Cliff looks in. CHIEF Any progress? CLIFF Yes sir. May have a lead. CHIEF Good. Cliff, I have a feeling were racing against the clock on this. I want some answers. Soon! CLIFF Yes sir. CHIEF Okay. Lets get on it! EXT. Brick home - day Cantwell opens the door and Cliff is standing there. WARREN Oh, great! Just what I need. Dont suppose youre here for a donation to some police officers charity? CLIFF Not even on your best day... WARREN Come on in. Got a pain in the pecker, might as well have one in the ass as well. Int. brick home - day They go to the kitchen and sit. CLIFF Theres a thing called penicillin now, Warren. You might want to look into it. WARREN Naw. I think Ill just stop all fluid intake and die from dehydration. Whats on your mind? 0002000005F30000C1B45ED,CLIFF You know a Cletus Meinert? WARREN Your uncle? Sure. A real pistol in his time. CLIFF Trying to find him. Any ideas? WARREN Hes your uncle and youre asking me where to find him? CLIFF Thats right. One of those birds of a feather things. WARREN Cant help you. CLIFF Okay, Warren. Sorry to bother you. Cliff gets up from the chair, tired, defeated. He starts to walk out. CLIFF (CONT'D) Penicillin, Warren. Cliff walks out the front door. EXT. brick home - day Cliff, as he gets into his car, hears Warren calling: WARREN Detective! Might try the oil fields in Louisiana. Biggest one in that area. Close to Lafayette. Warren slams the door shut. Int. Factory - day Gwen, works on an assembly line, next to her best friend, LENA HOPKINS, a tall and skinny black woman. They are stuffing tablets into boxes as they roll along assembly line. Lena ...so then he walks up to the bar and says, get this now, he says, baby, the Lord can take me home now,cause I just saw what heaven looks like. Same line I heard him use ten minutes before on another girl. I told him, If you cant come up with better bullshit than that, you best be leaving...and take that big-ass Afro with you. God, I hope I never get that desperate. Lena grabs a single toilet deodorizer tablet and holds it up. LENA (CONT'D) Should have gave his butt one of these and told him it was a breath mint. He could have used it. GWEN You are so crazy girl! You know, men should leave the romantic chit chat to those who are truly romantic. 0002000007170000C7A1711,LENA Ben romantic? GWEN Maybe someday Ill find out. LENA You mean you guys have never.. GWEN Close. The preacher thing has a way of stopping a girl in her tracks. Lets talk about something else. LENA Okay, hon. Int. old church - day Cliff walks into the church as Ben sweeps between the pews. CLIFF Hey, partner. Need some help? BEN Sure. Grab a broom. CLIFF Dont see one. Ben tosses the broom to Cliff. CLIFF (CONT'D) Hey! What about you? BeN Sweep or mop. Your choice. CLIFF Ill sweep, Ill sweep! BEN So, what are you doing here this time of day. CLIFF Think Ive got a solid lead on the cases I been working. BEN Great! CLIFF Maybe. My suspect is my uncle. BEN Your uncle Cletus? CLIFF Yeah. Ben looks at Cliff who was sweeping fast, chewing on an unlit cigar, and seems miles away. BEN Something else on your mind? CLIFF The day I told you about my uncle? Something I left out. Ben and Cliff both sit in a pew. CLIFF (CONT'D) Uncle Cletus was a Klanner, Ben. When I turned thirteen he starts the brainwashing. Took me with him one night. To a black mans house. The man never made it back home. Didnt see it, but I heard the gunshots. BEN And you were only thirteen? CLIFF Their type likes to ingrain the hatred at an early age. BEN Man, Im sorry. CLIFF When I became a cop I found that a file was never even created on the black man. Never investigated. Just like shooting a dog. BEN Do you know where hes at? CLIFF First week on the job I ran his ass out of town. Know what he said? Ben Whats that? Cliff He gave me a look I can only describe as evil and said, You got the upper hand now, boy, so Ill be on my way. But Ill be back someday. Thats a promise. Reason I came by is that Im afraid what Ill do when I find him. My job is to read him his rights, cuff him, and bring him in. 0002000005D90000CEB25D3, Im afraid Ill kill him first. BEN Revenge is like water to a thirsty man, partner. Almost impossible to ignore. Dont let it ruin who you are. Cliff thinks for a moment, gets up, gives Ben a hug. CliFF Thanks, Ben. INT. sheriffS DEPT. - Day Cliff, at his desk, is dials a number. CliFF Lafayette, Louisiana, please.. yes, Id like the number to an oil company in that area....Drummonds Oil and Gas? Cliff jots down a number. CliFF (CONT'D) Would they be the biggest in the area?...They are? Thank you. Cliff breaks the connection, re-dials. CliFF (CONT'D) Hi. Personnel department, please.... Alice is it?...Hi, Alice. My name is Cliff Meinert..Im looking for a long lost uncle, a Cletus Meinert. May have worked for you recently. INT. Drummonds OIL & GAS CO. - Day ALICE, a plump twenty something year old woman, sits at a desk in a small office with four other desks and employees. ALICE Cletus? Everyone remembers him. He was a real squirrelly...oh, sorry. CliFF No need. Hes my uncle remember. Cliff laughs. ALICE Been gone for about six months now. CLIFF Wouldnt know where he went? ALICE Somewhere in Mississippi. Seems he never picked up his last paycheck, so I found a forwarding address. Oddly enough, it was a hospital. CLIFF Hospital? A St. Marys by chance. ALICE Yeah, I remember that because thats my mothers name, Mary. Actually people just call her.. Cliff interrupts. CLIFF Thank you, Alice. INT. sHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff passes by the chiefs office. 000200000A1D0000D485A17,ChIEF Cliff! Any news? Cliff stops at his doorway. CliFF Soon. Need to do some leg work, but Im on top of it. The chief studies Cliff for a moment. CHIEF Okay. How much manpower you need? CLIFF Gotta handle it on my own, chief. CHIEF You sure? Before I pull everybody off this? CLIFF Im sure. CHIEF Okay, Cliff. Its all on you now. The chief picks up the phone and Cliff exits the office. EXT. st. MARYS HOSPITAL - day Cliff enters the front doors of the hospital. INT. st. MARYS HOSPITAL - day Cliff walks to a desk. A middle aged woman, HAZEL ORTON, is busy typing. CLIFF Miss Orton? HAZEL Yes? CliFF (as he flashes his badge.) Im Cliff Meinert with the local Sheriffs office. Ever had an employee by the name of Cletus Meinert? M-e-i-n-e-r-t. Hazel thinks for a moment. HAZEL Lets check, but I dont think so. I process all the paychecks and the name doesnt ring a bell. She reaches behind her and grabs a binder from the top of her credenza. She thumbs to the Ms HAZEL (CONT'D) No. No one by that name. And this list is for the last calendar year. CliFF Okay. Thanks anyway. Cliff, walks away, stops, looks to the clerk. CLiFF (CONT'D) Why would someone have mail sent to hospital? HAZEL I have no idea, detective. CLIFF Thanks again. Cliff walks away. INT. sHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff sits at his desk. Vern walks over. VERN Hey, Cliff. CliFF Hi, Vern. VERN Heard you found our suspect. CLIFF Found as in identified, yes. VERN Still tracking him down, huh? CLIFF Yeah. Hey, Hollywood. Heard you have a special talent in the sketch artist field. VERN What do you need? CLIFF If you were to look at a photograph of a man in his late twenties, could you do a sketch of what he might look like later in life? VERN Like a facial progression? Sure. CLIFF Stay here. Ill be back. Cliff hurries from his desk. INT. cLIFFS APARTMENT - day Cliff opens the door to his apartment. ROMEO Bye-Bye CliFF Its hello when I come in, Dodo-bird. Cliff walks to his closet and gets an old metal container, takes it to his recliner, sits and digs through the contents. He grabs a stack of pictures and thumbs through them. He finds what he is looking for. CliFF (CONT'D) Got it! ROMEO Cool dude. Bye-Bye. CLIFF I dont believe it! Bye, Romeo. INT. sheriffs dept. - Day Cliff rushes to Verns desk. He shows the picture to Vern. CliFF See the man in the picture. Can you do your facial thing from this? VERN How old then..and now? CLIFF Twenty-eight then, sixty-four now. VERN How long I got. CLIFF Whatever you need. VERN First thing in the morning. CLIFF Thanks, Hollywood. 