A2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ade in: Night - full moon Brilliantly shining in the New Mexico star filled sky. Pan down to: EXT. mountain top - coNTINUOUS On the mountain top, overlooking the huge University campus below, sit TWO LOVERS, in a car making out. INT. car - cONTINUOUS The windows are fogged up as the occupants jockey for position in the confining space of the car. A high pitched shrilly noise pierces the air. A violent force rocks the car. Jasmine What the hell..? Jo-jo ...givin you the best that I got, ba-by. JASMINE (smiling) And that noise...Big Daddy? JO-JO My insides, crying out with affection. JASMINE Where do you come up with these lines? JO-JO ABC baby girl. They continue love making. The car shakes violently again. JASMINE You aint givin it up all that good...chump! A large shadow covers the car... CUT TO: High angle - cONTINUOUS JASMINE sees the shadow and screams. Jo-Jo, not knowing why looks to see, he screams. Louder then Jasmine. The shrilly noise drowns out both their screams. CUT TO: INT. car - cONTINUOUS The car and occupants are tossed like clothes in a dryer. dissolve to: Full shot - red new mexico mountain range - mORNING The sun peeks out from behind the red clay mountain range. Deep from within the mountains a loud shrilly echo is heard. Dissolve TO: INT. underground cave - mORNING TWO MUD COVERED SPELUNKERS squeeze themselves through a small opening. Openings that take sharp twists and turns. Leading from smaller to larger ones, taking you either up or down deeper into the caverns. Into the depths of the earth, miles and miles underground. Where a cool dampness covers the atmosphere. 00020000053900000656533,CUT TO: Another angle - cONTINUOUS One Spelunker holds a flashlight as the other squeezes through a small opening. Their identities, at this time, would be hard for their own mothers to recognize. All that can be seen of the earth covered bodies are their breaths of hot air. They exert themselves grunting and straining in and out of the tight confines of the caves. TJ You got to cut out those doughnuts! Come on inhale...inhale and squeeze your big ass thru damnit! Joey Hold on Im coming already for Christ sake! You dont have to pull so fuckin hard. Joey strains pulling TJ through. Joeys gear clatters to the ground. JOEY (CONTD) SHIT! Give me a hand! Joey shines his light around his feet. TJ Christ! I cant take you anywhere. Klutz! CUT TO: INT. the two spelunkers pov - cONTINUOUS Their flashlights dance in the dark while they follow the paths of their lights. Leaving behind green fluorescent flares in their wake. One of their flashlights, flashes across another opening. TJ Hey, point your light over here. Joeys flashlight joins TJs. What TJ thought to be one opening, turns out to be two. One larger than the other. TJ The ayes have it! (beat) You have been leaving markers? JOEY Yes I have. Check it out! (he flashes his light behind him) It looks like a scene from Aliens. All were missing are the bugs. 0002000005C500000B895BF,TJ Calm down Ripely! CUT TO: Low angle - other side of opening - continuous JOEY Hold up a second will you? (beat) Shine that light over here! (beat) You want me to leave markers dont you. I figure this one in particular would be important. Dont you think? TJ stares at Joey... JOEY I love you too...dear! Joey goes about his duty marking the opening. TJ and Joey continue down another long stretch of blackness. Flashlights darting about the darkness as the tunnel gets colder and colder. Off in the darkness of the tunnel, a very faint and distant sound is heard (the shrilly noise heard earlier). JOEY What was that? TJ How the hell am I supposed to know? JOEY What are you... TJ Its nothing but a gas pocket...or the earth settling in. Like it has been for centuries. JOEY Thanks for that enlightening geographical report. TJ As many times as weve done this, it cracks me up how jumpy you get over the slightest noise. JOEY Thats because we are supposed to be the only ones down here. And I like re-enforcing my mind with that thought! CUT TO: FULL SHOT - of cave - cONTINUOUS Spinning their lights about the cave never before have TJ HUDSON and JOEY SCALETTI ever experienced such a find. This cave is IMMENSE. A huge underground cavern. The walls, perfectly smooth. TJ and Joey dig for their heavy duty lights. This is the first time we actually get a real good look at our Spelunkers, covered with sweat and the red clay of the earth. They split directions. 00020000058C00001148586,TJ Dont wander off to far brother! JOEY Count on it! TJ Hey...Joey. Check this out. Joey sees TJs flashlight hit the ground. A splash is heard. JOEY (yells) TJ...TJ Joey hurries to the light, only to find TJ splashing around in a stream. TJ splashes water on Joey... JOEY (CONTD) Hey...you-son-of-a... TJ Quit crying and get some of that dirt off your face. CUT TO: INT. cavern - laTER TJ & Joey sit in the semi-darkness eating and drinking. TJ What time is it? Joey shines the flashlight on his wrist watch. JOEY (like the time recording) The time after the tone will be 12:10 and 50 seconds...BEEP! TJ Thank you, Ma Bell. (beat) This is excellent, you know. This beats camping in the woods any day! JOEY Hey...thats a great idea! TJ What? JOEY Camping...here!. Think about it. Spring break starts in a few days. You could talk some of the brothers into it. I know you can. We could make it like an archeological exploration. Even T-Bear would go for it. TJ I could talk them into it...huh? (thinking) T-Bear would like this. We could turn this indoor beach into base camp. Follow this stream. JOEY Well...what do you think? (beat) I know you like the idea. TJ Its great! Lets do it. Joey gathers his things. TJ Searches through his. TJ (CONTD) Wheres the paint? JOEY I have it. (he gives it to TJ) What do you need it for? TJ Youll see. TJ goes to the wall...he sprays in huge letters MINERVA BEACH... 000200000513000016CE50D,JOEY ALL RIGHT! TJ There. This beach is now official property of SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON. TJ grabs his things hurrying to catch up with Joey whos started for the trail back. JOEY Come on. This is going to be great. They walk off, away from the camera. The noise is again heard... JOEY (CONTD) (responding to noise) I know...gas! TJ (laughing) Youre learning. CUT TO: FULL SHOT - NEW MEXICO state university campus - dAY A spectacular AERIAL VIEW showing the entire campus. CUT TO: EXT. sigma alpha epsilon frat house - dAY This house is adorned with the traditional fraternity trappings, reminding us of its history. On the front porch, sit a FEW BROTHERS, participating in their favorite pastime...drinking beer and annoying the passing coeds that dare walk by. CUT TO: INT. house dining room - aFTERNOON MICHAEL MIC NORWOOD and THEODORE T-BEAR DOUGLASS III plus a few of the BROTHERS sit around a huge table. Listening to Joey and TJ excitedly describe their spelunking trip. JOEY (excited) It was huge...an awesome underground cavern with, JOEY (CONTD) Get this, a stream running right through the middle... TJ ...not to mention how cool it was down there compared to the beaches. T-Bear Yeah...but the beaches have beaver in scant bikinis. Whats in a cave...dirt, insects & snakes? 00020000057B00001BDB575,TJ (to T-Bear) You know I hate snakes. Besides, the entire time we were down there, didnt come in contact with any. JOEY Besides T-Bear, youll have your whole life to chase thong wearing honeys on a beach. How many times will you have the opportunity to probe below the earths surface? (driving home the point) Arent you the one who keeps rolling through the house shoving those archeological mags in our faces. Saying how neat it would be to excavate an old pyramid? T-BEAR But TWO WEEKS underground. Without snatch! JOEY Snatch will always be there. The chance to explore wont. T-Bear ponders this. He looks to Michael (whos face is buried in the campus rag reading about the missing Coed and her date) to get his opinion on this trip. T-BEAR Hey Mic...what do you say to all this? Michael What? What are you talking about? JOEY Come on needledick...pay attention! TJ Whats so damn interesting in that rag anyway? MICHAEL Diamonds Sisters been added to the missing persons list! A uncomfortable silence hits the table. JOEY Has Diamond seen that? MICHAEL I doubt it. Hes been out every night since shes been missing. Trying to find her. TJ Can we get back to the issue at hand? JOEY (to Mic) Our caving expedition. Teddy wants to know what you think about it? T-BEAR Are you willing to give up two weeks at the beach. For two weeks, with no BEAVER, underground with these two fags! 0002000005F4000021505EE,JOEY (to T-Bear) Your Sister didnt think that last night! The Brothers keep the insults flowing... T-BEAR Good taste was never her strong point. TJ Can you guys keep your minds on one subject...please. MICHAEL Camping underground would give me the chance to use my new lens & flash outfit. (beat) Yeah. Id go. It could be fun. T-BEAR I dont know. It still sounds dumb. TJ Look. If you go, Ill make you a deal? T-BEAR Whats that? TJ You need a sucker to organize this years homecoming float...yes? T-BEAR True. You hate that kind of stuff! TJ True. But as a favor, Ill handle it. Plus the party if you agree to go. T-BEAR You want me to go that badly? TJ Youre the only we know that knows anything and everything there is to know about relics. JOEY I second that. T-BEAR You got a deal. But in addition to the float and the party. You have to help with the pledge class. TJ SHIT! Fuck!...alright deal! JOEY Alright! This is going to be great. MICHAEL Maybe well find some hidden treasures or something. Then I wouldnt have to work for a living. T-BEAR It would be something if we made some archeological find. It would make for great thesis. JOEY Ok everybody...before anyone gets to famous here. Why dont we meet in our room and make a supply list of things well need. With all systems a go, the SAE brothers leave discussing items that will be needed. Michael leaves his paper on the table, headline face-up...LATEST VICTIM MISSING-SISTER OF STAR ATHLETE. Diamonds sisters photo is on the front page. 000200000AF60000273EAF0,CUT TO: INT. campus police - lATER CAMPUS COP #1 busily types his report, the phone rings in the background. Next to the typewriter, a tagged handbag. CAMPUS COP #2 comes into the office. Campus cop #2 What are you working on? CAMPUS COP #1 Finishing up this report on that football players sister. The Chief wants this sent over to the State Boys with the others. CAMPUS COP #2 Its kind of hard to swallow that these kids just vanished! CAMPUS COP #1 Personally, I think the pressures of school got to them and they took off. Afraid to tell their rich parents how lousy their grades are. CAMPUS COP #2 But still, dont you think they would have said something to a friend? Cop #2 walks over to the bulletin board adding a picture to the ones already there. CAMPUS COP #1 Oh well. At least its keeping us employed in this lack luster town, where all we do is bust frat parties. The phone rings again, Cop #2 answers it. CAMPUS COP #2 Campus Police...whoa...wait a minute...you have to settle down Miss...Well send someone over right away. He hangs up the phone and grabs his keys. CAMPUS COP #1 What was that all about? CAMPUS COP #2 Some Sorority Socialite says one of her Sisters hasnt come home from her date yet. CAMPUS COP #1 Give her some time. Its early yet. CAMPUS COP #2 The date was a couple of days ago! CAMPUS COP #1 You want to take it so I can finish this report? CAMPUS COP #2 Im on it. CUT TO: INT. local SPORTING goods store - cONTINUOUS The Brothers of SAE (Joey, TJ, T-Bear, and Mic) browsing through the store picking out items they individually think theyll need. Joey and TJ, walking behind Mic & T-Bear, showing them the right things to buy. Insulated clothing, flashlights, camping gear, etc. A COUPLE OF SORORITY COEDS walk past T-Bear, (who is freaking out because of the cost of everything. All being paid for by his Dads Platinum Card). A Coed holds a thong bikini for all to see. T-Bear follows her until hes pulled back by Joey, JOEY Hold on Bundy! Way to expensive for your taste. Joey tosses him a pair of thick insulated socks... JOEY (CONTD) Here...try these instead. T-BEAR Somehow this loses something in translation. The Brothers pulling up to the checkout stand with all this heavy duty camping gear is quite a sight. Bringing stares and jeers from the other STUDENTS waiting to check out. CUT TO: Ext. Joeys jeep outside army surplus store - lATER Joey pulls up (his Jeep loaded down with gear & Brothers) in front of the store. They all pile out of the jeep trying to not let any equipment fall out. MICHAEL Christ. What are we stopping here for? Dont we have enough crap? JOEY We need a tent, shutter-bug. We can get up a couple here cheap. T-BEAR Thank God. Something is about to be cheap. My fathers gonna have my ass when he sees this bill! 000200000A520000322EA4C,TJ I guess thats why they say, DONT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT. T-BEAR (irritated) Shut your face Nerd! JOEY Lets pick out our happy new home. CUT TO: INT. sae house joey & TJs room - eVENING Its time for the newest spelunkers to get their orientation training from TJ & Joey. Gear spread all around them in the room. JOEY Listen up clowns. TJ And I are the only ones here with experience. So we should familiarize you with all that was bought today. T-BEAR (playing with the items) What the hell are these? He holds up packets of freeze dried food. TJ Food. T-BEAR Youre joking right? JOEY No hes not. We can cook a little down there. But the majority of our meals will be these little babies. (beat) I dont think youd appreciate breathing nothing but charcoal smoke down there! MICHAEL Well if we can't build a fire, how are we supposed to see? Stay warm? JOEY Thats why we rented a generator. To save the batteries for the exploration parts of the trip. And to run these lanterns with. (he holds up a lantern) TJ Its going to be dark as hell down there. So stay close. No one goes off by himself. Understood! (to T-Bear) And NO...they are no snakes down there. CUT TO: INT. sAE HOUSE JOEY & TJS ROOM doorway - cONTINUOUS DIAMOND (a rugged star Football jock) listens at the door. Diamond You fags are really serious about this arent you? (beat) I thought someone was pulling my leg when they told me you were planning a JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH trip. TJ Hey Diamond. Whassup! DIAMOND Whassup with you? Are you nuts? JOEY Just doing something original for Spring Break. Diamond comes into the room browsing through the gear. Joey continues with the orientation. JOEY (CONTD) Some of those tunnels go on for miles and miles. So where ever we go, well be leaving these markers behind us. (he holds up the markers) These babies are great. They glow and can last up to 72 hours. MICHAEL Anyone have any objections to me bringing my boom-box? TJ Long as you leave that gangsta rap behind...no. MICHAEL Music lover. T-BEAR Getting back to the food. You are bringing some real food, arent you? JOEY Yes Mr. President. Once weve arrived and set up camp. Well have a nice little bonfire dinner. Steaks in your honor. (beat) Last but not least...NO PRANKS while were down there...Agreed? All brothers PHI ALPHA! DIAMOND You clowns have room for one more? TJ D-man, we only have enough supplies for 4 people. DIAMOND Ill get my own supplies. JOEY You get your own tent and assorted supplies, mainly food and yes you can come. DIAMOND Deal! T-BEAR Besides, we could use an ox like you to help lug all this stuff. 