t2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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bel-air mansion - eVENING A million dollar home, trees all around keep this eye-popping 12,545 square foot home in shadows. There is a moving truck and a van parked in the winding driveway. A MAN in his late-thirties with blondish hair and lean like a middle-weight boxer stands around, observing. He wears a suit and tie. TWO MEN wearing coveralls and black gloves exit the house carrying boxes. SAM SS SWITOWSKI, late-thirties, short dark hair, and fit. JACKIE MOTTO, early-forties, bald with a long goatee. Hes a bit bulkier than Sam. Speaks with a raspy, old-world mid-west drawl. Jackie Bullshit. Sam Bullshit? JACKIE Yeah, bullshit. SAM You know Im right. JACKIE Okay, first off, youre high. Second, Parker would make Mike Hammer his bitch any day of the fucking week. SAM Bullshit. Mike leaves his victims left vomiting after heavy blows to the stomach and groin. Parkers never done that. JACKIE Thats cause Parkers a mans man. He leaves em dead. They walk into the moving truck. INT. moving truck - eVENING Several hundred boxes. SAM Cmon- JACKIE -He killed Stegman with his bare-fuckin-hands. Only a cold and methodical bastard does shit like that. Hell pop a cap in a guys crown if he has to. Hes the original hard man. SAM Hammer is in many ways the archetypal hard man: hes brutally violent, and- JACKIE And is a faggot-ass, misogynistic butt-pirate. EXT. bEL-AIR MANSION - eVENING A THIRD GUY exits the house. FRANCIS MCCREARY, black-Irish. Wears the same outfit as Jackie and Sam. Carries two black duffle bags to the van. FRANCIS (to the guy in the suit) You know, you can give us a hand. IRS AGENT Nah. Im good. Sam and Jackie exit the moving truck. SAM Alright, bitch, triple threat: Sam Spade vs. Philip Marlowe vs. John Shaft. Winner takes Parker. JACKIE Well, it doesnt matter, whoever wins would still get his ass handed to him by Parker. Sam and Jackie go back inside. A Bentley convertible pulls into the drive way. BIGG PAPA PIMP, African-American, late-twenties, rapper, exits his car, confused. So does his SEXY LADY FRIEND, wearing a very skimpy outfit. Bigg papa pimp Whoa, whoa! What the fuck is this, man?! IRS AGENT Are you Jerome Taylor? Aka: Bigg Papa Pimp? bIGG PAPA PIMP Yeah. Who are you? IRS AGENT Im with the IRS. Im Agent Davis. The IRS agent shakes Bigg Papas hand. Bigg Papa looks at the agents black gloved hands. 000200000F1F00000973F19,IRS AGENT (CONTD) Germs and all. bIGG PAPA PIMP What the fuck is goin on, man? Whats with the Notice of Seizure on my fucking front door, man? IRS AGENT The IRS has put a lean against some of your possessions; we have some back taxes that need to be recouped. The sum total of nine-hundred thousand dollars. Bigg Papa is shocked. BIGG PAPA PIMP Oh, my God, yo. IRS AGENT Weve tried to contact your people on several occasions. (shows Bigg Papa the paperwork) These are all registered letters sent to your various production companies and what not, that were never returned. And you have an outstanding balance of nine-hundred and seventy-two-thousand dollars. biGG PAPA PIMP Can- can we do this inside? IRS AGENT The house itself has been seized. So its now the property of the government. So you cant go inside. But there will be a court case and at some point this will all get sorted out. bIGG PAPA PIMP Yo, man, I got a hundred-fifty-thousand dollars in my safe. Just let me run inside and get it, and you can take it back to your people. IRS AGENT Thats not my department, Mr. Taylor. BIGG PAPA PIMP Im calling my motherfuckin lawyer. Bigg Papa takes out his cell phone, tries to dial, but its not working. It wont even come on. bIGG PAPA PIMP (CONTD) Jesus Christ. Bitch, let me see your phone. His lady friend hands him the cell phone. But just like his, it wont come on. bIGG PAPA PIMP (CONTD) What the hell is going on? IRS AGENT Youre distraught. BIGG PAPA PIMP You goddamn right Im distraught, nigga! IRS AGENT These things get worked out. Sometimes. bIGG PAPA PIMP Are you saying theres a possibility that I wont get my stuff back? IRS AGENT If the fee is not recouped, then well have to have a public auction. Bigg Papa still doesnt believe whats going on. The agent looks to Sam and Jackie who exit the house. Sam nods to the agent. Irs agent (CONTD) Okay, Im gonna give you these. So that you and your lawyers can go over it. The agent hands Bigg Papa the paperwork. IRS AGENT (CONTD) Okay, Mr. Taylor, were gonna head back to HQ. Now the vehicles that are in your garage are to stay where they are. A guy is gonna be coming by to pick em up. So I advise you not to get in his way. The agent walks to the moving truck. Sam gets into the driver seat. Jackie and Francis climb into the van. Both vehicles exit the property. bIGG PAPA PIMP FUCK! INT. moVING TRUCK - eVENING Sam drives the truck through the neighborhood. IRS AGENT I think were far enough. Go ahead and turn it off. Sam unfolds the visor to reveal a cell phone jammer. Turns it off. Somethings fishy. The agent takes out his cell phone. Waits for it to come on. FRANCIS Whatd you think is worse: believing that your things are being repossessed by the government or finding out later that you were just robbed? IRS AGENT/SEAN MACKIE Both. Finally it does. One unread text message from Michelle. He opens it. New job. My office @ 12 p.m. He dials a number, puts it on speaker. Francis (V.O.) Yeah? Sean Please tell me you got the cash? FRANCIS (V.O.) Yeah, I got it, Sean. SEAN Good news. Michelle got us a gig. SAM Good. Cause I dont think all this is gonna cover my debt. JACKIE (V.O.) Thats what you get when your moneys in the kike hands of Madoff. SEAN Were heading to the safe house. And youre wrong, SS. Parker would beat the shit outta Mike Hammer. Sean closes his cell phone. EXT. los angeles - dAY A layer of smog hangs above the city of angels. A place where anything is possible. A place where dreams come true. Its beautiful; except for the analog audio of a few far-off sirens. INT. sTONE AGENCy - MICHELLES office - dAY MICHELLE WHELAN, late-thirties, long dark hair, Northampton born, has a curvaceous figure. She wears a dark business suit and sits behind her desk, talking on the phone. 0002000008F20000188C8EC,MICHELLE Look, I dont care. If Eve Marloff wants a chink hypnotherapist to tell her that shes in the fucking Zen zone to make her feel better and act better, then she gets a fucking chink hypnotherapist. Theres a knock at the door. michelle (CONTD) Look, I gotta go. Get it done! Michelle hangs up. Michelle (CONTD) Come in. Sean, Sam, Jackie and Francis enter the office, wearing casual clothing. They close the door behind them. mICHELLE (CONTD) Howd it go last night? SAM Smooth as a babys ass. Only we cant use that scam anymore. mICHELLE Im sure yall will think of something. Is everything at the safe house? sEAN Yep. Sean takes out a thick envelope. Drops it on her binder. Michelle closes her binder. LIZA Good. Ill see what we can fence. They all seat down. sEAN So whats the job? MICHELLE Hell if I know. The guy wants to get a good look at yall before he talks about it. JACKIE Whats he hoping to look at? MICHELLE Well from what his assistant said over the phone, and I quote, I wanna group of well to do white guys and not a bunch of niggers wholl probably fuck me over when the jobs done. SAM Well stop stringing us along. Whos the guy? MICHELLE Frank Morgan. The guys are a bit surprise. sEAN Business Man of the Year Frank Morgan? MICHELLE Thats the one. FRANCIS I didnt know dabbled in underworld business. MICHELLE Not many people do. So try not to spread it around, Francis. sEAN How did you get in touch with Morgan? What is he looking to get into the movie business and he needs an agent? MICHELLE Tom Delaney. You guys remember Tom Delaney? The guys No. MICHELLE Well, Tom is good friends with Franks bodyguard, Orson Warrick. Tom told Warrick that he knows a broad that works with a slew of guys that can get things done. So thats you guys. SAM How much we getting for this? MICHELLE Seventy-grand each. A few of the guys whistle. sEAN Alright. Where we meeting Morgan? MICHELLE Youre meeting him today at Sally Leroy's. 2020 east Olympic boulevard. Be grateful, but dont be too grateful. And try not to fuck it up, you guys. This is your foot in the door for bigger and better things. EXT. sally leroys - dAY A large white-wash windowless building. Jackies 68 Chevy Impala whips into the near empty parking lot. 00020000091D00002178917,INT. jackies chevy - dAY They all look towards the strip club. EXT. sALLY LEROYS - dAY The guys get out and walk towards the entrance. Sean knocks on the door. It opens to reveal a GIANT wearing a suit. This is ORSON WARRICK; hes in his mid-forties or so and is built like a brick-shit-house. sEAN Orson? Orson No Im the fuckin tooth fairy. Cmon. The guys walk in. INT. sALLY LEROYS - dAY Its one of