00020000058E0000DE9C588,VERN Whos the kid in the picture? CLIFF The man behind the wheel is my uncle. The kid on his lap is me. INT. sHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff sits at his desk looking at Verns sketch. CliFF Youre really good, Vern. VERN Thanks, man. Hope it helps. CLIFF If youre acting was as good as this you shouldve stayed in Hollywood. Youd have one of those Oswalds on your mantle by now. VERN Oscar. CLIFF Huh? VERN (laughing) Theyre called Oscars. CLIFF Whatever. Thanks again. INT. st. marys Hospital - Day Cliff hands a copy of his uncles sketch to Hazel Orton. CliFF Sorry to bother you again, but if youd take a quick look at this sketch. Its what we think Cletus Meinert may look like now. HAZEL He does not work here, detective. CliFF I know, I know. But could you pass these around? Maybe someone.. HAZEL Wasting your time, but sure. EXT. St. Marys Hospital - Day Cliff gets in his cruiser, drives a half block, makes a U-turn and parks. He stares at the hospital. INT. sERVICE STATION - day Adam works on a car in the bay. Delbert approaches. DELBERT Hey, Adam. Adam looks at Delbert. ADAM Yeah. DELBERT Tonight. 7:30. Be here. Delbert leaves out the door. INT. CLIFFS CAR - nIGHT Cliff awakes with a start. He Looks at the hospital doors. CliFF Dammit! Cant even stay awake on a stake-out anymore. Cliff starts his engine and pulls away. He sees a red pick-up truck headed in the opposite direction. 0002000005EC0000E4245E6,CliFF (CONT'D) Hello, Delbert, you piece of shit. Int. GWENS HOUSE - night Gwen washes dishes when she hears a knock at the door. GWEN Capri? Get that. Ask who it is. CAPRI Okay, mama. CAPRI (CONT'D) Mama? Its Lena. GWEN Ask her to come to the kitchen. Lena walks into the kitchen, reaches for a towel and dries her hands. They both sit. LeNA Hi, girl. Hope you dont mind me popping in like this. Just left my brothers and missed my bus. Next one is a half-hour so I thought Id walk up and say hi. GWEN (speaks softly) No, thats fine, Lena. LENA Boy! You sound lower than a coons belly. Trouble with your preacher boyfriend? GWEN Its just something Im trying to work out. Something I gotta figure out on my own. Lena rubs her palms together. LENA Okay! Whats the problem and how do we fix it? Gwen frowns, then laughs. GWEN Coffee? LENA Sure. Gwen pours coffee: GWEN You know of a town called Milton? Gwen serves the coffee and sits. LENA Only that its the next town east of here. Never been there. GWEN Its a mostly black town. Thats where Ben and I go. To a place called Jaspers which is a dingy, smoky bar with these God-awful neon lights and sawdust on the floor. LENA Tres chic. GWEN But know what? When were there I feel like the weight of the world is lifted off my shoulders. We dance, sing, laugh. Just like a couple should when they are in love. Or when we go on a picnic, Capri goes along. Ben and her usually spend the day playing horseshoes. But we have a wonderful, peaceful day. 0002000005CF0000EA0A5C9,LENA But when youre not at Jaspers or on this little picnic? Gwen, smiling, now looks dismayed. GWEN Then were here and Im scared to death to be close to him. Its 1970 but I think this town is stuck in 1964. I find my self checking on Capri in the middle of the night. I bought new locks for the doors. I tell Capri I leave the lights on at night because of the roaches. LENA Yet moving is the obvious, but wrong answer. GWEN Hed rather not. And Im not too ashamed to admit I almost begged him to consider it. Hes got his church and thats great. But Im so tired of the worrying. LENA Is it the flier you found? GWEN Of course. That scared the hell out of me. And earlier that morning I hear about that poor man being dragged by a rope. And did you read about that black family that had a cross burned on their front yard? Lena nods. LENA Yeah. GWEN Ben says Im over-reacting but I see that nasty little cartoon in my sleep. And I cant help but think its a warning. God, I sound so paranoid. LENA No. You sound like a concerned mother. Honey, youre right to be worried about your little girl. GWEN I guess. Lena leans across the table and takes Gwens hands in hers. LENA Listen to me, Gwen. So what if youre wrong? What if there is absolutely nothing to be worried about? Then youre just a paranoid fool. GWEN Fool? LENA Hang on, going somewhere with this. GWEN Okay. LENA Then youre just a paranoid fool. But, just think for a second. What if youre right? 0002000005C30000EFD35BD,They stare at each other. GWEN Im going to take Capri over to see her grandma for a day or two. When I get back Im going to tell Ben we need to take a break. Give us both a chance to get our heads straight. You know I think Ill miss his church service almost as much as him. Capri walks into the kitchen, goes to the pantry and grabs a bag of chips. She sits at the table. LENA Heres an idea. Come to my church until things are squared away. Its a Sunday night service but that way you can sleep in Sunday morning. Be a favor to me anyway. I always have to ride with that old windbag next door. So if you come, I can ride with you. What do you say? Gwen thinks. GWEN Why not. But be forewarned, the vehicle youll be placing your behind is of questionable mechanical integrity. LENA If we worried about integrity, honey, wed never date another man. Gwen laughs. LeNA (CONT'D) Well, gotta go or Ill miss my bus. CAPRI Mom? Does that mean my friends can stay later Sunday? Gwen looks at Lena. GWEN Shes having a pajama party next Saturday night. Wouldnt want to join the sleep-over and give me a hand would you? Please? Lena sees the fear still in Gwens face. LENA You mean pillow fights, gossip, watching TV all night, eating enough popcorn to fill a bathtub? That kind of thing? Capri giggles. GWEN Im afraid so. LENA I wouldnt miss it. Ill bring my church duds. We can go from here. GWEN Youre a good friend. Come on, Ill walk you to the bus stop. 00020000058D0000F590587,EXT. street - night The bus is pulls away as Gwen is walks to her house. The street is deserted. She hears an engine approach from behind. She walks faster. The vehicle was now pacing her. It was a MOTORCYCLE. She does not look over. GWEN Im not a whore. You need to go back uptown for that. The motorcycle keeps its pace. Gwen walks even faster. ADAM (O.S.) Gwen! She stops, looks over. GWEN Who are you and what do you want? ADAM Im Adam Bliss. Bennies brother. GWEN Oh! Im so sorry. What do you... Adam interrupts. ADAM Stay away from him. GWEN Excuse me? ADAM Leave Bennie alone. Youll cause more trouble than you can handle. Adams bike roared away. I/E. carl childress car - night Carl Childress pulls in front of his nice home in the country accompanied by his TWIN SIX-YEAR OLD DAUGHTERS. Child #1 Did not! Child #2 Did too! CHILD #1 Did not! CARL Girls! Stop it! I have to run inside for a minute then well go pick up your mother at grandmas. As he looks in the backseat at the children, what he sees makes him gag with fear. A pick-up truck had pulled behind him, almost touching his bumper. He looks and sees two hooded men staring at him. The truck then pulls up right next to Carls door. Carl sees the passenger pointing a shotgun. He jumps over the seat to protect his children just as the gun dis-charged The hooded man tosses a rag through the shattered window. The pick-up speeeds off. 0002000006910000FB1768B,EXT. Childress house - night Two police cruisers and two ambulances, lights dancing, were in front, next to victims car. Cliff roars to a stop in his car. He approaches a DEPUTY. CliFF What we got? Deputy Coroners here. Black male, a Carl Childress confirmed dead. One female child confirmed dead. Theyre working with another child. CLIFF Good God! How? DEPUTY Shotgun. Oh. Found this in the back seat next to the victims. The deputy gives Cliff a bloody rag which appears to be a Klansmans hood. Cliff looks to the CORONER working over the second child. Cliff then notices the coroner walking towards him, shaking his head. Cliff just stares at the man, looks towards the ambulances, flashing lights reflecting in his eyes. Int. Adams trailer - night. Adam is sleeping when the nightmares started again. He is in a HELICOPTER in Vietnam, flying just above the treetops. He looks down and sees a VILLAGE in blazes. He sees a WOMAN running, screaming. Her backside on fire. He sees a YOUNG BOY sifting through a pile of bodies and debris, looking for his arm. Then, no longer in the air, but in a SWAMP, waist high. The only sound, a croaking of a bullfrog. All around him is the enemy, guns trained on him. He grabs a piece of bamboo and lowers his head into the water. Once submersed, he feels something touch his shoulder. It is hard to see as the water is muddy. Then it floated within inches and he sees the faces of Carl Childress and his children. Adam awakes and jumps up. ADAM No-o-o-o! INT. shERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff and chief are sitting in chiefs office. CHIEF I know theres a good reason why your suspect wasnt in jail instead of killing three people. 