00020000054600003C7A540,DIAMOND Well somebody has to make sure you needle dicks make it back to the surface. Diamond bolts for the door... JOEY Where are you going? DIAMOND Supplies...Food...Shopping. JOEY When you get everything you need, meet us out front at 5 am. OK? DIAMOND PHI ALPHA. See you all in the morning. He leaves the room. MICHAEL You think that was a good idea? JOEY Sure. Itll take his mind off his sister. (beat) I think weve covered all the bases. If no one has any questions we should call it a night. TJ & Mic carry some of the gear out to the cars. JOEY (CONTD) (to T-Bear) Any questions Mr. President? T-BEAR Oh no. Believe it or not, Im looking forward to this. JOEY So am I brother. T-BEAR Im going to talk to Professor Graham and get some details on the Indians who were here before us. JOEY But dont be late in the morning. I would like to be on the road before sunrise. T-BEAR PHI ALPHA! CUT TO: INT. professor grahams lab - lATER A young looking Professor, late 40s, hard at work restoring old Indian artifacts, dug up on his last excavation. Fascinated with the New Mexico Indians since childhood, PROF. STUART GRAHAM mixes formulas that aid in the preservation of his artifacts. His work is interrupted by a knock... Prof. Graham Whos there? T-BEAR (O.S.) Professor...Its Theodore. PROF. GRAHAM Ill be right there...hold on. 0002000005F5000041BA5EF,He carefully places down his mixture to open the door. Prof. Graham (CONTD) Theodore, what brings you out this late? T-BEAR Im going on a camping trip in the morning and I need some questions answered. PROF. GRAHAM Im no expert on camping. T-BEAR This type of camping you are. Some of my frat brothers and I are camping underground up in the mountains just outside of town. Prof. Graham Sort of a little caving expedition, huh. T-BEAR You got it! I was wondering if you could give me some info on the Indian tribes that ran through these mountains and what to look for! PROF. GRAHAM No Problem. (beat) Let me finish up what I started. Its late anyway and I should be headed home. We can talk while we walk. T-BEAR Need any help cleaning up? PROF. GRAHAM You can grab that solution over there. Teddy retrieves the flask... PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) These mountain ranges used to be covered with Indians squeezed off of there own reservations by the US Calvary. So a lot of them where strangers to each other. Forming a renegade sort of tribe. Prof. Graham carries on with his explanation while cleaning & locking up. CUT TO: InT. campus POLICE car -- later Campus Cop 2 is on the car radio talking with base camp in route to his destination. CAMPUS COP #2 Tom...I just left the missing Co-eds dates house. His roommates say that this is not unusual for him to be gone 2 to 4 days at a time. They also said that he had planned to take her up to Moon Peak...over. CAMPUS COP #1 (V.O.) You checking out that area? Over! 0002000006D7000047A96D1,CAMPUS COP #2 Im already ahead of you. In route as we speak...Over! CAMPUS COP #1 Let me know what you find, pronto. Over! CAMPUS COP #2 Will do. Over and out! (beat) What a jackass. The Campus Cop pulls off onto the road leading to Moon Peak. CUT TO: EXT. moon peak -- continuous The Campus Patrol car pulls into Moon Peak. He notices whats left of the sports car, torn to pieces. CUT TO: INT. patrol car -- continuous CAMPUS COP #2 What the hell happened here! (he grabs the car mike, excited) This is Dave to base. Come in! CAMPUS COP #1 This is base, whats wrong Dave. Over! CAMPUS COP #2 (panicky) I found whats left of the car described by the roommates. Send back-up, quick! And call the State Police. Immediately. Over! CAMPUS COP #1 Stay put until we get someone out there. (beat) And for Christ sake...calm down will you. Over! Campus Cop 2 (DAVE) nervously hangs up mike. Thinking a bit he grabs his gun and flashlight and gets out to inspect the wreck a little closer. CUT TO: ExT. moon peak -- CONTINUOUS Dave walks over to the wreckage, flashlight jumping all over the place. A shaky hand grips the revolver at his side. His light shines on pieces of shredded clothing. The door to the car, ripped off. His light shines on a deep print in the dirt. Resembling that of a mountain lion or other huge predator. He follows the tracks... CUT TO: EXT. wooded area -- continuous The prints have led Dave deep into the woods where he sees a very large hole in the ground. Large enough to swallow a school bus easily. Suddenly in the quiet of the night he hears a high pitched shrill of a sound. Echoing throughout the trees. Sounding like its getting closer with each sound he hears. He turns, gun drawn, ready to fire on anything. 00020000057400004E7A56E,CAMPUS COP #2 (trying to maintain cool) Christ! (breathing hard and heavy) I wish theyd hurry up and get the fuck out here. This is the shits. He turns back to inspect the hole, turning right into a huge head with antennae, coming out of the whole. Horrified, he fires his gun as the huge head is followed by an even huger shadow of a body that envelopes the Cop firing his gun. CUT TO: ExT. campus -- continuous T-Bear & Prof. Graham are walking along a path with a breathtaking view of Moon Peak in the distance. T-Bear sees a light dancing around up there. PROF. GRAHAM You should be able to find tons of arrowheads in those caves. The Indians tribes would hide when the white man came through destroying their villages. T-BEAR Did you see that flash up on Moon Peak? PROF. GRAHAM Probably the Sigma Dogs tormenting their pledge class. (beat) What is all that about anyway? CUT TO: ExT. base of wooded area -- continuous Officer Dave has disappeared. All that is left is an empty gun, flashlight, hat and a night stick that been snapped in half. We can hear faint cries of help from deep with-in the giant hole. PAN DOWN TO: InT. hole --continuous The CAMERA goes down the hole. Daves weak cries for help drowned out by quadruple the high pitched shrilly sounds. Echoing out from the hole into the clear mountain skies. CUT TO: EXT. sIGMA ALPHA EPSILON FRAT HOUSE -- early morning 0002000004D5000053E84CF,T-Bear, Joey, TJ And Mic load up the last few items into Joeys 4x4 and T-Bears GMC Jimmy. T-BEAR Thats everything. Time to roll. JOEY (looking at his watch) Diamonds not going to make it. OK. Lets blow this joint. Joey climbs into his 4x4 reeving the engine. Diamond appears running down the street. Hauling a huge backpack, a cooler on wheels and a box. DIAMOND (yelling) Hey, hey hold up a second. (barely out of breath) I still got a couple of minutes according to Mickey here. CUT TO: ExT. joeys 4x4 -- continuous The boys laugh in amazement at Diamond, struggling effortless to get to the jeep. JOEY Whats in the box D? DIAMOND (opens box) Enough food to last ME two weeks. MICHAEL Jesus Christ...D. Its a wonder you still have teeth. JOEY Wheres your tent? DIAMOND Real men dont need no fuckin tents. JOEY (rolls his eyes) As you wish. Throw your carcass & treasures in the back. Diamond obeys and the spelunkers of SAE are off in search of adventure. A beer in one hand and good times in the other. CUT TO: ExT. road leading to mountain range -- later Cruising the near empty highways taking in the magnificent sights of the New Mexico, its earth tone shades of reds, tans, deep reds, oranges with such lustre. 0002000004A7000058B74A1,CUT TO: ExT. base of mountain -- later The boys start unpacking gear. JOEY (excited) The journey has just begun. From here we go up there. He points up the mountain side. MICHAEL Youre kidding ....right? TJ The entrance to Xanadu, a mile up. T-BEAR (to Joey) You said this was a caving trip, not rock climbing, Scaletti! DIAMOND Quit your bitching. Rich boy. Climb. JOEY Especially if you plan on being that archeologist you claim you want to be. (beat) What cant be carried will be pulled up once we get up there. (beat) Does that make it easier for some of you? They mumble in agreement that its better then carrying it as they all look to Diamond and his huge biceps and triceps. JOEY (CONTD) Everybody loaded with what they can comfortably carry? (he looks around excited) Here we go. They start their ascent up the mountain path. CUT TO: ExT. mountain trail -- later For Joey & TJ this climb is nothing. Even Diamond is effortlessly climbing the steady incline. Collecting bags of other Brothers pretending to be out of strength. Regardless, the climb continues. CUT TO: ExT. entrance of cave --later Catching their breath before pulling up the extra equipment at the bottom. 00020000064400005D5863E,JOEY (slightly out of breath) Well here we are. T-BEAR Thank fuckin God. Finally I can rest my pour aching dogs. Taking off his shoes he looks around at the entrance T-BEAR (CONTD) Were going to fit all that shit through that little hole? JOEY No problem Youll see. (winks) If theres a will theres definitely a way. DIAMOND Who are you? Jimmy Swaggert! JOEY (fake crying) Oh Lord forgive me for I have sinned in the eyes of the lord... Diamond picks up a rock throwing it (playfully) at Joey. DIAMOND ...smart ass. TJ Alright you two. Am I going to have to put you both in separate caves. (beat) We still have about a halfs days travel ahead of us. So lets not rest to long or drink to much. T-BEAR You know, after this little expedition. I just might re-think my major. MICHAEL How many times will that be? T-BEAR Why dont you bite me! This brings a tired but fun laughter from the group. Mic pulls out his camera. MICHAEL Picture time! He jumps all around the confined space snapping pictures and blinding everyone in the process ALL BROTHERS Hey you, peanut head mother, hey man cut that shit,are you nuts. DIAMOND If we cant pull any serious pranks when we get down there. How about we play one now! He opens his cooler pulling out a cold beer. Shakes it up and pops the ring, spraying any Brother in nearby range with the cool foamy suds. The other Brothers spring for his cooler... DIAMOND (CONTD) ...Whoa, whoa. Only one can each. Otherwise well be dry at dinner. Mic busily clicks even more pictures as the boys drench themselves to help combat the early heat and exhaustion. 0002000005ED000063965E7,DISSOLVE TO: InT. cave -- afternoon Led by Joey, with Diamond in the middle and TJ Bringing up the rear. The brothers twists their way through the tunnels in route to their destination. They come to a very narrow tunnel. The only way through, crawling, on your stomach. JOEY Who has the rope? MICHAEL I do. Mic passes the rope to Joey. He ties it around Mics waist. MICHAEL What gives? JOEY Youll see. Joey grabs a piece of gear and pushes it into the tunnel. JOEY (CONTD) Tie one the bags a couple of feet from his waist. (to Mic) You follow behind me. The rest of you wait. Once we get to the other side. Ill tug. Tie everything along the rope and well pull it through. This takes us to our cavern. DIAMOND Wait a minute brain. You and candid camera here are going to pull all this shit through? JOEY (smiling at TJ) Well manage. DIAMOND Are you trying to fuck with my limited intelligence? DIAMOND (CONTD) (beat) Why dont I just go so it wont take you two clowns a week to pull this crap through. JoEY I was hoping youd see it that way. Joey starts through the tunnel pushing his gear in front of him. Mic follows, rope attached to his waist followed by more gear (his camera stuff & a extra rope). Diamond has grabbed another rope attached to equipment and pushes the generator through the opening in front of him. Disappearing into the dark hole. TJ (as Diamond vanishes) It must be nice to have been blessed with all brawn and a football mentality. T-BEAR PHI ALPHA to that brother. PHI ALPHA. 0002000005FF0000697D5F9,CUT TO: Tight shot continuous On Joeys face crawling through the tunnel, past the camera. Closely followed by Mic & Diamond. MICHAEL Its a good thing Im not behind D! JOEY Why you saying that? MICHAEL You ever been in his room? (beat) His farts kill. And he rates them! DIAMOND I heard that you little flash freak. So dont bring your ass in my room if you cant handle the manly odor. Joey rips a nice ripe one in Mics face and laughs. MICHAEL Awe fuck Joey! Not funny man! Michael grabs his nose and tries to crawl at the same time. JoEY Sorry...couldnt hold. Diamond laughs. DIAMOND Thats what you get, little dick, for bitchin. (beat to Joey) Besides you shouldn't hold those in. You could do irreparable damage to you insides. He comes to the spot of the gas explosion... DIAMOND (CONTD) Mmm...not bad Joe Boy. That a 7. MICHAEL (to Diamond) Youre disgusting you know that. (beat) Do you smell your Momma with that nose. CUT TO: InT. end of tunnel later Joey, the first through sees the markers he and TJ left. He finds his flashlight and shines it around searching for the other markers. They all there. JOEY Ill be damn. And there still burning pretty bright. Mic emerges from the tunnel with his baggage, gasping for clean air. Followed closely by Diamond. Joey cracks a smile. JOEY (CONTD) Check it out. We left them here and there still burning. DIAMOND What are they? JOEY Fluorescent tubes that Jake made in one of his science labs. MICHAEL Cool. It looks like something youd see in a Speilberg movie. 00020000058B00006F76585,JOEY (suddenly remembering the others) Diamond, tug the rope. CUT TO: InT. cavern w/TJ & T-Bear -- continuous TJ (sees rope tug) There she goes. Come on. Were next. T-Bear has gone to look at a near by wall with strange markings on it. T-BEAR This is interesting. Check it out. TJ Come on Scobey. Theres a lot more on the other side of this tunnel. T-BEAR This doesnt appear to be all that old. The markings I mean. TJ Lets get a move on T-Bear. T-BEAR Ok. OK. Im coming. T-Bear joins TJ At the tunnel entrance. A tighter look at the markings that T-Bear saw, shows them to be made of blood. Someone being dragged and holding onto the walls for dear life. CUT TO: InT. cAVE -- later Once through the opening, gear and all, the weary spelunkers take a rest stop before continuing. Even though its dark as hell down here, we can see just how dirty and filthy they have become since the start. TJ Diamond, did you cut that stale cheese in the tunnel? DIAMOND Hell no. Im innocent. Look to the other half of our fearless leaders. TJ (to Joey) You didnt! JOEY Couldnt hold it in any longer. T-BEAR You should can it and sell it as repellent. JOEY Ha, ha, ha...very funny! MICHAEL How much further, Joey JOEY (to TJ) How long weve been under? TJ pulls out his special spelunkers everything watch, glowing in the dark. TJ 5 & 1/2 hours. We still have another 30 minutes to go if we dont rest to long here. 0002000005FA000074FB5F4,MICHAEL It took you two 6 hours to get there? JOEY Correcto-mondo (beat) JOEY (CONTD) Judging from the fluorescent tubes we left. We are right on course. TJ Good ole Jake. Can you believe those things have lasted this long? JOEY Incredible. DIAMOND All this brain talk is making me hungry. Lets set up for a quick dinner? TJ Since when is eating dinner with you quick? (beat) Eat one of your thousands of candy bars. Were not stopping that long. MICHAEL (teasingly) If he does, hes not going to be hungry when we start barbecuing the steaks. DIAMOND Yeah! Start the Barbecue and watch. JOEY Time to push on boys. Were almost there. Just follow the fluorescent tubes marking the way and well be there in 30 minutes or less. T-Bear & Michael are quickly trying to change their socks... T-BEAR Hold on a second, Christ. Give me a chance to put on more socks. Its getting colder down here. MICHAEL Me too. My feet are freezing. TJ Joey. Let the children change into their insulated socks. MICHAEL (to Joey) When did you have a chance to put yours on? TJ While you guys where having a beer shower. JOEY (to himself & TJ) Jesus. Im caving with a bunch of women. CUT TO: InT. further into cave --Later Joey has lead them to the spot where he and TJ found the two openings. JOEY Homestretch ladies. Joey goes through, followed by the rest. The green markers lighting up the narrow passage with a glow. We see 5 different beams of light flashing about in the dark as the boys one by one enter into the immensely huge cavern. 