those rare strip clubs that balances between erotic entertainment and class. The main stage floor is peppered with comfortable seating and tables. The dcor is very upscale with dark, wood paneled walls on which large framed photographs of erotic porn stars are hung. Theres FIVE MORE GUYS in the club, all wearing casual clothes. ORSON Turn around. All of you. They turn around. Four of the suits pat the guys down. Theyre clean. Orson escorts them to the rear of the club. Sitting in the center of a corner booth is FRANK MORGAN, late-fifties, wears a pair of dress pants and a loose, short sleeve shirt. Talks with a deep, affable, Western-accented voice -- Jeff Bridges, perhaps. He reads a newspaper. Frank Gentlemen. Frank extends his hand. They each shake his hand and slid into the booth. FRANK (CONTD) Have you boys been reading the paper? The guys dont have an answer. FRANK (CONTD) The U.S. Army is planning to issue out green bullets to their soldiers. Environmental friendly, lead-free 5.56mm ammunition rounds. But they still wont be people friendly. He laughs. FRANK (CONTD) Man, nowadays everything is eco-friendly: cars, cleaning products, and now theyre starting to make things that kill people eco-friendly. He laughs. The guys join in, sort of. Frank folds the paper. FRANK (CONTD) You boys like this place? The guys look around. sEAN Its different from the usual seedy twat bars. FrANK Yeah, it is. I walked in this joint two years ago, gotta lap dance from this flat chested Asian broad, and the next day I bought the place. You know why? SAM Free lap dances from the same Asian broad? Frank laughs. FRANK Uh, yeah. That too. But really, property appraisal. You see boys, Im a collector. I collect anything that has beauty and value: cars, guns, samurai swords, baseball cards, boxing gloves, art. Its started out as a hobby, and now its becoming an addiction. 0002000006BC00002A8F6B6,(signals for Orson) Youre going after a very rare, very old bill. A one hundred dollar bill from the Confederate States of America. Orson comes by with a folder. Hands it to Frank. He opens it and shows an old photograph of the bill to the guys. They pass the photograph around. FRANK (CONTD) It rolled off the prints on August 19, 1861. The paper is in excellent, almost crisp condition, with a center image that depicts a pair of spades loading some cotton onto a wagon. A uniformed sailor stands at the lower left corner of the bill. Two large medallions stacked vertically adorn the right panel with the upper medallion bearing 100 and the lower medallion bearing a large C. That photograph was taken back in nineteen-seventy-five. It is the last known photograph. I tried making the owner a very generous offer, but the stubborn bastard wont budge. I had him under surveillance for the last month. He has a safety deposit box at the First National Bank. Im certain hes keeping the bill there. sEAN Do you know the guys box number? FRANK Everything you need is in that folder. Frank takes out a business card. Slides it to Jimmy who collects it. FRANK (CONTD) Call me the day before you guys pull the job, that way, I have an alibi. Questions? They all look to each. No questions. FRANK (CONTD) Alright. Good-luck. INT. jACKIES CHEVy - dAY The car travels down the street. Sean goes through the folder. FRANCIS This is a big fucking problem, man! Weve never done a bank job before. sEAN Maybe thats why we should do it. Look, half the shit we steal doesnt get fenced. Why? Cause its too hot to move, and that means less money in our pockets and more problems in the future. 00020000063600003145630,No one speaks. sEAN (CONTD) Guys, this is what weve been waiting for. Now, Im tired of fencing shit. And I know you are. So I say lets stop fucking around and do the damn job. SAM Sean, you know Im in. But if we are gonna go through with this, we gotta do it right. sEAN The real gamble is the security. FRANCIS Whatre we gonna do, bring in a fifth guy? Someone to hack into their security systems? sEAN Not exactly. You see, banks use security companies like regular everyday people. You see, when a bank is being robbed one of the employees will hit the panic button. That call gets sent to the security company. Someone from the security company will call up the bank, and if no one answers then they know the place is being robbed and then they call the cops. FRANCIS How do you know all that? sEAN Cousin tried to get me a job at a security company. Got a layout on how things work. FRANCIS So whats the gamble? sEAN Flipping the guy working at the security company. EXT. foxworth security - dAY A U-shaped brick building with courtyard parking lot. Only a few empty spaces. Jackies car pulls up across the street. The guys stare out the open windows. A hatchback pulls into the Foxworth parking lot. A YOUNG MAN gets out, a college boy - BRIAN. He grabs his backpack and heads inside. sEAN Thats our boy. EXT. los angeles - eVENING Palm trees in silhouette against a cherry sky. City lights twinkle. EXT. jACKIES CHEVy - nIGHT Seans outside of the car. Sam lies on the hood. Across the street, Brian exits the Foxworth building. Walking to his car. 00020000061900003775613,sEAN Yo. The guys react, looking across the street. Brian starts up his car. sEAN (CONTD) Follow him. EXT. street - nIGHT Brian parks his car at the curb. Gets out and walks into a three unit apartment. Moments later, Jackies Chevy pulls up behind the hatchback. Sean gets out. SEAN Its okay, guys. I got it from here. Ill call you in the morning. The Chevy drives off. Sean walks alongside of the hatchback, peeks inside, and sees a few college books in the backseat. INT. three unit apartment - nIGHT Brian opens his mailbox and takes out his mail. He walks up the stairs as he looks at his mail. Sean steps inside. SEAN Hey, pal. Brian turns around. SEAN (CONTD) I think you drop this outside. Sean holds up something between his fingers. Brain walks down the steps and sees that its a one-hundred dollar bill. SEAN (CONTD) You think you can spare a minute? EXT. alley - nIGHT (later) Sean and Brian stand in an alley with dumpsters overflowing with the days garbage. Sean lights up a smoke. Brian Look, I just cant ignore a call, Sean. SEAN Im not asking you to ignore it. Im just asking you to give us a two minute window. Look, the second the panic call comes through, call the bank. Then hang up and wait two minutes before calling the cops. BRIAN Okay. But what if yall use up the two minutes and youre still there after I call the cops? SEAN Dont worry. Im gonna have that taken care of. Brian leans against the brick wall, a bit unsure. SEAN (CONTD) How are you paying your way through college? He looks up at Sean. 00020000097C00003D88976,BRIAN Student loans. SEAN No help from anyone, right? BRIAN Right. SEAN Whatre studying? BRIAN Law. SEAN So thats like more school, right? BRIAN Right. SEAN Tell you what. You help us out and Ill make sure youll be able to pay off your student loans without breaking a sweat. Deal? Sean extends his hand. Brian takes a moment. Nods his head. BRIAN Deal. He shakes Seans hand. EXT. First National Bank - dAY Jackies Chevy pulls into the parking lot. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - dAY EMPLOYEES are helping CUSTOMERS in the hushed silence of the bank. Sean walks into the bank, wearing khaki slacks and a polo shirt. He approaches the RECEPTIONIST. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - vault - dAY The vault is lined with safety deposit boxes and a large steel cabinet. The BANK MANAGER gives Sean a tour through the vault. Sean eyes the number 117. EXT. aLLEY - dAY Jackie and a SMALL-TIME ARMS DEALER do business at the back of an open hearse, occupied with various firearms. The arms dealer loads four pistol-grip shotguns and boxes of shells into a duffle bag. Jackie hands the dealer a thousand dollars. INT. safe house - eVENING A small warehouse, real small. A place where they store the stolen goods until it can be fenced. Jackie is crouched in front of the van, taking off the old license plate and putting on a new one. Sam is at the utility table, testing out the cell phone jammer. He switches on the jammer and tries to dial out - nothing goes through. Francis stands by the pool table with a Cryogun. On top of the pool table is a safe. He puts on a pair of thick gloves and sprays liquid nitrogen on the hinges. He stops. Waits. Picks up a mini-sledge hammer and smashes the hinges a few times and the safe door falls off. Francis Shit. EXT. sAFE HOUSE - eVENING Sean stands outside, on his cell phone. SEAN Mr. Morgan. Were hitting the bank tomorrow. Frank (V.O.) You guys move fast. I like that. Make sure you leave nothing behind. Ill be in Vegas in if you need me. Good luck. Frank hangs up. EXT. los angeles - mORNING The enormous skyscrapers of downtown L.A. are dramatically illuminated by the warm orange rays of the rising sun. EXT. COMMERCIAL district - morning A few cars here and there, only a handful of people are walking around. The van pulls up to the curb. Sean gets out, wearing coveralls and black gloves. He approaches a pay phone. Drops in a quarter and dials 911. 