000200000C5B000101A2C55,CLIFF One more day. Thats all I ask. CHIEF One day. The clock starts now. InT. sHERIFFS DEPT. -DAY Cliff, in his chair, is stares at the sketch of his uncle. He picks up the phone and dials. CliFF Hi, Alice please...thanks. ALICE (O.S.) This is Alice. CLIFF Hi Alice. Cliff Meinert again. Called you about my uncle Cletus? ALICE (O.S.) I remember. CLIFF One more favor. Could you please double check the address where you sent my uncles check? ALICE (O.S.) Lets see. The street address was 1111 Elm in Harding. Building two. CLIFF Building two? ALICE (O.S.) Yes. Thats correct. Cliff hangs up without a goodbye. INT. st. MARYS HOSPITAL - day He stands in front of Hazel Ortons desk. She ignores him. CliFF Miss Orton! She jumps from surprise and the tone of Cliffs voice. CliFF (CONT'D) Is this building number two? HAZEL N-no. Thats behind ours and.. CLIFF Did your list include that? HAZEL No. They have a separate payroll. Cliff turns and runs. INT. Hospice - Day Cliff is at a quiet nurses station. CATHERINE, a small pleasant looking middle aged woman notices Cliff. Nurse Catherine Im Catherine, may I help you? CliFF Sorry to bother you. Could you tell me if you have an employee here named Cletus Meinert? NURSE CATHERINE (confused) Employee? CLIFF Yes. NURSE CATHERINE May I ask who you would be? CliFF Cliff Meinert, his nephew. NURSE CATHERINE Im sorry to seem so surprised, but Mr. Meinert is not an employee, hes a patient. CLIFF Patient? Whats he in for? NURSE CATHERINE Youre not aware of the nature of our facility? CLIFF No. NURSE CATHERINE We are a Hospice unit. For the terminally ill. CLIFF Terminally ill? The nurse nods. CLIFF (CONT'D) How long has he been here? NURSE CATHERINE Four months. CLIFF My uncle is dying? NURSE CATHERINE Im sorry, but Mr. Meinert has an advanced case of brain cancer. CLIFF How long does he have? NURSE CATHERINE You would have to consult with his doctor, but please understand that the prognosis for most of our patients is short term, at best. CLIFF May I see him? NURSE CATHERINE Of course. Follow me. They walk down a hall. The nurse easily opens the door. Cliff steps in and sees his uncle, weighing not more than a hundred pounds, eyes closed and on a ventilator. Cliff walks to his bedside. CLIFF Uncle Cletus? His eyes opened slightly. CliFF (CONT'D) Uncle Cletus? Its Clifford. I know you cant talk now. Ill be back. INT. CliFFS APARTMENT - night Cliff sits in his recliner, dialing the chiefs phone. CliFF Chief? Cliff. You dont have to wait until tomorrow, you can call in the cavalry now. CHIEF (O.S.) Say again? CLIFF I broke the 1st commandment of being a cop. I lost my objectivity. I chased a ghost. And it may have cost three lives. CHIEF (O.S.) Damn. Wrong man, huh? Well, the State boys are coming down, anyway. Tell you what, take some time off. Come back when youre ready. Cliff hangs up, leans back and falls asleep. He dreams. He sees the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles at the Childress home. He sees the child being carried, face covered, on a stretcher. He sees the headlights of the red pick-up truck going the opposite direction... 00020000062D00010DF7627,Cliff jumps awake. CliFF Delbert Moses? Where was he going? ROMEO Delberts a chicken-shit. CLIFF I agree. Its out of his league. He leans back and closes his eyes. INT. cLIFFS APARTMENT - DAY Cliff, in his recliner, wakes up. He walks to kitchen and puts on a pot of coffee. He sees the KKK file laying on the kitchen table. He sits down, stares at it, slams his fist on the table. CliFF Dammit! ROMEO Dammit! CLIFF Shut up, Romeo. ROMEO All the worlds a stage.. Cliff, after hearing his parrot, stares at him and whispers. CLIFF All the worlds a stage, and all men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances, and one man, in his life....plays many parts. Romeo, for a bird with a brain the size of a pencil eraser, youre pretty smart. Cliff goes to the phone and dials. INT. cliFFS APARTMENT - DAY After Cliff hangs up, the phone rings. CliFF Meinert. NURSE CATHERINE (O.S.) Mr. Meinert? This is Catherine over at St. Marys. CLIFF Yes? NURSE CATHERINE (O.S.) I spoke with your uncles doctor this morning and... CLIFF How long? NURSE CATHERINE (O.S.) Days. Maybe sooner.. INT. St. MARYS HOSPITAL - DAY Cliff sits in his uncles dark room, the whooshing of the ventilator making the only sound. EXT. SERVICE STATION - DAY Adam is working on his Harley outside of the repair bay doors. FRANKIE MCCRAY, a young kid, maybe sixteen, in tattered clothes with something apparently wrong with his eye, limps to the soda machine. He looks at the machine, having additional problems seeing because of the long, stringy hair hanging in his face. 0002000006140001141E60E,In order to compensate, he tilts his head backwards to see the price of the soda. Adam sees him dig in his pants pocket and pull out a few coins. He looks back at the machine, returned the coins to his pocket and starts to walk away. ADAM Hey! The boy turns slowly, looking scared. Frankie I-I-Im l-leaving. ADAM Hang on. Need money to get a pop? FRANKIE Th-thats ok-k-ay. ADAM No. Come here. The boy limps Adams way. He looks at the ground. ADAM (CONT'D) Heres some change. A hot day out. The boy gets the pop, opens and drinks furiously. ADAM (CONT'D) Have a seat. Whats your name? The kid sits on the concrete curb next to Adam. FRANKIE F-f-frankie M-mcCray. ADAM Live around here? FRANKIE Other side of t-t-own. With m-m-om. ADAM Go to school? FRANKIE N-n-o. Other k-k-kids... Frankie, looks down at the ground. ADAM What? Made fun of you? Heck with them... Does your mom work? Adam is looking at the kids torn and dirty clothing. FRANKIE M-m-moms s-s-ick. She d-d-drinks too m-much. ADAM How do you make money? FRANKIE C-c-ollect soda b-b-bottles. G-get two cents f-f-or them. ADAM Just thinking. Howd you like to work here part-time? FRANKIE D-d-ont know n-nuthin about c-c-ars. ADAM Itd be easy. Just sweeping the garage, gassing up cars. Wouldnt pay much. The boss is a cheap ass. Adam smiles, the kid smiles a bit also. FRANKIE M-m-maybe. ADAM Let me run it by him. Stop in tomorrow, okay? Frankie nods. Adam notices bruises on the kids arms. Adam (CONT'D) Frankie? If things get bad and you need a place to go. Im here, okay? 0002000005B200011A2C5AC,FRANKIE Th-thanks. Frankie gets up and limps slowly away. INT. sERVICE STATION - Day Delbert, standing over Adam as he is working on tire change. DELBERT You want me to do WHAT? ADAM Hire the kid. Hed work cheap. You know we need another man. DELBERT A man, maybe. A fucking moron...dont think so. ADAM A good man costs, Delbert. Delbert contemplates the savings in his mind. DELBERT Hed work cheap, huh? He does, Ill try him out. He fucks up, Ill remember who recommended him. ADAM Ill get him set up tomorrow. DELBERT By