0002000005A300007AEF59D,TJ Fellow Brothers, this is it! He shines his light on the wall... TJ (CONTD) WELCOME TO MINERVA BEACH. CUT TO: INT. WALL OF CAVERN -- CONTINUOUS On the wall is printed in bright PURPLE & GOLD letters MINERVA BEACH and the founding date. T-BEAR THIS PLACE IS HUGE. I LOVE IT! MICHAEL GODDAMN IS THIS BEAUTIFUL OR WHAT! DIAMOND This is kind of neat. JOEY I knew you non-believers would love it. TJ Check this out over here. They all follow TJ And Joey... TJ (CONTD) Fresh water. Do you believe it? Its an underground river. He jumps in. The others follow suit. CUT TO: InT. underGROUND cavern campsite -- later With the generator going at a moderate clip, camp is finally set up. The lanterns brought along add a certain bit of charm to this underground vacation spot. Pup tents are up and a small fire is burning for dinner. In the background Mics boom-box can be heard. Diamond huddled over the food, has volunteered to cook. DIAMOND (to Mic) Do you go anywhere without music? MICHAEL Are you cooking food or asking jock type questions? DIAMOND Everyones a smart ass. JOEY Whens dinner time Diamond? DIAMOND When its done. T-BEAR I think the thin air is affecting his brain cells. Diamond & joey What brain cells... DIAMOND (CONTD) ...I know the routine by now. Little prick. (beat) If you fags are so impatient. Why dont you amuse each other until dinner is ready. TJ How is that done miles underground oh knowledgable one. 0002000006000000808C5FA,DIAMOND Gross jokes. (beat) Oh, come on. Between all the brain power here. You should be able to come up with a few corny ones. MICHAEL What do the numbers 1776 and 1492 have in common? TJ What do they have in common? MICHAEL Theyre adjoining rooms at the Warsaw Hilton. T-BEAR This is going to be a long 2 weeks! DIAMOND That wasnt to bad Mic. Who else? (beat) Come on brianiacs...somebody. TJ I got one. (beat) How come there isnt any grass in Polish sports stadiums? MICHAEL I give...why? TJ To keep the cheerleaders from grazing at halftime. DIAMOND (laughing over food) Now that one has promise. JOEY How about not laughing so hard over the food D. We all got to eat you know. (beat) I got one. What do vampires eat as snacks? DIAMOND What? JOEY SCABS. This joke gets a well deserved round of boos. T-BEAR Thats disgusting. DIAMOND Yea. Disgusting but good. But you have to tell them with, emotion. (beat) What do you call a guy with no legs and no arms whos always getting shit on? (beat) JOHN! What do you call a guy with no arms and legs whos been pushed into the swimming pool? (beat) BOB! The brothers are moaning for Diamond to please stop...but hes relentless... DIAMOND (CONTD) I got a million of them. What do you call a guy with no arms and legs skimming across a pond? (beat) SKIPPY! Although some of the brothers are enjoying Ds little floor show some are not. But hes cracking himself up immensely. JOEY Youre something else...you know that D. DIAMOND Yeah. Youre right about that. I am too much. 000200000C8000008686C7A,(beat) Ask all the little ladies Ive opened... JOEY Diamond enough man...down boy , heel. DIAMOND (yells) Soups on! CUT TO: INT. CAVERN UNDERGROUND CAMPSITE -- EVENING Dirty paper plates and beer litter the immediate area surrounding the campfire. Still in the air, the lingering aroma of cooked meat filling the immense cavern. The effects of drinking beer slowly come to the surface. JOEY Where did you learn to barbecue D? MICHAEL Yeah, that was excellent. TJ Football players dont know how to cook. Not like that anyway. DIAMOND You learn to cook that way when youre raised by a mother, two sisters and a grandmother. T-BEAR You know we tease you a lot. And we mean no harm by it. You know this, right? DIAMOND And you KNOW if I didnt like you pencil neck type geeks, Id squash you like little bugs! (beat) You guys are the closest things to having real brothers Ive ever had. Diamond breaks into song singing one of their favorite frat songs. DIAMOND (CONTD) (FRAT SONG TO BE ADDED LATER) The others join in. By the time the chorus is reached, everyone is singing and raising empty beer cans high. They all prepare to bed down for the night. Sort of like the Waltons TV show with the good nights. Out of the bowels of the cavern comes a faint high pitched shrilly sound (heard earlier on Moon Peak) resonating from deep within the cavern. MICHAEL What the hell was that TJ Gas pockets. Get some sleep. (beat) See you guys in the morning. TJ heads for his tent (shares w/Joey). Everyone has packed it in for the night except Diamond. He rolls out his backpack sleeping near the fire where its still warm, pulling out a locket from around his neck , opening it...inside, a picture of his missing sister. DIAMOND I swear Ill find you wherever you are baby girl. I swear. Phi Alpha. DISSOLVE TO: INT. camp fire -- night The fire burns bright in the underground campsite as the camera pans around SAE Tent City. Diamond curled up close to the fire, snores loudly as the flames flicker out. In the darkness, the high pitched shrilly sound fills the cavern. Only this time its much closer and louder. But the noise wakes no one from their semi drunken stupor. CUT TO: EXT. mOON PEAK -- new day STATE POLICE, local POLICE, Campus Police and CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATORS. Searching and prodding through the remains of the sports car. The Campus Police car that Dave drove (Campus Cop #2) still has its engine & lights running. SARGENT ALLEN PETERSON goes to the vehicle, reaches inside, finally turning off ignition. A STATE TROOPER approaches Sgt. Peterson. Trooper 1 Sgt. This is all we found of Officer Scott! He gives Peterson the gun, flashlight and hat... Sgt. Peterson Where did you find these? TROOPER 1 Over there near that hole in the ground. He points in the direction to where half the investigation is taking place around the very unusual large hole. TROOPER 1 (CONTD) It looks like he was dragged into it. Finger type marks lead in that direction. SGT. PETERSON Show me! The Trooper leads the Sgt. To the hole. Moving people out of his way as they go. CUT TO: Low angle of hole -- continuous The hole is HUGE. No doubt about it. It could swallow a passenger bus easily. TWO! 0002000005F6000093005F0,SGT. PETERSON (looking down) Jesus H. Christ. Look at the size of this. He sees the deep claw marks made by Officer Dave Scott. As if he was desperately trying his damndest to get away. SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) Poor devil. We have to send a team down there. (beat) Wasn't there a Professor from the school who helped a while back find some kid stuck out here in a cave or hole of some type? TROOPER 1 Yes sir. He was from the University. SGT. PETERSON Ask those campus cops over there to help us locate him, Trooper. TROOPER 1 Its done sir. The Sgt. picks up a rock and throws it into the hole. Hoping to here it hit bottom. But he hears absolutely nothing. SGT. PETERSON Damn thats deep. TROOPER 1 And cold too! This feeble attempt at humor escapes the Sgt. CUT TO: INT. underground CAVERN CAMPSITE (day 2) -- Morning The boys, after a restful sleep start assembling gear to take with them on their excursion down the stream. JOEY A word to the wise. Travel light. You want to be able to move with ease. So take whats necessary. T-BEAR Aye, aye fearless leader. TJ Captain Blighe at his best. MICHAEL Anyone seen D? (yells) Hey D. Diamond! JOEY Relax Sherlock. Hes over there Joey points back to the way they entered the cavern. JOEY (CONTD) I think hes either praying or meditating. Or something! (beat) He had a bad dream last night. I heard him yelling in his sleep. TJ His sister? Joey nods yes. CUT TO: Groups pov Diamond in a lotus position near the entrance of the cavern. Rubbing the beads in his palm... 000200000604000098F05FE,DIAMOND Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Nam-Myho-Renge-Kyo. Nam-myoho-Renge-kyo... This phrase is repeated over and over by Diamond. CUT TO: INT. stream -- later The boys have been following the stream, for hours. T-BEAR This is impossible. Streams dont go on for miles and miles underground! Like in some Jules Vern story. TJ This one does! Maybe itll come out at the surface somewhere? T-BEAR I doubt it. Water doesn't run uphill. Brianiac! JOEY This is incredible. T-BEAR Anyone noticing that stench in the air? MICHAEL Yeah, its burning my nose. TJ Sure its not Diamond? DIAMOND Fuck you too very much Mr. Funny boy. Very Funny. But it aint me this time. (beat) Havent let one out since breakfast anyway. Im about due now. JOEY Is that a personal best? DIAMOND Shut up queer eye for the straight guy. CUT TO: EXT. mOON PEAK -- late afternoon The State Police and other AGENCIES mull around the crime scene, scratching out clues. Sgt. Peterson is with THREE heavily armed TROOPERS. SGT. PETERSON When we find this Prof., I want you three to go down with him. Hell Be along to make sure you guys get back to the surface. A patrol car pulls up behind the conference taking place. The car doors swing open, out pops Prof. Graham with Trooper #1 SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) Any questions? (no response) You guys stay ready and sharp. We have no idea what or whos down there. The Trooper escorts Graham over to Sgt. Peterson. TROOPER 1 Prof., this is Sgt. Peterson. Graham extends his hand... TROOPER 1 (CONTD) Sgt. Peterson, Prof. Graham. 0002000005B700009EEE5B1,SGT. PETERSON Nice to meet you Prof. Wish the conditions were different. PROF. GRAHAM (noticing the abandon car) How can I be of assistance Sgt.? I was told youd fill me in. Peterson walks the Professor In the direction of the hole. SGT. PETERSON That car was found by one of the Campus Police. He was following a lead on a missing Coed. (beat) He radioed in that he had found the car as it is. When help arrived, all that could be found of Officer Scott where these. He holds out the items for Prof. Graham to see. PROF. GRAHAM What does this have to do with an archeological professor? This sounds like a missing persons case to me. Sgt Peterson has quietly lead the Prof. to the claw marks in the ground, around the hole. Graham is taken back by the size of the hole. He carefully gets closer to the edge to look in. SGT. PETERSON Yes. It is a missing person, but then we found this hole. (beat) I figured you wouldnt mind leading some of my men down there to search for Officer Scott. (beat) Well be in constant radio contact. PROF. GRAHAM (in amazement) I dont think anyone has ever found a hole this large before! SGT. PETERSON Youre probably right. The only time this place is busy is at night. Local campus make out point. Im surprised no one ever fell in. Will you help us Prof. Graham? PROF. GRAHAM Absolutely! Ill need to go back and pack some gear and supplies. SGT. PETERSON Already taken care of. (beat) I was hoping youd say yes! 00020000063F0000A49F639,PROF. GRAHAM That sure of yourself are you? SGT. PETERSON Yes sir, I am. (to Trooper 1) Take the Prof here over to the gear we got. Let him check it all out. (to Graham) Its the top of the line. According to my brother. TROOPER 1 Right away Sgt. Peterson. CUT TO: INT. streAM -- LATER Still following the stream, the Brothers are a bit staggered about. T-Bear stops everyone dead in their tracks. T-BEAR Whow! (he goes to the wall) Check this out! It looks like writing. Someone starts singing The Doors - Writing On The Wall... T-BEAR (CONTD) Not funny asshole. (getting a closer look) It looks like writing. They all stop and gather at the spot on the wall. Flashlights roaming like crazy. TJ Its probably from some lost Indian tribe or something. T-BEAR It could be from the local tribes from this area. Im not all that familiar with all of that tribal lingo. But they used to be in these mountains Prof. Graham said. JOEY Well if were done with the infomercial, can we please continu-amo? T-BEAR Hold a sec Joey! (to Mic) Hey take a picture will you. MICHAEL OK. Everybody close your eyes on 3. DIAMOND Why? MICHAEL Otherwise when I flash youll be blinded...fool. Christ, Diamond! DIAMOND Oh. My Bad. JOEY (under his breath) Dumb ass! (losing patience) Hurry up and take the god-damn picture for Christ sake! A faint sound of splashing gets Joeys attention... JOEY (CONTD) Shss...listen to that! Michael yells 3 and the flash goes off...They all stop to try and hear whatever Joey thinks hes hearing...nothing is heard. T-BEAR Youre nuts. Listen to what. Are you losing it Joey? 0002000006310000AAD862B,JOEY No, no listen That sound. It sound like a waterfall off in the distance. (beat - Soto voice) Be real quite and concentrate clowns. They all try again and sure enough this time a faint water sound is heard splashing from a far distance. TJ Sounds like we may be close to the end of this God forsaken stream MICHAEL (excited) Come on these will be the greatest pictures I have ever took. T-BEAR (to Joey) Lead on fearless one. TJ Has anyone noticed that weve been traveling downhill at all. He shines his flashlight back behind himself showing that they have indeed been walking downhill. It a long dark tunnel angling up from the direction they just came from. T-BEAR Oh Shit. I hate walking up hills. JOEY This stream seems like its narrowing off a... ...Joey drops completely out of sight. All that can be seen is flashlight falling and then....SPLASH! JOEY (O.C.) FUCK! (gasping for air) FUCK! SOMEONE HELP! TJ (concerned he yells) JOEY...JOEY...where are you man. JOEY. T-BEAR (yells) SAY SOMETHING SHIT FOR BRAINS! Not being able to see Joey the others, still concerned, try there best not to break out laughing. JOEY (O.C.) Watch out for that first step...Its a mother. (beat) Stay dont move. DIAMOND Where are you? JOEY Look down Einstein! They shine their lights in the direction of his voice. Then down to the ground and notice that they are only a foot from the edge. They carefully proceed closer to the edge shining their lights down on Joey. 30 feet down splashing around in an underground pool of water. T-BEAR Where the hell is all this water coming from? 000200000BBE0000B103BB8,DIAMOND (to Joey) Hey Pisano. Hows the water? Diamond falls to the ground laughing. Why no one knows. The joke wasnt funny. He rolls around on the ground laughing so hard that he goes over and we hear another scream almost that of a girl and then...SPLASH. The brothers all laugh. JOEY (to Diamond in the water) Wouldnt it have been easier to throw the rope down? DIAMOND Fuck you. Just fuck you. Shit, Im all wet. JOEY NO! TJ You ought to put your trunks on first next time bro! JOEY Quit your bitching and throw down the rope. MICHAEL Simon says please? JOEY PLEASE drop the damn rope! CUT TO: InT. joeyS Pov -- CONTINUOUS He shines his light around he and Diamond then up at the Brothers. JOEY Hurry up you guys. This water aint exactly room temperature. DIAMOND Damn its cold down here. (beat-to himself) And deep too! Diamond starts laughing again at his own bad joke. Joey shakes his head. JOEY Why me. What Did I do? Hurry stooges! TJ (O.C.) Its coming. Joey continues to flash his light around as the rope slowly comes into view. Looking up, his light flashes across an opening just below where the brothers are lowering the rope. About 15 feet above the water line. CUT TO: InT. underground pool -- continuous The rope SPLASHES into the water. Joey reaches for the rope, slipping the loop end over his head and under his arms. JOEY OK! Pull me up...SLOW. I saw another tunnel just below you guys. TJ & T-Bear pull Joey up with relative ease while Mic keeps the light on the two stranded brothers. TJ & Mic manage to get Joey to the new opening. JOEY (CONTD) HOLD IT! Joey gets his footing scrambling into the opening. Tossing the rope back down to Diamond he then pulls out a hammer & spike from his soaking wet backpack. The Brothers struggle, pulling up Diamond. Mic has to put down his light and grab a hold of the rope. Joey pounds the spike into the wall... JOEY (CONTD) (yelling up) IM GOING TO CONNECT THE ROPE TO A SPIKE IN THE WALL. YOU GUYS DO THE SAME UP THERE, SO YOU CAN CLIMB DOWN HERE. While waiting for the brothers to join them...A shivering Joey & Diamond venture a little into the new tunnel opening. CUT TO: EXT. mOON PEAK -- cONTINUOUS Sgt. Peterson has engaged the help of a tow truck and its OPERATOR (a local TOWNIE) to help lower a cage with the Professor and Troopers into the hug hole. TWO TROOPERS have already been sent down. PROF. GRAHAM (to truck operator) Hows it going? Tow truck driver Smooth as a babys behind. Sgt. Peterson pulls out his radio... SGT. PETERSON (into radio) How is it down there Professor? PROF. GRAHAM (O.s.) Ok. I can see the other Troopers lights. It looks like were almost there! CUT TO: INT. mOON PEAK -- early evening (sunset) PROF. GRAHAM I cant believe how long it took to get down here. SGT. PETERSON (O.S.) Well work up a faster way to get you up & out! PROF. GRAHAM That would be greatly appreciated. The cage hits the bottom...finally. The other TWO TROOPERS already down there, help them out of the cage. 000200000BAE0000BCBBBA8,PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) We hit pay dirt. (beat) It smells like sulfuric acid down here! SGT. PETERSON (O.S.) Theres an old area around here used for a toxic dump-site. But nothing could possibly be buried down there that deep! PROF. GRAHAM Could you check it out for me please Sgt.? SGT. PETERSON Will do Professor. Make sure you mark the spot with flares. (beat to Trooper 3) Stay in constant touch with us. And leave your radios on at all times. Trooper 3 Yes Sir. Professor Graham pulls out a compass. PROF. GRAHAM (into radio) Were going to go west first for about 15 meters or so. CUT TO: INT. 2nd tunnel (the Brothers) -- later TJ Ok. Were set. (he leaves flare) Lets go Captain Kirk. DIAMOND JESUS CHRIST! Whats that smell? T-BEAR Its