000200000628000046FE622,SEAN Hello, is the Solano Avenue Elementary School? I thought you should know theres a bomb in your school. Youve got sixty minutes. Sean hangs up. Gets back in the van. It drives off. INT. van - mORNING The guys are dressed the same as Sean. He takes out his cell phone. Dials a number. BRIAN (V.O.) Yeah? SEAN Well be there soon. Remember two minutes. BRIAN (V.O.) Alright. Sean hangs up. EXT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - mORNING The pulls into the parking lot. Backs up towards the door. INT. vAN - mORNING Sam takes out the cell phone jammer. Turns it on. Tucks it in his front pocket. He looks to Sean, nods his head. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - mORNING PATRONS in line, wait impatiently. A SECURITY GUARD in the corner yawns. TELLERS count out cash, access accounts on COMPUTERS. A YOUNG MAN in line tries to dial out on his cell phone, hes getting nothing. Young man The hell? A MAN stuffs bucks into his wallet, reaching for the door which -- slams inward. He is hit by the four men. Sean and Sam carry black duffle bags over their shoulders. Francis throws the poor guy skidding across the floor. Jackie butt-whacks a GUARD, hard in the face with his shotgun. The OTHER GUARD goes for his holster -- finds himself facing the barrel of Seans twelve-gauge. SEAN Dont be stupid, man! The guard freezes. White and sweaty. Jackie slips up to him and collects the pistol. Francis and Jackie cover the stunned customers. sam EVERYBODY FREEZE!! ALL THE TELLERS STEP AWAY FROM THE COUNTER! Sam moves to the counter as the tellers comply. Sam (CONTD) 00020000069700004D20691,EVERYONE ELSE EAT THE FUCKING FLOOR! LETS GO! Everyone is on the deck by now. The guys move fast. Sam hurdles to the tellers side. sEAN THE ONES WITH THE VAULT KEYS STAND UP, NOW! The BANK MANAGER nervously stands up near Francis and so does the ASSISTANT MANAGER, across the room. sEAN (CONTD) VAULT DOOR, NOW! LETS GO, ASSHOLE! Francis pushes the bank manager with his shotgun. A phone on a desk starts to ring. Francis stares at it. FRANCIS Two minutes! Jackie and Francis control the room as Sam quickly empties out the tellers cash drawers into the bag. His hands move like lightning. He grabs a pack of double band twenties and rips it up to reveal dye pack and circuit. Sean, the manager, and the assistant manager stand at the open vault door and the second rectangular cage door. They insert their keys and unlock the door. sEAN ON THE FLOOR! HEADS DOWN! The two men comply. Sean enters the vault. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - VAULT - mORNING Moves quick down the rows of safety deposit boxes. Finds 117. He puts the black duffle bag on the table. Takes out a Cryogun. He starts spraying the hinges with liquid nitrogen. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - mORNING Sam empties out the last cash drawer. He climbs over the counter and heads for the front doors. INT. vAN - mORNING Sam climbs into van through the open rear doors. Drops the money bag and gets into the driver seat. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - vAULT - mORNING Sean stops. The mist clears. He puts the Cryogun back in the bag and takes out a crowbar. He starts stabbing at the hinges at a downward angle. Breaking the hinges into bits of frozen metal. He pries the thing open, comes right off. 000200000639000053B1633,Sean puts the crowbar back in the bag. He pulls out the safety deposit box. Opens it up and finds the... bill. Pressed between two, rectangle sheets of Plexiglas. He grabs it, stuffs it in his inside pocket. Drops the box. Grabs the bag and bolts out of the vault. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK - mORNING Sean runs to the doors. SEAN LETS GO! The three men exit the bank. INT. vAN - mORNING The three men get into the van. Francis closes the doors. FRANCIS Drive! EXT. street - mORNING The van drives out of the parking lot and into the flow of traffic. INT. vAN - mORNING The guys tear off their masks. Francis is stoked, too excited. FRANCIS Hoo-fuckin-rah, bitches! He starts stamping his feet. SAM And you said you didnt wanna fuckin do it! Sam laughing. SEAN Fastest money weve ever made, boys. Jesus Christ. Sean slows his heartbeat. SeAN (CONTD) Okay. SS takes us to the drop-off. EXT. WOODBURN SCRAP, METAL AND TOW - mORNING A virtual cityscape of dismantled automobile carcasses piled up high for as far as the eye can see. Morning auto nonpareil... To one side of the yard is an office building: The van pulls into the yard, right next to Jackies Chevy. A MAN steps out of the office building. BIG MOE, mid-fifties, husky. The guys get out of the van, wearing street clothes. Sam and Sean carry their duffle bags. SEAN Whats up, Big Moe? Sean and Moe shake hands. Big moe Is this it? SEAN Yeah. Everythings inside. Big Moe calls out to an EMPLOYEE. BIG MOE Gary! Crusher, now! The employee rushes over to the van. Gets in and drives towards the crusher. 000200000711000059E470B,SEAN Say goodbye to it, guys. Sean dugs into his duffle bag, takes out two bricks of cash. SEAN (CONTD) And say hello to the Franklins, Big Moe. Sean hands it to Big Moe. SEAN (CONTD) Thanks again, Big Moe. BIG MOE Take it easy, boys. Big Moe heads back into his office. They get into the Chevy. INT. jackies chevy - mORNING AC/DC on the radio. Sean dials a number on his cell phone. FRANK (V.O.) This better be good. SEAN Its better than good, its fuckin spectacular. FRANK (V.O.) You got the bill? SEAN We got the bill. Frank is excited on the other end. FRANK (V.O.) You guys have no idea how happy you made me. Come by my house tomorrow morning. Ill text you the address. Go out and celebrate. You boys deserve. SEAN Thanks again, Mr. Morgan. Well see you tomorrow. Sean hangs up. FRANCIS I think we should talk about how much we should give to the kid. I mean theres a lot of money here. SAM I agree. SEAN Were each getting seventy grand. How greedy can you guys get? SAM Its not entirely about greed, Sean. Its about confidence. Were giving this kid a shit load of green. Now how do we know that hes not gonna blow it all on a Mercedes and weekend in Malibu? If he does, his coworkers will get suspicious, theyll learn that he had something to do with the robbery, and hell fuckin rat us out to avoid jail time. Now if we give him just enough for him to pay off his student loans, fine, I can live with that. But all of it? Sean cant help but agree. SEAN You make interesting point. But I have a better one: that kid couldve pussied out and inform the cops about the robbery. He couldve set us up. But he didnt, he kept his word, so were gonna keep ours. But, hey, this isnt North Korea. Well put it to a vote. All those for giving the kid the money? 00020000066C000060EF666,Sean puts his hand up. So does Jackie. Sam slowly puts his up. Francis finally does. EXT. lOS ANGELES - dAY The sun is high above the city of angels. EXT. parking structure - top level - dAY The guys stand around Jackies Chevy. Sean smokes a ciggy. Moments later, Brians hatchback arrives. Sean puts out his cigarette. The hatchback stops in front of the guys. Brian gets out. BRIAN Im on my lunch break. SEAN Howd it go? BRIAN So far everything is okay. The guys exchange looks with one another. Sam tosses the duffle bag at Brians feet. SAM There you go, kid. Brian hesitates for moment. But reaches down and picks it up. BRIAN Thanks. An awkward moment. Brian turns around and starts towards his car. SEAN Brian. Sean walks Brian to his car. SEAN (CONTD) Brian, I like you. You didnt fold and because of that you did well. So thats why Im gonna leave you with this: (they stop at his car) Too much money in your pocket can make you do the dumbest things. Now I hope youll be smart about all this- BRIAN Sean, Im not gonna- SEAN Because if the cops show up at my door, we will know who sent them, and we will fuckin find you. Brian takes in Seans words. SEAN (CONTD) Drive safely. Sean turns around and heads back to the Chevy. INT. hals bar - eVENING Just a quiet looking dive bar. Only a few PATRONS. The guys sit at a corner booth. They each do a shot. SEAN Okay. One last thing we need go over. Jackie We covered everything. Even got rid of my fuckin van. SEAN Yeah, and I am sorry about that. Ill buy you a new one. We need to discuss about whos gonna hold onto the bill till tomorrow morning. 