the way, if he cant talk right, he better keep his mouth shut around the customers. He starts driving them crazy with that stuttering shit, hes history. Delbert, as he walks away, mutters to himself: DELBERT (CONT'D) Hiring imbeciles. Next thing the niggersll start applying. INT. sT. MARYS HOSPITAL - day Cliff, unshaven for the third straight day, continues his vigil at his uncles bedside. Int. BeNS HOUSE - day Ben, sitting on his sofa, dials Gwen. BeN Gwen? Hi. Welcome back. Ready for the picnic? INT. gwens house - DAY GWEN (concerned) Yeah, good idea. Ill be waiting. Ext. countryside - day Next to the stream, under the oak tree, Ben spreads out a blanket. Both sit. Gwen is avoiding Bens eyes. Ben, as he unloads picnic basket, looks at Gwen. BeN Why didnt Capri come along today? GwEN I thought it best that she didnt. BEN Homework? GWEN No. BEN Grounded? GWEN No. BEN She didnt want to come? 00020000054100011FD853B,GWEN Dammit, Ben. I just didnt want her here today, okay? BEN Okay. Whats the problem? GWEN Maybe its best if we dont see each other for awhile. Now before you start getting all defensive, just hear me out. I think Ive put you in a position you dont want to be. Maybe Ive been unreasonable. Maybe I just cant see the world with the same optimism as you... So Ive decided its best if we take some time apart. Ben looks at the stream. BEN Ive always told you, if I become a problem, Ill take a step back. GWEN Its not you. Its all the racial violence recently. And its me being afraid that somehow Im putting my daughters life at risk. BEN I can still see you at church? Until you clear your head? GWEN No. I have a friend who attends a Sunday night service. Until were straight, I think its best if I go there for now. Give us both time to figure out what we want. BEN I know what I want. GWEN No, Ben. You really dont. INT. sHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff walks into the chiefs office. ChIEF Welcome back, Cliff! Sorry for your loss. CliFF Thanks, chief. Cliff sees BOB AIMSLEY, standing next to the chiefs desk, wearing a nice suit, about thirty years-old, with an attitude. CHIEF This heres Bob Aimsley from the state investigative unit. Bob? This is lieutenant Meinert, in charge of the initial investigation. 0002000004D4000125134CE,Aimsley did not look up from the notepad he was staring at, just extends his hand. Cliff shakes it. CLIFF Good to be back. Seeing if you need anything before I head to my desk and dive into some paperwork. The chief looks at Aimsley. CHIEF Bob? Aimsley No. Just sit back and watch. Well show you how to close a case. Aimsley walks out of the chiefs office. CLIFF A real prince. He got any leads? CHIEF Hell if I know. He dont say much to me except asking for directions to the local diner. Cliff smiles. ChiEF (CONT'D) Listen, Cliff. Id still like you to keep your ear to the ground on this. Just dont step on their toes! Cliff walks out. Ext. SERVICE STATION - day Ben pulls into the station, next to the gas pumps. Delbert walks out with a smile. DELBERT Well, look who it is. And just in time. Were having a special give-away today. Free oil change to the first nigger-loving preacher who pulls in. Congratulations! Ben ignores the remark. BeN Adam around? Delbert points to Adams trailer. DELBERT See them raggedy-ass boots on his porch? That means hes inside his trailer. Anything else or are you just wasting my time? BEN Dollar regular. DELBERT One whole dollar? Gee, thanks. Delbert turns towards the station. 000200000516000129E1510,DELBERT (CONT'D) McCrazy? Get your ass out here and take care of Mr. Rockefeller! Delbert walks away as Frankie ambls out to the pump. FRANKIE M-m-may I h-help you? BEN Frankie McCray, right? Pleased to meet you. Im Adams brother. FRANKIE H-h-hi. BEN A dollar regular. Be right back. Ben walks back to Adams trailer. On his way he sees Adam walk out, sit down and start putting on his army boots. ADAM Bennie? What you doing down here? BeN Just needed some gas. Still wearing those old army boots? ADAM Still got tread. Ben looks over to the station. BEN Hows the new kid working out? ADAM Hes had a tough life. His daddys gone. His moms an out of control alcoholic who beats him. BEN Looks like hes been through hell. ADAM Other night I was taking out the trash. Raining like a bitch. I come back and see him hiding under my porch. Turns out his mom was on the rampage and the kid had nowhere else to stay dry. Both were silent, uncomfortable in each others presence. BEN Well, you finally got your wish. Gwen broke up with me. ADAM Least one of you know whats best. BEN Thanks for the sympathy. I knew I could count on you. ADAM Listen, Bennie. I dont give a shit if you want to date Aunt Jemima. Im just saying your timing could be better. BEN Almost sounds like threat brother. 00020000050000012EF14FA,ADAM You trying to get back with her? BEN Of course. I care for her. Adam laughed and turned away from Ben. ADAM Youve always had to have a cause, a reason to feel holier than everyone else. Even as a kid youd be bringing home stray animals. You grow up and decide to preach. At a nigger church, of course, so you can be the great white savior. Now Gwen comes along and lays all her problems on you. The bad divorce, the fatherless child. Cant you see what youre doing? BEN Im sure youll enlighten me. ADAM Shes your current cause, Bennie. Your project. BEN Do you dream up this stuff? ADAM You love her? BEN I think so...yes. ADAM Proposed to her? BEN No. ADAM Taken her to meet the parents? BEN Not yet. But... ADAM You still dont get it, do you? BEN Get what? ADAM You never planned on marrying her. She was never more than a crippled animal to you. Get right down to it. Youre just like me... you just keep trying to prove to yourself youre not. Ben gets up and walks towards his car. Int. SHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff is sitting at his desk, smoking a cigar, reading the sports page when Aimsley walks up. AIMSLEY So. This is the paperwork you referred to? The sports section? Figures. And if you insist on smoking that obnoxious smelling thing, go outside. 00020000053A000133EB534,CliFF I think better when I have a cigar. AIMSLEY Must have been out of them when you worked this case. Aimsley was now looking down at the note pad in his hand. CLIFF Something you want to say to me, detective? AIMSLEY Where do I start? How about the Jacobs case. Lets see. We got a man who was dragged and dies. Your only evidence? Some trash laying by the side of the road. You interview a Ralph Tinsley. He gives you some lame excuse about his vehicle being in the shop. Do you check it out? Of course not. You interview a Warren Cantwell. I believe your notes mention the man had the clap. That makes him a saint? Dont think so. The cross burning incident? Think there might have been a connection? Good chance, huh? But instead of utilizing your years of experience you send your flunkies down to knock on a few doors. I guess you didnt have time. Too busy chasing down an old man with brain cancer. And you had trouble rounding him up. You hone in on a gas company in Louisiana while the man is lying in a hospital bed one mile from here. The real charmer is that while you were trying to put the collar on a dying man, three people get killed. Yes-siree, a model of investigative technique. CLIFF You done yet? AIMSLEY I hope so. Cliff gets up walks within inches of Aimsleys face, still puffing his cigar. 