stronger then before. MICHAEL DAMN! That is bad! (pulling out hanky) I dont know about you guys. But thats burning the HELL out of my nose. Smell or not the Brothers charge onward through the dark. T-BEAR (tripping) Damn! What was that? He flashes his light near his feet...an odd object sticks from the ground. T-BEAR (CONTD) What the hell? He bends over and digs it from the earth. T-BEAR (CONTD) This is a bone...a human bone. And it doesn't look very old either. From far up ahead, the Brothers hear Joeys yell. JOEY (O.S.) JESUS CHRIST! You guys have got to see this! Joey has his light trained on a small pile of human bones. The other Brothers quicken their pace to Joeys yell. It seems that they have stumbled across a skeleton boneyard of some type. Some look old while others seem to be fresh. TJ follows the mass of the bones with his flashlight. TJ Hey T-Bear. Dont go so far ahead. Wait for us! The Brothers catch up with T-Bear as he has comes to the end of the humongous pile of bones. T-BEAR Can you believe this? CUT TO: InT. cAVERN lair (egg chamber) -- continous Unbeknownst to the Brothers the tunnel they choose to follow has lead them into an even larger and bigger Cavern than the one they set up camp in. Flashlights zipping back and forth reveal an incredible sight to the Brothers. In front of them, giant oblong shape objects. Similar to the shape of eggs. Only 100 times larger with crusty exteriors and a strange magenta type color. The strange odor is much stronger in this area. So strong it brings tears to the eyes. JOEY (to T-Bear) What the hell are these things? T-BEAR Your guess is as good as mine! TJ Jesus Christ. There hundreds of them. T-BEAR They look like eggs. WHAT kind of egg is the mystery. And judging from the coldness down here. Id guess that they are frozen solid. Mic quickly unpacks his camera... T-BEAR (CONTD) Make sure you get that huge pile too! MICHAEL Sure. This will be great for the campus paper. Hell Campus paper. National Inquisitor here I come. ...Hello Tuition! (beat) Not being scientific and all, I think its safe to assume from the quantity of these things that were in somethings nest. T-BEAR Im with you on that. But what kind of nest? DIAMOND (O.C.) 0002000006430000C86363D,HEY! Over here you guys! They flash their lights on Diamond...He is standing in front of another huge tunnel opening slightly covered with webs and dust as a breeze comes from the opening. T-BEAR WOOH people. One thing at a time children. The Brothers team up and explore a little further. JOEY (to T-Bear) I wonder how long this has been down here? T-BEAR A wild guess? Id say somewhere between 2 to 3 decades. TJ No way! They cant be that old!? T-BEAR That was a guess not a fact. The only way to find out for sure is to take one back and x-ray it. (beat) Professor Grahams going to love this. JOEY Are you nuts...these things are huge. How the hell do you propose getting it back to the top? T-BEAR Dragging it, pulling it, carrying it or pushing this SOB. We have to get it back to a lab. (beat) Hey this was your idea to go exploring. Well we found something. Arent you the least bit curious about whats inside this thing? TJ (to T-Bear) NO not really. (to Joey) But he does have a point! JOEY If we do take one...please make it the smallest one. TJ (looking around the chamber) This is going to be a blast! T-BEAR Once weve found one, well make a sled from some of those bones. TJ Aw...man...thats GROSS! JOEY More like sacrilegious. T-BEAR You got a better idea!? Joey & T.J look at each other...giving in. CUT TO: INT. entrance to the nest -- continous Mic is snapping pictures while Diamond wanders about the bones keeping his attention on MIC. Diamond flashes his light around...something reflects back at him, grabbing his attention. He gets closer to the object to pick it up. 0002000005CE0000CEA05C8,DIAMOND Ill be damn! MICHAEL What is it? DIAMOND (excited) My Sisters locket... (yells) GINA...GINA...YOU DOWN HERE? Out of the darkness comes the HIGH PITCHED SHRILLY NOISE. LOUDER and definitely CLOSER. Everybody stops dead in their tracks. Flashlights darting about trying to find the source. CUT TO: INT. nest -- continous TJ That was no damn air pocket! JOEY (to Diamond) What the hell are you yelling about? DIAMOND Look at this. (he hold up locket) This belonged to my sister. Shes down here some-fucking-where. I know it. I feel it! JOEY After we get this egg loaded, well all look OK? Stay tight! Joey and TJ have fashioned a sled from the bones laying around the chamber. Again from the depths of the cavern comes another HIGH PITCHED SHRILLY SOUND. LOUDER AND MUCH CLOSER ...extremely CLOSER. TJ (loosing his cool) Gas pockets my ass. Lets hurry and get the fuck out of here, PLEASE! JOEY (to T-Bear) Whatever it is we are going to do, lets get on it and get the hell OUTTA DODGE. Something else is definitely down here! And I really dont want to meet it! CUT TO: INT. anOTHER tunnel (prof. Graham & troopers) -- continous Hearing that last sound echo through the cave. The search party lead by Graham comes to a halt. PROF. GRAHAM Did you hear that? TROOPER 3 I heard a name? PROF. GRAHAM I heard that to. Did you hear that noise? TROOPER 4 Yea...I heard it! Prof. Graham and Troopers head off in the direction of the voice they heard. PROF. GRAHAM (into radio) 00020000059E0000D468598,Sgt. Peterson...we heard someone else down here. Were headed off in that direction...over! SGT. PETERSON (O.S.) Roger that. Be careful, whoever the hell it is, isnt playing with a full deck...over! Trooper #3 has gone ahead of the group on point...gun drawn and ready. He stumbles over something in the earth. TROOPER 3 Professor Graham! Graham shines his light on Trooper 3, whose light shines on the clothing & remains of Officer Scott. TROOPER 3 (cONTD) (into radio) Sgt. Peterson. We found Officer Scott. SGT. PETERSON (v.O.) Well send down a stretcher! TrOOPER 4 Make that a baggie. SGT. PETERSON (O.S.) GOD DAMN IT! CUT TO: INT. neST -- CONTINOUS The boys load one of the smaller eggs onto the bone sled. JOEY OK. Lets get the HELL OUT OF DODGE. DIAMOND Im not leaving until I find Gina. I know shes down here somewhere. How else could this get here? He holds up the locket. Points his flashlight into an unexplored tunnel, yelling her name a few times. Diamond takes off into the tunnel...screaming his sisters name. JOEY (yells after Diamond) D-MAN! WAIT! DONT GO IN THERE ALONE! WAIT FOR US! (to group) Someone come with me, the rest stay put until we get back. TJ Ill stay here and watch this thing. T-BEAR (to Joey) Ill go with you. JOEY Come on then. Joey and T-Bear head off into the tunnel after Diamond. MICHAEL Ill stay here with TJ And hold her hand. TJ FUCK YOU. CUT TO: INT. UNEXPLORED TUNNEL -- LATER 0002000006080000DA00602,Joey and T-Bear have caught up with Diamond who is frantic at the hope of finding his sister. DIAMOND I just know shes down here. I can feel it. JOEY I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But even if she is down here, chances are shes dead D. DIAMOND Dont say that! T-BEAR Come on D-Man, be realistic. How else could you just happen to find her locket? She wouldnt take it off would she? DIAMOND No. JOEY You got to realize that she might be dead. Feel how cold it is down here! How could she survive this? The high pitched shrilly noise happens again. Deafening as if its right on top of them. They all shine their lights in the direction of the sound... CUT TO: Groups pov -- continuous Their lights simultaneously shine on the head of something truly terrifying to them all. All that can be made out of the object are two bulging lifeless like eyes, long wispy antenna, and a huge claw like thing (mandibles) near what could be the mouth area. On the mandibles hang pieces of police clothing and flesh. JOEY JESUS H. CHRIST! T-BEAR (backing away) It looks like an over grown fucking ant! DIAMOND Oh MY GOD! My Sister! Diamond picks up a rock heaving it at the Ant. Joey reaches into his back pack grabbing a can of spray paint. T-BEAR (to Joey) Good Idea! (to Diamond) Get ready to run when he lites that can! JOEY READY! Joey discharges the can, lighting a flame in the direction of the Ant. The Ant lets out an even louder shrill then before retreating back a bit. The Boys all run back out of the tunnel back the way they came. 0002000005FC0000E0025F6,CUT TO: INT. nEST -- CONTINOUS TJ (really scared) Oh Christ. Jesus Christ. Lets get the hell out of here! MICHAEL (yells into tunnel) LETS BLOW THIS JOINT BOYS...COME ON! CUT TO: INT. MOON PEAK TUNNEL -- CONTINUOUS The Troopers have bagged the remains of Officer Scott. They watch the cage being pulled back to the surface when they hear voices yelling and the shrilly sound again. CUT TO: EXT. mOON PEAK -- CONTINUOUS Peterson has replaced the Tow with a more powerful and faster winch system. He anxiously waits for it to reach the surface. TROOPER 1 It coming up Sgt. Peterson. Peterson and his men gather around the opening. The cage reaches the top. They swing it cage over to solid ground. Sgt. Peterson unzips the bag... SGT. PETERSON Oh my God! What the hell did this! Trooper 1 looses his stomach. Peterson grabs his radio... SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) (into radio) Professor, we got the body. The Shrill noise goes off again. Peterson hears it through his radio... SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) What the hell was that? PROF. GRAHAM Dont know Sgt., but someone else is down here. Were going to check it out. (beat) Oh Christ, A student I know went caving around here in the mountains with his fraternity brothers. We have to check out that noise Sgt. Graham and the Troopers head off in the direction of the noise. CUT TO: INT. neST -- CONTINOUS TJ and Mic nervously await the return of Joey & T-Bear. Flashlights trained on the tunnel entrance. Joey and T-Bear explode out of the tunnel first. Closely followed by Diamond. 0002000005B50000E5F85AF,JOEY (out of breath) Well tell you later. (he looks back in tunnel) Right now lets get out of here. They all take off down the tunnel of which they originally came from. T-Bear dragging the egg behind them. JOEY (CONTD) Leave that GODDAMN thing! T-BEAR No fuckin way. Joey goes back to help him. DIAMOND (to Joey) I got it! You just get us out of here! The Shrilly sound stops everyone in their tracks. From out of a tunnel, the huge mandibles and antennae of an Ant appears. It has followed them back into the nest. TJ HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? JOEY Like I said, Ill tell later. MOVE YOUR ASS! T-BEAR MIC WHERES YOUR CAMERA? MICHAEL Are you out of your fuckin mind! Im not taking.... T-BEAR THE FLASH ASSHOLE! Those big ass eyes have to be sensitive to light. JOEY Hurry up. SNAP A FUCKIN PICTURE! Mic spins, camera in hand, snapping off a quick flash. Causing the Ant to let out another ear piercing scream. The boys run off down the tunnel as the Ant retreats a little. Diamond and T-Bear drag the sled at an incredible pace. Tripping over the heels of others running in front of them. CUT TO: INT. uNDERGROUND POOL -- later Graham and the Troopers have found the pool and rope. PROF. GRAHAM This is definitely unbelievable. Look at this. In the distance they hear the high pitched shrill and voices of others. The Troopers draw their guns. TJ (O.S.) Ill see you all back at camp. JOEY (O.S.) TJ wait! Dont forget about the... 0002000006310000EBA762B,A large splash is heard off camera. Graham shines his light in the direction of the splash. In the water he finds a frantically splashing TJ Desperately trying to run in the water to get away from something. TJ (pointing up) Shine your light up there! (yells) HEY FELLOWS WERE NOT ALONE. JOEY (O.C.) NO SHIT SHERLOCK. You forget the pool. Joey appears above at the opening... TJ (yells) WERE NOT ALONE...LOOK! Joey sees Trooper with guns... JOEY (CONTD) Am I glad to see you. Your gonna need those guns. The SHRILLY noise goes off again from somewhere in the tunnel. Mic,T-Bear & Diamond come charging out of the tunnel almost pushing Joey into the pool below. PROF. GRAHAM Are you boys from SAE? TJ Yea...who are you? PROF. GRAHAM Where is Theodore? T-BEAR Right here. Prof. Graham!? Prof. Graham wait till you see what I found! PROF. GRAHAM Whos chasing you? Who are you running from? TJ Not who, whats chasing us! Again the shrilly sound goes off...this time it sounds like more. MICHAEL Xina ehta llamsa klata. Lets get the fuck down there! (yells) GERONIMO! He jumps into the pool without any hesitation, followed by Joey & T-Bear. They swim towards Graham and Troopers. Diamond stays up top. T-BEAR (to Diamond) Throw down the egg and jump...quick. Diamond pushes the sled over the edge. But does not jump. He grabs a piece of bone jams it into a small crevice and snaps it. Creating a weapon, climbing the rope up over the tunnels entrance. The ANT sticks its humongous head out from the darkness of the tunnel... PROF. GRAHAM HOLY CHRIST! THIS CANT BE POSSIBLE! 0002000006090000F1D2603,The Troopers notice the piece of uniform and flesh hanging from the mandibles of the Ant. They take aim & fire... TROOPER 3 That Officers Scotts shirt. FIRE! PROF. GRAHAM (eyes on Diamond) Wait until hes out of the way. Diamond is halfway up the rope. The Ant grabs at Diamond with its powerful mandibles. Using the bone he grabbed, Diamond swings at the Ant. Damaging one of its antenna. DIAMOND Thats for my sister you FUCK. He swings again, jamming the Ant in one of its eyes. Diamond leaves the bone hanging from the Ants eye and climbs down the rope into the tunnel. With Diamond in the clear the Troopers open fire. Between the loud gun fire and the screaming Ant, the noise is unbearable. The Ant is riddled with bullets as the Troopers unload their weapons. The Ant slumps over the edge of the tunnel opening. Lifeless. PROF. GRAHAM I dont believe this. (beat) My grandfather used to tell me stories about giant ants. But I thought he was just full of bull. T-BEAR I hardly think so. Look what we found. He goes to the edge of the water dragging the egg out. PROF. GRAHAM What is it? (he looks) Is that an egg. Christ it looks old. T-BEAR Think we can use the schools x-ray machine to see whats inside? PROF. GRAHAM (excitedly) Cant wait. From the tunnel they just came out of, another high pitched shrilly sound pierces the air. The dead Ant mysteriously falls into the water. Diamond screams from within the tunnel. CUT TO: INT. first tunnel -- continuous DIAMOND (O.S.) You bastards arent going to get me that easy. 0002000005E90000F7D55E3,He reappears at the tunnel opening, diving into the pool below. Another Ant sticks its huge head out of the tunnel, trying to snatch Diamond out of mid air but fails. CUT TO: INT. underGROUND POOL -- CONTINUOUS Diamond swims to safety while more Ants stream out of the tunnel above their heads. PROF. GRAHAM Its time we get the hell out of here. (into his radio) Sgt. I found that group of students. We need extraction ASAP! The Troopers open fire on the fast approaching Ants. DIAMOND Theyre coming from the direction of camp. TJ Oh GREAT! We cant go back that way. T-BEAR Didnt you hear? Theyre gonna get us out...Chill. Here...help me with this egg. PROF. GRAHAM Lets move fellas. Between the noise the Ants are making and gun fire from the Troopers, its ear shattering inside the cavern. As the expanded party tries to escape the advancing Ants. CUT TO: EXT. mOON PEAK -- CONTINUOUS Sgt. Peterson hears the commotion from his radio and from deep within the hole echoes of the gunshots. SGT. PETERSON (to Trooper 1) Get on the radio and get me some heavy duty back up out here. PRONTO! CUT TO: INT. MOON PEAK TUNNEL -- LATER Graham has lead the party back to the cave where the basket cage is waiting for them. PROF. GRAHAM Lets go. Everybody in...quickly! Mic & TJ load themselves into the basket cage. PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) (into radio) Sgt. you need to work fast up there! Were ready down here. The Troopers do their best to hold off the fast approaching ANTS. Gunfire is fast and furious. 