00020000061D00006755617,SAM Why dont we just put it in the safe house? SEAN Normally we would, but, this isnt a normal situation. SAM Then you hold on to it. SeAN I would, but I want this bitch to be in the safest place in the world. SAM And wheres that? SEAN In Francis safe. FRANCIS What? SEAN Francis, outta the four of us, youre the only one that has a safe. And right now, we need to use it. Sean takes out the bill, slides it over to Francis. SeAN (CONTD) So just go home, put it in your safe, and thats it. Dont do anything else. No weed, no booze, no pussy, no bullshit. That goes for all of us. We can celebrate we when get paid. Sean takes the bottle and pours them another round. SEAN (CONTD) After this round, well all go home and lay low. They raise their shot glasses. Cling...! INT. francis place - bedroom - mORNING Theres a hum emanating from a noisy window air conditioner. The first light of day slices around duct tape holding the machine in place. On the nightstand, the numbers to a digital clock flip to 7:23 a.m. Francis lays across his bed, wearing boxer shorts. Sheets, tangled around his legs. His cell phone goes off, a musical ring tone plays. Francis snaps his head up. FRANCIS Huh... He looks around, wondering where the ring is coming from. He looks down, realizing the ringing is coming from his pants that are on the floor. He pulls out his cell phone. Answers it. FRANCIS (CONTD) (groggy) Yeah...? SEAN (V.O.) What the hell, man? Ive been trying to call you for the past three minutes. FRANCIS Uh... wha... SEAN (V.O.) 00020000066700006D6C661,Look, get yourself together. Well be there in five minutes. Sean hangs up. Francis looks at the cell phone. FRANCIS Well, good morning to you too. Francis opens his closet door. He kneels down to the digital-combo safe. He punches in the combination, opens the safe to find his money... but no bill! FRANCIS (CONTD) What? Francis turns on the closet light. He still doesnt see it in the safe. He starts throwing out some of his cash. The safe is empty. FRANCIS (CONTD) Oh, Christ no. He is freaking out. He tears the bedroom apart. Going through all the drawers, tossing out his clothes, etc. Francis drops to the floor, looking through every crack. He sees something under his bed. Its not the bill, but its something thats got his attention. He reaches for it and pulls it out from under the bed. Its a black thong. He stares at it. INT. fRANCIS PLACE - niGHT (flashback) A drunken Francis stumbles in through the front door with a bottle of scotch whiskey in his hand and a beautiful HOOKER at his side. SUPERIMPOSE: Last night... He laughs as he takes another swig. INT. fRANCIS PLACE - BEDROOM - nIGHT The sex isnt romantic. Its raunchy and rough. Francis does the hooker doggy-style. Pours the whiskey on her naked back and licks it up. INT. fRANCIS PLACE - BEDROOM - mORNING (present) He continues to stare at the thong. Almost putting the pieces together. INT. fRANCIS PLACE - BEDROOM - nIGHt (FLASHBACK) The hooker is fully dressed. She goes through Francis wallet, finding at least two-hundred dollars. She picks up his jacket, finds the bill, looks at it, and then puts it in her purse. 000200000639000073CD633,INT. fRANCIS PLACE - BEDROOM - mORNING (PRESENT) FRANCIS Oh, God. EXT. sTREET - mORNING Francis waits outside his building. Jackies Chevy pulls up. Sean gets out so Francis can get in. SEAN You got it? FRANCIS Yeah. Francis slides into the backseat. Sean gets back in. INT. jACKIES CHEVY - mORNING Theyre all there. Ready to get paid and happy as clams. Expect for Francis. Sean spots this through the rearview mirror. SEAN (to Francis) You okay, Francis? Cause you look kind of worry. FRANCIS Yeah. Im good. Sean shrugs it off. EXT. stREET - mORNING The Chevy travels through a neighborhood lined with palm trees in Beverly Hills. EXT. pooles residence - mORNING Like most houses in Beverly Hills, its big and expensive looking. The Chevy parks at the curb. The guys get out, at awe. SAM Goddamn! You think I can afford a place like this? SEAN Ha! They walk up the stone pathway. EXT. pOOLES RESIDENCE - patio - mORNING Orson escorts the guys pass the pool towards the patio furniture. They sit down. Moments later, Frank steps onto the patio, smoking a cigar, has THREE GUYS picking up the rear. FRANK Good morning, gentlemen! Frank sits down with the guys. FRANK (CONTD) Have you boys had breakfast? They shake their heads. FRANK (CONTD) Well after this well all head over to Aunt Sarahs Pancake House. Now, let me see her. The guys look at Francis. He stalls. FRANK (CONTD) I think Ive waited long enough, guys. Frank laughs. SEAN Give it to him, Francis. He hesitates. FRANCIS Yeah, uh. Heres the thing. I kind of... lost it. Franks face is frozen. 0002000006BE00007A006B8,Underwater Sean, Sam, Francis, and Jackie have their heads dunked into the pool. They try to come up, but- EXT. pOOLES RESIDENCE - PATIO - mORNING -Franks goons are doing a fine job of not letting that happen. FRANK Let em up. The goons allow their heads to pop up, they gasp for air. FRANK (CONTD) I shouldve hired the yard apes, instead. SEAN I swear to God, Frank, were gonna get it back for you. You just gotta- FRANK Dunk em. Their heads go back in. UNDERWATER They scream and wiggle around. EXT. pOOLES RESIDENCE - PATIO - mORNING Frank stands by, still very upset. FRANK Alright, let em go. The goons let go of the guys. They come for air. FRANK (CONTD) Sweet-tap-dancing-Christ. SEAN Look, Frank- FRANK Dont even try it, kid. I dont wanna know how or why. Frank squats down next to Sean. Takes a drag, blows the smoke in Seans face. FRANK (CONTD) This is your fuck up, kid, and youre gonna fix it. Im gonna give you... forty-eight-hours to find it. If I dont have that bill my hand by then, Ill sodomize you and your boys with a fuckin chainsaw. Now get the fuck off my property. Frank walks away, his goons follow him. EXT. pOOLES RESIDENCE - mORNING Sean has Francis up against the Chevy, punches him in the face. Sam and Jackie try to pull him off. SEAN Im gonna fuckin kill you, you fuckin spud-nigger! They finally do. FRANCIS Im fuckin sorry, alright! Jesus Christ! They calm Sean down. SAM You cool? Sean nods his head. SEAN Yeah. SAM Good. Suddenly, Sam spins around and hits Francis in the stomach. Hits him a few times. SAM (CONTD) You lousy, Irish motherfucker! Hits him a few times. Jackie holds Sam back. SAM (CONTD) You just fuckin killed us, Francis! 000200000729000080B8723,Everyone begins to calm down, catching their breath. SEAN You gotta think, Francis. What did you do last night? FRANCIS I bought a bottle of booze and a night with a hooker. I left the bill in my jacket. And I think she- SAM -cleaned you out. SEAN Did you get a name? FRANCIS No. Sean rolls his eyes. SEAN Do you remember what street she was walking on? FRANCIS Uh-- uh, shit-- South Vermont Avenue. SEAN Are you sure? FRANCIS Yeah. I was on West Century Boulevard, and then I turned left on Vermont. JACKIE Why does that matter? SEAN Irish. Irish Mann. The guys knee deep in pimps and hos. He might know about the chick. Let me call him up. Sean takes out his cell phone and dials. SEAN (CONTD) Irish. Wake up, man. We need to meet. Like right now. EXT. venice beach boardwalk - mORNING The day is cloudy and overcast but that doesn't bother the local SURFERS. A twosome paddles north to get a better break on the next set. IRISH MANN, Caucasian, mid-thirties, wears a fedora straw hat, shorts, a logo T-shirt, and flip-flops. He stands on the bike path, smoking. The guys show up. Irish mann You sure know how to ruin a morning quickie, Sean. Ive been trying for months to get with this China doll, but her fuckin boyfriend keeps her on a goddamn chain and this was the one morning she got loose. SEAN Ill owe you. We need your help. IRISH MANN Whats up? SEAN We need to find a hooker that walks on South Vermont Avenue. IRISH MANN Whatd she looks like? FRANCIS About late-twenties, five-foot-six, brown hair, big tits. I think she was Latin. IRISH MANN Yeah that really narrows it down. But South Vermont. That block belongs to the Lady. SEAN The Lady? IRISH MANN Yeah. Marisol Rodriguez SAM Where can we find her? IRISH MANN Where she hangs out I dont know. She moves around like Bin Laden. 