0002000008D30001391F8CD,CLIFF You ever been involved in a real hate crime investigation? Not sitting on your ass in Jackson. But out here in the dirt and sweat? You ever been in the bushes and watched the Klan light up the night? You ever found a black man strung up in his own back yard? You ever had to tell the wife you just found her husband, and, oh, by the way, hes hanging from a tree behind your house? You can take your note pad, your investigative technique, your shiny new suit, and take it all back to Jackson, cause it aint worth a damn here. I can spot a Klansman a mile away. I know how they act, I know how they think, I know how they smell. And I sure as hell know that when Im interviewing one whether hes being square with me or not. I was wrong about who did it. But Im damned sure right about who didnt. What was that you told me? Sit back and watch? Okay, detective, Im watching. Cliff grabs his coat and walks out. Ext. SHERIFFS Dept. - Day Cliff is sitting in his car. CliFF Hes right, Cliff. Youve lost it. He sits then pounds the steering wheel. CliFF (CONT'D) Hell with it! Time to stir the pot! He starts his cruiser and pulls away. EXT. service station - Day Cliff drives into the service station. He sees Adam and Frankie working on a tire just outside the bay doors. Cliff gets out and walks up to the two. ClIFF Afternoon. Adam looks up, shading his eyes from the sun. ADAM Detective Meinert, right? CLIFF Right. Hire a new man? ADAM Yeah, his name is Frankie McCray. CLIFF Hi, Frankie. FRANKIE H-h-hi. Adams sh-showing me how t-t-to change a t-t-tire. CLIFF I see that. Nice to meet you, Frankie. Adam, is your boss in? ADAM In his office. CLIFF By the way, my front tire could use some air. Would you mind? FRANKIE Ill t-t-take c-care of it. CLIFF Thanks, Frankie. INT. sERVICE STATION - Day Cliff walks to Delberts office. He sees Delbert at his desk. Delbert looks up. Surprised at first, then grins. DELBERT Well, well. Detective Meinert. Just when my day was headed straight to the dumper... CLIFF May I come in? DELBERT My Casa is your Casa, senor. Delbert kicks a chair in the general direction of Cliff. Cliff sits, lights a cigar. Says nothing, stares at Delbert. The smile disappears from Delberts face. 000200000457000141EC451,DELBERT (CONT'D) Im a busy man, detective. CLIFF What about the my Casa' bull-shit? DELBERT State your business or leave. CLIFF Had a tire needed some air. Thought Id come in and say hello. DELBERT My office is not a waiting room. CLIFF Well, got lots of free time now. Chief booted me off the case I was working. You may have heard about it. The black man and his two kids? DELBERT Dont know nothin about it. CLIFF Been in all the papers. DELBERT Look, detective, if youre here looking for an easy mark to get your ass out of a crack, you came to the wrong place. CLIFF Whoa, Nellie! You dont really think Im here to interrogate you, do you? Oh, Hell no! Cliff laughs loudly. CliFF (CONT'D) Nope. I think this one here had Klan involvement. Serious stuff, Delbert. Way beyond your capabilities. No offense. DELBERT Whatever you say. CLIFF Besides if you were involved youd probably leave a trail a mile wide like last time. Cliff blows smoke into Delberts face. DELBERT Is that all, detective? CLIFF Yeah, thats it. By the way, if you ever want to make the big time, stop by the station. 0002000005740001463D56E, Ill let you look through the files of the real criminals. Let you see how the pros do it. Have a great day...senor. Cliff stands, throws his cigar in the floor, smashes it with his shoe, looks at Delbert, laughs and walks out. EXT. service station - DAY Cliff sits in his cruiser, looking at the station. CliFF Come on, Delbert. Take the bait. INT. jaspers Bar - Day Ben walks in and takes a seat at the bar. Cotton drys glasses behind the bar. Only a few patrons around. BeN Hi, Cotton. Beer please. CoTTON Hello, preacher. Cotton draws a draft and sets it in front of Ben. CoTTON (CONT'D) Problems, Ben? Ben does not respond. He walks to the jukebox and punches up Hey There, Lonely Girl and returns to his seat. He starts singing along. Cotton gives him a hard look. COTTON (CONT'D) Beers on the house if you be quiet, preacher. Ben stops, looked at Cotton, then smiled. BeN You ever been married, Cotton? COTTON Fo times. First one I loved too much and I got jealous. Second one I didnt love enough and she got jealous. Third one was just too damn ugly. This one heres about right. BeN Do you think its a mistake? My relationship with Gwen, I mean. Us being different races and all. COTTON You scared about what the blacks think, preacher? Or the whites? BEN The concerns are all Gwens. COTTON She give you a reason? BEN Yeah. Been some violence over in Harding recently. 0002000009E200014BAB9DC,COTTON Heard about it. BEN Seems to be racially motivated. Dating a white man has spooked her. COTTON And you blame her? BEN No. Just dont understand her. Even if shes right, if everyone runs scared, what kind of society do we have? Or will we have? COTTON Ben, I have a daughter about the same age as Gwen. I cant tell you what she went through growing up, cause you wouldnt understand. Gwens younger years probably about the same. Now she got a daughter of her own. Then she finds out a black family was murdered, and two members of that family were little girls. Just like her daughter. Aint takin sides here, Ben, but Id say she aint much of a mother if she aint concerned. Ben gets up, and throws some money on the bar. BEN Thanks, Cotton. INT. SERVICE STATION - day Delbert walks from his office. He sees Frankie staring at him through the window. DELBERT Fucking kid is freaky. As he was looking at the window, he trips over a pile of dirty uniforms laying in the floor. DeLBERT (CONT'D) McCrazy, you fucking reject! Thought I told you to take this shit to the laundromat? He then looks back at the window and Frankie was gone. DELBERT (CONT'D) I swear Ill can his ass. A cripple in a wheelchairs a step up from him. Adam walks in. AdAM Whats the problem, Delbert? DELBERT The problem is that lunatic you talked me into hiring.... Wanted to see you anyway. ADAM Whats up? DELBERT Is mumble-jumble out of earshot? ADAM Hes doing a tire repair. DELBERT Hope the little prick knows the difference between the water hose and the air hose. Anyway, we got plans for Sunday night. ADAM Where we going? DELBERT To church, son. To church. Out on Old Tag Road. Know the place? ADAM Yeah, Delbert, I know the place. Int. SHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Chief walks into his office and sees Aimsley in his chair. ChIEF Mr. Aimsley, your welcome to everything in our little police station. Except my chair. Aimsley, annoyed, gets up and goes to another chair. AiMSLEY We are issuing an arrest warrant for Warren Cantwell. Once we grab him, well need to use your facilities until arrangements are made to transport him to Jackson. CHIEF Cantwell? Didnt my man clear him? AIMSLEY He did. Same guy who was going to bust a half dead uncle of his. Need I say more? CHIEF Even you State boys need a little evidence, right? AIMSLEY Your own records indicate that Cantwells been a suspect in all race related crimes the last fifteen years. Never busted but looks like Meinert worked most the cases, so that explains that. 0002000004C8000155874C2,CHIEF An arsonist is a suspect every time theres a fire. May or may not be guilty, though. AIMSLEY An old black man saw a red pick-up truck pass by his house the night of the Childress murders. Know where this gentleman lives? Half-mile from the scene, same road. Know what color pick-up sits in Cantwells driveway as we speak? Yep. Red. CHIEF Mr. Turner. One thing you should know about old Turner though, if you asked him if he saw a flying saucer, hed tell you it landed in his front yard. AIMSLEY Jacobs used to work at a factory here in town. Until he was fired. Know who his boss was? Mr. C. ChiEF Whites get fired too. Listen, my man cleared him. Thats good enough for me. AIMSLEY One other thing. Chief stares at him. AIMSLEY (CONT'D) Remember your detectives obsession with the gas company in Louisiana? ChiEF You never had a bad lead before? AIMSLEY Know who presented him with that lead? CHIEF Im sure youll tell me. AIMSLEY Mr. Warren Cantwell. Chief, your detective was led around like a puppy on a leash. CHIEF That came from Cantwell? AIMSLEY 10-4. The chief has a resigned, defeated look on his face. CHIEF Need any help when you go get him..let me know. Now get the hell out of my office. 