00020000060D0000FDB8607,PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) (to T-Bear) This is absolutely an incredible find. But they will have to be destroyed. JOEY No shit Sherlock. CUT TO: EXT. moon peak -- later Having reached the surface. TJ And Mic jump out of the basket cage running towards Sgt. Peterson. TJ (urgently) You guys have got to hurry it up. Those things are everywhere down there. SGT. PETERSON What things son? TJ ANTS, BIG ANTS, Giant Ants. SGT. PETERSON (to operator) How much weight can this thing handle? TOW TRUCK DRIVER I can pull a fully loaded 18 wheeler out of a ditch in a split second. SGT. PETERSON (to Trooper 1) Fix harnesses onto the cage and put extra firepower in the cage. And get that GODDAMN thing back down there. NOW! Trooper 1 hurries to obey the command of Peterson. SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) (into radio) Listen Professor, Were attaching extra harnesses to the cage. I want you all to attach yourselves to them. Everyone comes up on one trip. CUT TO: INT. moon peak tunnel -- later The basket cage returns to the bottom with additional harnesses attached. The Troopers can still be heard discharging their weapons. PROF. GRAHAM (to Troopers) Were all going up together on this one. Save some ammunition. The Troopers fall back to the basket cage and harnesses. T-Bear ties the sled to the bottom of cage. Pulling back the Troopers encounter an Ants who grabs Trooper 4 from behind crushing him in his mandibles. The uneasy sound of bones crushing can be heard echoing through the chamber. The Ant positions its stinger on its prey (TROOPER 4)... 0002000005C5000103BF5BF,TROOPER 4 SOMEONE HELP ME! Diamond runs to the aid of Trooper 4, doing his best to pry him out of the grasp of the Ant. The Troopers gun falls to the ground. Diamond picks it up, firing right into the huge lifeless eye of the creature. DIAMOND ALRIGHT YOU FREAKISH SON-OF-A-BITCH. ITS MY TURN. TASTE THIS MOTHERFUCKER! The limp body of Trooper 4 falls from the mandibles of the Ant. The Troopers drag his body to the basket cage. JOEY (yells) Come on D-man. Lets get the hell out of here. Diamond along with Trooper 3 spray gun fire. Abling the others to reach the Basket cage & harnesses. Everyone hooks on for the wild ride up to safety. PROF. GRAHAM (into radio) Top floor please...GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE...NOW! Diamond and the Troopers continue to fire downward at the Ants as their express elevator moves rapidly up the hole. JOEY (to Graham) What is that noise they keep making? PROF. GRAHAM Communication! Thats how they speak with each other. JOEY You got to be kidding...right? T-BEAR We arent the only beings on the earth who can communicate you know. That shrilly noise is all around as they continue upward. JOEY JESUS H CHRIST! This cant be real. Those with flashlights immediately shine them outside the cage onto the walls of the hole. They see more tunnels ending into this deep hole. More alarming are the thousands of Ants they see sticking their heads out of the tunnels trying to desperately grab at the meal that seems to be eluding them. 0002000006C60001097E6C0,T-BEAR I wonder how long these bastards have been down here? PROF. GRAHAM Thats what Im hoping that egg you found will tell us. TrOOPER 3 I got this funny feeling that we just found out where all those missing people are. Joey Yep and Mics got the pictures to prove. CUT TO: Tight shot on winch smoking -- later The motor from the winch blows smoke from the speed and weight of the basket cage its hauling. CUT TO: EXT. moon peak hole opening -- continuous Sgt. Peterson paces back and forth in front of the opening. The Operator of the winch walks over to him... TOW TRUCK DRIVER I dont know how much longer she can hold out, sir. Peterson sees the smoke. Trooper 1 waits at the hole for the basket cage to emerge. SGT. PETERSON (to everyone around hole) Find a net to go over that hole once that cage gets above ground. (yells) MOVE YOUR FUCKIN ASSS. They all scatter to the equipment truck... TROOPER 1 Sgt. (he points to winch) The winch is blowing out really thick smoke. The Troopers lay ready at the edge of the hole with net in hand. TJ & Mic run to the edge of the hole. TJ (to operator) Cant this thing go any faster? TOW TRUCK DRIVER Its working overtime, college boy! Mic being ever ready with the camera, is snapping pictures like crazy. The gunfire from the hole gets louder. SGT. PETERSON GET THAT NET READY... CUT TO: ANOTHER ANGLE OF HOLE -- CONTINUOUS Graham, the SAE Brothers and Troopers emerge from the hole like a bullet. With the over sized egg dangling from the bottom of the cage. Those around the hole jump into action getting the net under the cage. They secure the net just in time...the motor on the winch explodes sending everyone for cover. The basket cage falls safely onto the net. 0002000005AF0001103E5A9,CUT TO: EXT. moON PEAK -- CONTINUOUS Sgt. Peterson, Troopers & PARAMEDICS rush getting the group to safety. SGT. PETERSON What happened down there? PROF. GRAHAM Its going to take time to explain. Something we dont have a lot of! SGT. PETERSON You think...go ahead. Im all ears. PROF. GRAHAM Sgt. before I do that. I think we should get that hole covered ASAP! JOEY Cut the shit. If those Ants get up here none of us will have time for anything...Capice! SGT. PETERSON What ants? Whats he babbling about? PROF. GRAHAM They found a nest of mutated Ants. Sgt. Petersons face couldnt get any whiter... SGT. PETERSON I thought those were the ramblings of an old senile man...Oh Shit! PROF. GRAHAM Yeah...Oh shit is right! The shrilly noise heard down in the caves echoes from the hole. Everyone freezes in their tracks. All eyes focused on the hole. Quick Cut to: Ext. Moon peak hole -- continuous Three Ants emerge from the hole. Cutting through the net like paper. One lone Trooper tries his best to keep it secured. Those with guns open fire immediately. Others flee from the scene searching for cover. SGT. PETERSON This is got to be a nightmare. (to his officers) Dont let them out of that hole. CUT TO: EXT. police car -- continuous JOEY (O.C.) D-MAN...DIAMOND COME BACK HERE! Diamond has rushed to the front. Gun ablaze... DIAMOND Those fuckin freakish things killed my sister. (still firing gun) DIE YOU GOD DAMN OVERGROWN MOTHERFUCKER. 000200000652000115E764C,He fires until hes out of ammunition. But he has succeeded in killing one of the Ants. Another Ant has gotten behind Diamond. Diamond screams as the Ant picks him up with its powerful mandibles. Bones can be heard crushing. Diamond lets out a blood curdling scream. He pulls a knife from his pocket and repeatedly stabs the Ant in its eye. A dark ugly ooze gushes out of the Ants eye covering Diamond. DIAMOND FUCK YOU...FUCK YOU...FUCK YOU...FUCK YOU...FUCK (he drops the locket) Somebody shot this ugly SOB...HELP ME HELP..... Diamonds voice trails off. The Ant drags him back down into the hole. The Troopers finish off the remaining Ant. T-Bear picks up the locket. PROF. GRAHAM Now can we cover up that hole, Sgt. SGT. PETERSON (to Troopers) Find something, anything to cover up that fuckin hole. (yells) I needed it done yesterday people...move. (beat) Jesus Christ...not again! PROF. GRAHAM Yes again Sgt. T-BEAR Where do you think they came from Prof.? He looks at Peterson. PROF. GRAHAM Its a long story. One I thought made up to scare little kids. CUT TO: INT. proFESSOR GRAHAMS LAB -- new day Graham, T-Bear and Joey run tests on the egg. PROF. GRAHAM I can tell you this particular egg is at least 40 years old. JOEY Why didnt it hatch Prof. G? PROF. GRAHAM Professor Graham. You saw how cold it was down there yourselves. This egg was in, what you might call a deep freeze. T-BEAR Would that make the rest of them frozen as well? PROF. GRAHAM Thank God for small favors...huh. How many did you see? JOEY Hundreds if not thousands. T-BEAR This was the smallest one we could find to drag back. 000200000B1600011C33B10,PROF. GRAHAM The smallest!? JOEY Yes sir, those things were huge. PROF. GRAHAM One egg can hold as many as fifty ants. Of course thats in reverence to your normal everyday insect ant. Help me get this baby to the x-ray room. Lets see if we can see just how many are actually inside. CUT TO: Int. Lab x-ray room -- continuous The egg is under the powerful x-rays. Graham and the boys are safely away from the harmful rays of the machine in another room. Watching everything unfold on a monitor. JOEY Jesus, Look at that will you! The images of 5 dead ants with wings, Queen Ants (larger) appear on a TV monitor. PROF. GRAHAM (O.C.) Well, it looks like you junior archeologists found the Queens. T-BEAR (O.C.) Look at how large they are. JOEY (O.C.) Look at the size of those wings...Jesus CHRIST! CUT TO: INT. prOFESSOR GRAHAMS LAB -- continuous PROF. GRAHAM I think its safe to assume that this egg is dead. T-BEAR How is that? PROF. GRAHAM Being subject to that intense coldness for so many years. Not only did the cold freeze the egg. But it also killed anything that could have lived inside. JOEY So all those eggs we saw are dead? PROF. GRAHAM Exactly. Our only immediate worry is that nest at Moon Peak. A knock at the door stops conversation. Sgt. Peterson enters the lab carrying a large box of files, film and a projector. SGT. PETERSON I was hoping youd be here Prof. PROF. GRAHAM Whats all that you got there, Sgt. SGT. PETERSON Something Ive kept buried in my attic. My Grandfather was a Trooper in these parts back in the 50s. He dealt with a similar problem. I thought together we could go over his files. He worked together on this with agents from the FBI. (beat) Your Grandmother and Grandfather. (beat) Is that why you know these mountains and caves so well, Prof? PROF. GRAHAM Why dont we go into my office. SGT. PETERSON (referring to boys) Them too!? PROF. GRAHAM (after a beat) They found the nest! CUT TO: INT. professor grahams office -- later The contents of the Sgt. Petersons box are all over Grahams desk. Whos taken an interest in all this data. PROF. GRAHAM According to these files they did manage to destroy the nest. T-BEAR It looks like a few survived. Digging themselves deeper into the earth to escape destruction. SGT. PETERSON Or higher...take your pick. PROF. GRAHAM (reading from file) It says here that a cyanide bomb was used to kill the Ants and then they went down in the nest to burn up anything that may have survived with flame throwers. SGT. PETERSON Is that what we will have to do? PROF. GRAHAM Most likely. But I one question? (beat) If the nest was destroyed, how did they ever reach Moon Peak? Which is a damn good distance from there? SGT. PETERSON The only way to be sure is to go out to the old nest. JOEY Are you two thrill seekers brain dead or something? 000200000B2E00012743B28,T-BEAR It is the only way to be sure, Joey. Beside we should go back and look for Diamond. He still could be alive you know. PROF. GRAHAM I wouldnt count on it. Why dont we all meet at my house tonight. (to Peterson) Can you be there Sgt.? SGT. PETERSON Just as soon as I order us up some cyanide. PROF. GRAHAM OK. Ill see everyone at 8 sharp. T-BEAR OK Professor Graham. PROF. GRAHAM Joey? See if you can get copies of the pictures Mic took. CUT TO: EXT. front porch of sae house -- afternoon TJ sits on a rocker going over details for the Homecoming float he has promised to be accountable for. T-Bear and Joey approach excited about what they have learned about the egg. T-BEAR Brother TJ, nice to see you intend to keep your word. TJ (not looking up) I wouldnt be here if I didnt. T-BEAR True! JOEY Whats it going to look like. TJ Very warm and insect free. He holds up the sketch of the float. Unknown to TJ, a rather large insect ant crawls on his arm. JOEY Hey TJ..whats on your arm? TJ looks, sees the ant. He totally freaks out. Jumping up, knocking the ant off his arm. Pulling a gun from nowhere, he empties a whole clip shooting at the Ant. Missing the ant completely and sending T-Bear & Joey scrambling for cover. T-BEAR (yelling) ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKIN MIND!? JOEY IT WAS ONLY A LITTLE ANT.. TJ Uh huh...yeah...right. JOEY Were going back down with the Professor. Want to come with... TJ (losing it) Kiss my ass if you think Im going back down there with you...not in this lifetime. Joey & T-Bear enter the house laughing themselves crazy. TJ (CONTD) Laugh all you want...assholes. I aint going. CUT TO: Int. Professor grahams home -- evening In the modest home of Professor Graham, decorated with priceless relics and artifacts found on various expeditions. The Prof., has turned this important meeting into an pre-expedition party for all those in attendance (Sgt. Peterson, T-Bear, Joey & a few Troopers). They all sit in front of a very expensive Entertainment Center. Graham has the controls in his hand. SGT. PETERSON Shouldnt we be out there at Moon Peak destroying that nest Prof.? PROF. GRAHAM They feed at night Sgt. We would only be on the menu if we did. We need to attack them during the day. Ants hate intense heat. T-BEAR Then theyll be out again tonight!? SGT. PETERSON They wont find much food at Moon Peak. Its been cordoned off indefinitely. Or until weve eliminated the problem pests. PROF. GRAHAM Look ...I know we have to act fast. But we also need to know what were dealing with up there. JOEY Were dealing with friggin freaks of nature. Freaks that could wipe us all from the face of the earth if we dont act fast! T-BEAR Whoa there Terminator. PROF. GRAHAM True in a sense. But we need to determine where they cam from. (beat) I want you all to see something my Grandparents put together. 0002000006420001326B63C,Graham turns off the lights...the entertainment center comes to life. They watch an old film made by Prof. Grahams Grandparents. It explains the life cycle & social activities of the average insect ant. It also explains nuclear testing done by the army back in the 50s in this desert. And how it affected the people and indigenous life in the area. At its conclusion, Graham turns on the lights. CUT TO: Int. Prof. Grahams lab -- continuous The egg that was being X-rayed moves on the table. The shell of the egg cracks...slowly opening. Two Queen Ants emerge from the egg. CUT TO: Int. Professor graHAMS HOME -- EVENING -- continuous PROF. GRAHAM So we have to go back down there to physically see if there is another tunnel leading from the original nest to Moon Peak. If so, this time we have to make damn sure that they are all dead. Ants, eggs, and all. SGT. PETERSON Then what are we waiting for. I say we attack those bastards. NOW! T-BEAR Sgt. there are thousands of eggs and who knows how many Ants in that tunnel. Coming up, we saw countless Ants in the walls of that hole. JOEY They were trying to grab at us. I doubt if they were all tunnels, otherwise Moon Peak would collapse like a house of cards. PROF. GRAHAM Youre right, theyre not tunnels. Theyre little caves where the Ants can hatch their eggs. Like an incubation chamber of sorts. T-BEAR Are you saying they carry their eggs up the wall, and place them on those little platforms? PROF. GRAHAM Exactly. Ants work together better then any species on this planet. (beat) Follow me please. Time for show-n-tell. CUT TO: 0002000006DD000138A76D7,Ext. PROFESSOR GRAHAMS LAB -- CONTINUOUS The Ants are thrashing about looking for a way out. A JANITOR comes in to clean the room only to be grabbed and crushed by one of the Queens. The sound is deafening. CUT TO: Ext. MOON PEAK -- CONTINUOUS Assigned to guard the hole, Troopers 3 & 5 take a union 5. Talking about the dead Ant they shot and burned. Trooper 5 This is a bullshit. There aint no such thing as giant Ants. TROOPER 3 I was here man. I saw them. TrooPER 5 Yea right. You believe in Santa Claus too, I bet. The shrilly noise of the two Queen Ants pierces the night. Coming from the direction of Campus. TrOOPER 3 Listen to that! Thats exactly what they sound like. TrOOPER 5 When are you going to stop yanking my chain. The noise fills the night air again. Closer and louder then before and from the hole this time. TrOOPER 3 Fuck this, Im calling for back-up! TrOOPER 5 Dont be such a puss. (he smacks his gun) No one or nothing is going to bother us. Ill blow whatever the fuck it is into tomorrow. The steel plate used to cover the huge hole moves a bit... TrOOPER 3 Oh shit... (he pumps his weapon) TrOOPER 5 (gun drawn) What the hells going on. (he gets closer to hole) Whoever the fuck you think you are, come out with your hands up... The steel plate is pushed up high into the air. Trooper 3 runs to car. Trooper 5 not believing his eyes sees three giant Ants emerge from the hole. He opens fire on the fast advancing Ants, but quickly runs out of bullets. The Ants get closer and closer to Trooper 5. Trooper 3 has started the car and makes a dash for Trooper 5. Pulling up to him just before the Ants can make a meal of him. Trooper 5 reaches inside of the car window, grabbing Trooper 3s weapons. He turns and shoots. 