00020000071D000087DB717,JACKIE So who do we look for first? SEAN The hooker first. She might have it-- oh, yeah, Irish. (takes out the photograph of the bill) If you see or hear anyone talking about an old hundred dollar bill- (shows it to Irish) Call me. And get the word out that were looking for it. IRISH MANN Ill see what I can do. SEAN Alright, thanks again, Irish. The guys walk away. EXT. vENICE BEACH BOARDWALK - mORNING The guys walk to the parking lot. SAM What are the chances of us finding this woman? SEAN Slim. But thats something were gonna have to take. You guys head over to South Vermont and wait for me. FRANCIS Where you going? SEAN Im gonna go see Vincent. Maybe he and his birds can help us out. But first I gotta call Michelle. I think she needs to know whats going on. She vouched for us so; her life might be in danger too. JACKIE Shes gonna be pissed. SEAN I know. EXT. sTREET - mORNING A taxi cab barrels down a homeless-ridden street in Hollywood. Michelle (V.O.) I dont fuckin believe this! INT. taxi cab - mORNING Sean sits in the backseat, on his cell phone. SEAN Believe it, girl. Its done. We fucked up-- or at least I did by intrusting the bill with Francis. EXT. sTREET - mORNING Michelle is walking on the sidewalk, talking on her cell phone and holding a cup of coffee. MICHELLE So he gave yall forty-eight hours. Whatd you got so far? INT. tAXI CAB - mORNING SEAN All we know is that Francis hooked up with a prostitute on South Vermont Avenue. Thats where the guys are heading. EXT. sTREET - mORNING MICHELLE Where you heading? INT. taXI CAB - mORNING SEAN Vincent Doyles place. Listen, just in case, get yourself a train ticket out of Cali. EXT. sTREET - mORNING MICHELLE Its that bad, huh? INT. taXI CAB - mORNING SeAN Very. Ill call you if anything good comes up. 00020000062900008EF2623,Sean hangs up. EXT. sTREET - mORNING The cab zooms on by. EXT. lOS ANGELES - morning/day The lunchtime crowd stacks up into a wall of humanity. They move in herds among the glittering rows of cars jammed bumper to bumper. INT. tHE SANDS - dAY A bar/pool hall. Semi-crowded. Hendricks on the jukebox, cold beer, and peanuts. Sean enters the place. Walks over to the bar. The BARTENDER approaches him. Bartender Can help you? SEAN Is Vincent Doyle in? BARTENDER Whos asking? SEAN Sean Mackie. The bartender goes to the end of the bar to an intercom. Sean looks around; most of the PATRONS are MIDDLE-AGED BLIND MEN with sunglasses and holding canes. The bartender returns. BaRTENDER Go on in. Sean walks towards the door at the far end of the bar. INT. tHE SANDS - office - dAY VINCENT DOYLE, bookmaker, late-forties, dark hair, and a close cropped beard. Wears a combination of slouchy-casual. He sits in a large leather office chair behind an ebony wood desk. Goes over the point spread. Theres a knock on the door. Vincent Yo. Sean enters the office. VINCENT (CONTD) Sean. Hows it going, man? SeAN Not good. What about you? Sean sits down. VINCENT Its gonna be a white-fuckin-Christmas. What can do for you? SeAN I could really use your birds out there. VINCENT Whats the problem? SEAN The guys and I screwed up a job. We lost a rare collectable and its somewhere on the street. Sean takes out the photograph and shows it to Vincent. VINCENT Somebody hired yall to steal this? From what? A little fuckin antique store owned by a little old lady? 0002000005FA000095155F4,Vincent starts laughing. He hands back the photograph. SEAN You done? VINCENT Yeah, thats all I got. SEAN Kay. Long story short - we need to find this bill, fast. And I need your birds to be out on the street, seeing and listening to everything. So how much? VINCENT Nine-hundred. SEAN Jesus Christ. VINCENT I train my birds to be blind, deaf and dumb. And it comes outta my pocket. SEAN Eight-hundred. VINCENT Okay, for you, eight-hundred. Sean takes out a wad of cash and hands Vincent eight-hundred. SEAN Call my cell the second you hear from one of your birds. VINCENT You got it. Sean heads to the door. SEAN Thanks again, Vincent. EXT. sTREET - corner of west century and Vermont - dAY The Chevy is parked at the curb. Sam, Francis, and Jackie are inside. A cab pulls up behind the Chevy. Sean steps out with four coffees in a tray. The cab drives away as Sean approaches the Chevy. SEAN Got coffee. Sam gets out. Sean hands him the tray and gets in. Sam gets back in the car. INT. jACKIES CHEVY - dAY Sam passes around the coffee. SEAN Hear anything from anyone? Sam, francis, jackie No. FRANCIS What about you? SEAN Vincents got his birds out on the street for us. All we have to do is wait. JACKIE We cant forever, you know. SEAN I know. Lets just hope this chick has it. EXT. jACKIES CHEVY - dAY Now they wait. EXT. lOS ANGELES - day/evening The sun, from bright yellow, to hazy orange. It starts to sink behind the downtown skyscrapers. EXT. sTREET - nIGHT The Chevy travels up South Vermont. 00020000063600009B09630,INT. jACKIES CHEVY - nIGHT Francis is in the front seat, looking out the window, seeing STREET WALKERS talking to a potential CUSTOMERS. SEAN You see her, Francis? FRANCIS No. SAM Maybe shes with a john. JACKIE Or this is her night off. SEAN God I hope not. Francis keeps looking. EXT. sTREET - nIGHT The Chevy continues up the street. Back and forth, back forth. INT. jACKIES CHEVY - nIGHT The guys look bored. Francis still hasnt found her. JACKIE Weve been doing this for well over thirty-minutes. Back and forth, back and forth. SEAN And were gonna keep going back and forth until Francis sees her. Sam looks at Sean. Then looks at Jackie. SAM Pull over, Jackie. (to Sean) We need a break, man. EXT. sTREET - nIGHT The Chevy pulls up to the curb. Jackie shuts off the engine. INT. jACKIES CHEVY - nIGHT The guys sit in silence. A WOMAN wearing denim bootie shorts, a pair of come fuck me pumps, and a sexy sweater, approaches the Chevy and bends down to the open window. The hooker You boys looking for a good time? Francis hesitates for a moment, but realizes its her! The hooker from last night! THE HOOKER (CONTD) You! Its her- this is the chick. The hooker walks away. The guys struggle to get out. EXT. sTREET - nIGHT The guys go after the hooker who continues on. SEAN Hey! Hey, lady! The guys finally catch up with the hooker. SEAN (CONTD) Look we just wanna talk to you. THE HOOKER Oh, really? Well time is money, honey. Sam takes out some cash and gives her a fifty THE HOOKER (CONTD) Alright, talk. SeAN Do you remember this guy from last night? 0002000006390000A139633,Sean points to Francis. THE HOOKER Yeah. I remember the guy. SEAN Do you remember taking this? Sean shows her the photograph. THE HOOKER Yeah. He was a little short on cash, so I took it. SEAN Do you still have it? The hooker is quiet. SaM Well?! THE HOOKER I gave it to my boss. SEAN Marisol Rodriguez? THE HOOKER Yeah. SEAN Where does she hangout at? THE HOOKER Try the Woods. 1533 North La Brea Avenue. Shell be in the far back. EXT. jACKIES CHEVY - nIGHT The guys travel to Hollywood. INT. the woods - nIGHT The guys enter the bar. Its not big, but its cozy. Massive tree-trunk tables, cedar walls and a birch branch-lined bar warrant the name. A fiber optic ceiling captures the twinkling night sky and elk horn chandeliers suspend magnificently beneath. There are one or two PATRONS. They walk to the far back where a WOMAN sits alone. MARISOL THE LADY RODRIGUEZ, Latin, early-forties but still a knock out. Wears a lovely pant suit. Reads a Time magazine. SEAN Marisol Rodriguez? Marisol Do I know you? SEAN No. But I believe you have something that belongs to me? MARISOL And that would be, what? SEAN This. Sean shows Marisol the photograph. Marisol puts the magazine on the table, right next to a folded newspaper. SEAN (CONTD) One of your girls lifted a bill from him and gave it to you as payment. I want it back. MARISOL I see. She hands it back. MARISOL (CONTD) Its very beautiful, isnt it? Has a lot history. How much is it worth to yall? SEAN Come again? MARISOL I happen to know where your property is and Im willing to tell you for a small fee. 0002000006310000A76C62B,FRANCIS I dont fuckin believe this. MARISOL Well believe it, honey. Cause like my girls, my time is also valuable, and right now youre wasting it. JACKIE I wonder if your fuckin lifes valuable, bitch. Jackie reaches for something inside his jacket. The guys stop him before he can pull it out. Marisol quickly unfolds the newspaper, picks up, and aims a stainless steel AMT Hardballer at the guys. The react to the gun. SAM Whoa, whoa! Take it easy. SEAN Pull a gun on us with people around. Are you fucking crazy? MARISOL I own this place so I dont give a fuck about any of them. SAM Hey-- cmon, lets just calm down. (to Marisol) You think you can lower the piece now, Lady? Marisol lowers the gun, but still keeps it on them. SAM (CONTD) Look, the bill doesnt belong to us. A guy hired us snatch it for him. And if its not in his hands soon, were- MARISOL Blah, blah, blah. Youre still wasting my time. They have no choice. SeAN Everyone pitch in. They each take out a hundred dollars and put it on the table in front of Marisol. MARISOL I guess four hundred dollars will do. She puts the gun back on the newspaper and folds it up. MARISOL (CONTD) Your property is in my car. The guys are revealed. SeAN Oh, thank God. FRANCIS So is your car in the parking lot? MARISOL Not really. It was stolen this morning outside my place. Sean looks like hes about to explode. SEAN GODDAMN IT! He stomps around. SAM Didnt you report it stolen? MARISOL Are you crazy? I have an eight-ball of yayo and a hot thirty-eight in the glove box. Im not reporting shit. 0002000006300000AD9762A,The guys are quiet, talking amongst themselves. FrANCIS What kind of person doesnt report a missing car to the cops? SAM Who gives a shit? The bill is gone and we dont have any fucking leads. SEAN Wait-- cops. Maybe. FRANCIS What? Sean walks to a table, grabs a napkin, and goes over to Marisol. SEAN What do you drive? He takes out a black Sharpie. MARISOL A seventy-three Monte Carlo. He writes it down. SEAN License plate? MARISOL The Lady. Sean gives her a look, but writes it down. SEAN Thanks. He walks back to the guys. Marisol goes back to her magazine. JACKIE What was that all about? SEAN I dont wanna get yalls hopes up, but we might have a lead. But I gotta cash in a favor. You guys get something to eat. Ill call you later. Sean exits the bar. EXT. tAXI CAB - nIGHT The cab is at a stoplight. Sean sits in the backseat, on his cell phone. SEAN Hey, Hollis. Hows it going, man? Whatre you doing right now? EXT. coffee shop - nIGHT Sean waits outside, smoking, and showing signs of boredom. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a MAN jams a Beretta in the back of Seans head. Mugger Freeze, motherfucker! Sean goes stiff, putting his hands up. SEAN Alight, alright. MUGGER Now, drop your pants and spread your cheeks. SeAN (confused) What? MUGGER Get ready to have a nine-milli shoved up your ass, sucker. Sean turns around and sees HOLLIS STOAT, early-forties, dark hair, linebacker shoulders, wears a suit and tie. He grins and starts laughing. SEAN You stupid, asshole! He holsters his pistol, revealing a gold shield detective badge clipped to his belt. 0002000006710000B3C166B,SeAN (CONTD) You scared the shit out of me. Hollis That was the idea, man. INT. cOFFEE SHOP - nIGHT Its a slow night. At least ONE PATRON. Sean and Hollis sit at a table, drinking coffee. SEAN So hows the wife and kids? HOLLIS Good. So whats up, man? I know you didnt call me out here just catch up on bullshit. Sean takes a sip from his coffee. SEAN Well-- remember a few years back, Connie found a pair panties under the seat of your car. And you told her that I asked you if could borrow it, so I could go out on a date some woman who would later fuck brains out. HOLLIS Oh, God. SEAN And then you called me up so I could confirm this whole story with your wife. Which I did. And then you said in your own words: I owe you one, man. Well Im cash it in. I need your help. Hollis takes a moment. HOLLIS What can I do? Sean takes out the napkin, slides it to Hollis. SEAN I need you to find this car for me. You and only you. No one in blues. I dont want anyone else find this car. HOLLIS Whats so special about this car? SEAN Theres something inside that I need to get. HOLLIS What is it? SEAN A bill, a very old bill. Cant say anymore. So, can you help me out? HOLLIS Ill see what I can do. Hollis drinks his coffee, collects the napkin, and gets up. HOLLIS (CONTD) Before I go, you wouldnt have any idea about a robbery that happened yesterday morning at the First National Bank? SEAN No. But Ill see what I can do. HOLLIS Yeah, sure. Hollis walks away with a smirk. Sean sits alone. His cell phone starts ringing. He answers it. SEAN Yeah? VINCENT (V.O.) Youre lucky Im working late hours for you, Sean. 0002000006700000BA2C66A,SEAN Please tell me this is good news. VINCENT (V.O.) One of the birds called me with information about your bill. Some broad might know where it is. SEAN Where? EXT. sTREET - nIGHT A taxi cab flies by. INT. tAXI CAB - nIGHT Seans on his cell phone. SAM (V.O.) Where? SEAN Little Luigis. Its a pizza parlor. Vincent said that this chick might know where it is. Im going there now. SAM (V.O.) What about your guy? SEAN Hes doesnt need to know about this, for all we know thisll lead us to nowhere. Its best we just let him look for the car. SAM (V.O.) Look, some of us are wondering if worse comes to worse, should we just cut our losses and get the fuck outta town? SEAN Your call, man. I gotta go. Sean hangs up. INT. little luigis - nIGHT A very small family restaurant with a mosaic tile floor. Its just about closing time. There are empty booths along the side walls; with a few CUSTOMERS, and ONE or TWO WAITERS. It is very quiet. Sean enters, instantly spots a beautiful BLONDE WOMAN in her late-thirties sitting at a small round table in the center of the restaurant. He walks up to her. SEAN You must be Molly. Molly And you must be Sean Mackie. He shakes her hand and sits down. SEAN I heard from a little birdie that you might know where I can find a lost bill. MOLLY You heard right. Its him. Excuse me. Molly gets up and walks out the restaurant. A MAN by the entrance locks the door and flips the sign to closed Sean turns around to find a tall, salt and peppered hair African-American MAN sitting in Mollys seat. This is DAN SHELBY, late-fifties or so. Has an authoritative voice and calm demeanor. 0002000006440000C09663E,Dan Hello, Sean. Im Dan Shelby. SEAN Who are you? DAN Im the man you stole from. Sean is speechless. SEAN Oh... shit. DAN Oh, shit is right. A DARK HAIRED MAN pulls up a chair next to Sean. Stares daggers at Sean and has no expression on his face. SEAN Look, I dont have your bill. DAN I know. Because if you did Frank Morgan would have it, wouldnt he? Sean doesnt say anything. Dan signals the dark haired man who socks Sean in the face. He growls in pain. SEAN Yes, yes. He would. Fuck. DAN Do you know why that bill means so much to me? SEAN Cause your great grandfather is on it? The dark haired man socks him again. A bruise is starting to form. Sean grinds his teeth, bangs his fist against the table Dan laughs. DAN Youre a funny guy, you know that? SEAN I have my moments. DAN I take it this is not one of them. The bill was given to me by my father when I was twenty-two. The bill was given to him by his father when he was young. And so on and so forth. But now, Frank Poole comes along and wants to take it off my hands. He wants it so he can add it to his collection rare junk. I want it back cause its my heritage. Who do think deserves it the most? Sean doesnt have a clue. He shrugs his shoulders. SEAN I dont know. DAN Do you believe you stole from the wrong guy? SEAN I believe I took the job from the wrong guy. Dan takes a moment. DAN (slides Sean a card) My number. I want that bill in my hands in twenty-four hours. If you dont, well, I dont think I need to say anything as trite and clichd as if you dont you and your friends are dead. 0002000006370000C6D4631,SEAN (nods his head) I think you just did. DAN (smiling) I guess I did. EXT. parking lot - nIGHT The guys are there, in the parking lot of a closed strip mall. A bit unhappy. FRANCIS This is a major fucking problem, man! Now we got two guys who want the goddamn bill and are gonna kill us if we dont give it to one of them. I say fuck it. Lets gather up whatever money we have and get the fuck outta dodge. SEAN If we run were dead. Pooles got enough money to find us, no matter how far we go. And Shelby, we have no idea how far his reach goes. JACKIE What about your guy? Has he called you back? SEAN It hasnt been that long, Jackie. SAM So now what? Sean doesnt know. SEAN I dont know. Seans cell phone rings. He looks at it. SEAN (CONTD) Shit! Its Poole. SAM Dont answer it. SEAN I have to. Sean answers it. SEAN (CONTD) Frank. FRANK (V.O.) Well? Have you found it? SEAN No. We havent. Listen, Frank, we would really appreciate if you gave us a little more time. Weve had some leads- Frank hangs up. Not a good sign. Sean looks at the guys. EXT. lOS ANGELES - niGHT/morning From night to morning. Commuters are out and about. EXT. Venice Canals - mORNING Its quiet out here, but very beautiful. INT. seans house - bedroom - mORNING A modernistic room. Sean is in bed with a naked BLONDE WOMAN. Sheets, tangled around their legs. His cell phone goes off on the nightstand. He wakes up, groggy. Answers the phone. SEAN Yeah? HOLLIS (V.O.) Tell me you love me, Sean. SEAN Ill give you a big, fat fucking kiss if you tell me you have it in your hand. 0002000006300000CD0562A,HOLLIS (V.O.) Fag. SEAN Well do you have it? HOLLIS (V.O.) I have some cam shots of the car pulling into some warehouse and never leaving. So it might still be in the car. Ill be by your place in ten-minutes. Be ready. Sean hangs up and gets out of bed. The blonde woman shifts her body. EXT. sTREET - mORNING Sean waits outside his place. Hollis Crown Vic pulls up. Sean gets in and the car drives off. INT. hollis crown vic - mORNING Hollis wears a suit and tie. HOLLIS Got you some Joe. Hollis passes a cup of coffee to Sean. He takes a sip. HOLLIS (CONTD) Did you get any sleep? SEAN No. I even had Kim come over to try to put me in a sex coma. HOLLIS And it didnt work? SEAN Fuck no. So tell me about the car. Wheres it at? HOLLIS I did a rundown on the place; its a known chop shop. SEAN Oh, great. Is the owner a real hardass? HOLLIS Dont know. I never ran into the guy before. And since this was a solo job, I couldnt talk to anybody about the guy or the place. But lets hope hes got what you want. EXT. stREET - mORNING The Crown Vic flies on by. INT. chop shop - mORNING A Porsche screams into the garage, the garage door slams right behind it. As it disappears into the cavernous room, there are several dozen GUYS chopping up high-ticket cars. Sean and Hollis enter the garage. They walk around, eyeing the hustle and bustle. HOLLIS Now I know this is not what I think it is! I know yall are not chopping up cars here! The OWNER comes out from behind a chopped SUV. BILLY CAFFEE, early-fifties, large, a feisty grease-soaked curmudgeon. 