0002000006AE00015A496A8,INT. sERVICE STATION - Day Delbert sits in his office after hours. His desk lamp the only light in the building. He picks up the phone and dials. DELBERT Hank? Delbert here, how you doin you old cock hound?....Hows that elephant ass girlfriend of yours?....just kiddin Hank, dont get pissed now....Hey, interested in a little fun tomorrow night? I could use both you and your brother.....You will? Great. Ill swing by around seven-thirty...see ya then. InT. bENS HOUSE - night Its Saturday night and Ben is sitting at home, lights low, listening to slow rock music and thinking of Gwen. He reaches for the phone, picks it up, then returns it to the cradle. INT. Gwens house - night Its Saturday night. Gwen is watching Lena playing cut-out dolls with Capri and her friends. Love on a Two Way Street softly plays on the radio. She looks to the quiet phone. Lena glances her way, sees the sadness as Gwen seems to be miles away. She walks over to Gwen. LENA It will be okay, honey...now get your butt over here and help me with these damn kids. Gwen smiles and does so. INT. cLIFFS APARTMENT - nIGHT It is Saturday night and Cliff is sitting in his recliner, reading Shakespeare. He puts the book down, takes a swig of his ulcer medication, leans back and closes his eyes. INT. sERVICE STATION - night It is Saturday night and Delbert sits in his office, whistling. He is also placing the wicks into the glass containers filled with gasoline. INT. aDAMS TRAILER - night Adam is asleep, and dreaming: Vietnam: His PLATOON LEADER screaming in his ear as they stood on a hilltop overlooking a small village.. Platoon leader Get down there, Bliss! I want to see body parts in the treetops! 0002000005D2000160F15CC,ADAM Let me check it out first. Looks like farmers. PLATOON LEADER They can look like the three stooges for all I care. Goddammit! Are you dis-obeying orders? ADAM NO SIR! Adam sneaks down the hill and tosses grenades into the huts. Screams emanate from the huts. Adam awakes shaking. INT. gWENS HOUSE - Day Lena is lying on Gwens sofa, wash rag on her forehead. LeNA Are they gone? Really gone? GwEN All gone. LENA Thank God!! Gwen laughs. GWEN Lena, I got to go talk to Ben. This is driving me crazy. Watch Capri? LENA Pressing your luck here. Gwen laughs. EXT. bENS HOUSE - day Ben is in his backyard working on his car, music playing softly. EXT. bENS HOUSE - day Gwen walks up Bens front porch steps. She knocks. No answer. She knocks again and waits. She then pulls an old envelope from her purse and writes on the back: Ben, Please call me. I do love you! Gwen She puts the note between the screen and door. She returns to her car, gets in. INT. GWENS CAR - DAY GWEN Hmm. Maybe hes at his brothers. She pulls away. EXT. sERVICE STATION - day We see Gwens old car pulling into the closed station. She looks confused then spots a trailer behind the station. GWEN That must be it. She parks, gets out and walks to the trailer. She climbs the five steps up to the porch and notices and avoids the nasty boots next to the door. She knocks. The door opens. Adam, disheveled, is standing there. GWEN (CONT'D) Adam? Hi. Im looking for your brother. Have you seen him? 000200000503000166BD4FD,ADAM No, but if I do Ill ask him to call you tonight. GWEN Tomorrow would be better. Got this church thing tonight. ADAM Thought you went to Bennies church. GWEN I promised a friend a ride. Somewhere out on Old Tag Road, wherever that is. ADAM You staying for the service? GWEN Yeah. She needs a ride back too, right? Well, I better be going. My wipers dont work too well and it looks like rain. She turns to leave. Adam grabs her arm. ADAM Supposed to be a bad storm tonight. Tell you what, Ill drive you home now, bring your car back and fix your wipers tomorrow. Im sure your friend will understand. GWEN Thats so sweet of you Adam, but Ill be careful. Thanks again. Gwen runs to her car just as thunder rolled across the sky. She does not hear Adam calling her name. Then the rain started. INT. sERVICE STATION - night Delbert sits in his office when Adam appears at the doorway, drops of rain dripping from him to the floor. Delbert points to the puddle. DeLBERT Hope youre going to mop that shit up. ADAM Delbert, we got problems with the church thing tonight. DELBERT No, we have absolutely no problems. It is the day of the Sabbath and church we will be attending. ADAM Listen, Bennies been seeing this girl. Shes going to be at that church tonight. DELBERT 00020000053600016BBA530,Dont think so. Its a nigger church...Wait a minute. You tellin me hes dating a... Adam nodded. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Well, Ill be damned. What the hell is this world coming to? ADAM Well? DELBERT Listen to me Adam. Sometime when we do our job the wrong people get in the line of fire. Im sorry, but it happens. You understand? Delbert sees a look of uncertainty in Adams face. He knows now what he has to do. Delbert leans back in his chair, rubs his chin. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Okay. Tell you what. Ill put it off a week. But come next Sunday, dont be bringing your candy ass in here and pleading for a niggers mercy, cause it wont wash, hear? Adam breathes a sigh of relief. ADAM Hey Delbert, I owe you one. DELBERT Well, get gone so I can go on home. ADAM Thanks, Ill remember you for this. After Adam walks out, Delbert said to himself. DELBERT Yeah, Im sure you will. Delbert picks up the phone and dialed. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Hank? Delbert here....Be there shortly. Make sure your brother is there, well be a man short. Int. BENS HOUSE - night Ben is sitting on his sofa, drinking a beer when he hears a clap of thunder. He walks to the door, opens it, and sees an envelope lying between the two doors. He picks it up, goes back to the sofa and reads it. He smiles and leans back, clutching the note to his heart. 000200000625000170EA61F,BeN Tell me theres no God. INT. serVICE STATION - night Delbert is walking out of his office holding the crate of gas bombs. After taking them to his pick-up, he returns, turns out the lights in his office. As he turns to leave, slips in the puddle Adam had left. He kicks over a pan of used oil which drenches his shoes. He turns on light. DeLBERT Son-of-a-bitch! Fucking retard never does what hes told! Leaves this shit laying around. He tries to clean his shoes to no avail. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Fuck!! The hell if Im getting this greasy shit in my truck. He thinks for a second, then walks to the rear window and sees Adams boots on his porch. EXT. adams trailer - night Delbert approaches the trailer and takes Adams boots. He looks at the front door and whispers: DeLBERT Have these back in an hour. Promised the niggers a barbecue tonight. Delbert runs back to the station, puts on Adams boots and starts the motor. He is pulling away not seeing Frankie running towards his pick-up. INT. gwens car - night. In the rain, we see Gwen driving, Lena in the passenger seat, Capri in the back. LENA Whats up with the wipers? Might as well have my head out the window. GWEN Its me or the old windbag. LENA Actually, theyre not too bad. Gwen laughs. INT. ADAMS TRAILER - night Adam, watching television, hears a knock at the door. He opens the door to find Frankie standing in the rain. ADAM Frankie? Whats wrong? FRANKIE Your b-b-boots. D-d-elbert came and g-g-got them. ADAM My boots? Why? Adam looks at the station and does not see Delberts truck. 