00020000062B00013F7E625,CUT TO: Ext. Professor grahams barn -- later Graham has led his little party outside to his barn/garage. It looks more like a mini museum. PROF. GRAHAM Ive been scouring this area for years looking for proof to back up my Grandparents theories. For the longest time, I repeatedly kept coming up with nothing. Until I finally got up the nerve to visit the nest. Graham opens the barn doors, the lights come on. T-Bear, Joey, Sgt. Peterson and Troopers stare in amazement. PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) It was extremely scary at first. Going through the burned remains of mutated oversized ants. CUT TO: Int. Barn -- continuous In the middle of the barn/garage, sits a burned up egg and other charred remains of the Ants. PROF. GRAHAM Searching through what was left of the remains, I managed to save a couple of specimens. Joey takes a stroll around the rather large egg... JOEY ...Holy shit this egg is huge. SGT. PETERSON Then youve known about this for some time then? PROF. GRAHAM I knew about the past..yes. But there was never any evidence to corroborate it could happen again. SGT. PETERSON Then how do you justify their rejuvenation? PROF. GRAHAM When I was down there, I gathered all I could salvage for scientific reasons. I did however notice something strange. SGT. PETERSON Well dont stop sharing now, Prof. PROF. GRAHAM I noticed a large boulder, if you will. It looked like it was either pushed or dragged into place. Or both. I came to that conclusion when I found what looked like a leg of an Ant. Stuck under the boulder. When I touched it it disintegrated. 000200000634000145A362E,T-BEAR So there could be another tunnel? PROF. GRAHAM Right. I didnt have the man power or supplies to check it out. But I do now. Graham smiles at his little party. SGT. PETERSON So when they thought theyd killed the nest before, some escaped. PROF. GRAHAM Escaped and dug themselves deeper into the earth. Causing the eggs there to be frozen. Hoping to thaw them at a later time. JOEY Yeah, some 50 years later it seems. Silence takes over the expedition party. Sgt. Peterson car radio breaks the silence with a loud squelch. He runs to car. CUT TO: Ext professor grahams barn -- continuous Trooper 6 (V.O.) Sgt. Peterson...come in Sir...Over. Peterson opens the car door and grabs his mike... SGT. PETERSON This is Peterson, Over. TrOOPER 6 (V.O.) We had another attack at Moon Peak. Trooper Ellis disappeared. Over. SGT. PETERSON GOD DAMN IT! Ill be right there. (to Graham) Whatever it is we have to do has got to be soon Professor. Peterson car radio blurts out again... TrOOPER 6 (V.O.) Sarge, We just got a vandalism report from campus. A disturbance at one of the buildings. SGT. PETERSON Which building? TrOOPER 6 (V.O.) The archeology building. This bit of news peeks the interest of Graham and the boys. SGT. PETERSON Im on my way. (to Graham) You can ride with me Prof. JOEY What about us? Arent we all a part of this!? SGT. PETERSON Everybody in. CUT TO: Ext. ProFESSOR GRAHAMS LAB -- CONTINUOUS Peterson pulls up to the Archeology building to find a huge gaping hole in the side next to the parking area. They all get out rushing to the side of the building. 0002000006A800014BD16A2,PROF. GRAHAM (upset) Look at my lab. They walk through the hole, into the lab and over the remains of the Janitor. CUT TO: Int. PrOFESSOR GRAHAMS LAB -- CONTINUOUS Papers and broken lab equipment lay everywhere. Graham goes over to the table where the egg was. All thats left is a shell with two dead Queens in it. T-BEAR How is this even possible!? Graham checks the x-ray machine... PROF. GRAHAM We forgot to turn the machine off. Somehow it revitalized the egg. SGT. PETERSON You mean that there HERE ON CAMPUS SOMEWHERE!? PROF. GRAHAM Afraid so Sgt. Peterson runs to his car radio to rally support and Troopers. JOEY Thank God its spring break. CUT TO: Ext. Another part of campus -- night TWO FEMALE STUDENTS out for a late night run through the peaceful scenic college campus. The High pitch shrill pierces the air. Student 1 Are we having an air raid drill? Student 2 Figures the administration would run one while no one is here. The shrill gets even louder... STUDENT 1 My God is that loud. They continue their jog. Student 2 runs smack into something. STUDENT 2 What the hell.... CUT TO: Students pov -- continuous ...They have run into the leg of one the Queen Ants... STUDENT 1 What is this? STUDENT 2 Ask questions later. Lets get out of here. The Queen attacks. Grabbing Student 1 with its powerful mandibles while stinging Student 2. The shrilly sound echoes out from Moon Peak. The Queen gathers her prey and flys off. CUT TO: EXT. MOON PEAK -- NEW MORNING A huge tanker filled with cyanide sits not far from the hole. Peterson has called in the National guard to assist. TWO MEN in protective suits, prepare cyanide bombs. Using drums with wiring mechanisms for detonation. 0002000005C3000152735BD,SGT. PETERSON (to men in suits) I want that hole saturated with everything you got. Understood!? Man 1 Yes sir. I suggest that you clear this area out...5 to 10 miles. SGT. PETERSON That my friend is no problem. You just concentrate on filling that hole with every damn drop of that cyanide. (to his Troopers) Alright...my men clear out of here. I want a road block of 20 miles all around this area. Absolutely no one is permitted within that 20 mile perimeter. Understood! Troopers YES SIR! SGT. PETERSON KEEP YOU WEAPONS AT READY POSITION AT ALL TIMES. NO BREAKS! NO RELAXING IS THAT UNDERSTOOD TROOPERS YES SIR! Every new automatic weapon ever dreamed up is here at Moon Peak. With all the ammunition in the world to finish and start any war. CUT TO: Full aerial shot -- reservations desert -- day Two SUVs are parked near the opening of a large hole in the middle of the desert. DISSOLVE TO: Int. old ant nest -- continuous Prof. Graham, Joey, T-Bear, Troopers and a pissed TJ, are loaded down with gear (flame throwers, pry bars, guns and cyanide bombs) searching for the boulder Graham saw. TJ I cant believe I let you talk me into this again. JOEY Shut your face. Everything in this tunnel is dead. TJ Thats what the Republicans keep saying about the Democrats. PROF. GRAHAM Here it is. He leads the boys to the boulder. They see a space between the rock and the cave wall itself. Just as the Prof. said. PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) Lets break out those pry bars. 0002000006930001583068D,T-BEAR This is one of those times I wish Diamond were around. PROF. GRAHAM You guys have got to put Diamond out of you heads. Hes gone. If you want to do something in his memory, concentrate on the task at hand. Pry bars in place, they do they best to make the small space larger to gain entrance to the tunnel. After a few minutes of grunting and sweating, they succeed in moving the boulder. Enough so they can all squeeze through. Once the boulder is moved, another part of an Ant falls out and disinegrates. TJ Oh..What the Fuck! He pulls out a concealed gun and starts firing. Everyone ducks and runs for cover. Until TJ is firing an empty gun. TJ (CONTD) Take this and this and this you son-of-a bitch fuckin freakish moth... Joey and T-Bear cant keep from laughing. Graham is quite taken back by the outburst. PROF. GRAHAM No more amo for you son. Now put that thing away before you shoot one of us. T-BEAR You said youd werent going to bring that thing! TJ Read my lips. JOEY Thats a Republican for you. PROF. GRAHAM Ok...OK, lets get those flame throwers ready. Just in case. (he looks at his watch) We better get those suits on. They should be gassing the Peak by now. CUT TO: Ext. MOON PEAK -- CONTINUOUS Sgt. Peterson gives the order... SGT. PETERSON OK BOYS LET EM RIP! The tanker starts pumping the cyanide through the long hose extended down the hole. An Ant comes out from the hole, only to be meet with rapid fire from the National Guardsman and Troopers in protective gear, surrounding the hole. Once the Ant is dead the second line of MEN throw phosphorus bombs around and down the hole. SGT. PETERSON GOOD JOB! Thatll keep those bastards in there! 0002000005AB00015EBD5A5,CUT TO: Int. new Tunnel -- later Graham and the boys have been following the tunnel for miles. In the distance they hear the screams of the Ants echoing throughout the tunnels. TJ This is the same smell that was at the Peak. Christ it worse than Diamonds farts. PROF. GRAHAM Formic acid. Ants use that to paralyze their victims. But with the size of these Ants , its more likely to kill you. Its just a matter of seeing exactly where this tunnel leads. TJ I think we should follow it back the other way and get the fuck out of dodge. JOEY TJ for Diamond! We have to do this. He risked his life for your sorry frightened ass. T-BEAR Dont forget his sister! PROF. GRAHAM (to TJ) If you want to turn back, go ahead. TJ If you think Im going to go back through this tunnel alone. No fuckin way. Im here now...Im just scared thats all. PROF. GRAHAM Were all scared TJ T-BEAR If we dont deal with this now. Hell those Ants could wipe out the whole town. The whole planet. PROF. GRAHAM Only if they multiply. Theyve come to an opening, that takes them into a larger chamber. A layer of mist covers the earth. Graham looks at his watch again (this is a constant action for him). PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) Weve been traveling for 5 hours. Peterson said theyd bomb for 2. JOEY (to TJ & T-Bear) Doesn't this place look familiar to you guys. T-BEAR Kind of... They all split up in pairs and search around the chambers. TJ spys another tunnel... 000200000605000164625FF,TJ Oh No. It cant be! (yells) JOEY, TEDDY OVER HERE MAN. WE HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE! Graham and the others run to TJs spot... JOEY I had a feeling this was a bit too familiar. (to Graham) This is where we found the egg. Joey flashes his light around. JOEY (CONTD) Hold on...this place was packed with eggs! PROF. GRAHAM Are you positive this is the place? T-BEAR Yeah...we used some of those bones over there to make that sled. TJ Shines his flashlight around on the walls... TJ This is it alright. I left that MINERVA on the wall there. From behind the expedition comes a loud high pitched shrill. They turn...shining their lights on...a giant Ant. Standing directly in the tunnel from which they just came. TJ OH SHIT! Joey aims his flame thrower at the Ant. Setting it on fire. The Ant retreats. Joey fires until the job is done. TJ (CONTD) Quick down that tunnel! JOEY Yeah to the pool. Quick! They run down the tunnel that had the bones in it, heading for that underground pool of water. CUT TO: Ext. MOON PEAK -- AFTERNOON Sgt. Peterson has suited up into one of the protective suits along with Troopers 2,6,7,8 & 9. They all make the necessary adjustments to their suits before their ascent. SGT. PETERSON (to Trooper 2) Dan you came down with the Prof. Do you remember the way? TrOOPER 2 Yes Sir. I can find it. SGT. PETERSON OK Men. Make sure everything is functioning. There can be no mistakes. Its them or us. The Trooper who was left to guard the hole last night comes up to Peterson, embarrassed of his cowardliness... 00020000061700016A61611,TROOPER 3 Sgt. The bombs have been lowered. Were ready to lower you, Sir. SGT. PETERSON Thank you Limbaugh. Limbaugh. No one blames you for running. So stop blaming yourself. Thats an order Trooper. TROOPER 3 Yes sir. Sgt. SGT. PETERSON Alright Troopers, its that time. Time to kick some ass. Hoods on..NOW! Peterson leads the Troopers to the hole. This time theyve come up with a much better means of transporting people up and down the hole. This winch is bigger and handles more of a load. The Troopers all hitch on. Peterson signals. The cage lifts off the ground and swung over the hole. Sgt. Peterson signals for the Troopers to position themselves around the perimeter of the hole & turn on their radios. The cage descends down the hole. SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) You men pay attention up there. If anything gets past us and comes out of this GODDAMN hole. You better damn well fire on that son-of-a-bitchin ant until its dead. That includes you Limbaugh. Am I understood!? TrOOPERS YES SIR! Trooper 3 salutes Peterson, signaling that order was received loud and clear CUT TO: Int. UndergrOUND POOL -- CONTINUOUS JOEY How did it get behind us like that? T-BEAR We had to have pasted it somewhere in this tunnel. PROF. GRAHAM Unless theres another tunnel back there to guard. The main question at hand is where did all the eggs go? They couldnt have taken them very far. In the darkness of the tunnel they hear a splash. All lights immediately shine in the direction of the splash. TJ is ready to fire his gun again only to find it empty. 00020000056900017072563,TJ What the hell was that? T-BEAR Loose dirt or pebbles I hope. TJ Loose dirt or pebbles my ass. They dont fall buy themselves, brianiac. PROF. GRAHAM SSH...everyone. Quiet...listen. They stand there, listening. In the damp darkness of this tunnel, it sounds like something is dragging itself along. Occasionally a grunt is heard. More pebbles fall. Whatever or whoever is in enormous pain. Their lights trace the sounds of the falling pebbles. Leading their lights up to the tunnel above the one they came out of. CUT TO: Int. TUNNEL entrance above -- continuous They shine their lights on mutilated body of Diamond, hanging over the edge of the tunnel entrance. TJ DIAMOND! Not having the strength to talk but tries, he passes out from the effort. Graham, Joey, TJ & T-Bear managed to climb up to Diamond. DIAMOND (screams) OUCH... easy you guys. JOEY How did you get away? DIAMOND I passed out and woke up in a hole next to an egg. PROF. GRAHAM They left you for food for their hatchlings. DIAMOND Yeah...whatever brain. Anyway I found this water hole again somehow and remembered this tunnel led to camp. I went back hoping you guys would come back. The camp had been destroyed with the exception of the generator. So I took a nap and woke to find myself surrounded by eggs and Ants. So I stayed still until I heard those explosions. The Ants took off when that happened. 000200000578000175D5572,T-BEAR The generator was still on? DIAMOND Its hot as hell back there now. PROF. GRAHAM Theyre trying to hatch those eggs. They moved them there. (to TJ) You stay with Diamond. Joey, T-bear follow me. JOEY I know the way, remember. Ill lead. CUT TO: INT. bottom of moon peak hole (cage) -- continuous A layer of phosphorus mist covers this cavern floor. Sgt. Peterson & the Troopers make their way through dead Ants lying around the bottom and hanging from the walls. SGT. PETERSON Jesus H. Christ it stinks down here. I had no idea that there was this many of the sons-of-bs. (to group) Pick up those undetonated bombs and lets find the main nest. TrOOPER 2 Sgt. Peterson, Sir...we went through that opening over there with the Prof. It leads back to an underground pool. SGT. PETERSON Lead the way Trooper. TrOOPER 2 Yes, sir. Trooper 2 leads them into the cave. Passing more dead Ants. One Ant still has some fight left it him. The high pitch shrill freezes everyone in their tracks. The wounded Ant advances. Troopers open fire, guns and flamethrowers combine. SGT. PETERSON Whoa everybody. Easy on the amo. Therell probably be more ahead of us. Controlled burst of fire. TrOOPERS Yes, sir. CUT TO: Grahams Group pov -- later They exit the tunnel entering the cavern of the SAE brothers camp. All that can be seen are eggs. All around the generator (the only thing not destroyed). 0002000005F000017B475EA,CUT TO: INT. caver campsite -- continuous The group carefully walks through the new nest. JOEY Looks like more eggs then we saw the first time. PROF. GRAHAM It doesnt take long for asexual insects to multiply. T-BEAR Oh my God! Look at this Prof... At his feet are three cleanly half eaten bodies (Trooper 4? & Students joggers). Joey loses his lunch at the site of the carnage. PROF. GRAHAM (he looks at D-Man) Youre one lucky person D-Man! JOEY (cleaning his face plate) How could these bastards stay down here for so long and not be seen? PROF. GRAHAM How many times have you been in these caves? JOEY (look at TJ) I dont know...its countless. PROF. GRAHAM And of those countless times, how many times in the same cave or tunnel? JOEY I see your point. Theres so many tunnels down here, they could have existed forever without ever being noticed. DIAMOND They dont leave much in witnesses now do they. PROF. GRAHAM You guys just happened to run across their paths...finally. T-BEAR This nest has got to be destroyed. We gotta contact Sgt. Peterson. PROF. GRAHAM By now he and his men should be here with explosives. CUT TO: INT. tuNNEL WITH STREAM -- CONTINUOUS TJ Takes off his hood, shares it with Diamond. TJ (to D-Man) I dont know how you did it Bro. But I am glad as hell to see you. DIAMOND (weakly) Aint no fuckin piss ass insect gettin the best of me. Diamond tries to laugh but the pain is to great... TJ Hey dont do that. Relax. Were going to get you out of here. Just hold on my Brother. 