00020000064A0000D32F644,Billy Hey! Who are you?! HOLLIS The tin-man. Hollis shows his badge. HOLLIS (CONTD) Who are you? BILLY Im Billy Caffee. HOLLIS Well, Mr. Caffee. Ive only been here for thirty-seconds and Im starting to think these cars are stolen. Tell you what; Im gonna take down some these license plate numbers to see if any of these were reported stolen. BILLY Now hold on. What can I do for you officer? HOLLIS I tell you what, you help my friend out Ill forget I ever saw whats going on here. Billy nods. SEAN Did you get a seventy-three Monte Carlo yesterday? BILLY I did. Theres not much left of it. SEAN I dont care about the car. Did the guy who came here with it take anything out of it? BILLY Uh, yeah. Some coke, a gat, and some piece of paper between two sheets of glass. HOLLIS Whats his name? BILLY Reggie Thompson. INT. hOLLIS CROWN VIC - mORNING Hollis has pulled up Reggies file on the computer. HOLLIS Reggie Thompson. A few B&Es when he was fifteen. Upgraded to boosting cars, and thats what hes been good at so far. SeAN What about an address? HOLLIS 10912 Anzac Avenue. Its over in Watts. Lets hope hes home. Hollis starts the car. EXT. street - watts - dAY The street is very shady. The Crown Vic pulls up to the curb. The two get out. SEAN What are the chances this guys gonna run when he sees you. HOLLIS Whatd you mean? SEAN I mean you look too much like a cop. HOLLIS Whatd you want me to do? Walk up to the door naked? SEAN Lose the tie and unbutton your shirt a bit. Hollis takes off the tie stuffs it in his pocket. Then unbuttons the top three buttons. 0002000006340000D97362E,HOLLIS Shall we? EXT. reggies house - dAY Sean and Hollis step into the yard. HOLLIS Hang back to the side, just in case. Sean moves to the side of the house as Hollis approaches the door. He knocks on it. Waits. Knocks again. The door opens halfway to reveal a YOUNG AFRICAN-AMERICAN. Young african-american Yeah? HOLLIS Are you Reggie? YOUNG AFRICAN-AMERICAN Maybe? Who are you? HOLLIS Im Hollis. Billy Caffee sent me over to pick up something. Theres a string of silence between the two. Sean, with his back pressed against the side of the house, continues to wait for something to happen. Back at the door, the two men are still in silence. Suddenly the young African-American slams the door shut. This is REGGIE. Hollis tries to push the door, but its locked. HOLLIS (CONTD) Hes running! Sean races to the back of the house. EXT. reggies house - backyard - dAY Reggie bolts out the back door. Runs across the backyard. Seans on his tail. Reggie exits through the open gate. EXT. aLLEY - dAY Two people running all out. The machine-gun slap of the shoes on pavement, and the hard breathing of the two men, each in overdrive, going all out in long blurring strides. SeAN STOP! A truck backs up into the alley. Reggie hangs a hard left and scales a fence. Sean climbs over the fence with incredible speed. Diving into another neighborhood. EXT. hOUSE - BACKYARD - dAY Reggie crosses a cluttered backyard. Broken field run through toys, swing set, stacks of god- knows-what. He runs through a Mr. Turtle Pool in an explosion of spray. Crashes through a hedge. 0002000006400000DFA163A,Through the narrow gap between houses. Sean powers into the tight space behind him. Blurring along between stucco walls. EXT. sTREET - dAY They emerge into the front yard. A WOMAN watering her lawn is so surprised she yelps and falls down. Ahead, KIDS ON BIKES, racing along the sidewalk. Reggie dodges the first, Sean slams into the next two. He crashes, rolling, tangled up in bikes and squawking teenagers. He comes out of a pile-up somehow still in high gear. Everything is a blur. Suburbia smeared into staccato impressions. Reggie flashes across the sunlit street. Dodges in front of a car which locks up the brakes. Sean dodges the car as well. The house across the street is blocked by fence on both sides. A MAN is picking up his mail. Reggie pounds past him. Right through the front door of the house. Sean follows. INT. house - daY Panting as he sprints down a dark hallway. A WOMAN with a basket of washing screams as the robber blasts past her, knocking her down. Sean leaps over her sprawled legs. EXT. hOUSE - bACKYARD - dAY Reggie exits the house and runs through the backyard. Leaps the fence and enters the alley. EXT. aLLEY - dAY Reggie looks both ways, decides to go up the alley. Sean drops down into the alley, goes after Reggie. EXT. sTREET - dAY They both exit the alley and onto a commercial street. Reggie is hauling ass down a busy city sidewalk. If any BYSTANDERS get in his way, he just knocks them down. A YOUNG WOMAN on roller skates glides on the sidewalk. ROLLER GIRL is plugged into a iPod strapped to her arm. Boston spills out of the earphones. 00020000063E0000E5DB638,Roller girl It's more than a feeling. When I hear that old song they used to play- Shes twirling and skating backwards to the beat of the song. Roller girl turns a corner and collides with Reggie. The man and woman crash to the ground. ROLLER GIRL (CONTD) You stupid asshole! Reggie gets up, turns around, and gets speared by Sean. Both men hit the ground, hard. Sean sits on Reggie. Reggie Get off me, man! SEAN Shut up! Miss, you alright? ROLLER GIRL Good enough to skate outta here. Roller Girl gets up skates away. Sean takes out his cell phone. Dials a number. Reggie still tries to wiggle free. SEAN Hollis. Come and get me. INT. rEGGIES HOUSE - dAY Reggie flops down on the sofa, hands cuffed behind his back. HOLLIS Whyd you run? REGGIE You said Billy Caffee sent you over here to pick something up. HOLLIS Yeah. So? REGGIE Billy Caffee doesnt know where I live, yo. Fat fucker mustve cut a deal to give up my name for the pigs to keep his business going. Sean and Hollis look at each other. REGGIE (CONTD) Yo, man, get these fuckin cuffs off me. I didnt do shit. You aint got nothin on me, man. HOLLIS I got pictures of you in the front seat of a stolen seventy-three Monte Carlo. But I willing to forget about em if you help out my friend here. Reggie takes a moment. He looks at Sean. REGGIE What you want, man? Sean takes out the photograph. Shows it to Reggie. SEAN Did you lift this from the Monte Carlo? REGGIE Yeah. SEAN Do you have it? REGGIE I pawned it. Sean is at awe. SeAN You hawked a bill worth one-hundred and fifty-thousand dollars. REGGIE 0002000006390000EC13633,Try fifty-bucks, nigga. Sean holds his tongue. SEAN You still got the ticket? REGGIE Check the wallet, man. Sean spots the wallet on the coffee table. Opens it and searches for the ticket. Finds it. SEAN Echo Park Pawn Shop. HOLLIS Lets go to Echo Park. Sean and Hollis head to the door. REGGIE Hey! You mind gettin these motherfuckin cuffs off me first. EXT. sTREET - echo park - dAY Hollis Crown Vic parks at the curb, right behind a black and white cruiser. They get out. HOLLIS Well this doesnt look good. INT. Echo Park Pawn Shop - dAY Sean and Hollis step inside. TWO POLICE OFFICERS are questioning the OWNER who is behind the counter. A CUSTOMER stands by. HOLLIS (shows his badge) What happened here? Police officer #1 Robbery. Twelve-minutes ago. Pawn store owner Yeah. These three cocksuckers came in here, put a gun to my face, and robbed the shit outta me. HOLLIS Whatd they take? PAWN STORE OWNER Everything in the register. A bunch of watches. An Xbox 360. Some jewelry, some skin flicks, and, uh, an old dollar bill that I got yesterday. Sean hands Hollis the photograph. Hollis shows it to the pawn shop owner. HOLLIS Is this it? PaWN STORE OWNER Yeah. Thats it. This guy was looking at it right before the three pricks came in. HOLLIS Well its not for sell. Its stolen evidence in an ongoing murder investigation. (to the police officer) Did you take a look at the video cameras? POLICE OFFICER #2 No need. One of the punks dropped his wallet. Police Officer #2 hands Hollis the wallet. HOLLIS Well bring em in. Sean and Hollis walk out. 0002000006170000F246611,INT. hOLLIS CROWN VIC - dAY Sean goes through the wallet, reads the ID. SEAN Guy lives in North Hollywood. Shady Palms Apartment. Apartment twelve. Looks like a fuckin high school kid. HOLLIS Lets hope for your sake the kid doesnt realize that he left his wallet at the scene of the crime and splits. SEAN Well then step on it! Hollis pushes down on the gas pedal. EXT. sTREET - dAY The Crown Vic speeds past the other cars. EXT. sTREET - north hollywood - eVENING The Crown Vic parks across the street from the Shady Palms Apartment. Its a courtyard style apartment. Sean and Hollis get out and head to the trunk. Hollis opens it. He takes off his jacket. Puts on a Kevlar vest. SeAN You expecting to get shot? HOLLIS I dont play around, Sean. Hollis takes out a tactical Benelli M3 Super-90 shotgun. Pumps a round. Closes the trunk. They walk across the street. SEAN Lend me your piece. HOLLIS No way. Its bad enough Im still helping you with this. I am not about to give you my sidearm. SEAN So what am I suppose to use? My witty charm? Hollis looks at Sean. Finally gives it up. He hands Sean his Beretta. EXT. shady palms apartments - courtyard - eVENING They walk through the courtyard. Everything appears normal - the laundry room, the pool - nothing appears disturbed. They climb the stairs. EXT. shADY PALMS APARTMENTS - second level - eVENING They walk towards the door marked twelve. They ready themselves on either side. Sean nods. Hollis gets in front of the door and kicks it in. They flush into the apartment. 