00020000059B00017709595,ADAM (CONT'D) Did you see him leave Frankie? Frankie quickly nods. Adam deep in thought, ADAM (CONT'D) Which way was he headed? FRANKIE South. ADAM Dammit! Hes going through with it. Frankie, I gotta go! EXT. AdamS TRAILER - night Adam, no shirt, bare feet runs to his Harley. Frankie follows. ADAM Go home Frankie! FRANKIE N-n-no. G-g-go with you! ADAM This is for your own good. Adam hits Frankie, knocking him to the ground. Adam hops on his Harley and barrels away. Ext. COUNTRY ROAD - night Adam, rain slapping his face, rides south towards the church. EXT. cOUNTRY ROAD - night Delbert is driving. HANK in the middle. Hanks BROTHER riding shotgun. Hank Whats the plan, Delbert? DeLBERT Were going to church, gentlemen. A nigger church. In back theres two chains and some gasoline bombs. We get there, chain the front and back door then throw as many of those bottles through the windows as you can, as fast as you can. HANK Sounds like a blast. Get it? DELBERT Yeah, Hank. I get it. EXT. country road - night Gwen looks into her mirror. The rain is harder now. GWEN Lena? Theres someone on my tail. Its lights are flashing on and off. LENA Probably just wants to pass. GWEN I dont think so. LENA A cop? GWEN No. But its raining so hard its tough to tell. Hes so close! LENA The road to the church is just ahead. Well be making a left and heading down a dirt road. Whoever it is wont be going that way. 0002000005E200017C9E5DC,GWEN I hope not. God! Hes so close! CAPRI Mama, Im scared. Lena looks back and smiles at Capri. LeNA Theres the road to the left, Gwen. Gwen puts on her blinker. She slows and makes the left turn onto the small dirt road. GWEN LENA!! Hes turning, too! Oh my God! Capri, get down baby! Lena, how much farther? LENA About a mile. GWEN Hes practically on my bumper! Gwen accelerates. The rain blinding her vision. LENA Gwen, careful. Theres a fork in the road just ahead. GWEN I cant see anything..LENA!!! The car veers off the road and went down an embankment. A tree stops its progress. All appear dazed after the car comes to a stop. The radiator hisses under the dented hood. GWEN (CONT'D) Capri! You okay honey? LeNA She looks fine. Its okay Capri. Your mama just slid off the road. Gwen, you look hurt honey. Gwen hears something then looks in the sideview mirror. GWEN Lena!! Hes coming down the hill! LENA Oh shit! EXT. cOUNTRY ROAD - night Delbert driving down the dirt road, unknowingly passing where Gwens car went off the road. EXT. cOUNTRY ROAD - night Gwen is holding her hands in front of her face. Theres a knock on her window. Gwen screams. She looks over and sees Adam Bliss. He signals for her to roll down her window. She does. GWEN Adam? What are you... ADAM I was trying to get you to stop back there. Theres going to be a bombing at the church tonight! GWEN Oh my God! ADAM Ill go get some help... GWEN No! Go warn the people at the church before its too late! 0002000006100001827A60A,Adam thinks, then hops on his Harley and roars back up the hill. EXT. church on Old Tag road - night Delberts truck pulls within thirty feet of the CHURCHS front door. Autos fill the small parking area. Hank and his brother jump out and grab the chains. Delbert steps out, looks at the church and hears the song Amazing Grace emanating from the church. He yells through the rain. DeLBERT On behalf of the Ku Klux Klan, let me thank you for attending tonight. And please enjoy the show. Delbert walks to the truck, uncovers the bombs, then hears the roar of a motorcycle. He turns and sees Adam sliding his Harley to a stop between the church and his truck. ADAM (through the rain) Dont do it Delbert! DELBERT Go back home Adam. You done made your choice! ADAM Not going to let you do it! Delbert pulls a gun from underneath the tarp. He points it at Adam. DELBERT Get the fuck out of the way! Adam gets off his bike and starts toward Delbert. Delbert pulls the trigger. Adam falls to the wet ground. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Fuck him boys! Chain the doors. Nothings changed! Hank and his brother go to chain the doors. All three light and toss bombs into the windows of the church. DELBERT (CONT'D) Lets go! The fire rages as the pick-up pulls away. Int. SERVICE STATION - Day Delbert is walking through the repair bays. He sees Cliff knocking on the door. DeLBERT Dont open til nine! Cliff kicks the door open. DeLBERT (CONT'D) What the fuck! Cliff walks to Delbert, turns him around, throws him face forward onto a workbench and cuffs him. 0002000009D7000188849D1,CliFF Youre under arrest for the bombing of the Old Tag Road Baptist church. DELBERT Bombing? The hell you talkin about? CLIFF You have the right to remain silent, you have the right... Cliff leads Delbert out of the station. INT. shERIFFS DEPT. - DAY The chief looks up as Cliff pushes Delbert towards the cells. He passes the chiefs office. The chief looks up. ChIEF Cliff? Whats going on? And what about that church bombing last night? Why wasnt I notified? CliFF By the time I got there, nothing could be done. I need the keys to Cantwells cell. CHIEF Why? CLIFF This is our man chief. CHIEF Heard that before Cliff. Just cant trust you on this one. Its become too personal. CLIFF Cantwell was here last night. CHIEF Dont mean hes not involved. Cliff walks over and takes the keys from the chiefs desk. He walks Delbert back to Cantwells cell. CLIFF Wake up, Warren. Its Independence day. Warren wakes up and rubs his eyes. WARREN New tenant? Am I behind on my rent? Cliff unlocks the cell door. Cantwell walks out past Delbert. . WARREN (CONT'D) Nice place. Food could be better. CliFF Fuck off Warren! Cliff takes the cuffs off and pushes Delbert into the cell. As Cliff passes the chiefs office, he looks in. CliFF (CONT'D) Sorry chief. Im right this time. Chief Youre wrong and Cantwell better be in your back pocket. INT. SHERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Cliff at his desk, on the phone. CliFF Ben? Cliff. Its about Adam... INT. shERIFFS DEPT. - DAY Delbert sits alone in a windowless room. He sits at a table, staring at the door. DeLBERT Hey! Wheres my attorney? Seconds later, Cliff opens the door and a small, impish man, ARTIE SMALL, walks in. CLIFF Delbert, the esteemed attorney, Mr. Artie Small has arrived. Good luck, chump. Knock when you boy scouts are done. Cliff smiles as he leaves, locking the door behind him. Artie sits across the table from Delbert. Artie Hey Delbert. Came as soon as I could. Whats this about a bombing? DeLBERT Hell if I know. ArTIE (nervously) You know Im not a criminal attorney. Last time they got you, we pleaded out. Maybe well go that route again. DELBERT Go that route again? You little dick-head, that was some nickel and dime shit. This is murder. I hope they taught you the difference in law school. ARTIE Well see what they got then. DELBERT Good idea Perry Mason! Small gets up and goes to the door and knocks. INT. st. Marys hospital - day Ben walks to Gwens bedside. She is sleeping. He reaches for her bandaged hand and holds it. 00020000055E00019255558,She opens her eyes. GWEN What a gal wont do to get a day off work. BeN Im so sorry Gwen. I dont know what else to say. Except I love you. Well move to Alaska if you want. GWEN You been drinking beer already? Gwen smiles, then winces in pain. GWEN (CONT'D) Ben? Adam saved me. And my little girl. BEN I know honey. I know. INT. sHERIFFS Dept. - day Cliff is sitting across from Delbert who is next to his attorney. The chief and Aimsley are leaning against the wall. CliFF Okay Delbert. Tell us everything, we do what we can to keep you alive. Delbert laughs, looks at his attorney, then back at Cliff. DeLBERT Just what I thought. You aint got shit! Intimidation and hope someone confesses to something they didnt do. Right, detective? CLIFF Giving you an opportunity to avoid takin a ride on ol Sparky. Your choice. DELBERT Piss-off. You got evidence. Lets hear it. CLIFF We got boot prints. Rainy night last night. Dry today. Yeah, we got some real good prints. DELBERT You match those to me and I will personally strap my own ass down and flip the switch. CLIFF Oh, they wont match yours. Delbert looks at the chief. DELBERT You all really need to look into a new recruitment program. Are we done here? Some of us have to work for a living. ChIEF Cliff, lets get to it, or let the man go. CliFF We matched the prints to Adam. Delbert feigned surprise. 