0002000007230001813171D,TJ hears movement and grabs the flame thrower at their feet. In the slight distance he hears and sees something moving in their direction. Slowly he starts to squeeze the trigger. But relaxes seeing flashlights roaming in the dark. TJ Looks like the calvary finallys arrived. TJ flashes his light to give the others a reference point. TJ (CONTD) (yelling) OVER HERE YOU GUYS. HERE OVER HERE. (to D-Man) Told you. Hold on...fart man. DIAMOND (he grins and farts) Phi Alpha. TJ laughs. Sgt. Petersons party is in view now. TJ Alright. Hey up here. SGT. PETERSON Well be right there. Sit tight. TJ That was police humor...right! SGT. PETERSON Wheres the Prof. TJ He and the others went to the nest. Which happens to be our old campsite through this tunnel. CUT TO: Int. another CAVERN with ants -- continuous The Ants gathered around the Queen, seem to be holding a strategy type meeting. The cavern is alive with the sounds of their communicating. The high pitch shrill so deafening that it hurts the normal human ear. CUT TO: INT. cavern campsite -- later Graham, Joey & T-Bear are setting the timing devices to set off the bombs (is there enough?) When they all hear the Ants from deep within the caverns...somewhere. PROF. GRAHAM We may have to come back. I dont think there is enough to do the job thoroughly. The Ants noise from deep within the tunnel stops all work. T-BEAR What was that? JOEY Probably TJ & Diamond...I hope. The scramble for their weapons...just in case. Ready to fire the tension eases when they see its Sgt. Peterson & company. SGT. PETERSON (shining his light around) Holy Christ! Would you look at this! PROF. GRAHAM Sgt. Glad you could join us. How did your end turn out? SGT. PETERSON Feel like the Orkin Man. PROF. GRAHAM Its not over. We still have to track the three escaped ones. 000200000C7F0001884EC79,JOEY Two. We found those two Students bodies in here. So at least one of them came back here! SGT. PETERSON Theres already an APB out to report any and all strange incidents to our office. The high pitched shrilly sound deafens the caverns again. The Ants are nearer. PROF. GRAHAM Wed better get a move on. Damn well need more bombs. SGT. PETERSON Under control Prof. (to Trooper 2) You and the others set off those gas & phosphorus bombs. I want every tunnel connected to this one to be heavily gassed, (to Graham) This time well make damn sure these fuckers dont slip past. The noise of the Ants grows louder as they get closer. SGT. PETERSON (CONTD) Alright lets pick up the pace. Double-time. Trooper 2 flashes his light around searching for possible escape routes for the Ants. Seeing one behind a bolder he sets a bomb & timer near it. Just as he sets the timer, an Ant jumps out at him... TrOOPER 2 FUCK...OVER HERE. QUICK. Troopers 6 & 7 open fire with flame throwers. The Ant lets out another of those deafening squeals. Another Ant seemingly comes out of nowhere..joined by more (a small attacking army protecting their nest). SGT. PETERSON RETREAT...BACK TO THE TUNNEL. NOW. Graham and the boys make for the original tunnel. Followed by Sgt. Peterson & his men. The Ants are rushing at them now. As the Cavern slowly fills up with smoke as the bombs start to explode. Killing some Ants, those that arent press on after the invaders. Between the squeal of the Ants and the guns & flamethrowers going of. One would think they were in the middle of a third World War. Troopers 6, 7 & 8 bring up the rear. Stopping occasionally to fire off a few rounds at the fast approaching Ants. The noise of the Ants communicating with each other and those being shot or burned by the Troopers is beyond deafening. SGT. PETERSON (O.C.) If you drop something, forget about it. Just keep your ass moving. JOEY (O.C.) Watch me. CUT TO: Int. EnD OF TUNNEL -- continuous Extremely bright flashes of light from the nozzles of the flamethrowers illuminate the tunnel. TJ Damn. Were in deep shit. DIAMOND Give me that damn thing. Get that fuckin rope ladder ready. TJ Your in no condition... DIAMOND ...neither are you Tinker bell. Just fuckin do it. TJ grabs the rope ladder readying it for their escape. Joey & T-Bear charge out of the tunnel, followed by Graham and the rest. They all stop just short of falling into the pool. JOEY (out of breath) Hold up! Its a long drop down. TJ What happened? JOEY The welcoming committees coming. Lets move. TJ Oh shit. I knew I didnt want to come back down here. (to Diamond) Come on Diamond. PROF. GRAHAM All day we dont have people, LETS MOVE! Graham assists TJ with Diamond down the ladder. Peterson and his Troopers come out of the tunnel, flamethrowers ablaze. SGT. PETERSON Theyre right on our ass. Come on! The Troopers and the Sgt. Make it down the ladder, just as an Ant appears at the edge of the tunnel. Catching Trooper 6 stepping onto the ladder. The flamethrower in his hands discharges, creating a huge fireball in the tunnel. Killing both the Trooper and the Ant. The Explosion shakes the cavern knocking everyone to the ground. 0002000005E4000194C75DE,CUT TO: INT. area around underground pool -- continuous SGT. PETERSON (yells) ROBBIE! PROF. GRAHAM ITS TOO LATE. We got to use this time to get the hell out of here. More Ants appear at the tunnel entrance. PROF. GRAHAM (cONTD) Theyre trying to escape the gas. SGT. PETERSON Not if I can help it. Sgt. Peterson reaches into his pocket pulling out a grenade. SGT. PETERSON (cONTD) Ive been waiting for this chance. Get everybody back to the lift. Peterson throws the grenade into the tunnel. Attempting to close it up. Some Ants make it through the explosion. SGT. PETERSON (cONTD) GOD DAMN IT! He hurries to join the others. CUT TO: INT. mOON PEAK hole -- CONTINUOUS Prof. Graham and the boys have made it to the lift only to friend the mother of all Ants (QUEEN) blocking their path. TJ I cant believe this. What does a person have to do to get the fuck out of here. DIAMOND Get the hell out of the way. Diamond hobbles forward with flame thrower in hand. DIAMOND (cONTD) Im going to fry this bitch, T-BEAR (shouts) Diamond! No wait! He steps forward pointing the flamethrower downward as Diamond squeezes the trigger. DIAMOND Whyd you go and do that for!? T-BEAR Look where shes standing. The lift is directly behind the Queen. T-BEAR Youll burn the rope on the lift. TJ FUCK. Sgt. Peterson has caught up with the group... SGT. PETERSON CHRIST! How many of these things are there? PROF. GRAHAM A whole colony worth. SGT. PETERSON (to Diamond) What are you waiting for...fry the fucker. 00020000057800019AA5572,PROF. GRAHAM We cant SGT. PETERSON Why not! They all point. SGT. PETERSON (cONTD) JESUS H. FUCKIN CHRIST. (beat) Anyone have any cyanide left? TrOOPER 2 I have 2 Sgt. SGT. PETERSON Give me one. Get those hoods back on. When I throw this, we wont have much time. When she smells this, shell want to be where we are. Thats going to be our only chance to make it to the lift. TJ (to Troopers 2 & 7) Will you guys give me a hand with Diamond? DIAMOND I aint no baby. Ill be all right. JOEY Diamond, for once, shut up. Trooper 7 No problem. TrOOPER 2 (to Peterson) Sgt. Theyre ready on the surface. SGT. PETERSON Everyone get ready. The group is surrounded by Ants. The ones chasing them from the pool area have caught up. Those without their hoods put them on. Except Diamond, he has a rag covering his face. SGT. PETERSON (cONTD) OK. Here goes nothing! He throws the cyanide at the pedes (feet) of the Queen. She lets out a squeal trying to get away from the gas. The Ants from the pool area appear as the group sprints for the lift. SGT. PETERSON Lets move like we have a purpose people. RUN! Go, go, go, go, go! CUT TO: INT. the lift (cage) -- continuous Those who have made it to the lift reach out to help grab others, pulling them over the sides to get on. PROF. GRAHAM Dont look behind, just run. JOEY Come on you guys...run. SGT. PETERSON The torches! Use the fuckin torches. 0002000006170001A017611,Trooper 2 turns and blasts the legs of the nearest Ant. Giving those not on board yet enough time to make it. SGT. PETERSON (cONTD) (to Trooper 2) Good work...son. (into his mike in hood) Ok. Were on. Get us the hell up. The Lift jerks upward. An Ant comes out of nowhere grabbing at the lift with its mandibles. Tilting the lift. JOEY Oh Shit. Diamond snatches a flame thrower, he manages to stands... DIAMOND God damn fuckin pests. Diamond yells, squeezing the trigger. The Ant screams, letting go. Causing the lift to shift, throwing Diamond off and into the waiting mandibles of another Ant. DIAMOND (cONTD) Ah...you fuck. Let go. Help. He lifts the flamethrower, aiming into the face of the beast and FIRES. The Ant breaks Diamond in two as they both burst into a huge fireball. T-BEAR (screams) DIAMOND! T-Bear attempts to jump. Joey & the others hold him back. PROF. GRAHAM Its to late. Hes gone Theodore. (to Peterson) Keep those throwers aimed at the walls. We have to go slow and burn any and everything that moves on the way up. SGT. PETERSON (to Troopers) You Heard the man! Cold as ICE! (into his hooded mike) Take her up...SLOW. The Lift slows down a bit as the Troopers follow their order. PROF. GRAHAM All flashlights on and pointing at the walls. Joey, T-Bear, TJ & Graham shine their lights in different directions on the walls. Helping the Troopers to see their targets better as the lifts slowly climbs. Ants untouched by the cyanide reach out at the lift. Between gun fire & flame fire, the Troopers take care of business. 0002000006700001A62866A,PROF. GRAHAM (cONTD) SATURATE THEM...BURN THEM AND THEIR EGGS. CUT TO: EXT. mOON PEAK -- night Smoke pours out from the hole as the Troopers on the surface anxiously await the survivors. TrOOPER 3 (taking charge) Get more Cyanide and phosphorus ready as soon as they reach the surface. Hurry your asses! (beat) Come on Sarge. The winch, working overtime, suddenly stops, momentarily. TrOOPER 3 (cONTD) What the hells going on down there. CUT TO: INT. moon PEAK hole -- CONTINUOUS An ANT jumps out at the lift grabbing it with its mandible. The lift tilts. PROF. GRAHAM HOLD ON! JOEY NO SHIT PROFESSOR! SGT. PETERSON (to Trooper 2) Give me that other bomb. Get ready to fire right into this fuckers face. Sgt. Peterson throws the bomb into the mouth of the Ant. SGT. PETERSON (to Trooper 2) NOW! (to everyone else) EVERYBODY GRAB ON TIGHT TO SOMETHING. Trooper 2 scorches the mouth of the Ant. The Ant lets go. SGT. PETERSON (cONTD) EAT THAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT. The lift jerks a bit but continues its climb up. CUT TO: EXT. mooN PEAK -- CONTINUOUS Finally reaching the surface, a cheer goes up from the Troopers and others waiting. The Operator swings the lift out of the hole onto safe ground. TrOOPER 3 Thank God you all made it. SGT. PETERSON We lost Perkins and a Student. Another Ant has made it to the surface. Screeching loudly. TrOOPER 3 (shouts) Open fire on that fucker. TrOOPER 3 FUCKER. (beat) BOMB THIS GOD DAMN HOLE...NOW. The Troopers and National Guardsmen do as told. Spending the next 10 minutes saturating the Ant & hole with all the heavy artillery and cyanide they have. Afterwards, Trooper 3 goes to Sgt. Peterson... 0002000004970001AC92491,TrOOPER 3 (cONTD) Sir, this came in while you were down there. Youre not going to like it. Trooper 3 gives the note to Peterson. The look on the Sgt. face says it all. PROF. GRAHAM Whats wrong Sgt? Peterson gives him the note. Prof. Graham reads it. PROF. GRAHAM (CONTD) (to the boys) You guys want to go to LA? CUT TO: Full shot -- griffith park -- night SUPER IMPOSE ON SCREEN -- LOS ANGELES Although the park is closed, there is still plenty of activity within. At one of the many plush baseball fields a game is in its last inning. SPECTATORS, some drunk, cheer the TEAMS on to victory. The carousel in the park is on its last run of the day. The tennis courts are just as busy with PLAYERS going for that last match point. This park also happens to be filled with the HOMELESS of LA. Those who cant get to the beach usually end up here safe with the all night patrols by both the POLICE and the PARK RANGERS. CUT TO: Ext cave entrance (batman) -- night A YOUNG MAN, new to this way of life, retreats into the cave. Standing at the entrance, emotionally and physically drained from the weight of the world. A VOICE speaks out to him from within the cave... 0002000008600001B12385A,OLD MAN ...Come in or go away. Your blocking my moon. The Young Man excepts the greeting as an invitation... OLD MAN (CONTD) Dont worry. Its safe. It used to be crowed in here. But with that damn maniac running around killing everybody, folks have been finding those holier than thou shelters a little safer to sleep in. Young man Arent you scared? OLD MAN To old to be scared. To dumb to know. What the hell. Deep from with the cave a piercing high pitched shrilly sound deafens everyone. YOUNG MAN What the hell was that? OLD MAN Nothing...probably some wounded animal up in the hills. You know this park has a zoo? YOUNG MAN It sounded like it was in here. (beat) Whats that smell? OLD MAN What smell? I dont smell anything. The Young Man goes a little further into the tunnel to find a spot away from the smell of the Old Man. Again the shrilly noise goes off, louder and much closer... YOUNG MAN How in the hell can anyone sleep through that!? CUT TO: Int. Cave -- later The sound of snoring fills the cave until...the high pitch shrilly sound wakes up all the snorers. Immediately following that is a loud blood curdling scream of someone in deep agonizing pain fills the tunnel/cave. The Old Man and the Young Man bolt up out if their sleep. YOUNG MAN That was more then a wounded animal. An oblong large shadowy figures stands over the Young Man, he Screams... YOUNG MAN (CONTD) OH Shit! Getting closer, the Young man is picked up by his waist. He is screaming for help. But the screams are short lived when the shadowy figure crushes its victim. The Old Man seeing this, runs from the cave screaming for his life. Old man (yelling) HELP...HELP...HELP ME SOMEONE... Cut TO: EXT. 747 in flight (redeye) -- night Silhouetted against the full Moon. CUT TO: INT. 747 cabin -- continuous TJ passed out leaving Joey and T-Bear alone to watch the in-flight movie (THEM). JOEY Sorry I ruined your Spring Break. T-BEAR Why would you say that? JOEY You wanted to go to the beach. I talked everyone into spelunking. T-BEAR Yeah you did. But I could have just as easily said no, If I wanted to. JOEY Because of me Diamond is dead. 0002000005E80001B97D5E2,T-BEAR Would you quit it with the self pity shit. Because of you Diamond found out the truth about his sister. You helped him get even. JOEY If we had gone to the beach, hed still be alive. Here with us. T-BEAR Jo-Jo, with the exception of what happened to Diamond. I have had the best time of my life. And would do it all again in a heartbeat. Besides theres still a chance we can make it to the beach before this break is over with. JOEY & t-Bear Phi Alpha Brother! DISSOLVE TO: Int. LAX terminal -- morning Prof. Graham, Sgt. Peterson, Joey, T-Bear and TJ deplane from the huge 747 with about 200 other passengers. A text book type LAPD OFFICER is waiting for them at the gate. He holds up a sign so they can see him. Officer blake Sgt. Peterson, prof. Graham. Im Officer Blake with the LAPD. Lt. Perez is waiting for you all at headquarters. If you will follow me, Ill get us out of this madhouse. SGT. PETERSON Lead on, Officer Blake. OFFICER BLAKE I trust your flight was ok, gentlemen? PROF. GRAHAM Thats the most relaxed Ive been since this whole ordeal started. SGT. PETERSON Same here. OFFICER BLAKE Please wait here, Ill go and retrieve your bags. (to the boys) I could use some help! Officer Blake starts to walk towards the baggage claim area. TJ (to Joey) Im getting strange vibes from this guy. JOEY A Hiltler Youth! T-BEAR Welcome to Los Angeles. Frightening isnt