00020000062B0000F857625,INT. apartment - eVENING Sean and Hollis startle the THREE MEN who are in their mid-twenties smoking crack. HOLLIS NOBODY FUCKING MOVE! Sean and Hollis see the crack pipes and the pinned out eyes of the three men. HOLLIS (CONTD) Fuckin tweekers. Alright on your stomachs. Now, fuck-heads! Hollis goes around and secures riot cuffs to their wrists. HOLLIS (CONTD) Is there anyone else in the apartment? Tweeker #1 No, man. HOLLIS Are you lying? TWEEKER #1 No, man, Im not lying. HOLLIS Wheres the shit you boosted from the pawn shop in Echo Park? TWEEKER #1 On the kitchen counter, man. Sean walks towards the kitchen. Just then, a FOURTH GUY comes out of the hallway with a Colt Anaconda, firing away. Sean dives to the floor. Hollis ducks down and fires his shotgun at the fourth guy, right in the chest. Hes dead before he hits the floor. Everyone breathes heavily. Sean gets up, looks at the deadman. He walks over to the first tweeker. Kicks him in the stomach. SEAN You said there wasnt anyone else here. Kicks him again. And again. SEAN (CONTD) You fuckin liar! Kicks him even harder. Hollis pulls him off the tweeker. HOLLIS Hey, cmon, now! Check the bag! Sean walks back over to the kitchen. Finds the duffle bag. He unzips it and dumps out the contents on the counter. He goes through the stolen junk and finds the bill. Perfectly safe between the two Plexiglas. SEAN Got it. HOLLIS Good. Now its time for you to leave. Ill handle the boys in blue. Sean walks out of the kitchen. Hands Hollis his sidearm. SEAN Thanks again, Hollis. 0002000007380000FE7C732,Sean exits the apartment. EXT. shADY PALMS APARTMENTS - COURTYARD - eVENING Sean walks down the steps. He puts the bill in his jacket. Takes out his cell phone and dials a number. SEAN Sam. Were back in business. Come and get me. Sean hangs up. INT. jACKIES CHEVY - eVENING The guys are excited. FRANCIS Yes! Yes, yes, yes yes! SAM Calm down Sally. FRANCIS We are fuckin back baby! SEAN Alright, we get the idea, Francis. Lets just get goddamn thing to- Sean pauses. Realizing something is wrong. SEAN (CONTD) Oh, fffuuuccckkk! No! Shit! SaM What? Whats wrong? SEAN Who do we give this to? Frank Morgan or Dan Shelby? FRANCIS Oh, God. Well shit it doesnt which one we give it to; cause the other one is gonna kill us. JACKIE Now our lucks gone back to shit. SEAN Our time for Shelby runs in seven to eight hours. We need to come up with a plan by then. The guys ride in silence. EXT. lOS ANGELES - eVENING/night The city lights begin to twinkle. EXT. sally leroys - nIGHT The parking lot is packed. Music is booming. INT. saLLY LEROYS - private room - nIGHT Frank sits in a plush chair. An ASIAN WOMAN gives him a very sexy lap dance. Just as things are heating up, Franks cell phone starts ringing. He answers it. FrANK Yeah? SEAN (V.O.) We got it back, Frank. FRANK Sean. You sound tired, my boy. SEAN (V.O.) Fuck you. FRANK Hey. Theres no need for that kind of language. SEAN (V.O.) Not needed? Let me explain to you about what has happen to me since I met you: you tried to drown my friends and I, this bitch stuck her gun in my face and had high hopes on sending me to the morgue, my jaw hurts like hell, I had to chase down a car thief this morning, I almost got killed today by a fucking crackhead, and I havent had a good nights sleep since then. So yes, this language is very much fucking needed. 000200000614000105AE60E,FRANK I hope youre through, cause I want my bill back. SEAN (V.O.) And we want our money. FRANK Oh so you think you and your friends still deserve to get paid? SEAN (V.O.) I dont think, I know, asshole. And youre gonna pay up. Be at the Sands. Tomorrow morning, eight oclock. Frank hangs up, angrily. INT. lITTLE LUIGIS - nIGHT A few people around. Dan sits at the same table he was at last night. He reads a newspaper. He cell phone goes off. DAN I was wondering when you were gonna call. Youre time is almost up. SEAN (V.O.) No its not, cause youre gonna extend it. DAN (smiling) What? SEAN (V.O.) If you wanna see your bill again, bring two-hundred and eighty-thousand at the Sands tomorrow morning at eight-fifteen, on the dot. DAN And if I dont? SEAN (V.O.) Ill mail it back to you, after its been shredded and passed through a fucking dog. The line goes dead. Dan closes his cell phone. EXT. lOS ANGELES - pre-dawn Blue hour. Hours before the sun comes up. INT. thE SANDS - pRE-DAWN No patrons. Sean sits at the bar finishing his orange juice. Vincent is behind the bar. VINCENT Another? SEAN Yeah. Vincent refills the glass: orange juice and vodka. VINCENT You think theyll show? SEAN They both want the same thing. And Im gonna give it to em. (checks his watch) Its eight oclock. One of em is bound to- The door to the Sands opens. Frank stands in the threshold. SEAN (CONTD) Right on time. Sean spins around. SEAN (CONTD) Frank! Howd you sleep? FRANK Ill sleep like a baby when I get my hand on that bill. 000200000C3500010BBCC2F,Frank steps in. Along with Orson and THREE OTHER GUYS, armed with pistols tucked in their waists. Orson carries a duffle bag. FRANK (CONTD) Do you have it? Sean digs into his jacket pocket and takes out the bill. Shows it. FRANK (CONTD) Sweet Jesus. You werent lying. Alright, lets get this over with. Hand it over. SEAN Not yet. Sit down. Have a drink. FrANK Do you think its a little too early for a drink? SEAN Its never too early for a drink. Who knows the next one might be your last. FrANK Whats that supposed to mean? SEAN Not a goddamn thing. Sean smiles. Vincent shifts his eyes from Sean to Frank and his crew. FRANK Quit stalling and give me my goddamn property! DAN (O.S.) You mean my goddamn property. Frank turns to see Dan Shelby and his FOUR MAN CREW, armed with pistols. They walk in, across from Frank and his boys. One of Dans goons carries a duffle bag. SEAN Youre a minute late, Dan. FRANK The fuck is this? DAN I agree. Why is he here, Sean? FRANK (to Dan) Why are you here? SEAN You both are here for a good reason. You see last night, when I finally got back the thing that was driving me fucking insane, I realized I couldnt give this to just one of you. It means so much to the both of you. You want it back because its your heritage. You want it back so you can add it to your collection of useless shit. (gets up, walks to pool table) So, I had an idea that will settle this whole thing once and for all. Shouldnt take more than a few seconds. When I throw this on to the pool table, you draw your guns, and whoever is the last one standing gets the bill. Ready? Go. Sean tosses the bill. Just as the bill lands on the table, both crews and their bosses have their guns out. Sean ducks down, as shoot out begins. The sound of the gunshots go off like Chinese firecrackers. Pop after pop. About ten-seconds later, the shooting has stopped. Sean continues to lie on the floor. He waits. He gets up. Sees that no one is left standing. Everyone is dead. A bloody mess. Vincent comes out from behind the bar with a sawed-off shotgun in his hand. Stands next to Sean. VINCENT You owe me for this. Sean walks goes around collects the two duffle bags. Puts on the table with the bill. Opens up one of the bags and takes out four stacks of cash. SEAN Thanks for the drink. He hands it to Vincent. VINCENT What about this? Vincent picks up the bill. Sean looks at it. SeAN Keep it. Its worth two-hundred and fifty large. VINCENT Cool. Vincent walks back to the bar. Seans cell phone goes off. He answers it. SEAN Yeah? SAM (V.O.) Howd it go? SEAN Smooth as a babys ass. How you doing at Franks house. SAM (V.O.) Brian came through. Who knew that Frank Morgan used the same security company as the First National Bank? We could use a few more hands. SEAN Ill be over there in a bit. Later. Sean hangs up. SEAN (CONTD) You good, Vincent? VINCENT Yeah. Ill get some guys to come by and clean up your mess. Sean grabs the two duffle bags. Heads to the door. SEAN (waves while walking) Catch you on the flip-side. Sean exits the Sands. FADE OUT.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