00020000065D000197AD657,DeLBERT Adam? I dont believe it. So thats why Im here? To rat out a friend of mine? CLIFF We have a witness Delbert. He saw you wearing Adams boots last night. Care to explain? DELBERT Witness? Adam? Bring him in. His word against mine. CLIFF You and I both know what happened to Adam last night, right Delbert? DELBERT Who then? This I gotta hear. Cliff looks at the door. CLIFF (yelling) Frankie!! The door opens and Frankie limps in, hair hanging in his face, eye drooping. Delbert looks at him and laughs loudly. DeLBERT This is your witness! A retard who needs help wiping his own ass? Hell, if it ever made it to trial, theyd have to schedule three months just for his testimony..bet it takes him a week to say the fucking alphabet. Save us all some time here. Let me out of here and I swear Ill never mention you made an ass out of yourself. Delbert looks back at Frankie. DeLBERT (CONT'D) Whats up, retard? Frankie looks at Cliff who gives him a slight nod. Frankie looks at Delbert, and, without a stutter: FRANKIE A-b-c-d-e-f-g Frankie pauses, then grabs his hair hanging in his face and gives it a yank, exposing a buzz cut. FRANKIE (CONT'D) H-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p He then pulls a piece of transparent tape from his drooping eye. FRANKIE (CONT'D) Q-r-s-t-u-v Frankie then produces a badge and flips it open right in front of Delbert. Then says slowly: FRANKIE (CONT'D) W...X..Y...and....Z. Youre b-b-b-busted!!! DeLBERT Why you cheatin lyin underhanded...Artie! Do Something! Artie sits, confused what to do next. ARTIE What exactly are the charges? CliFF Multiple counts of murder. Were still counting. 0002000005EA00019E045E4,DeLBERT Alright! If the deals still on the table, Ill tell you the whole story. CLIFF Heres the part I always enjoy. Cliff sits back, folds his arms, and smiles. It is now ten minutes later in the same room. Cliff looks down at a list. CliFF (CONT'D) Lots of names here Delbert. Boy, when you snitch, you dont fuck around. ArTIE Okay, my client has given you what you wanted. So, what can you do for us? CLIFF Three counts of murder Artie. Childress and his daughters. ARTIE Three? See there Delbert? Theyre dropping the charges on the church thing. Artie looks at Delbert proudly. Bob Aimsley looks at Cliff. AIMSLEY Thats not your call detective. He goes down for the church as well. CliFF Nope. Just the three I mentioned...because there were no church murders last night. Everyone, except Cliff looks confused. CliFF (CONT'D) Last night Delbert, you bombed an empty church. DeLBERT Empty, my ass! There was cars. CLIFF From our impound lot. DELBERT The lights were on. CLIFF A simple flick of the switch. DELBERT There was singing, by God! I heard the niggers singing. Cliff reaches down beside him and pushes a button. Amazing Grace bellowed through the room. Cliff lifted the tape player and sets it in front of Delbert. Delbert knocks it off the table. The music stops. CLIFF Oh! Where are my manners. Delbert? The man you refer to as McCrazy is actually detective Vernon Sawyer. Hes from L.A. Imagine that! A cracker head like you being busted by a kid from California. Aint that a hoot? 0002000005870001A3E8581,Cliff looks at his watch CliFF (CONT'D) Well, gotta run. Its been fun. By the way Delbert, the thing with the hood? Why? Delbert smiles. DeLBERT You never did know did you? CLIFF Know what? Delbert leans over and whispers in Cliffs ear. DeLBERT I was one of the guys in the back of the pick-up the night your uncle took us on that little field trip. Hey, how about a little deal here. I dont mention your uncles involvement in that murder, you forget my involvement in this little matter. Cliff whispers in Delberts ear. CLIFF Fuck off, Delbert. Cliff arose and looks at the Chief. CliFF (CONT'D) Chief, I think someone in this office deserves a promotion. Vern lived like an animal, and was treated like one. But he brought it home for us. VERN Your idea, Cliff. CLIFF Actually not mine. It was the idea of a friend. Names Romeo. Cliff lights a cigar, walks to Aimsley, intentionally letting the smoke drift into his face. CliFF (CONT'D) I still dont know how you do it, But THIS is how we close a case. Cliff turns, looks at Vern. CliFF (CONT'D) Come on Hollywood, lets go to church. They start walking out of the room. VERN Church? CLIFF Yeah. Free beer and everything. VERN You guys down south sure do things different. Beer at church...huh. Ext. New house in the country - DAY SUPER: THREE YEARS LATER Cliff pulls up to a new farmhouse sitting under a big oak tree, and near a running stream. 0002000005350001A96952F,He walks to the door and knocks. Ben opens the door. He now has a shorter haircut. BeN Cliff!! Is that really you!! CliFF In the flesh Ben. They hug, both with tears in their eyes. BEN Come on around to the side of the house. Got a chicken on the grill. They walk around to the side of the house. A barbecue grill has smoke seeping from the vents in the cover. Ben goes to a cooler, gets two beers and tosses one to Cliff. CLIFF Always a cold one nearby. One your finest virtues preacher. Ben grabs two lawn chairs, opens them and they both sit. CliFF (CONT'D) Beautiful place you got here. BeN Thanks. Cliff you just disappeared after the church fire. Never even said good-bye. CLIFF Remember the next day Vern and I stopped by to have a beer? I was saying good-bye that day partner. You just didnt know it. BEN I still dont know exactly what happened that night. Gwen and Adam never talk about it. CLIFF We knew the bombing was going to happen. But we had to let Delbert go through with it. At that point we didnt know who did Childress, or even Jacobs. But knowing Delbert, if he thought his ass was on the line for over thirty murders, hed cut a deal, any deal to help save his own ass. CliFF (CONT'D) He didnt disappoint. Cost us a church but we put the Klan out of business. BeN Howd you let Gwen get so close? 0002000008A60001AE988A0,CLIFF We had the preacher at that church call his congregation and tell them to stay away. He got hold of everybody except Gwens friend. BEN She was at Capris sleep-over. CLIFF Yep. From Cliff, the cops point of view, Id do everything the same. From Cliff, your friends point of view, it was all too close. BEN Whered you go? CLIFF Down to the gulf coast. Tried to erase the bad memories. Thing I forgot, there were lots of good ones as well. And a good friend I left behind. CAPRI (O.S.) Uncle Cliff? Cliff turns to the voice from behind. Cliff Capri? Look at what a beautiful young lady! They hug. Cliff turns to Ben. CliFF (CONT'D) You and Gwen? Tell me you did it. BeN Personally, I think it was the accident that did something to her brain that night. Capri runs to the stream as Ben and Cliff both sit again. GWEN Cliff? Cliff looks back and sees Gwen running towards him. She jumps into his arms and he swings her around and around. CliFF Gwennie! Im so happy for you two! Ben smiles as he turned the chicken on the grill. They all then hear a squawk from Cliffs car. ROMEO Shit-head! BeN Romeo? You still got Romeo? Ben looks to Gwen. BeN (CONT'D) Thats his parrot. CliFF Yeah. Id bring him around, but with his language and all. Gwen and Ben laugh. Gwen went back inside. Ben and Cliff sit side by side. CliFF (CONT'D) This is where you and Gwen used to picnic, right? BeN Yeah, she always loved it here.. I surprised her with it a year after we were married. CliFF So, hows your brother? BeN Great. Leg still bothers him some. CLIFF Good thing Delberts a bad shot. He was probably aiming for his heart. BEN He owns the station now. Making money. His managers a black man. CLIFF Go figure, huh. BEN Cliff, thanks for helping Adam. Without it hed be doing time. CLIFF After it all went down, Vern told me that the only person that treated him like a human when he was Frankie was your brother. No, partner. The Childress murders? Delbert acted alone. Lets leave it at that. Ben looks over at Cliff, who was looking at the weather vane atop the barn. CliFF (CONT'D) You know, when the sun hits that weather vane just right... BeN I know, it looks just like a cross... The End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