it. The boys follow Officer Blake. Making fun of him behind his back on their way to the baggage claim area. CUT TO: 0002000005990001BF5F593,INT. lapd police headquarters -- later Lt. Perez paces the floor (a stern, hard looking 20 year Veteran), frustrated from all the recent reports, of missing people. Graham, Peterson, Joey, Teddy & TJ are present. Lt. Perez I dont have to tell you how much this crap all sounds like some fucked up science fiction movie. JOEY Try a bad dream. LT. PEREZ A bad dream that I dont want in my city. (to Sgt. Peterson) Who are these fuckin kids anyway? SGT. PETERSON (pissed) These fuckin kids have more knowledge of the current situation then any expert your silly ass could drag in here. LT. PEREZ Midget mind fucks. Great just fuckin great. This is all I need. PROF. GRAHAM Lt. We could stand here forever exchanging pleasantries, but the simple fact is, if we dont find that nest these Ants have already set up. That missing persons file on your desk will grow in less time then it takes for your Officers to wipe their collective Asses. SGT. PETERSON These KIDS, found the nest in New Mexico. They know what to look for. And theyve handled themselves GODDAMN well. Better then most of my own men. LT. PEREZ Accept my apology. It has not been an easy time of it lately. PROF. GRAHAM Lt. Perez. Time is running short. We cant allow these Ants to nest. Perez walks behind his desk pulling down a map of the area covered with pins. LT. PEREZ Griffith Park. The pins mark areas where the missing were last seen. SGT. PETERSON 0002000005FF0001C4F25F9,Thats a lot of missing people. LT. PEREZ Tell me. The first one came in a few days ago. And hasnt stopped since. If what your saying holds any truth, your so called giant Ants are somewhere in my Park. JOEY Excuse me, sir? Are there any caves or tunnels in your park? LT. PEREZ What does that have to do with killing Giant Ants? I cant believe that Im buying into this bullshit. PROF. GRAHAM (loosing composure) It has everything to do with it Lt. These KIDS found the original nest underground near their campus. Ants like dark, damp, cool places to lay their eggs. Now, again are there any caves or tunnels in your fucking park? Everyone looks at the Prof. Never having heard him swear before. LT. PEREZ YES. PROF. GRAHAM Instead of standing here snapping at these young men. Do you think we could all go to the park and check it out? If they are there. And I believe they are. Well need certain materials. Can you get them for us!? LT. PEREZ This goes against my better judgement...YES. Just give me a list of what you need. (looks at boys) But you better keep these kids on a very short leash. Am I understood? Joey & TJ snap to attention saluting Lt. Perez...Hitler style. JOEY & TJ YES SIR! LT. PEREZ You two had better watch your ass. Let me get you out to the park. Before I lock these two fucks up. Lt. Perez leads the group out of his office. JOEY (whispering to TJ) Didnt think youd be spending your break in Nazi Germany, did you. TJ gives Joey the Nazi salute, as they follow the others out of the office... 0002000005AF0001CAEB5A9,TJ Ya vol, Commandant! CUT TO: Ext. Griffith park -- evening Two LAPD vans pull into the park carrying the five exterminators. CUT TO: Int. Police VAN -- CONTINUOUS As the vans go through, they all notice the large numbers of police cars cruising inside the parks perimeter. LT. PEREZ The only cave in this park is the one used in an old TV series from the 60s. PROF. GRAHAM Ah, excuse me Lt., Where you able to get the materials we needed? LT. PEREZ Everything that Peterson requested. SGT. PETERSON Thanks. You certainly have a ton of men assigned to this park. LT. PEREZ We beefed up patrols once the disappearances escalated. The only problem here are the homeless. They camp out here. T-BEAR Dont you have shelters? LT. PEREZ Yeah. But some of these people would rather live outdoors then take charity. Go figure! We caught one man up here who went nuts on us one day. Yelling that the end of the world was here. PROF. GRAHAM Has anyone else complained about unusual sounds or noises up here? LT. PEREZ Funny you mentioned that. The residents have been complaining about a noise. No one can say for sure where its from. They also say the homeless are eating their pets. T-BEAR I dont think its the homeless eating their pets, Lt. LT. PEREZ (wise-ass) In your professional opinion, what is it then? Ants. PROF. GRAHAM Youll see. LT. PEREZ You know what I think, I think I should be locking up you bozos and throwing away the fuckin key. 0002000005F40001D0945EE,Perez pulls up in front of the entrance to the cave. LT. PEREZ (CONTD) Here we are. CUT TO: Ext. Entrance OF CAVE -- continuous The boys all take a deep breath of fresh LA air and promptly cough... JOEY (to Teddy) Not like New Mexico is it? T-BEAR Yeah. But theres something else in the air. Prof., can you smell it? They take another breath. All their faces light up with recognition of the familiar scent. TJ Oh shit! Here we go again. SGT. PETERSON Thats the same scent in the tunnels. PROF. GRAHAM There here all right. Sgt. Peterson and Prof. Graham break into action. The boys all start loading on their gear. SGT. PETERSON (to Lt. Perez) Lt. you need to cut off this part of the park. LT. PEREZ Whatever you experts need. Perez goes off to organize his men. SGT. PETERSON What a dick! DISSOLVE TO: Ext. Batman caves -- later The entrance to the cave and surrounding area are cloaked with NATIONAL GUARDSMEN & LAPD. Peterson, Graham, T-Bear, TJ & Joey have all donned their protective gear. Armed with flame throwers and Cyanide gas bombs theyre ready, once again do battle. This time the self confidence they all show in one another is very noticeable. PROF. GRAHAM None of us are familiar with these caves, so stay close. TJ Like white on rice. SGT. PETERSON (to Lt. Perez) Tell your men to burn anything that comes out of that cave. Just make sure its not one of us. One of Lt. Perezs MEN manhandles an Old Man (the one from the tunnel entrance earlier) over to him. The Old Man is beyond hysterical. 0002000005960001D682590,OFFICER BLAKE Lt. We found this nut running around yelling he was being attacked by a monster with great big eyes and teeth. OLD MAN (pleading for his life) I didnt do it! I didnt do it! I was lying there in my own cave... the big eyed monster did it. I didnt kill anyone...you got to believe me...HELP! LT. PEREZ Pull it together you ole coot. Now what the hell are you screaming about....slowly now. OFFICER BLAKE Hes been saying that ever since we found him. The Old Man sees the group in their protective suits about to enter the cave... OLD MAN Dont go in there. Hell crush the shit out of you. Dont go in there. The Old Man makes a mad dash to block the group from going into the cave. Before he reaches the opening, a high pitched shrill freezes everyone in their tracks. OLD MAN (CONTD) Oh GOD! There coming out again. RUN FOR COVER! PROF. GRAHAM EVERYONE KNOWS THE DRILL. HERE WE GO AGAIN. The noise grows louder. Growing to an ear shattering level. The Queen Ant flies out of the entrance. The Old Man, in its path, turns and screams as the Queen picks him up. The surrounding Guardsmen & LAPD wake from their brief amazement and open fire. SGT. PETERSON (yells) SCREW THE GUNS...BURN THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH OUT OF THE GODDAMN AIR. Flame throwers light up the sky with a fiery orange glow, seen for miles. They succeed in torching the Queen, she loosens her grip on the Old Man. He plummets to the ground. 0002000005CF0001DC125C9,PROF. GRAHAM Lets move fast. Before they relocate the nest. He leads the charge into the cave once again. CUT TO: Int. BATMAN CAVES -- LATER Graham & Peterson lead their heavily armed party through a dark, dank musty cave. The scent of formic acid getting stronger with each step they take. SGT. PETERSON Everyone stay alert and ready. TJ I cant believe Im going through this whole fucked up scene again. JOEY Give it a rest, will ya chump. The shrill pitch sound of the Ants echoes from within the cave. Only this time to be followed by the same sounds only a little softer - new hatchlings. On top of that they can hear the whimpering of what sounds like a child, a little GIRL. PROF. GRAHAM Everyone quiet... They stop in their tracks...In the distance they can hear the sounds of crying. A little girl crying each time the high pitch shrill occurs. SGT. PETERSON It sound like a kid is down here. (into his suit radio) This is Sgt. Peterson. Get me Perez, now. Over. LT. PEREZ (O.S.) This is Perez. Go on. Over. SGT. PETERSON Have you had any missing kids? LT. PEREZ (O.S.) We get missing brats all the time. Besides, those are handle by Juvy. Why? Over. SGT. PETERSON Because were hearing the cries of a girl in here. Thats why. Over. JOEY This prick is all heart. SGT. PETERSON Thats an understatement, Joey. LT. PEREZ I heard that gentlemen. SGT. PETERSON Good. The noise again fills up the cave. The Girls scream is louder. As if she were being physically harmed... 00020000062E0001E1DB628,PROF. GRAHAM That one seemed awfully close. T-BEAR Its coming from that direction. DISSOLVE TO: Int. New nest in batman cave -- night Of the three Queens that came from the egg in Prof. Grahams office, two of them are still in the cave. Feasting on the fresh food caught in the park. The Queen Ants are surrounded by 30+ baby Ants newly hatched from the surrounding eggs. CUT TO: Another ANGLE -- CONTINUOUS High up on a rock, sits a young girl. Crying her eyes out while hatchlings attempt to get at her. But she keeps them at bay, knocking them back down with a stick. Girl (crying) I want my mommy...Mommy....Mommy Help me. Somebody help me...Mommy. CUT TO: Low angle -- continuous Peterson charges to the aid of the girl as the Ants seem like they are about to overcome her. Peterson blazes a path to the child with his flame thrower. JOEY I think we just solved Perezs missing persons file. To bad he wasnt among the missing. All around them Baby Ants (the size of a full grown German Shepards) eat the remains of people, unfortunate enough to have been caught by the Ants. SGT. PETERSON Someone get up there with that Girl and get her out of the way. TJ, waking from his funk, springs into action. Using the rocks as a ladder, he leapfrogs his way to the girl. TJ Just hold on there sweetheart buddy. Dont move, Im comin. SGT. PETERSON Burn anything and everything that even remotely resembles an egg or Ant for that matter. PROF. GRAHAM Careful of the stingers. Especially the young ones. That's pure formic acid, enough to cause instant paralyses and or death. 000200000EA00001E803E9A,TJ having reached the little Girl, stands in front of her. He opens fire on the fast advancing Ants. The scream of the Ants being destroyed fills the cave. TJ This is for Diamond you Sons-of-bitches. The rest of the group opens fire on the Ants. One Queen Ant escapes the torching. Disappearing into another part of the cave. Prof. Graham, T-Bear & Joey follow the Queen. While Sgt. Peterson & TJ finish up what they started. CUT TO: Full shot -- another tunnel part -- continuous Prof Graham and the boys have tracked the escaping Queen into a main egg chamber. Lying before them...hundreds and hundreds of unhatched eggs. The Queen disappears... JOEY Jesus Christ are these things fertile. This is worse then the nest back home and in less time. T-BEAR I had know idea they could multiply so fast. PROF. GRAHAM Its got to be from the original radiation. Somehow its affected their reproductive systems. Causing them to grow and reproduce an am alarmingly quick rate. The Queen has reappeared positioning herself behind the trio. Blocking any escape back into the main tunnel. She moves in on the closest, Graham. Picking him up, squeezing him to the point of hearing a rib crack. Graham screams, struggling to get in a position to use his flame thrower. JOEY Oh SHIT... T-BEAR HOLD ON PROFESSOR... T-Bear gets alongside of the Ant, firing his flame thrower into its side. The Ant releases its grip on the Prof. Joey drags the Graham out of harms way. Teddy finishes the job. JOEY Prof. G., you OK? PROF. GRAHAM (in pain) A broken rib or two, other then that, Im fine. Saturate this chamber with gas, grenades & fire. JOEY Itll be a pleasure. CUT TO: Ext cAVE ENTRANCE (BATMAN) -- later The tunnel is cleared of all homeless occupants. They all wait detonation of the cyanide & grenades left inside the cave. Graham, being attended to by a PARAMEDIC, stands with the boys. Hoping to God theyve got them all this time. Peterson activates the detonator. The blast causes portions of the cave to come flying out into the peaceful skyline of Griffith Park. SGT. PETERSON Heres to the end of a very bad dream. PROF. GRAHAM I hope & pray to God this is the end. SGT. PETERSON Lets get those masks back on. We still got to make sure. Were going in again, TJ, get ready. TJ Oh Christ lets get it done. An Ant, partially destroyed, tries to escape from the cave. Its quickly torched with flame throwers while others unload their weapons into this aberration. Cut to. Ext. zuma Beach -- new day Joey, T-Bear & TJ, finally get that traditional Spring Break. On Zuma Beach filled with string bikini cladded coeds. TJ, (wearing Diamond's sister locket) has drifted off. Joey & T-Bear open up an Ant Farm. They spread the contents over TJ, sleeping. Quietly they remove the bullets from the hidden gun TJ now carries with him at all times. TJ slowly wakes from his slumber. Feeling something crawling on his skin, he slowly opens his eyes, and sees Ants. Half asleep and foggy, the Ants on his hand look huge with one eye open. He snaps to attention, letting out a large blood curdling scream. TJ, reaches for his gun, firing on the Ants. Only the gun just snaps each time he discharges it. Joey & T-Bear laugh hard... TJ You fuckin pricks. JOEY Get a grip. Those little biddy things cant hurt you, big baby. TJ Right...but Im going to hurt you two fucks... TJ (CONTD) ...get ready for a douching...BROS TJ filled his watergun with Summers Eve. He holds up the empty package...TJ chases them shooting at will. They run for cover, dodging in and out of the crowded beach. Cut to: Ext. Released ant farm on beacH -- continuous The Freshly released ants seem as if they are communicating to each other in the hot sand. FADE TO BLACK.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Payne Current Revisions by (1st revision LJP, 4/23/04) (2nd revision LJP, 6/20/04) King Of Spades/4 Aces & A King Productions 523 N. Orlando Ave. #1 Los Angeles CA. 90048 310-721-50080004000000400000000D0172F11552517147418D4901AC6D61D7711570005000000140000000401629E111500006000001D10000000810D30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 1F0 2032A0FFFF030000001030-10 -1020D30FFFF0C000001020-10 -1010930FFFF0C00000 20-1040930FFFF0C00000 10-10 -1040930FFFF0C00000 10-10 -1040930FFFF0C00000 10-1000070000005400000003010180480 2018010480 1018000080000035E0000000540,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E407010100000011640,Impact40,4014E407010101040, Arial Black40,4014E407010101040,Courier Final Draft40,4014E4070101010000900000005000000020000A0000001900000002E0326264E0326264000B00000005000000020000C0000001700000001ABA1235473401000F000000590000000050E010 104,77A4,4,77A4,4,um4,[z4,[].00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B00000001115001290000000B000000011150FFFE000000060002000177AAR$2ND2ND f HFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004F0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20F0-10 F264FFFF0102000010000003200000001038405AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430D30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 1043E3A0012989518010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,t4,014,F204,~4,:00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC000000009895185C1AE2042198953802C,E,42,>Page #1\!j?Q1\!FFFE000000060002000177AADhFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004B0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20C0-10 C264FFFF01000010000003100000001018405AC20A038E000203C20A0000200000005000000001, 0004000000090000000201300005000000090000000201300006000000640000000210D30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier104014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020C2640C264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,~4,04,14,04,04,100130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001300129000000090000000130FFFE000000060002000177AADQ6$$v